A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (2024)

Chapter 1: The Union of the Kings

Chapter Text

Yuri - Excalibur Tower, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

"Ow," Yuri groaned softly when Patty inadvertently elbowed him on the ribs as they lay in bed together.

She tossed and turned again for the umpteenth time. Yuri had grown tired of it. Still, Patty looked rather cute in her little top designed to look like a teal and white sports jersey and she wore no pants. She caressed her pillow and cooed softly. Yuri chuckled and got out of bed with the greatest of care so as not to wake his sleeping beauty. He put on some jeans and a t-shirt then snuck downstairs to see what he got in the pile of presents.

Once he climbed down the steps and reached the foyer, he surveyed the damage. Tyson was asleep on the couch by the fountain holding a statue of a naked goddess in his arms with a party hat over her head. He had a perverse grin hilariously formed on his face with a trail of drool oozing down his chin. The floor was littered with plastic cups, confetti, napkins, and even a few cards someone might have lost.

"Mine now," Yuri said, picking them up. "Cool," he said when he found an ultra-rare Malevolent Nuzzler card. As he approached the pile aiming to get the biggest presents first, he stopped once he heard a peculiar sound. Ringing.

There was a sort of ringing coming from the table, which was buried underneath the presents. To make things even stranger, he felt his musical pendant vibrating. "What in the world?" he muttered. He saw a black velvet box. It was small, but it sure stood out from the others for some reason. He picked up the box, undid the ribbon, and opened it.

There was a pendant inside. The chain was made of platinum that flashed like a thousand stars when the light touched it. Attached to the chain was what looked like a cross with beautifully curved engravings and seven colorful gems going down the base. A ruby, amethyst, sapphire, opal, a diamond, topaz, and a lapis lazuli. They were tiny and were carved with hundreds of facets.

"Wow!" said Yuri, as three cards fell out. Giant Rex. Two Gilasaurus and a fusion monster called Horned Saurus. "Neat," he whispered. He took off his musical necklace and put on the new one. When he did, something strange happened.

Yuri felt as if his soul was sucked right out of his body and he zoomed over the ocean and into the sky. Next, he zoomed through a portal and soared over vast fields, mountains that could touch the sky, and cities with strange, but beautiful-looking castles.

Then, he saw intense and bloody battles taking place all around him. The sky was blood red and he saw the silhouettes of three, mighty titans smashing the earth with their power. Standing atop a mountain was a tall figure clad in platinum armor and a cape of shimmering white cloth flowing behind him.

Another flash and he was back in the entrance of the compound. "What the hell!" Yuri shouted, struggling to take the pendant off. He tried tugging it off. Nothing. It would not budge. Was he just dreaming things or was the pendant actually struggling to stay around his neck? "Get off! Get off!" he shouted. It wouldn't.

"Morning, baby," Patty chimed as she walked down the stairs, not caring at all that she was pantsless. "Enjoying your presents? Get anything good?"

Yuri tried his best to stay calm. But the flash through the fantasy world and the pendant - somehow having a will of its own - were filling him with fright. "Uh...yeah," he croaked. "I've got some pretty interesting things here." He tugged the necklace. "Really...really interesting things."

"You okay, Yuri?" Patty asked. She laughed softly. "You look a little perturbed."

"Uh...I suppose so," Yuri answered, forcing himself to stop tugging at the pendant. "The party was a little rough last night. And you know me." He tugged again. "I'm not a party type of person. I tried telling Crystal that, but naturally, she's not listening."

"Hey, that's a beautiful necklace, Yuri," Patty said. She bent forward unnecessarily so she could examine it and get Yuri to flush being so close to her. "Who gave you that?"

"Daveed!" a powerful voice rang out inside his mind. Yuri jumped and let out a yelp when he heard it. "Wh-wh-what was that?"

"What was what?" Patty asked. "What's going on, Yuri? You didn't have anything to drink last night, did you?"

"I'm hearing voices," Yuri gasped. "Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong."

Patty chuckled. "You probably didn't get any sleep last night." She took his hand and kissed it. "Come on. Let's go upstairs and take a bath in some really hot water. I can...wash your stresses away...yeah."

"Tell her no!" the voice said again.

Yuri screamed.

"What's gotten into you?" Patty snapped. Now she was getting annoyed. "Am I that bad?"

"Abandon the girl and listen to me, boy! Playtime is over."

Crystal came sauntering down the steps. She heard Yuri's screaming from her room on the third floor and came down to investigate what was riling him up. From the looks of Patty standing there, she supposed that the two of them were having an argument. "What's going on down there?" she asked. "Why is Yuri screaming?"

Patty looked up at her. "You got me," she said. "Yuri, baby, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"Do you not hear his voice?" Yuri shouted. "Don't you hear it?"

"Hear what?" Crystal demanded. "Yuri, calm down you're freaking me out."

"Where is it coming from?" Yuri sobbed.

"Over here," the voice said from the back of Yuri's brain.

That was the last straw. Yuri let out an ear-piercing howl and ran down the halls of the compound, yelling like a madman. "HELP!" he shouted. "This pendant is cursed! I'm being haunted!"

Yuri ran and ran until he was sprinting through the backyard jungle of the compound. He dashed through palms, pushed vines out of his way, and almost sprinted right over the cliff into the ocean. He felt his body grow stiff and was lifted up into the air.

"Enough!" the voice shouted. "You're making a fool of yourself!"

"Easy for you to say," Yuri wailed, trying to move his stiffened limbs. "You're not the one being haunted. What are you? What do you want from me?"

"I am not here to haunt you," said the voice. "I am here to help you."

"And yet you have control of my body," said Yuri. Upon saying that, he felt the force holding him up let him go. He fell to the ground on his butt. "Ow!" he yelled, rubbing his backside. He looked at a waterfall next to him. The water was so smooth, so clear - one could use its surface as a mirror. He looked at his reflection but he did not see himself. He saw...a knight! A knight in armor made of platinum. His face was concealed behind a helm crafted to look like a dragon's head. Yuri tapped his fingers on his face. The knight was doing the same actions he was.

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"What the hell are you?"

"Ever since the beginning of the year," said the knight. "You've been having dreams. Dreams of intense Duels with a boy. A boy with spiked hair and a golden puzzle around his neck."

"Oh no," said Yuri. "Ser Norman!? No, no, no, this can't be! You...you can't...be here! No, you're just a figment of my imagination."

"Figment!" shouted the knight in his reflection. He reached for Yuri. Yuri felt like someone grabbed him by the neck and held him up.

He coughed and kicked his legs back and forth violently. "Can a figment of your imagination do this?" the knight growled. "Listen to me, boy! I am not like those kind-hearted fools who came before me. I am not here to speak to you through dreams or Duels. This is a matter of grave importance. You have now reached your eighteenth year, meaning that your life will now undergo a few changes. Changes you will not enjoy."

"Yeah, well no one said puberty was a good thing," Yuri croaked

"What!" the knight shouted. "Spare me the jests boy and listen well! I am no ghost and I am not here to haunt you! Do you heed my words!"

"I'm heeding! I'm heeding!" Yuri cried, wriggling like a worm on a hook.

"Good!" said the knight. "Am I correct in assuming that there is a tournament to be had here in the summer of next year?"

Yuri clasped his neck, trying to find some way to free himself from the knight's grasp. "If you're talking about the Millennium Tournament, then yes, yes it is."

"Just like Battle City?" the knight asked. "So it's happening again. I knew that arrogant fool, Seto Kaiba, couldn't resist adding his brand to these games."

"Seto?" Yuri gasped. "Seto Kaiba? The guy with the Blue-Eyes White Dragons? What's he got to do with all of this?"

"That is of no concern of yours just yet," said the knight. "I swore an oath to the Pharaoh to keep you under my watch, and I shall. There is a great evil entering this tournament, boy. Something is coming for you. Something you cannot comprehend."

"Not another one."

"Hmph," Ser Norman growled and he let go of Yuri.

"Ow!" Yuri cried out when he landed on his butt again. "Hang on, hang on. So...so you're really here."


"I...I'm sorry for freaking out."

"It's quite all right, my young friend. I know this must seem like quite a shock to you, but as I've said before, the time for fun and games is over. Now, your journey to becoming the High King of Termnnia truly begins."

He vanished as if he knew Patty and Crystal were already coming. Yuri saw his own reflection on the water. "Yuri!" Patty cried, running towards him with Crystal trailing far behind her. "Yuri!" she called out again. "Yuri, what the hell is going on? Why did you act that way? Come on, baby, tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me."

"Oh...uh..." Yuri said, looking at his reflection. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I just had a bad dream is all, and I was freaking out. I'm better now, really. I just needed some fresh air."

"If you say so," said Crystal, crossing her arms in irritation. "But you've been acting really weird lately Yuri. So..with that out of the way, should we head out to the town square for the big birthday tournament?"

"You guys go ahead. I'll meet you there."

"You're not coming with?" Patty asked.

"No. There's something I need to take care of first." He proceeded to walk off before anyone could ask him any further questions. "See you, guys."

Chapter 2: The Patriarch

Chapter Text

King Forrest - The Holy Kingdom of Naralia/Termnnia

Narlia, the sole country in Termnnia that abstained from the joyous celebrations, lay in an eerie silence. The air was devoid of music, save for the distant tolling of bells. Within the confines of King Forrest's bed-chamber, an iron door reverberated with a rhythmic thud. The king, roused from his slumber, emitted a low growl as he rubbed his tired eyes. The knocking pattern was all too familiar, indicating the presence of Friar Carson Dunhall. Defying protocol, the friar pushed the door open and entered the chamber without awaiting permission.

"Your Grace," Friar Dunhall said waddling into the room as fast as his chubby legs could carry him.

The women sleeping in Forrest's bed were alerted to his presence and quickly shut the drapes to conceal themselves. Friars were not allowed to indulge in pleasures of the flesh, but Friar Dunhall had the look of a madman when he saw the pile of beautiful flesh upon his bed.

"Oh, so sorry, my ladies," Friar Dunhall said with a chuckle.

He was short and stout. His wiry brownish-black hair cut into a tonsure. He wore robes of brown wool that reeked with his body odor, for he wore those same robes for more than two years now, only washing them when he remembered too, which was once or twice every two months. A rope belt was fastened around his bulbous waist to carry his tome, a leather holster for his scrolls, a lantern, and the keys to various rooms across the castle from the library to the dungeons.

"And, Dunhall, what is it now!?" King Forest grumbled, putting on a mahogany robe.

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"Apologies, Your Grace," Dunhall hung his head begging forgiveness. "But there are urgent matters at hand that require your attention. His Holiness wishes to speak with you in the chapel post-haste."

"His Holiness is here?" Forrest asked. "In Naralia? What of the Festival of the Harvest Moon back in your homeland? Was that not a matter requiring his supervision?"

The friar shook his head. "A mere festival does not matter to His Holiness. Your campaign against the southern kingdoms has brought you to quite a standstill. The faith is still rejected in many countries, four priests have been killed, and now talk of a dragon-summoning girl is flowing around like the plague. This war is costing His Holiness a fortune in gold, and there are no results."

King Forrest's face became a mask of quaking fury. He stomped towards the Friar and went nose-to-nose with him. "If he would stop being so stubborn and lend us his machines of war, perhaps we could make quicker progress."

"I fear His Holiness and the Emperor of Balodrum will not lend you their Navies. There is fear amongst them about this exiled prince. The boy is close to coming back to Termnnia and claiming the Heart-Earth Crown. If Yuri gets his hands on the Divine Beasts, Termnnia will have its only means to expel the faith, and you, from these lands."

"I will stop him!" Forrest assured him, holding up his fist.

"I wish His Holiness shared your optimism, Your Grace," the monk replied mockingly. "The bards in the south sing of his return and the Legionnaires of Aurelia prepare for his training day. Ah, ah, yes, and not to mention Master Yu-Gi-Oh has acquired two princes for his alliance. An alliance, His Holiness assures, is to stop you."

"We'll just see about that," King Forrest said.

He dressed into his finest robes, put on his crown, and hurried out the door.

"Curses," King Forrest grumbled as a heavy curtain of rain fell over the town. "Curses! Curses! Curses!" he said, looking for his chamberlain. "It had to rain as soon as I'm within walking distance of the bloody place."

"Perhaps it is a sign we should not go to His Holiness," crooned his Court Wizard, Donald the Vulture.

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His familiar squawked upon his shoulders. A Duel Monster by name of Queen Bird. She had a long neck of sleek golden feathers that were ringed by a fluffy crest at the base. Her head, body, and legs were colored in bright red, and her wings in light green fusing into tan at the top. But Donald was not called 'The Vulture' because of his Queen Bird. It was a name given to him out of insult, due to his crooked nose and long neck.

King Forrest looked at him and grumbled while walking to the chapel. "If I do not go to his blasted meetings, I could jeopardize the alliance. The only reason I have made these gains, as little as they are, is because of their numbers."

The doors of the chapel opened in an instant. A squadron of Templars, holy knights of the church, swarmed outside in two fluent columns which they formed into a square to make a defensive barrier between them and the Hierarch of the Church.

Hierarch Innocence III.

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He was clad in armored robes of white and gold, with sashes of crimson, magenta, and blue decorated with golden ornamentation.

He carried with him a blessed tome radiating with a sort of holy aura, with runes of white hovering over its cover of gold. Though nearing his late eighties, Hierarch Innocence stood strong and proud. From behind the doors, loud chanting thundered into the plaza outside of the cathedral. Once the music came to their ears, many people stopped what they were doing and went on one knee as he stepped into the grayish-blue light of the rainy morning.

The people clasped their hands in prayer and muttered songs of prayer, thanking Yeyu for the presence of the man considered by the people as Yeyu's eyes, ears, and voice. A monk following the Hierarch, rang a golden bell, crafted to resemble the eye of Yeyu, to let everyone know of his coming. Two high-ranking Platinum Priests walked out of the cathedral, muttering something in their native tongue; a blessing to purify their air of sin and evil spirits, which they scared off with their jeweled, golden thuribles. Forrest felt diminished, seeing all the hubbub just for allowing the Hierarch to walk out the door of the cathedral. Though he was king of the entire country, he felt as though he was nothing more than an afterthought compared to the Hierarch.

Five young girls in white dresses with golden sashes and silk flowers followed the Platinum Priests. They held onto baskets with petals from the flower known as the Meyuga Yeyutarna, or the Blessing of Almighty Yeyu. They were white with a bioluminescent glow and were believed to carry the blessings of Mother Taylor Louet, for it was after she was turned to ash by the dragon, Túltóron that they began to grow and flourish over her deathbed.

The girls tossed the glowing petals on the ground to create a blessed path for the Hierarch. When they finished with their path, they walked back up the steps of the cathedral and lined up in front of the Hierarch. One by one, he kissed the girls on the forehead and sent them off to their rooms.

Innocence looked at Forrest with a welcoming smile that was nothing more than a screen concealing a cunning Forrest knew all too well. Innocence was surrounded by six powerful clerics known as Iron Priests. Their costumes were out of this world, especially in King Forrest's eyes who had lived a more traditional life. He stood where he was and eyed the priests as though he were gawking at a company of ghosts.

Their robes seemed more of machinations than clothing, something quite common back in Balodrum, the continent to the northeast where they came from. Their gear was beautifully decorated in holographic ornaments. Hierarch Innocence smiled at King Forrest's humbleness. No doubt his Iron Priests have put him in line with their presence. There would be no lip coming from him; a behavior that was quite common in Forrest.

The Templars in front of Innocence III parted to let him through. One of the Iron Priests, wearing a metallic robe as black as night with a pattern of red X's going down the front, opened an umbrella and held it over Innocence before they walked down the slippery steps of the chapel.

"Your Holiness." King Forrest fell to his knees. He ground his teeth, feeling the cold water soak through the fabric, chilling his flesh.

"Your Grace," Pope Innocence said, holding out his hand with fingers adorned in magnificent jeweled rings. The one on the middle finger, with the flaming eye of Yeyu, was the one King Forrest had to kiss.

He did so feverishly. He did not want to, but he knew he must. Otherwise, he would be at the mercy of these Iron Priests for disrespecting the Hierarch of the Covenant.

"Come," said Innocence. He turned and walked back to the chapel.

King Forrest got back up to his feet and followed him inside. The Templars, in their black/gold armor, followed right behind him. Once inside, Forrest could smell the sweet scent of incense burning. He heard the monks singing hymns of prayer as they walked about the five-floored structure giving thanks to Yeyu for the new day.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Forrest asked, walking side-by-side with the Hierarch.

"We have made considerable gains in our conquest of the Southern Kingdoms."

Forrest couldn't help but scoff at his words. "One victory does not mean considerable gains," said Forrest. "What about Katina? What of Riftgaard? What of Akuuda, Skyhold, and Uzumè?"

"Patience, my son, patience," Innocence said, calming down the arrogant king. "These things require time. I assure you, we are looking into these matters personally. We will find a solution to this problem very soon."

"And what of the Dragon Summoner? She has escaped!"

"Something that wouldn't have happened had you left these matters to the Templars instead of those crooks from the House of Flowers. Hmph. Don't think we don't know what you were trying to do, Forrest. You wanted to add her to your harem. Hmph. Your lust for women's flesh is like a child's craving for candy. It clouds your judgment and gives you the demeanor of a pouty brat!"

Forrest slightly bowed his head. "Forgive me, Your Grace."

"Yes. But forget about her. The Holy Knights and their CUIRASS are looking for her. It's only a matter of time before we have her back in our grasp. For now, my desires go to something far greater."

"I am listening, Your Holiness," Forrest said. They stopped in front of a red door. One of the templars opened it, revealing a dark stairwell that led into the dungeons hundreds of feet below the chapel.

One of the Iron Priests took a torch from a nearby table and held it over a firepot to light it. He went down first to light the way for the Hierarch and the King.

"Orcs are massing their numbers in the Black Continent," Innocence said as he casually walked down the stairwell like it was nothing.

King Forrest looked back at Donald. The Court Magician nodded but was stopped by one of the Templars. "The mage stays here," he said. "Bad enough we have a filthy magic user polluting our sacred chapel with his presence, we don't need him stinking up its heart."

Donald's Queen Bird flapped her wings and squawked. "Temper, temper," he said. "I shall await you here then, Your Grace."

"You will await him outside," said the Templar.

Donald was silent for but a moment before he said: "Very well." And he made his own way out of the chapel. When he was gone, Forrest walked down the stairwell after Innocence.

"Apologies, Your Holiness," he said.

"Quite all right," said Innocence. "As I said, Orcs have begun to amass their numbers in the Black Continent. As to why this is happening, we are not sure. But we cannot afford to be without the Divine Beasts if they prepare for conquest."

"I will see to them when I win the Diamond Throne," said King Forrest. "Once Prince Daveed is out of the way-"

"You will do nothing to Prince Daveed!" Innocence said loudly.

King Forrest was flabbergasted by that statement. He looked at the Hierarch with disapproval and said: "How am I to be High King if the boy lives?"

Innocence smiled back at Forrest, and turned to walk back down the stairs. "You will be High King, Forrest. But the Divine Beasts will not go to you."

"What!? You traitor! I thought we had a deal!"

"The deal was that you could claim the kingdoms," Innocence said, his smile ever-growing. "And you will. But I seek a greater prize."

King Forrest stopped, confused, still, by Innocence's words. One of the Templars behind him pushed him to keep him moving. Forrest looked back at him with an angry look. Yes, he was the King of Naralia, but when in the presence of The Hierarch, he was no more than a serf with a crown.

"What do you mean a greater prize?" Forrest asked, continuing his trek down the stairs. "What prize is there that is greater than the Diamond Throne, The Heart-Earth Crown, and the Divine Beasts?"

"I seek the people," said Innocence. "Billions populate this glorious continent like sheep without a shepherd."

"That is what kings are for," Forrest proclaimed boldly.

"No," Innocence said at once. "Kings govern laws and land. And while he forces the people to follow the laws and pay for the land, he does not control them or their faith."

"You mean you seek to conquer Termnnia just to convert people to the Covenant?"

Innocence nodded. "I do. These people are lost, Forrest. Too long have they been fooled by the false testaments of these so-called Goddesses. It is their belief in these heathen entities that causes them to remain in sin. They practice magic. They allow the beast folk, Elves, and Dwarves to walk these lands which were built by the Creator for us, his children! And Duel Monsters. A game of magic that calls upon demons from another world. It is a game of evil, yet they play it feverishly. They gamble, bloat their pride, turn on one another, and turn everything into a commodity with this game. Those with the skills become icons in their miserable world. They get worshipped like gods! But no more. Not when Prince Daveed returns. He will be the messiah the people of Termnnia need. The Messenger of Yeyu himself! Once Slifer, Obelisk, and Ra are summoned by one who serves the Holy Flames of Yeyu, The Covenant shall reign supreme, and the world will finally find order."

"Any fool can dream, I suppose," Forrest muttered to himself. After ten, long minutes, they finally made it out of the stairwell and into the dungeons.

Tiny cell lined the crisscrossing hallways lit by torchlight. Behind the iron doors was nothing but pitch black. Rivers of blood poured from within the cells and down the halls. Rats squeaked from their hiding places and bats chirped from their perches of the vaulted ceiling, nibbling their little claws and eyeing the passersby with caution and curiosity. Forrest's face creased into a countenance of disgust when his nose picked up the horrid stench of urine, feces, and rotting flesh.

He gagged, then reached into his pocket, taking out a handkerchief with Dalaris' sweet scent fragranced on it. He slapped it over his mouth and nose, taking steady whiffs so as not to drain the scent from the fabric.

Though his nostrils were shielded from the grim scent, his ears brought him great discomfort when he heard the sound of whipping, screaming, and horrid devices of pain groaning and creaking from who knew where. Chains rattled from here, there, and yonder. A hellish cacophony of utter misery composing a music that made Forrest want to tear his own ears off.

Forrest knew that those being tortured were probably non-believers, sinners, and non-humans, given the roar of a Leogai coming from down another stairwell leading into darkness further and fouler than the abyss Forrest treads into.

"Why do you bring me into this nightmare world, Your Holiness?" Forrest asked, to which he heard Innocence chuckle.

"Because I have found us what we need to go further south."

He stopped in front of a cell guarded by two Templars in forbidding gray armor. They bowed for the Hierarch and parted away from the door to let him through. One of the friars following them took a ring of keys from his belt and opened the heavy wooden door reinforced with iron. The rusty hinges creaked open. The cell was dank and smelly, lit with only a few candles in the corner. A man with long, curled ebony hair hung by his wrists by shackles chained to the ceiling.

"Your Grace," said Innocence. "May I introduce you to Prince Talion Kastanis Romannario Alteria? The heir to the Ebony Throne of Elleria."

Talion coughed, raising his head slightly to see, at long last, the face of the enemy who was bringing his country to ruin. His teeth chattered from the agony he had inflicted the past few days. He was naked. Bloody scars could be seen all over his body. Markings of when he was whipped, beaten, and burned by the Inquisitionists. He shivered and heaved, wondering what they were going to do to him now.

"Well," Forrest said, walking in slow circles around the prince. "So you're the brave lad King Helmsley sends to my lands to attempt to...conquer me? Is that what you thought you were going to do, boy?" He punched Talion in the stomach. He lurched forward and grunted. His chains rattled. "When are you Ellerians going to get it through your heads? This is my time now. My time. My reign. My kingdom."

"Termnnia," breathed Talion. "Termnnia, belongs...belongs...to High King...to High King Yuri."

"Yuri?" Forrest began to laugh. "Your Prince of Termnnia, he'll never stand a chance. You need to get those illusions out of your head. The time of heroes, knights, High Kings, and Duelists of supreme skill, is over. Your ways have failed these kingdoms. Now it is time for the people to wake and accept my rule and the one-true-church."

"The Goddesses made this world," Talion seethed, spitting those words through his teeth.

"The Goddesses are not real, my child," said Innocence. "If they were, why do they leave you in such misery? Where is their divine power? Where is the Goddess of Mercy? Why does she not come down and rescue you from this prison, like in the days of old? Why did the Goddess of War not favor you when your forces were defeated in Black Mountain? Ah, and we confiscated a pendant depicting a sigil of Norman the Conqueror around your neck." He held up the keepsake so Talion could see. "It's very good craftsmanship," he said examining it. "Who gave this to you?"

"My sister," said Talion. "She's a firm believer in the Conqueror. You'll never shatter her faith."

"No, we can't. Because Norman already did. Your sister prays to him, you say. Where was he when the mighty King Forrest's forces destroyed yours in Black Mountain? They don't exist. None of them, exist."

"Yuri!" said Talion. "Yuri is the one sent down by..."

"Yuri is a gift from Yeyu," said Innocence. "Once we get a hold of the South, we will enlighten him with the faith of the one true master and creator. Yeyu the Lord of the Flames of Judgement. Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra will make examples of those who do not believe."

"You'll never find him," Talion said. He hung his head. Beads of sweat dripped from his brow, nose, and hair. "Master Yu-Gi-Oh will protect him from you. LONG LIVE HIGH KING YURI!"

One of the Templars approached and punched him in the stomach three more times. The knuckles of his gauntlets left a bloody imprint on his flesh.

Forrest approached Talion slowly and with a cruel smile. Talion looked at his lips. They looked like worms wriggling in the mud underneath his bushy beard. "You wish to go home, don't you? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, you do. Who wouldn't want to escape this place? I'm not even a prisoner here, and I want to get out. Send a letter to your father. Tell him to surrender his lands and relinquish his crown to me. He and the people of Elleria will refer to me as the one true king. Do this, and we will send you home."

"My father will never surrender Elleria," whispered Talion. "Not even for his own kin."

Forrest was quiet. The smile once again formed on his lips. "Then we will have to take Elleria by force it seems. I don't mind, with the state the kingdom is in, they won't last a week. Your family will be labeled as traitors once I take the kingdom. They will be beheaded...well...all except for your sister."

Talion looked up at him, gasping.

"I've heard a great deal about her." Forrest flashed his yellowed teeth. "They say her hair is like ebony beaten to the finest silk. That's how she got her name, isn't it? The Ebony Princess. Her eyes, as blue and green as the waters of the Bay of Kings. Her skin, the rich color of buttermilk." He licked his lips. Talion growled like a chained beast. "The traders also tell me she has the plumpest ass in the kingdom. A work of art they say. I can't wait to see it and touch it with my own hands. Maybe..." He stuck out his tongue. "Have a little taste."

Talion wriggled in his chains. He snarled and grunted as though he was a dragon ready to break from his prison. But Forrest was a safe distance from the prince. Safe enough, that he felt so bold as to continue taunting him.

Talion roared and Forrest laughed. The Templars held him down after hitting him in the stomach again. "If your words will not sway your father's mind, then perhaps your flesh will. They tell me you have a man lover back home. Is that true?"

"You beast!" Talion shouted, writhing in the grips of the Templars. "Leave them alone!"

"I'm sure your lover misses his favorite little toy, My Prince. Let's do him a favor and give it to him."

"NO! NO!" Talion shouted as the Templars held up his legs. "NO!"

"So should be the fate of all sick freaks like you!" said Innocence.

An Iron Priest unsheathed his dagger from the scabbard and held it over the torch until it burned red. Then the dungeons shook as a high-pitched scream rang across the darkness.

Chapter 3: The Maiden with Eyes of Blue

Chapter Text

Yuri - Phobos Corp Square, Aquarius

The smell of the cooked food wafted into Yuri's nostrils, making him feel even more hungry as he sat outside the window of a diner near the fountain of the town square. Behind him, hundreds of Duelists participating in his birthday tournament had already gathered, all of them eager to prove their worth in the games. Inside the kitchen, the cook was frying an egg to go with the order Yuri had placed. He was a rather lanky man in his forties, but his skill with a spatula was evident as he cooked to perfection.

He used two spatulas in each hand, one to flip the fried egg and one to catch the falling oil in mid-air. The hum of neon signs all around him created a relaxing background noise, while the buzz of excited Duelists filled the air. Soothing jazz music played from a radio on the top shelf of the kitchen, and it mixed well with the sounds of the outside.

"You mind telling me what this is all about?" Yuri asked as the giant platinum knight hovered right beside him.

Not too far from them, two young players were having a warm-up match. A crowd gathered as a Mother Grizzly was going up against a Twin-Headed Fire Dragon. Even though the giant knight was standing next to him, clearly visible in Yuri's eyes, nobody else could see him. It was as though Yuri was just sitting there alone.

"I still can't seem to grasp any of this," Yuri said.

"I know how difficult this must be for you," Ser Norman replied softly. "I know that deep down, you were hoping all this talk of Lancers, and being High King was just a clever joke being played. But this is all very real, my friend."

"Hmph," Yuri said as the cook slid his plate of eggs and bacon his way. Yuri picked up his fork and just scrambled his eggs around as he looked up at the neon signs above him.

"You know when I was a kid, I always just stared off into space and wondered if there was life on other planets. You know, aliens and stuff. I thought about other worlds. Other life forms. Different dimensions. My friend Natalya wrote a paper before we went on break. It was about the theory of black holes being gateways to another dimension or something. I always thought it was just fantasy crap."

He continued to toy with the eggs using his fork. "Things you'd only read about in sci-fi novels or superhero movies. But now...seeing you here and seeing Yugi constantly haunt my dreams. Seeing the Lancers and hearing their stories. It's all real." He almost bolted upright. "Oh yeah, and this Bakura guy that I once saw."

"You saw him?" Ser Norman asked, standing a little closer.

"When I was still very little," Yuri replied, keeping his voice down so no one could hear him. "I'd see him watching me from time to time. From the shadows, always having my back and protecting me from bullies. I called him my angel."

Yuri then ate a piece of egg, now just a gooey mess. "But I see now what he truly was. Yugi talked about him when we Dueled once. He did some really bad stuff to me apparently. And you know," Yuri chuckled "it makes total sense to me. Not long after I stopped encountering him, I did a lot of bad things. I stole cards and treats from shops. I formed a gang of renegade RAPTOR mercenaries and I harassed the poor people living in Los Angeles Rojas. I hurt them. I stole from them. They weren't people to me. Just...just toys for my pleasure. Torturing them became my pleasure."

Tears flowed down his cheeks. "I was only thirteen years old! What kind of a child could torment people for the fun of it?"

Ser Norman placed his hand on Yuri's shoulder. Even though he was a phantom, Yuri could feel the weight of his heavy gauntlet pressing down on him. "That was indeed Bakura's malice. I could sense the darkness he emits radiating from this world. What changed you?"

"I don't know," Yuri said. "It all feels like a dream to me. Like it never it happened. But I know it did. One day, I'm torturing people for fun...and the next...I'm me again."

Yuri looked up at the knight, plates clattered all around him and the roar of a monster being summoned could be heard from the alleys. "Why did he do this to me? I thought he was...I thought he was like my guardian angel or something. He was always protecting me and punishing the people who hurt me."

"He wanted you to think he was on your side. It would make things easier for him as he corrupted your soul. He wanted to keep you from becoming king. Yugi and his friends have always been watching you since they put you here. From time to time, they'd send reports back to the regency council that governs Termnnia in your stead. They have to decide if you're ready to come back home. That all depended on two things. The quality of your character and your Dueling skills. Naturally, the darkness that also caused you to turn into a delinquent also caused you to fear Dueling and doubt yourself."

"So he wanted to keep me from being a good person all this time? Just so the people in the other world could think of me as a piece of garbage unfit to be king?"

"Yes, but that curse was not permanent. The Duels you had with Yugi and the other Duelists you've faced acted as a catalyst, enabling you to confront and overcome the darkness that had plagued your soul. Those spirits from the Shadow Realm seek to torment those unfortunate enough to encounter them. Yugi recognized the impurity tarnishing your being and attempted to combat it using the Noctix. However, he could not do it alone. Harnessing every ounce of strength within me, I shattered the barriers between realms and made contact with Yugi. Alas, the veil separating the Shadow Realm from Termnnia, the one that prevents the malevolent spirits from crossing over, remained formidable, limiting our interaction. Yugi then sought the aid of Serenity Wheeler, one of the valiant women who tended to you when you were chosen as the High King. It was he who tasked her with embarking on a quest to retrieve the Pendant of the Kings, the artifact that you now wear around your neck. Even with the little information I have them, they ventured forth on the quest. Thank the Goddesses that she and Yugi's friends are very perseverant."

"So you were trapped in the Shadow Realm?" Yuri asked.

"Long ago," Ser Norman replied sadly.

"So if there's a barrier that keeps spirits in the Shadow Realm from crossing over, what are you doing here then? How were you able to get through?"

"The days are growing darker, Yuri. Each day Termnnia spends without a High King, the barrier that keeps the Shadow Realm at bay gets weaker and weaker. That is how I was able to break out of the confines of my prison and travel into the shadowy domain Bakura created inside your heart. But that also means that terrible monsters have begun making their way into Termnnia. And even other worlds as well. Even this one. That is why I asked Yami to send someone to find the Pendant of the Kings, where my soul resides, and bring it to you so we could connect."

"Connect." Yuri smiled as he looked at the knight. "So you knew about me, too? Even in the Shadow Realm?"

"Every monster in the Shadow Realm knows who you are, Yuri. And they hate you for being the Song that was told in the prophecy. A Song of Light that would fight back the shadows and send them back from whence they came. Your very name fills them with fear."

Yuri chuckled and shoved another piece of egg into his mouth. "Cool. And you and me...we were destined to meet, right?"

"Yes. Even thousands and thousands of years before you were born, I knew you and I were destined to be with one another, Yuri. I knew there was great power in you. That you were a strong and special soul. I had to find you. Even though I crossed thousands of lanes in the spirit world, I just had to find the one person who could get this started. Yugi. You know, you and Yugi are very much alike. Have you noticed anything different about Yugi when you see him from time to time?"

"Yeah. He screams some word. Yu-Gi-Oh. And then he gets taller and stronger...even scarier."

"He uses the item around his neck to switch places with the spirit living inside of it."

"There's a spirit in that golden pyramid around his neck?"

"Yes. The spirit of an ancient sorcerer-king. I also knew him when we lived thousands of years ago, but much of my memory about him is blank. After the War of the Giants, I lost most of my divine powers and my memory surrounding him."

"What's his name?"

"The spirit has many names. Pharaoh, Yu-Gi-Oh, Master, Spirit. But many who know him personally call him by the name Yami."

"Yami…" Yuri whispered. "Yugi. He's just like me. We both have the spirits of two powerful dead guys inside of us."

Ser Norman laughed. "You two are very much alike. It is destiny that brought us all together. You, me, Yugi, and Yami."

"So how did Yami bring you to me?"

"When I eventually did find him, he opened a gateway that took me into your soul. For years I had to fight hordes of terrible monsters Bakura put in there. They imprisoned the light inside you, but I was able to destroy them and free the goodness in your heart. It was on the eve of your eighteenth year that I finally freed you. All the lights of your heart have become one. Now, we can truly face our enemies with great power and courage."

"So how do we stop him?" Yuri asked.

Ser Norman chuckled inside his helmet. "You must accept your destiny as High King of Termnnia, Yuri. Your friends and family, both in Termnnia and here in the Standard Dimension, are counting on it, too. The forces at work, I fear, will also affect this world, too."

"Then let's do it. But first, I've got to complete this Three Points Plan this Antilles guy set on me. Heh, but with you by my side, Ser Norman, I think we can easily overcome it."

Yuri's phone buzzed in his pocket. "Oh, that must be Axel." He answered quickly as he paid for the food and walked away from the diner. "Hello?" he said.

"Yuri, I'm about five feet away from you. Look to the niche next to the clothing store by the big tree. We need to talk."

"All right, I'm on my way." He hung up and put the phone in his pocket as he proceeded toward the niche Axel was talking about. He stepped into a dark passage lit by a few electronic billboards and neon lights trimming the buildings on either side of him. He saw Axel standing there with Cora, who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. She saw Yuri and beamed at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

Axel stepped back and said: "Yuri. Allow me to introduce Cora Kaiba. Daughter of the legendary Seto Kaiba. Second Wielder of the Blue-Eyes White Dragons. And Defender of Domino City. She and her friends aided the Lancers in fighting back some Duelists from the Fusion Dimension last year."

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (5)

Cora got up from the wall, her lips still formed in a confident smirk. She was not one to bow, but this was the Crown Prince after all. But she just tilted her head down in respect. "So good to finally meet you," she said softly.

"Wow..." Yuri said, stunned by Cora's beauty and a certain fierce aura about her that only a Kaiba could have. "So you're the one the Duel Gangs are talking about. I've heard rumors of them getting their butt kicked by a Duelist with Blue-Eyes White Dragons. But...wow...I thought the actual Kaiba was running around doing all that damage. I didn't know Seto Kaiba had a daughter."

Cora's eyebrow arched in surprise. "Well, well, well...I didn't even know you knew about my father."

"He Dueled me in the Noctix," Yuri replied sheepishly. He pulled on the collar of his shirt. "He uh...totally wiped me out."

A little humor puffed out of Cora's nostrils, her smile growing wider at the thought of Seto beating Yuri with his Blue-Eyes White Dragons. "Did he now? Hmph, what can I say? You were going up against the best."

Axel joined in the lighthearted banter, a playful smirk tugging at his lips as he casually draped an arm over Yuri's shoulder. "But let me tell you, after the intense training sessions we've had with Yuri these past few days, I have no doubt he'll be more than ready to take on your dad the next time they face off in the Noctix."

Cora leaned back against the wall, casually observing the exchange. "Oh, so that's where you guys were all this time. You were in a secret training session with the Lancers, Yuri?"

"Yeah. After Brett beat the crap out of me at the arena, I...I fell into a deep depression. That's the second time he got the better of me and hurt me when I tried to defend someone I care about from him."

"Yeah, I saw that," Cora said empathetically, leaning back against the wall. "I wish there was something we could have done to help but it was just too public for us to make an appearance. You know...since we're not supposed to be here and all."

"No, no, I completely understand. I really do. Devotion to duty, and I commend that. And listen. No matter how bad things got, I don't blame you guys for what happened. It was my fault, really. I should never have taken matters into my own hands when I clearly wasn't strong enough to deal with Brett." Yuri then held his head up high and smiled triumphantly. "However, things are different now. Thanks to Hassleberry, Axel, Yuya, and the others, I've learned to hold my ground and master Summoning Techniques, which has strengthened my deck significantly."

"Good ol' Yuya," Cora said with a leer. "But why the secrecy, Axel?"

Axel sighed, his gaze fixed on the ground for a moment before meeting Cora's eyes. "A lot of factors. Brett's goons got a rise out of what he did to Yuri and they became more dangerous. Also, we needed to keep him away from Andre."

Cora rolled her eyes. "Oh? Andre Martin. I forgot he was here, too. But why was he a factor in keeping things under wraps."

Axel's explanation was tinged with caution. "Andre is fiercely protective of Yuri, often acting impulsively to ensure his safety. If he had known about our plans, he would have undoubtedly informed their friends. And knowing them, they wouldn't have settled for mere reassurances. They would have demanded to know Yuri's location immediately. Yuri was emotionally shattered after the brutal beating, Cora. He wanted to distance himself from everyone."

Cora's eyes softened, her curiosity turning into empathy. "Were you really feeling that low, Yuri?"

Yuri's voice held a tinge of vulnerability as he responded, his gaze reflecting the pain he had endured. "I was. I started questioning whether Axel and Yugi had made a mistake in choosing me as the High King. How could I protect my friends if I couldn't even defend myself? I made a vow to stay away until I could prove that I was capable of keeping them safe. But until Axel and the others found me, I wasn't even sure if I could. I had my doubts, but they helped me regain my strength."

Axel chimed in with pride igniting his voice. "Damn right, we did! Let me tell you, Cora, the transformation in Yuri has been remarkable. Through intense training he has become stronger and more resilient than ever before. He's ready to face any challenge that comes his way. Kings don't run away when the going gets tough. They get tougher. And I'm glad we could help you in that aspect."

A small smile played on Cora's lips as she regarded Yuri with newfound respect. "I'm truly impressed, Yuri. It takes immense courage to confront your doubts and emerge stronger from such darkness." She held up her fist and Yuri bumped it proudly.

"Thanks, Cora. I won't let my friends down again. I will protect them with every fiber of my being. And when the time comes, I will fulfill my destiny as the High King, bringing peace to Termnnia."

Cora just replied with a quick nod. "Well...I'm glad things have gotten better for you, Yuri. And now that most of the Class of XX16 has returned to Termnnia, you can count on me to have your back. I'm sorry I didn't make my presence known to you when I got here but I didn't want Brett to see us together for fear of what he would do."

"Good call," said Axel. "Yeah, a Blue-Eyes White Dragon for him is a fine prize considering he already has a set of them in his deck. There's no telling what he'll do next."

"The situation is even worse considering she's a beautiful girl," added Yuri. "Brett has this weird fetish for girls with powerful dragons. If he found out Cora was the one wielding the Blue-Eyes White Dragons, he'll come after us at full force just to get his hands on her."

Cora's face wrinkled in disgust. "Hmph. Of all the people that beautiful dragon got destined to in this world, it had to be Brett Martinetti."

"What are you going to do about him?" Yuri asked.

"I'm here to take those dragons from him," Cora replied. "Even though I'm fully committed to seeing you become stronger as Duelist for your role as High King, I can't bear to see that dragon in his hands."

"So you're going to take him out, huh?" Yuri asked.

Cora chuckled as she brushed some hair over her ear with her fingertips. "No. That's your job, Yuri. My task is the dragons and helping you deal with those pesky gangs. But I'm confident you can beat Brett now that you've got a new arsenal of monsters for your deck. Including those two badass forms your Black Tyranno got."

"He was very impressive," Axel agreed. "With those two monsters and your skill, Brett doesn't stand a chance. I know it." He then looked at the Pendant of the Kings around Yuri's neck.

"Is that..."

Yuri stepped back and looked at the pendant, grasping it in his hands. "Yeah. I found it in a pile of presents this morning."

Cora wrinkled her nose and scoffed as she gave a roll of her eyes. "Hmph. Little Miss Wheeler is still helping you out, I see. So is it true? The spirit of Norman the Conqueror is in there?"

"Yeah, he and I met this morning and he's here to help as well!"

"Excellent!" Axel said with enthusiasm, both his fists balled up from the rush of excitement filling him. "Now we've got him on our side. Huh. I'm starting to feel like things are finally turning around, you guys. I just wish the others were here to see this moment, too."

"Oh yeah. Why did Jaden, Alexis, Hassleberry, Chazz, and the others leave so soon? I would have liked them to stay for my birthday."

Cora offered a comforting smile. "I know, sweetie. They would have loved to stay, but there are pressing matters back home. The war against our adversaries has intensified, demanding their attention."

Yuri put his hands in his pockets and slouched. "Yeah, I understand. I just wished I could have hung out with them a little longer. I only knew them for such a short time and then they just leave. I would have at least liked to Duel them."

Axel intervened, placing a firm hand on Yuri's shoulder and giving it a reassuring pat. "Don't worry, Yuri. You'll reunite with them soon enough, once you return to your true home. The gang from Duel Academia arrived here temporarily to confront the Duel Gangs, lending their support. But their duty calls them back now. Our nemesis, King Forrest, has reemerged."

He let go of Yuri's shoulder and punched his palm in anger. "Man, I can't wait for you to return, claim the God Cards, and eradicate his forces from existence."

Yuri's curiosity piqued as he inquired, "God Cards? What are they?"

Cora swiftly intervened, raising her hand to forestall Axel's response. She could sense his growing excitement and anger, causing him to divulge information that might be best kept concealed. "There's no need to concern yourself with that just yet," she said, her gesture aimed at calming Axel's fervor and preserving the secrecy surrounding the topic.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Axel coughed into his fist and regained his composure.

Yuri's phone started buzzing with countless messages from his friends.

"Well, we best get going," said Axel. "That birthday tournament is about to start. Are you in?"

"Yeah, I'm in the games."

"Ha! I already feel sorry for anyone who gets in your way, man. Good luck out there. And have fun."

Yuri's expression quickly soon turned serious when he thought about the gangs. "What about the Duel Gangs? With all these rich players and their cards gathered here, they're going to cause trouble.

"They're not," Cora said with a wink. "Leave them to us."

Brett - Unknown Location, Phobos Island

A group of four Duelists clad in distinctive red jackets found solace within the confines of a hidden lounge, concealed within the shell of a long-abandoned restaurant. Within these walls, the once proud establishment had been formed a sanctuary for Duel Gangs, seeking to carve a reputation for themselves in the unforgiving streets. Their notoriety grew through accepting contracts that ranged from brazenly pilfering valuable cargo from vans, loaded with merchandise destined for card shops across the city, to pursuing bounties on rival Duelists marked for capture by those with deep pockets.

On a nearby notice board, a collection of vibrant pictures adorned the surface, each showcasing the countenance of various Duelists. These images served as visual bounties, enticing the members of the Duel Gangs to take up the challenge and reap the rewards. Each portrait bore the face of a Duelist, accompanied by pertinent information such as their name, known deck strategies, and the sum offered as a bounty for their capture or defeat. The notice board stood as a constant reminder of the high-stakes game these Duelists played, where fame and fortune awaited those bold enough to claim victory over their marked adversaries.

Prominently displayed on a special section of the notice board, separate from the other bounties, were the portraits of Yuri and his loyal companions, collectively known as The Knights of the Ruby Dragon after they destroyed Laxius in the virtual world. There they were, Yuri, Patty, Tyson, and Carter: their pictures stood out among the rest, surrounded by an aura of mystique and adventure. The bounties assigned to their names were the highest on the entire island.

Underneath each portrait, a brief description highlighted their unique strengths, their rarest cards, and battle techniques, emphasizing their reputation as formidable opponents. The rewards offered for their capture or defeat were substantial, drawing the attention of both aspiring Duelists seeking glory and seasoned adversaries hungry for a true test of their skills.

Amidst the portraits of Yuri and the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, there was one that stood out, shrouded in intrigue and uncertainty. It featured a large question mark, symbolizing the enigmatic figure known as the White Death. The bounty attached to this mysterious Duelist, offered by none other than Brett Martinetti himself, carried an exorbitant reward reaching into the six figures.

The description accompanying the bounty only deepened the intrigue surrounding the White Death. It revealed that this elusive player wielded the formidable power of Blue-Eyes White Dragons, a legendary and revered archetype within the dueling world. The exact motives and identity of the White Death remained veiled in secrecy, making the hunt for this individual all the more captivating for those who sought to claim the substantial bounty.

Whispers and rumors circulated among the Duel Gangs about the White Death, speculating on their origins and intentions. Some believed they were a rogue Duelist seeking to challenge the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, while others whispered that the White Death possessed a personal vendetta against Brett. Whatever the truth may be, the question mark on the notice board served as an invitation for brave Duelists to uncover the mysteries behind this enigmatic opponent and potentially earn a life-changing reward.

"Did you guys hear the White Death took out the 6th Avenue Marauders?" asked one of the Duelists in red as he played a card on the playmat. "All of them were taken out and their turf lost."

The statement from the Duelist in red immediately caught the attention of those gathered in the lounge. The news of the White Death's recent conquest over the notorious 6th Avenue Marauders sent ripples of astonishment through the room. Conversations halted, and all eyes turned towards the speaker, eager to hear more details.

"Are you serious? The White Death wiped out the entire gang?" exclaimed another Duelist, disbelief evident in his voice.

The first Duelist nodded, his expression serious. "That's what I heard. Not only did they defeat them, but they also seized control of their territory. The 6th Avenue Marauders' reign has come to an abrupt end."

Whispers filled the air as the gravity of the situation sank in. The 6th Avenue Marauders were renowned for their dominance and ruthlessness, their name striking fear into the hearts of Duel Gangs across the island. The fact that a single Duelist, the White Death, had managed to dismantle their operations sent shockwaves through the underground dueling community.

"Who could this guy be? And how did he get a Blue-Eyes White Dragon?"

"It's not a guy," said another player. "It's a girl. Everyone who's been attacked by the White Death claims that it's a girl."

"No way?"

"It's true," said another red Duelist. "I saw the White Death the other day beating the 7th Street Hyenas in a three-on-one handicap match. I would have joined but that dragon she summoned was no joke."

The revelation that the White Death was rumored to be a girl sparked a wave of surprise and intrigue among the gathered Duelists. The notion of a female Duelist wielding such power and commanding a Blue-Eyes White Dragon added an extra layer of mystery to the already enigmatic figure.

"Are you sure? A girl with a Blue-Eyes White Dragon?" questioned one of the skeptical Duelists, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm telling you, I saw it with my own eyes," insisted the Duelist who had witnessed the White Death's formidable skills. "She dueled with incredible precision and strategy. That dragon she summoned was like nothing I've ever seen before. It was as if the spirit of the Blue-Eyes itself was under her command." He leaned forward and whispered. "You didn't hear this from me but...I think she uses those dragons better than Brett does."

"But why take down the Duel Gangs? What's her motive?"

"She must be working for Yuri. He's the one who went to war against the gangs."

"Heh, who cares who she's working for? She's mine. I don't know about the rest of you, but from what I heard, she's really hot!"

The loud thumping of smgry footsteps caused the group of red Duelists to stop talking.Brettstopped by their table and crossed his arms sternly. "If you boys are done playing around, you've got work to do. So...you're the infamous Dragon Slayers."

"That's right. We take down Duelists stupid enough to think dragons are the way to win."

A big Duelist with a red headband nodded. "Yeah, every dumbass hotshot these days thinks that owning a powerful dragon makes them pro. But once they go against us, their dragons are just puny little lizards. You want a pesky dragon Duelist taken out, we're the ones to call."

Brettsmirked. "Well, if that's true, then certainly this so-called White Death should be no problem for you."

The red Duelists exchanged glances, their confidence faltering slightly underBrett's piercing gaze. They had built a reputation as Dragon Slayers, but the mention of the White Death seemed to add an element of uncertainty to their bravado.

One of the Duelists leaned forward. "The White Death, huh? So that's why you hired us? I thought you wanted us to take out Crystal Anderson and that girl Patty."

"I do. But I really want this Blue-Eyes White Dragon player out of my streets."

"Well, if you want us to take on the White Death, it's going to cost you extra."

Brettjust nodded in response. "We'll pay whatever you want provided you get the job done. I suppose you know who you're up against?"

"We've heard rumors," said the only female member of the group, "but we haven't had the chance to face her yet. Is she really as formidable as they say?"

Brett's expression remained composed, a hint of intrigue in his eyes. "She's no ordinary opponent. The White Death possesses a unique skill with her Blue-Eyes White Dragons, and she's been taking down Duel Gangs left and right. If you're the Dragon Slayers you claim to be, then it's time to prove your worth."

A moment of contemplation filled the air as the red Duelists weighed their options. They had built their reputation by defeating Duelists who relied on dragons, but the challenge posed by the White Death seemed different. It was an opportunity to test their mettle against a skilled opponent with a fearsome reputation.

The Duelist who had spoken earlier straightened up in his chair, a fire igniting in his eyes. "We're not ones to back down from a challenge. We'll find this White Death and show her that our skill surpasses her dragons."

Brettnodded, a faint smile crossing his worm-colored lips. "That's the spirit. Remember, the White Death won't be an easy opponent, but if you can prove yourselves against her, your status as Dragon Slayers will be cemented and you will be well paid."

The group of red Duelists took one last gulp of their drinks and rose from their seats, ready to embark on their next mission. The lounge fell into a hushed anticipation as other Duelists watched them depart, intrigued by the clash that awaited them.

Chapter 4: Bond of the Black Dragon

Chapter Text

Annabelle and Sam - Main Central Plaza

A flock of pigeons flew out of Sam's way as he hurried to the fountain where he was going to meet Annabelle and travel the central island together throughout the birthday event. Annabelle was already there, tapping her foot impatiently against the white limestone floor surrounding the fountain. A huge gathering of eager players, young and old, gathered here and traded cards, opened packs from booster boxes to reinforce their decks, or discussed strategies for the games. Sam almost broke to a stop with the soles of his shoes as he finally made it.

Annabelle pouted impatiently and smacked her fists against her hips. "Well, it's about time, Sam. Why are you so late!?"

"Hey, it's not my fault. I can't leave the slums without Nick and he just had to wait for Penelope to 'spruce herself up'. Man, you girls always want to look nice before any special event."

"Hmph. If it was gonna take you this long to get here, I would have just started Dueling myself. No text, no phone call."

"Sorry, sorry, Annabelle. I didn't mean to..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Sorry if I'm a little ticked." She looked up at the towers of the city. "It's my last day here in Aquarius after all. And I want to at least make it to the finals of Yuri's birthday event."

"Your last day?" Sam said in dismay, a cold feeling washing over him like a wave.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. The deal was I could stay on Aquarius for four weeks and leave after Yuri's birthday."

Sam sat beside her by the edge of the fountain. "Four weeks seems like a long time to stay for a birthday party."

"Well, I was a good girl, so my mom and dad said I could, so long as I did my school work and kept my grades up." She rested her elbows on her lap and placed her chin on her palms. "Four weeks...gone in the blink of an eye. Why does time always have to go by so quickly when you're having so much fun?"

"Fun?" Sam said in disbelief. "You call getting kidnapped by those Rare Hunters and getting ambushed by Duel Gangs fun?"

Annabelle broke into a smile. "Well, when you have friends like Yuri, Patty, Carter, and Tyson, nothing is scary. Thanks to them, I was able to see my full potential and I became not only the best Duelist I could be, but I became braver and stronger, too. It's because of them that even considered joining the Dragon Duel Tage Team Championship with you."

"Well, uh, did I have any influence in your change of character, Annabelle?"

The little girl replied with a stern "Hrmph," as she crossed her arms and looked at the sky, the ruby bracelet over her wrist jingled and sparkled. "Well...you backstabbing the group just to have them ambush Yuri and his friends motivated me to kick your sorry butt."

"But Annabelle..."

"But you atoned for your mistakes and became a better person. And it showed me that you're not such a bad guy, Sam. And if learned anything about you when we Dueled in the tournament, it's that you're a really good friend."

Sam's face lit up as the sun rose higher above the buildings and cast more light on the central square. "Wow! Really? Thanks, Annabelle. I uh...I'm sorry you have to go."

"I have until the end of the tournament to say, so we can kick butt together for just a while longer," she said with a smile. "So...ready to..."

She was approached by a little girl with black hair, clutching a stuffed elephant. Huge blue bows with long silk shashes waved from her twin buns as she ran towards the fountain with all her might. Behind her, taking his sweet time, was a boy with short black hair wearing a red jacket and dark blue shorts.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (6)

"Hi!" she said. "Are you Annabelle and Sam, the winners of the tag team tournament?"

Annabelle nodded. "Uh-huh," she replied as the girl's friend continued to slowly step towards them. He had a pretty bored expression on his face, for he didn't seem all that impressed by the Dragon Duel Tag Team Champions.

"So pleased to meet you! I'm Emiko. I saw the two of you and was wondering if you wanted to Duel.

"Who's your friend?" Sam asked, who was getting agitated by the boy's pretentious demeanor.

"Oh, this is Mickey (Duel Links). He's heard a lot about you guys, too."

Mickey merely crossed his arms. "So this is the guy everyone calls Yuri's protege?"

"Damn right, I am!" Sam boasted. "He taught me everything I needed to know to win the tournament with Annabelle."

"I'll bet he did," said Mickey. "I would have made it to that tournament if Emiko here didn't take forever to get her first deck. And I bet I would have beaten you, too."

"Oh yeah?" Sam said standing up, his hands balled into fists. "Why don't we see if you're as tough as you say you are, kid? You really think you could have gotten the best of me and Annabelle, well prove it."

"Settle down!" Emiko said. "We just wanted to have a friendly match is all."

"Friendly match," Mickey said in disgust. "It's because of that happy-go-lucky attitude of yours that we'll never make it far as a team."

"Sure, sure," Emiko said with a roll of her eyes.

"Boys can sure take the fun out of everything," Annabelle commented. "Well, Sam. I guess we have our first opponents. I'll face Emiko."

"And I'll take on Mr. Hotshot over here," said Sam. "Time to own up or shut up!"

"Bring it, kid!" Mickey replied haughtily as he powered on his Duel Disk.

Annabelle and Emiko sighed. "We're going first!" Emiko declared. "So step aside, boys." She pushed both Sam and her arrogant friend aside to make room for her match with Annabelle.

"Let's remember to have fun," Annabelle said.

Both girls activated their Duel Disks and proceeded with their Duel. Per the rules, they had to put their invitational piece on the line, and sure enough, they each had different ones.

"Duel!" they called out together.

LP 8000


"I'll go first," Annabelle. "If that's okay with you?"

Emiko just smiled. "Hey, that works for me."

Annabelle drew her opening hand. "All right. I play Pot of Desires, banishing ten cards from my deck so that I can draw two cards. And then I set two cards face-down and end my turn!"

"Why did she do that?" Mickey wondered. "Banishing ten cards from her deck just to get two cards is stupid. She could have just used Pot of Greed and gotten two cards for no cost. Your partner sure is stupid."

Sam looked at the boy with his teeth bared in anger. "Oh, shut up! Annabelle knows what she's doing. You just watch!"


"Draw!" Emiko swiped her first card off her deck.

She tried to activate a spell, but Annabelle negated it with Ash Blossom. Emiko just laughed, not at all dismayed by the negation, for she had another trick up her sleeve. She played her spell, The Great Mikanko Ceremony, leading Annabelle to activate her face-down trap card, Canopic Protector.

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"What's that?" Emiko asked.

"So long as this card is active, once per chain I can Special Summon one Horus monster from my hand or Graveyard. And I choose to summon Hapy, Vanguard of Horus in defense mode!" She called on a green baboon wearing gold and green garments and carrying a huge golden staff, which he spun around before crouching in front of Annabelle in defense mode.

"That's fine!" said Emiko. "Since it doesn't cancel my spell, I'll Ritual Summon Ohime the Manifested Mikanko!" He spell called on a lovely girl wearing revealing golden garments and long black hair formed into twin tendrils stemming from twin buns on the top of her head. A long oriental sword of gold was floating by her right side and a shield of black with green and red tassels hanging from it, slowly spun by her left.

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Annabelle gasped in delight as she gazed at the beautiful monster hovering in front of her. "Wow, Emiko. She...she almost looks like you."

"Thanks. I get that a lot!" Emiko giggled.

"What good that monster will do," said Sam. "She has zero ATK and DEF points. It's a totally useless monster."

"Well, nobody asked you!" Annabelle said, turning her head to glare at him. "Sorry about that, Emiko. Continue."

"Right, I'll activate my spell's effect from the Graveyard, banishing it to send a Mikanko card from my deck to the Graveyard."

"And I'll chain by activating Canopic Protector!" Annabelle said. "And I'll summon Qebehsenuef, Aegis of Horus!" She summoned a priest clad in bronzed armored robes with two huge wings making him appear to be a falcon.

"Not, bad!" said Emiko. "Now, using Ohime's effect, I equip your Aegis of Horus with Arabesque of the Mikanko!"

Water sprouted from underneath Aegis of Horus, swirling all around him and forming a protective shield. "With this card, your monster cannot be destroyed by card effects. But don't thank me just yet, because I use my spell to Special Summon, Ni-Ni the Mirror Mikanko!"

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She then summoned another beautiful young girl wearing a short white and blue dress that was ruffled at the hem. She delightfully spun her magic wand around, conjuring water to form all around her and form mirrors made of ice.

"And in doing so, your Aegis gets returned to your hand and Arabesque instead gets equipped to Ni-Ni!"

The water violently swirled around Aegis of Horus and he disappeared. Annabelle caught the card as it ejected off her Duel Disk. Meanwhile, the water then swirled over Ni-Ni, now adding its protection to her.

"And I'm going to use Hapy's effect!" Annabelle announced quickly. "If a Horus card I control leaves the field by a card effect, I can add two cards that are banished to my hand!"

"Ha!" Sam proudly boasted. "See! I told you Annabelle knew what she was doing. Now she gets two more cards added to her hand."

"All right, good move!" Emiko complimented. "But now, I'm going to attack you!"

"Ha! With what? Those?" Sam said. "Both those wimpy girls have zero attack..."

"Sam, shut up!" Annabelle said, her face creased with worry as the attack commenced. Both of Emiko's Mikanko dancers attacked Hapy, but each of the 1600 points of damage was deducted from her Life Points instead of Emiko's."

"What happened!?" Sam cried out as Annabelle's Life Points plummeted to 4800.

"When my Mikanko dancers do battle, any damage I take from that battle gets reduced from my opponent's Life Points instead of mine!"

"Wow!" Sam exclaimed, sinking back in his seat. "Those are some really awesome abilities!"

"And I'm not through with my turn. There's still more to come! I activate, Mikanko Reflection Rondo!"

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"And I'll use it to take control of Hapy, Vanguard of Horus!"

"And that activates my trap!" Annabelle countered quickly. "And with it, I'll Special Summon, Imsety, Glory of Horus!" She called on a warrior with winged golden armor infused with beautiful royal blue patterns. Blue sashes flapped from the back of his armor and to fight his opponent's monsters, he used a shield and large golden spear.

ATK/3000 DEF/1800

"Yeah, you're good, Annabelle!" Emiko said. "I end my turn."


"Yeah, you're not so bad yourself, Emiko," Annabelle said with glee. "I love it when I face a tough opponent!"

"Really" Emiko replied with joy as her hands locked together. "You mean it?"

"Sure. Your Mikanko dancers aren't just pretty, but they're powerful, too. But, even though I'm impressed with them, I still gotta take them down." She drew her next card.Excellent! Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8. Once I bring him out to the field, I can easily beat Emiko."I activate the Spell Card, Spellbook Inside the Pot. Now we both get to draw three cards. Now, I set a card face-down and summon Pharaonic Sarcophagus!"

Out of the ground emerged a black and gold sarcophagus of beautiful design that radiated with the ancient magical energies of the kings of old, ready to be unleashed. But Emiko was more than ready.

"I activate Ni-Ni's effect! With it, I'll take control of Glory of Horus!"

Ni-Ni started a very tantalizing dance that hypnotized Glory of Horus. His eyes glowed bright red as he lost control of himself and fell to the enchanting spell of the Mikanko's dance.

"And I'll activate Canopic Protector again and bring out Aegis of Horus!"

As her Aegis came down to the field, her Glory of Horus slowly moved to Emiko's side of the field, his body stiff as a board.

"Now, using my Sarcophagus's ability, I send Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 6 from my Graveyard and Special Summon another Aegis of Horus to my side of the field. Battle Phase! First, I'm going to attack Vangaurd!"

The Aegis soared across the field with astonishing swiftness, generating a powerful updraft that sent Annabelle's jacket and skirt billowing in its wake. Closing in on Vanguard, it swiftly closed the distance and delivered a devastating strike, cleaving the opposing monster in half with precision and force.

"And now, I'm going to attack Ni-Ni with my second Aegis of Horus!"

Emiko held up her hand and shouted: "Ohime's effect activates! And I bring back Mikanko Reflection Rondo to take control of your Aegis!"

"And that triggers Canopic Protector, allowing me to summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 6 from Graveyard!"

The sarcophagus trembled with intensity, eventually erupting in a burst of energy, unleashing Annabelle's cherished dragon into the midst of the battle. It hovered majestically above her, its silver-steel body shimmering like diamonds in the radiant sunlight, casting a captivating spectacle over the fountain.

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"Horus is on the field!" said Sam. "It's anybody's game now."

"Yeah, but remember, Annabelle's the one who's going to take damage from the attack."

"I activate my Pharaonic Sarcophagus's effect!" Annabelle announced. "At the start of the Damage Step, I can discard a card from my hand and your monster is automatically destroyed!"

The sarcophagus slowly rose up and fired a green energy beam at Ni-Ni, shattering her into a thousand tiny fragments and protecting Annabelle's Life Points from any further damage.

"And now because I have Pharaonic Sarcophagus on the field, I can Special Summon Vanguard of Horus from my Graveyard. And then I'm going to Overlay them both to Xyz Summon Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis!"

As the Overlay reached its culmination, a towering dragon engulfed in flames and adorned with gleaming golden armor materialized behind Annabelle. The colossal creature hovered in the air, emanating an aura of power and majesty. With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the plaza, its mighty voice shook the very foundations of the surrounding area.

"Whoa! Cool dragon!" Emiko exclaimed with absolute joy and awe. "Hee, hee! Wanna trade for it?"

Annabelle just laughed. "Not in your life. This card is a very hard-to-find animated rarity called Ethereal Prism. I'm not trading it for all the cards in the world." She held up the card to show Emiko the flames flickering in the card.

"Phobos Corp just never ceases to amaze me!" said Emiko. "So is it my turn?"

"Yeah, go ahead."


"All right. In doing so, the effect of my Great Mikanko Ceremony wears off and Ohime is sent back to my hand. So you get your monsters back. But I wouldn't count on her being gone for long. I activate the Ritual Spell, Mikanko Kagura! Now I tribute the Ohime in my hand to summon my second Ohime!"

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With graceful movements, her magnificent ritual monster emerged onto the field, performing an enchanting dance that seemed to synchronize with the ethereal melodies resonating from an unseen ensemble. The captivating strains of oriental music, echoing from distant lands in the Far East, wove through the air, harmonizing perfectly with the elegant spectacle unfolding before the mesmerized onlookers who had gathered to watch their match.

"Now that my Mikanko monster graces the field once more, your Aegis of Horus returns to my control, as it rightfully should. But that's not all. When a Mikanko Ritual Monster is summoned, its arrival triggers a devastating effect thanks to Mikanko Kagura. For each Mikanko Equip Spell on the field, I have the power to obliterate one card under your command. So, bid farewell to your Sarcophagus!"

Annabelle let out a grunt as her cherished sarcophagus shattered into countless fragments beside her, unleashing a fierce gust of wind that buffeted her form and scattered remnants of the once-mighty artifact in all directions.

"Also, you take 1000 points of damage for each card destroyed!"

"Aw, man!" Annabelle grumbled as her Life Points reached 3800. "You may have gotten rid of my sarcophagus, but that triggered Glory of Horus's effect!"

"Which I will chain using Ohime's effect! Remember, I can add an Equip Spell from my Graveyard to the field! And I choose Arabesque of the Mikanko, which I will equip to Glory of Horus. And don't forget, this lets me summon a Mikanko from my deck. Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko!"

She gracefully beckoned forth another dancer, a manifestation of fiery prowess that embodied the essence of the flame. With each fluid movement and twirl, the dancer's golden sword ignited in a blazing spectacle, leaving trails of scorching fire in its wake. The intense heat emanating from the flames caused the air to ripple as if the very atmosphere danced along with the fiery performance.

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"Not that it'll do you much good," said Annabelle. "Glory of Horus allows me to destroy one card you control when a Horus card leaves the field by card effect!"

"Oh no!" Emiko then held her arm over her face and screamed as her dancer exploded. "Still, because my Mikanko was summoned, your Glory of Horus gets sent back to your hand and Arabesque gets equipped to Ha-Re. And I'll activate her effect now that Arabesque has been equipped to her. It allows me to add a Mikanko Equip Spell to my hand!"

"And that will trigger the effect of my Canopic Protector, allowing me to bring Glory of Horus back to the field!"

"Darn, it!" Emiko said after making a stern tsk with her tongue. "All right. I summon another Ni-Ni to the field and then I'm going to equip her with the spell, Mikanko Purification Dance, which is going to prevent her from being destroyed by your card effects. And now, I'm going to end this Duel by attacking your Sun Dragon with my Mikanko monsters!"

"Oh no, I forgot Annabelle takes the damage from attacks involving those dancers!" Sam said in disbelief. "This is going to end the Duel for sure!"

"No! I activate Infinite Impermanence!" Annabelle held up her hand and her face-down card lifted up. "This will negate your monster's effects so not only wills he be destroyed, but you take the damage instead! Hieratic Sun Dragon! Counterattack!"

Hieratic Sun Dragon unleashed its radiant brilliance, its scorching solar energy pulsating with raw power. Its colossal wings unfurled, casting a magnificent shadow over the battlefield.

Undeterred, Ni-Ni, the embodiment of elegance and fluidity, gracefully leaped and twirled, evading the Dragon's blazing onslaught with her captivating water-based maneuvers. The shimmering droplets of her dance transformed into a protective shield, warding off the searing flames.

Unleashing a burst of celestial energy, the Hieratic Sun Dragon soared high above the battlefield. Its golden wings radiated blinding light as it dived toward Ni-Ni with unparalleled speed and precision. The sheer force of its descent sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

In a breathtaking display of power and grace, the Dragon's celestial might collided with Ni-Ni's watery defenses. The clash created a magnificent explosion of elements, illuminating the battlefield in a dazzling spectacle. The overwhelming power of the Hieratic Sun Dragon proved too formidable for Ni-Ni to withstand.

As the echoes of the clash subsided, the battlefield fell silent. Ni-Ni's form slowly dissipated, leaving only traces of water in her wake.

"Oh no! My dancer!" Emiko moaned in desperation as her Life Points were reduced to 5000. "I can still stop you. I'll have Mikanko attack your Sun Dragon and deal 3000 damage to your Life Points!"

The monsters clashed but even though there was no winner, Annabelle took the damage, reducing her to her last 800 Life Points. Then, I'll attack your Black Flame Dragon with Aegis of Horus!"

"I'm going to activate the trap, Covering Fire! Now, I can increase my dragon's ATK by the ATK of one monster on my field, and I choose Hieratic Sun Dragon, so now Horus's ATK increases to 5300!"

Horus countered the Aegis's attack and destroyed it, dealing 2800 damage to Emiko. At the end of her turn, Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 6 evolved into Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8. And when it did, Emiko placed her hand over her deck and surrendered.

"I can't win so long as you have that on the field," she said with a sad but proud smile. "My deck relies on Spell Cards and since Horus the Black Flame Dragon allows you to negate any Spell Card that's played, my deck is pretty much useless. So you win, Annabelle."

"Hey, don't feel bad. That was a great Duel. You and your Mikanko dancers are really something else, Emiko."

"Thanks. I heard a lot about you and Horus the Black Flame Dragon forming into an unbeatable duo and they weren't kidding. Hopefully, we can Duel again sometime."

"Sure, I look forward to that Emiko and I..."

"Out of the way!" said Mickey. "It's our turn to Duel! Emiko. Take a hike! You lost so get out of my way and let me handle this!"

"What? Hmph!" Emiko vacated the spot and crossed her arms in a pout as Sam ran to take Annabelle's place.

"You can't treat her like that!?" Sam said as he sternly pointed at Mickey. "She did a great job!"

"She lost the game."

"So what!? I bet she plays a better game than you! Let's do this, big shot!"

"Fine! Hopefully, you're not a waste of my time!"

LP 8000


"I'll go first, jerk!" Sam declared furiously. "I set a monster! And that ends my turn!"


"Pathetic! I summon Gene-Wared Warfolf in attack position!" He summoned a four-armed mutated white wofl with red claws and a tasset of rusted steel around its waist.

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ATK/2000 DEF/100

"And then, I'm equipping him with Wicked-Breaking Flamberge -Baou! This card will increase his ATK points by 500!"

In a swirl of ethereal darkness, a massive claymore materialized in the hands of the Gene-Warped Warwolf. Its blade shimmered with an ominous aura, emanating a chilling presence that sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it. The shadowy weapon seemed to draw strength from the depths of Mickey's resolve.

With the flamberge now in its possession, the Gene-Warped Warwolf's power surged, bolstered by an additional 500 points. The ferocious beast stood taller and bolder, its muscles flexing with newfound might. A cloak of shadow enveloped the creature, enhancing its already formidable presence.

With a fierce battle cry, Mickey commanded his empowered Gene-Warped Warwolf to charge forward, its steps now imbued with an unsettling darkness. The weight of the shadow-infused claymore enhanced each swing, striking with unparalleled force against any foe that dared to stand in their way.

He destroyed Sam's Jurrac Ptera, shattering it to bits with one slash.

"Ha! You activated my Jurrac Ptera's effect!" Sam boldly announced. "When it gets attacked, I can send your monster back to your hand!"

"It won't work!" Mickey said with a confident smirk etched on his thin lips. "When a monster attacks with Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou, your monsters' effects are negated."

"Uh...what? No way!"

Mickey's eyes shone with satisfaction as he witnessed the undeniable impact of his strategic choice. The wicked flamberge had proven to be a game-changer, elevating his Gene-Warped Warwolf to unparalleled heights of strength and prowess.

"I end my turn by setting a card face-down."


"I draw!" Sam said with a nervous gulp. "I activate Fissure! This card lets me destroy a monster you control with the highest ATK on the field!"

"And I'll negate it with Solemn Judgement! By paying half my Life Points, your card's effect gets rendered useless, just like you!"

"Arrgh! I set a monster face-down in defense mode!"

Sam - LP 8000

4000 LP - Mickey


"I thought you were going to teach me a lesson!" Mickey taunted him as he drew. "You watching this, Emiko? This is how a pro plays Duel Monsters. I equip Gene-Warped Warfolf with another Wicked-Breaking Flamberge Baou!"

A surge of dark energy enveloped the already empowered Gene-Warped Warwolf, transforming the battlefield into a realm of ominous shadows. A second colossal claymore materialized, twin blades pulsating with malevolent power. The sheer presence of these dual weapons sent a chill down the spines of Mickey's opponents.

With the combined might of the two flamberges, the Gene-Warped Warwolf radiated an aura of darkness and raw power as his ATK increased to 3000. The creature stood as a harbinger of destruction, ready to unleash havoc upon anything in its path. He attacked and destroyed Sam's Jurrac Stauriko, who could have left behind two Juracc Tokens to defend his Life Points, but his effects were negated on the count of the flamberge.

Mickey paused for a moment and frowned.Hmmm, I'm never going to get at his Life Points like this. Maybe I can lure him out with this card."I set a monster face-down in defense mode and end my turn."


Sam drew his card and gulped again.Man, this is bad. He's not only got a monster with 3000 ATK, but it can negate the effects of my monsters when he destroys them, too. My only hope is Jurrac Guaiba. He may not be strong enough to take out his Warwolf, but I can use his special ability to boost my defenses.

"I summon Jurrac Guaiba!" Sam called out, summoning a flaming long-necked carnivorous theropod dinosar covered in flames.

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ATK/1700 DEF/400

He attacked, destroying Mickey's Feral Imp, thus allowing him to use Guaiba's ability to bring out Jurrac Protops, who gained an additional 100 ATK points for every monster on Mickey's field. Not that it did any good. 1800 was still much too low to take on his Gene-Warped Warwolf.


Mickey laughed as he attacked Jurrac Protops with his Gene-Warped Warolf, dealing 1200 damage to Sam's Life Points.


"I knew facing you was a complete waste of time!" Mickey proudly boasted. "Keep sending monsters my way, chump. I look forward to further humiliating you in front of Annabelle."

"Ha! I've got you right where I want you, Mickey! Watch as I summon this! Jurrac Dino!" He summoned a little red dinosaur with what looked like an orange skull imprinted on his round belly.

"Ooooh, I'm shaking in my boots!"

"As well you should be!" said Annabelle. "Jurrac Dino is a Tuner monster! And he's about to bring out the best Sam's deck has to offer!"

"That's right! I Tune Jurrac Dino with Jurrac Guaiba to Synchro Summon the Rank 7 monster, Jurrac Giganoto!"

A surge of fiery energy consumed the field, crackling with primal force. From the depths of the molten core, a colossal figure emerged, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the battlefield. Jurrac Giganto, a towering flaming dinosaur, stood proud and fierce, reaching heights that rivaled the neighboring building's third floor.

The magnificent creature was a spectacle to behold. Its body was adorned in dark blue scales, accentuated by intricate patterns of molten red, resembling flowing lava. Its mighty tail flickered with fiery intensity, leaving trails of vibrant hues in its wake. Flames danced and roared, engulfing its claws, legs, and head, while the very top of its skull blazed with an infernal glow.

The ground trembled beneath Jurrac Giganto's weight, its mere presence commanding respect and instilling awe. With every step, the earth cracked and crumbled, unable to contain the raw power radiating from the colossal dinosaur.

Sam's adversaries couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnificence of Jurrac Giganto. The flames that enveloped its body were a testament to its unstoppable might. It stood as a guardian of destruction, ready to unleash its fury upon any who dared to challenge it.

With a thunderous roar that shook the battlefield, Jurrac Giganto signaled its readiness to engage in battle. Sam's opponents could feel the heat of its fiery aura, a warning of the imminent devastation that was about to be unleashed.

Armed with the strength of ancient creatures and ablaze with the fury of a volcanic eruption, Jurrac Giganto became the beacon of Sam's comeback. Its towering presence defied all odds and inspired a renewed hope within Sam's heart.

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Mickey stuck his hands in his pockets and yawned. "Impressive, but at 2100 ATK points, he's weaker than my Gene-Warped Warwolf. Your dino was nothing more than a bluff."

Mickey's dismissive demeanor just formed a wry smile on Sam's lips as he locked eyes with his opponent. "Ah, but you underestimate the true strength of Jurrac Giganto."

As if in response to Sam's words, the flames surrounding Jurrac Giganto intensified, swirling and crackling with renewed vigor. The fiery aura grew hotter, as if stoked by a hidden power, and the colossal dinosaur began to radiate an aura of untamed energy.

"You see, my friend, Jurrac Giganto's true power lies in its ability to evolve and adapt," Sam calmly explained. "All Jurrac Monsters gain 200 ATK for each Jurrac monster in the Graveyard. I have five so that's a total of 1000 ATK points

Confusion flickered across Mickey's face as he realized the grave error in his judgment. His Gene-Warped Warwolf alone wouldn't be enough to withstand the unleashed might of Jurrac Giganto. A burst of fiery energy enveloped Jurrac Giganto once more, and its fiery roar pierced the air. Its ATK skyrocketed as the strength of its fallen brethren surged within it. The once seemingly inferior creature now stood as a formidable force, its ATK surpassing the limits of Mickey's Gene-Warped Warwolf.

"And I'm far from done, Mickey. Because I have exactly five Fire-Attribute monsters in my Graveyard, I can Special Summon this card from my hand! I summon Pyrorex, the Elemental Lord!"

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ATK/2800 DEF/2200

A whirlwind of scorching flames erupted from Sam's hand, enveloping the field in an infernal blaze. The very air seemed to crackle with heat as the regal figure of Pyrorex materialized before him. Clad in black and gold armor, and adorned with majestic flames, the Elemental Lord exuded an aura of overwhelming power.

Pyrorex's eyes burned with an intense fiery gaze as it towered over Jurrac Giganto, emanating an aura of supremacy. The ground trembled beneath its weight, and the surrounding flames intensified, casting an ominous glow across the Duel. Using his special effect, Sam destroyed Gene-Warped Warfolf and inflicted damage both to his and Mickey's Life Points equal to half of Gene-Warped Warwolf's original ATK points for a total of 1000 damage. He had nothing to defend himself with and Mickey could only reel back in disbelief as Sam attacked his Life Points directly with both monsters.

"Yay! Sam!" Annabelle cheered. "Way to play!"

"Uh-huh, that's why you guys are the junior tag team champions!" Emiko said with glee as she squeezed her stuffed elephant.

Mickey cast a final disdainful glance at Sam before tossing him the invitational piece. Without a word, he walked off into the bustling city, his presence fading into the distance. Emiko watched him depart, a sense of relief washing over her. She realized this was an opportunity to spend time with her true idols, Sam and Annabelle.

"Even though I'm out of the tournament, may I tag along too?" Emiko asked, her eyes filled with hopeful anticipation.

Sam glanced at Annabelle, exchanging a knowing smile. "You want to come with us?"

Emiko's face beamed with joy. "Please! You guys are much more fun than Mickey."

Sam nodded, extending a welcoming hand. "Sure thing! You can hang with us. Maybe you can pick up a thing or two from my dueling skills."

Annabelle chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. "Oh, please. That'll be the day. Come on. Maybe we'll run into Yuri and the others."

Emiko gasped in glee and jumped up and down. "You mean I get to meet Yuri and the Knights of the Ruby Dragon!? Come on, let's go!"

Yuri - Aquarius Park, Phobos Island

Yuri reclined on a cool patch of grass atop a gentle hill, observing with contentment as his majestic creatures strolled alongside the tranquil waters of the park's picturesque lake. Black Tyranno, a towering force of primal might, elegantly dipped its snout into the refreshing water, while Tyson's Behemoth, the King of All Wars, and Patty's Diabolos, King of the Abyss, quenched their thirst with measured grace.

It was a serene moment, a respite from the fervor of battle, as Yuri's loyal companions reveled in the peace of the park. The sun's gentle rays cast a warm glow upon their formidable forms, illuminating their powerful presence. The park, usually a battleground for fierce duels, had transformed into a sanctuary, a place where even the mightiest beasts could find solace.

Yuri couldn't help but smile, finding solace himself in this harmonious scene. His monsters, once fighters in epic clashes, now coexisted in perfect harmony thanks to the Duel Disk's immersive mode, sharing this well-deserved break from the heat of battle.

As the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves and the soft whispers of nature embraced them, Yuri felt a sense of tranquility wash over him. The park was a haven, a sanctuary where the boundaries of competition melted away, and the true essence of friendship and camaraderie emerged.

He closed his eyes, absorbing the serene atmosphere, grateful for the rare respite amidst the chaos of their duelist lives. In this moment, he cherished the beauty of the park, the enduring bonds with his friends, and the awe-inspiring presence of his loyal monsters. It was a time to recharge, to gather strength, and to prepare for the battles that awaited them in the future.

With a grateful heart and a renewed sense of purpose, Yuri embraced the tranquility of the park, savoring the fleeting moments of peace. And as his monsters continued their leisurely stroll, their majestic forms mirrored the serene beauty that enveloped them, creating a tableau of harmony, strength, and steel-like friendship.

Yuri's voice carried with a touch of nostalgia as he spoke to Ser Norman, his faithful companion in spectral form, standing beside him. His gaze descended to the lively scene below, where his closest friends, Tyson, Carter, Nick, Patty, Sabrina, and Natalya, engaged in a friendly game of frisbee near the tranquil waters.

"These are my best friends in the whole world," Yuri whispered. He couldn't help but smile as he watched their carefree laughter and playful antics.

The frisbee soared through the air, arcing gracefully against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. With effortless coordination, his friends leaped and dived, their youthful energy radiating as they reveled in the simple joy of the game. At that moment, they were not rivals or competitors; they were a tightly-knit group bound by a connection that transcended the confines of the field.

Yuri's heart swelled with gratitude for the bond they had forged, for the countless memories they had created together. They had stood by his side through thick and thin, celebrating victories, offering encouragement during defeats, and sharing in the triumphs and challenges that came their way. In their company, he found solace, strength, and a sense of belonging that surpassed mere friendship.

As the frisbee spun through the air, Yuri reflected on the shared experiences they had amassed over their journey. From their first encounters to the countless battles fought side by side, their friendship had grown stronger with each passing day. They had become a family, a support system that extended beyond the realm of dueling and touched the depths of their souls.

With a fond smile, Yuri turned to Ser Norman, who stood as a steadfast guardian and confidant. In the spectral knight's eyes, he glimpsed an understanding, an acknowledgment of the profound bond that united them all.

"I understand how much they must mean to you, Yuri," Ser Norman said. "But...I must advise great caution against that one there. The girl with the pink in her hair." He pointed at Patty, who was sitting on the ground with Max, who was finally allowed to travel with them now that the business with the Rare Hunters was over.

Yuri's brow furrowed slightly as he followed Ser Norman's gaze towards Patty, who sat on the grass with her adorable puppy, Max, by her side. The playful pup wagged its tail enthusiastically, oblivious to the conversation taking place.

"What do you mean, Ser Norman?" Yuri inquired, his tone laced with concern. He trusted the spectral knight's wisdom and keen intuition, understanding that he had a knack for sensing hidden dangers.

Ser Norman's spectral form stood tall, his gaze fixed on Patty. "There is an air of darkness surrounding her, Yuri," he warned, his voice filled with caution. "I sense an untamed power within her, one that needs to be harnessed and guided properly. She possesses great potential, but also a vulnerability that may be easily exploited."

Yuri's gaze shifted from Ser Norman back to Patty. He had noticed a certain fire within Patty, a determination that burned brightly within her. It was this very spirit that had drawn him to her, sparking a unique connection.

Yuri's eyes widened, his heart pounding in his chest at Ser Norman's words. The revelation hung heavy in the air, threatening to shatter the idyllic scene unfolding before them. His grip tightened on the hilt of his duel disk as conflicting emotions surged within him.

Yuri stood up and looked at the ghostly knight with anger. "You go too far, Ser Norman. Patty's my girlfriend. I love her. I know she's done some questionable things in the past but there is 'darkness' in her."

"Yuri. Do not let your affection for her blind you from the dangers of the shadows lurking in her heart. Just like the shadows caused your heart great harm, they do the same damage to her. Possibly far worse. The darkness I sense in her is...pure."

"I... I can't believe that," Yuri whispered. "I refuse to accept that Patty is consumed by darkness. She's kind-hearted and has shown remorse for her past actions. Love has the power to change people, to bring out their best selves."

Ser Norman's spectral form remained steadfast. "Love is indeed a powerful force, Yuri, but it can blind us to the truth. I understand the depth of your feelings for Patty, but it is imperative that you remain vigilant. The darkness I sense within her is potent, and if left unchecked, it could lead to dire consequences."

Yuri's mind raced, torn between his love for Patty and the warnings of his spectral companion. He recalled the struggles they had faced together and the growth they had experienced as individuals and as a couple. He believed in the power of redemption and the potential for change.

"Ser Norman, I can't abandon her," Yuri declared. "I won't turn my back on someone I care about, especially when they need me the most. I'll be there for Patty, supporting her, and guiding her towards the light. I know I can do it."

Ser Norman's spectral form softened, a hint of understanding shining in his ethereal eyes. "Yuri, your loyalty and compassion are commendable. But remember, it is not solely your responsibility to save Patty. She must also be willing to confront her own darkness and strive for redemption."

As Yuri turned his gaze back to Patty, he saw her laughing and playing with their friends, the warmth of her smile radiating through the park. His heart swelled with love, and he knew that their bond was worth fighting for, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead.

With Ser Norman's cautionary words still echoing in his mind, Yuri stood up to join his friends below and discuss their plans for the tournament.

"There's a lot of ground to cover," Tyson said. His friends gathered around him as he displayed a holographic map of the event from his Duel Disk. "The entire area for the battle royale covers half the city. We have unit seven o'clock tonight to get the pieces we need to enter the finals. And guys, I want us to send a huge statement to all Aquarius when it's just us who enter the big finals."

"Hell yeah!" Patty agreed, Max barked along with her. "What would that say to the whole city when it's just Yuri's inner circle who makes it to the finals."

"We could cement ourselves as probably some of the best on the island!" Nick said pumping his fist. "Heh...to think I was able to make it this far."

"And without that Red-Eyes Black Dragon, too," said Yuri. "For a second, I thought he was all you needed to be a strong Duelist, but you've shown great strength without it."

"Yeah, but that's not to say I'm not getting it back from Brett someday!" Nick retorted sharply. "That card belonged to my sister. And I aim to get it back."

"Your sister?" Tyson said. "You have a sister?"

Nick just nodded in response. "I didn't want to say anything about her until now because...well....as you guys know, my life wasn't as glamorous as it is now that I started winning games and ranking high in prestigious events. But now that things are finally turning around, I guess it's finally time I showed you guys."

He reached into his pocket to pull out a photo of Jeannie. He unfolded it and showed it to his friends. He also showed them the letter he had gotten from her.

"Oh, Nick!" Patty gasped. "That's your sister! She...she's beautiful!"

"Wow! She's an angel, Nick!" Tyson said. "Why haven't you told us about her all these years?"

"Family issues," Nick sighed, putting the photo away. "The only one who knew about her is Yuri. See, this is the only recent photo of her that I've got. About a week after Yuri beat the crap out of Randall Lawson, Yuri got a letter from her."

Dear Yuri,

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm a big fan! But there's something I need to share with you. It's about my brother, Nick.

You see, ever since our parents' divorce, our lives took different paths. I was taken away by our father, and Nick remained with our mother, who I learned passed away. I don't know the details of what happened, but from what I've heard, Nick ended up living in the slums of your city, Aquarius. It breaks my heart to think of him growing up in such difficult circ*mstances.

Living in foster care has been a mixed experience for me. I've had some decent families who cared for me, but deep down, I've always felt a void. It's the absence of family, the absence of my brother. I've often wondered how Nick is doing, what he's been through, and if he thinks of me too.

Recently, by some strange stroke of fate, I came across footage of a Duel you had with Randall Lawson. Amidst the chaos of the Duel, I caught a glimpse of Nick in the crowd. My heart skipped a beat. It was like a glimmer of hope, a reminder that he's out there somewhere, fighting his own battles.

Yuri, I miss Nick more than words can express. He's my only sibling, and I yearn for that sibling bond we lost so many years ago. I long to share my joys, my sorrows, and my dreams with him. Despite our circ*mstances, I want him to know that he's never far from my thoughts.

I know that our situation makes it difficult, if not impossible, for us to be together right now. Nick's living conditions and financial struggles are not conducive to providing a stable home for me. As much as I would love to be by his side, I understand the challenges that lie ahead.

Yet, I wanted to share this with you because I know the connection you have with Nick. You've been his closest friend, his ally through thick and thin. If anyone can understand the depth of my longing to be reunited with him, it's you. I trust that you'll do whatever you can to support him in his journey, and to be there when he needs someone by his side.

Please, Yuri, let Nick know how much I miss him. Let him know that I'm safe and that I still hold onto the memories we shared as children. Remind him that no matter how difficult life may be, he's not alone. I believe in him, in his strength. And I hope my Red-Eyes Black Dragon can help him grow as a Duelist! I dream of seeing that dragon fighting alongside your Black Tyranno! What a great battle that will be.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hold onto the hope that one day, circ*mstances will change, and Nick and I will have the chance to be reunited as siblings. Until then, I'll keep you in my thoughts and send my support to Nick as he faces his own challenges.

Please take care, Yuri, and know that your friendship with my brother means the world to me.

With sincere longing and gratitude,


Nick smiled at the smiley faces and hearts she put all over the letter. "All these years, she's been living in a foster home with a pretty okay family. But when she learned I was in Aquarius, she wanted to see me. I haven't seen her in years. When were little kids, my parents got divorced. She was taken by my father to California. My mom kept me. Being the drunken bastard that he is; my old man finally reached the deep end and lost his job. He started a ruckus outside his workplace, and then he ran over his boss. He's gonna be locked up for a long time."

"Oh no!" gasped Patty. "But now that she knows you're here, can't she just live with you?"

Nick shook his head. "You really think Jeannie's foster parents are just gonna let her fly on over to the dirty slums, Patty? Consuelo barely has any money to sustain her, Sam, or me. As much as I'd like to bring Jeannie out here with us, I can't afford to. That's why I wanted to join the Millennium Tournament so badly, Yuri. Not only is the Duel Monsters World Championship title on the line, but the winner also gets a prize of a hundred million dollars."

"Holy crap!" Yuri gasped. "That's a lotta money!"

"Think about it, Yuri," said Nick. "If one of us makes it to the finals and beats Leon; that money goes to all of us. After we win the tournament, we'll split the prize. You guys can do what you want with your share, but I'm going to buy me and my sister a beautiful home. Maybe a penthouse on the central island or a mansion in Yuri's neighborhood. I don't care. Just so long as she's here with me. And I've got to beat Brett and get the Red-Eyes back because it actually belongs to her."

Patty's eyes widened. "That Red-Eyes Black Dragon belonged to Jeannie?" she asked, twirling a lock of her pink-streaked hair over her finger.

"Yeah. When we were little, my dad gave it to her as a birthday present. He said he worked hard to save up and buy it for her. Of course, I later learned he won it in a dart game." He chuckled or tried to; for he felt like crying. The memories of his sister were powerful, causing his emotions to surge.

"She didn't know how to play Duel Monsters so she kept the dragon around her neck as a lucky charm. Anyway, the day our parents split, she gave me the card and that was the last time I saw her. All these years apart and that Red-Eyes was all I had to remind me of her. So you see, Yuri, that's why this tournament means the world to me. I don't care what stands in our way. Leon Caldwell, Brett Martinetti, I don't care if I have to go against you to do it. I'm going to stop at nothing until I get her back..." Nick's voice trembled. His shoulders shivered, and he balled his fists, trying to hold back his emotions. "I want my sister back..."

"Oh, Nick," Patty said, sympathetically. "Don't cry."

"I'm not crying," he fibbed while rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "I'm not a baby, geez. Something just flew in my eye, that's all."

"Can't Mr. Montgomery lend you some money or something?" Tyson asked.

"This is Jacob Montgomery we're talking about," said Carter. "Ever since we were kids, he told us we would never get a penny from him. If we wanted to get something or solve a problem, we needed to do it with our intellect and our strength. He never wanted to toss money our way because he wanted us to grow up to be responsible adults. Not brats who get money shoved their way whenever they want."

"You don't think he'll let that slide just this once?" Sabrina asked with a sad expression creasing her face.

"I doubt it," said Yuri. "If my dad was capable of that, he would have bought Nick a mansion by now and be living topside."

"Yuri's right," Nick said glumly. "Mr. Montgomery said if I wanted to live topside with you guys, I had to earn it. Well, I was too lazy to do so. All these years we've been friends, I was comfortable just reaping the benefits of being by James Vincent Montgomery's side. But ever since I got that letter from Jeannie, my whole outlook on everything changed. Life isn't just about me. It's about the people I care about. The people I love. My little sister wants to see me again and damn it, I want to grant her that wish. And I will fight until my cards are worn out until I get to hug her again."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Carter said, placing a hand on Nick's shoulder. "If Nick's going to win that tournament next weekend and earn his spot in the Millennium Tournament, he's going to need some practice with his battle royale."

"Sounds like a plan," said Yuri. "Nick, let's go find you some opponents."

Nick laughed. "Yeah, but don't go finding me some scrubs or anything. I want a real challenge to prove I've got what it takes to win that tournament and earn my spot."

Yuri and Nick fist-bumped. "You got it, Nick. Let's go."

"All right," Patty said. "We'll meet you guys in front of Mr. Montgomery's yacht at the docks tonight. I better see all of us there, boys." She blew them all a kiss and headed off into the city.

And so they split, venturing forth into the beautiful city in search of new challenges.

Chapter 5: The Great Birthday Battle Royale: Pt I

Chapter Text

Crystal - Diamond District, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

The morning sunlight streamed through the large windows of the bathing room, casting a warm golden glow that enveloped the space. The gentle hum of water filled the air as Crystal reclined in the bathtub, surrounded by tranquility. Steam rose from the surface, creating a misty veil that added to the peaceful ambiance. As she submerged herself in the water's warm embrace, Crystal felt her cares and worries melt away. It was a moment of respite, a sanctuary where she could reflect and find solace amidst the chaos of her journey.

Her fingers absentmindedly traced the rim of the bathtub as her thoughts began to drift, guided by the rhythmic lapping of the water against her skin. She contemplated the events that had led her to this point—the encounters with the enigmatic Rare Hunters and Yuri's astonishing victory over Brett and his henchmen over the past month.

Crystal closed her eyes, allowing the memories to flood her mind like a vivid tapestry. The battles fought, the friendships forged, and the sacrifices made. She recalled the intensity of Duels, the clash of cards and strategies, and the exhilaration that surged through her veins with each victorious play. But amidst the thrill of the game, there was always a profound sense of purpose—a yearning to protect and uphold the values she held dear.

As she scrubbed her arms gently, a sense of gratitude washed over her. Yuri had shown incredible resilience and courage. His victories were not merely triumphs in the realm of Duel Monsters but reflections of his indomitable spirit. His strength had inspired her, pushing her to new heights and igniting a fire within her own soul.

The warmth of the water seeped into Crystal's bones, easing away the tension that had settled there. As Crystal lay in the tub, her mind at ease and body enveloped in warmth, a chilling memory stirred within her. The recollection of her haunting dreams, where the platinum knight whispered unsettling prophecies, weighed heavy on her thoughts.

She closed her eyes, trying to summon the details of those disquieting visions. In the realm of her dreams, the platinum knight had emerged as an enigmatic figure, draped in shimmering armor that reflected an otherworldly glow.

Her fingers, wrinkled from the bathwater, instinctively sought solace in biting her lip. The memories of those dreams resurfaced with vivid clarity, causing a shiver to run down her spine. The platinum knight's foreboding message echoed in her mind, whispering of Yuri's imminent departure.

But what did it mean? Crystal pondered the implications, her mind swirling with a myriad of possibilities. Was it a warning? A reflection of her own fears and insecurities? Or was there a deeper truth hidden within the cryptic messages of her dreams?

The warm embrace of the bathwater seemed to lose its comforting touch as a veil of unease settled upon her. Her heart fluttered with trepidation, questioning the solidity of her relationship with Yuri. The bond they shared had always felt unbreakable, a beacon of light in the midst of darkness. But the platinum knight's words had sown the seeds of doubt, whispering the possibility of separation.

Drawing strength from within, Crystal took a deep breath and recalled the dream.

Crystal walked down pathway with black and white tiled floor. Dark wooden pews going on forever on either side of the path. A chorus was singing from nowhere (The Perfect Rule-Duelists of the Roses). Their voices echoing in the vastness of the chapel-like abyss she was trapped in. She looked at the stain glass windows and saw dinosaur Duel Monsters displayed on them following her throughout her trek of the chapel. They all looked familiar and it wasn't until Crystal saw Black Dragon Jungle King that she realized the monsters on the windows were from Yuri's deck. Lightning flashed and thunder bellowed so powerfully the chapel shook. The iron chandeliers swung to and fro above her. Crystal sobbed and cowered on the floor.

Where am I?

The choir continued singing. Their song was never-ending.

As she walked farther and farther into the chapel, which seemed to go on forever, she saw a throne alight with candles. Someone was sitting on it. He was wearing a set of steel armor plate and a golden crown rested atop his brow. He sat casually on his throne sharpening a sword. She ran for the figure, calling out to him, but he didn't answer.

When the lightning flashed she could make out his facial features.

It was Yuri.

She dashed for him, relieved to see a friendly face, but he held out his hand ordering her to stop. She looked up and saw three massive stained glass windows depicting three beasts she had never seen before. The one on the right was a red two-mouthed dragon in a sky of dark blue. There were silhouettes of people begging for his mercy below him.

The one in the middle was a blue behemoth smashing the world with his two fists. People were on their knees praying for the beast to cease his carnage. And the beast to the left was a golden winged beast radiating a divine light that burned the land around him. People were running about in flames.

Crystal wanted to speak, but not a word came out of her mouth.

Yuri got up. A door letting out a bright light opened up behind him encasing him in a blinding glow until only his silhouette could be seen.

"Now it ends," he said. "Goodbye, Crystal."

He turned to leave.

Crystal begged him to come back. But he kept walking into the light and vanished. The door closed shut behind him. Crystal dashed for the door and sobbed smashing the door with her fist until she broke her hand. She clawed at the door until her fingernails scratched its surface and they cracked leaving her fingers bleeding.

She heard the clink and clank of mail behind her. She turned, weepy eyes beholding the platinum knight that haunted her dreams.

"Your friend will no longer be with you," the knight said.

Crystal shook her head no.

The knight raised his massive sword over his head.

Crystal gasped.

The knight struck her with a killing blow.

"What did he mean?" she whispered. "Where is Yuri going?"

She got out of the tub and dried herself before going to her room to dress. As she put on her heels, Annabelle walked in with a sad look on her face. "Morning, Sweet pea," Crystal said. "Sleep well?"

"I didn't sleep at all," Annabelle said, she held her teddy bear tightly against her chest as she sat down on the bed next to Crystal. "Today is the last day of the battle royal. Which means...which means that after the finals...I have to go home. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here."

"That wasn't the deal, Annabelle," Crystal said, fasting the strap of her heels against her ankle. "Your parents and I agreed you could stay in Aquarius for a few weeks until Yuri's birthday so long as you did good in school and behaved. You've done all of that perfectly. But it's time for you to go home."

Annabelle sighed reluctantly and buried her face in the back of her bear's head. "This isn't fair! I love Aquarius. I love Yuri and his friends. I love all the action. I wish I could stay here forever."

"Well, you can't. Your parents are going to miss you. It wouldn't be fair for them, don't you think?"

"I don't care. They're always too busy for me anyway. We don't get to spend time together as often as I'd like. You, Yuri, and the gang get to make memories that last a lifetime together here every day. But back home, my good memories with my parents are so far apart that they feel like dreams more than anything. That time we spent together at the beach in Majorca was so long ago that I question whether it even happens sometimes. I made more memories with you guys here than I have my whole life with Mom and Dad. It's a special feeling to make memories, Crystal. And I don't want to lose it."

Crystal sat down on the edge of the bed, her eyes filled with empathy as she listened to Annabelle's heartfelt words. She reached out a hand and gently placed it on Annabelle's shoulder, offering comfort and understanding.

"I know it's hard, Annabelle," Crystal said softly. "Making memories and having those special moments with loved ones is truly precious. And it's natural to want more of those moments, to hold on to them tightly. But remember, your parents love you dearly, even if they might not always show it in the way you wish."

Annabelle sniffled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "But it's different here, Crystal. Aquarius feels like home to me. Yuri and his friends have become like my second family. We've laughed together, fought battles together, and shared incredible adventures. It's hard to leave that behind."

Crystal nodded, understanding the deep bond that had formed between Annabelle and their group of friends. "I understand, Annabelle. Aquarius means a lot to us and will always be a part of us. But sometimes, we have to face our reality and make tough but necessary choices. Life is about balance. We cherish the memories we've made and find strength to create new ones. Going back home doesn't mean forgetting the time we've spent here. It means carrying those memories with you and using them for inspiration and joy."

Annabelle looked up at Crystal, her eyes filled with sadness and understanding.

Crystal gently patted her head. "Change can be hard, and it's normal to have mixed feelings. But remember, even though you may be leaving Aquarius, the friends and connections you've made will always be with you. You can still stay in touch with Yuri, me, and the others. And who knows, there may be new adventures waiting for you back home, new memories to create with your parents."

Annabelle wiped away a tear, a glimmer of hope shining in her ocean-blue eyes. "Do you really think so?"

Crystal nodded. "Absolutely. Now, you keep your chin up." Annabelle nodded, and Crystal opened her arms. "Come here and give me a hug."

As they embraced, the warm golden glow of the morning sun filtered through the window, casting a comforting light on their shared moment.

Nick - Phobos Island

Nick boldly walked the streets of Phobos Island with a smile and a feeling of triumph in his chest that almost made him skip down the sidewalk. "Man, I have the best friends in the world," he said. "How did I get so lucky?"

As he strolled deeper into the city, the sounds of Duels taking place grew louder, shaking the ground around him with explosions and the epic clashing of sword-wielding monsters vying for domination. He passed by two kids in the middle of a match. One boy in a red baseball cap leered as he stood with a Megazowler by his side, his little friends behind him cheering as he started down the other young Duelist across the street. He was also a young lad, but wearing a blue baseball cap with the logo of his school's peewee softball league emblazoned on it. Stand proudly over his shoulder was a Celtic Guardian, sword at the ready as he eagerly awaited the next move of the match.

The air smelled of hot food from the vendors rushing to Phobos Island to sell their wares to hungry Duelists. Nick licked his lips as he approached a hot dog cart. The thought of a foot-long with ketchup, mustard, and relish was just too alluring to pass up. So he rushed to the cart and purchased his snack. "Mmmm!" Nick groaned with delight after biting into the hot dog. He chewed and took another bite, smearing his face with the condiments covering the sweet meat.

"Delicious," he said.

"Nick? Is that you?" Logan said, sitting on a bench hidden in a brick niche with a tree over it to provide shade.

Nick looked around until he saw him. "Oh, hey, Logan. What's up, buddy?"

"Nothing much. Just kicking some butt in the tournament."

"Oh, so you're in, too?"

"Yeah. I figured this would be my chance to get a shot at the birthday boy in the spotlight. How many pieces of the invitation did you get?"

"I just got one," said Nick. "I just started Dueling. How about you?"

"Well..." Logan said. He reached into his pocket and showed Nick four pieces. The cards were clear with a prismatic finish and outlined in black and gold with a scrollwork design that got more and more elaborate as more cards were stacked together. "They seem to form a map," he said. "And I can briefly make out the beginning of the invitation right here.Congratulations!You have proven your skills and overcome countless challenges to reach this momentous stage. We cordially invite you...and that's where it ends. I guess I gotta find more before I can complete this map and get the full initiation to the finals."

"A map, huh? So I guess Mr. Montgomery is keeping this yacht of his hidden in a secret location that nobody else can go to?"

"Most likely he's doing it for security reasons. You know, to keep the Duel Gangs out and stuff."

"I guess so," Nick said. "So there's ten of these cards we gotta collect before we can meet at the finals. I guess I better get moving."

"What's the rush?" Randall Lawson said, surrounding Nick and Logan with his group. He took a step forward and removed his sunglasses as his new group eyed Nick and Logan with annoying leers.

Nick face-palmed and groaned in agitation. "Dude? You again? Man, you're like a bad itch on my ass that won't go away!"

"Nick did you think you could simply brush me aside after the qualifier? Did you honestly believe I would allow it to end like that? No, far too long have you and those wretched Knights of the Ruby Dragon tormented me. Far too long! You and Yuri have taken everything from me, but now, an opportunity presents itself for retribution. And what better way to exact my revenge than in the very event meant to celebrate his birthday, right before the eyes of all of Aquarius? Ah, and by eliminating you from the games, my path to defeating Yuri will be all the more satisfying."

As Randall activated his Duel Disk, his group stepped in and powered on theirs as well.

"Hold on a minute!" Logan said standing up. "You're going to take him on five-on-one? That isn't fair!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out his D-Pad.

"Yo, Logan, wait!" Nick said, halting Logan from putting on the D-Pad. "What about your arm?"

"It's getting better. Don't worry about me, bro."

"All right. Well, since you and me are working together, this is going to require a special deck." Nick opened his backpack and dug through the pile of deck boxes until he found the one that said Spellsword on the front in red marker.

After a few turns, had gone by, Randall and his gang suffered some hits to their Life Points, Randall especially. He kept activating effects that required him to pay Life Points to get him to bring out more monsters, draw more cards, or destroy whatever Nick and Logan had on the field. His foolish spending reduced his score to a mere 3500, but he didn't care, so long as he had his friends backing him up.

Soon, Randall and his group summoned two mighty dragons. Together, the group summoned The Five-Headed Dragon and its LINK counterpart, Five-Headed Link Dragon, who completely nuked both Niola and Logan's fields. Both dragons had 5000 ATK points, the strongest in the game so far. Since Randall was the one leading the charge, he commanded the two dragons to attack. The Five-Headed Dragon attacked Nick, who had 7000 LP, bringing him down to his last 2000, and then Logan, who was standing strong at 7500, was attacked by the Five-Headed Link Dragon, reducing his score to 1500. The numbers flashed red and an alarm beeped in their D-Pads. He ended his turn, banishing five cards from his Graveyard to keep Five-Headed Link Dragon on the field to torment Nick and Logan longer.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (18)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (19)

"You two should quit now! Our dragons are strong and cannot be defeated by practically every attribute in the game except Light. And our Link Dragon cannot be destroyed except by Light monsters either. Plus, he is unaffected by card effects. There's nothing you two can do! Nothing!"

"He's wrong, Logan!" said Nick. "Do you think you can bring back those Dark Magicians?"

"Yeah, what do you have in mind?"

Nick just held up his thumb. "Bring out as many of them as you can. Trust me," he said.

He had used Max "C" when Randall and his gang summoned the two dragons, which took a lot of summoning, allowing his hand to be of considerable size, with almost unlimited possibilities.

"All right, Nick. I sure hope you know what you're doing. All right, I activate Magician's Salvation! And with it, I set Eternal Soul from my deck to my field. Next, I Monster Reborn and bring back my Dark Magician from the Graveyard." He summoned his magician in defense mode, the magician came rising out of the ground from a magical rune and crouched in front of Logan with his arms crossed over his chest and his staff hovering in front of him defensively.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (20)

"I end my turn!" Logan said.

"And now, I draw! Logan, activate your trap!"

"All right! I flip over Eternal Soul and use it to Special Summon another Dark Magician from my hand!" In a flash of purple light, the second magician jumped down from out of nowhere and crouched next to the first one.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing, Nick."

"I sure do! First, I'm activating the spell, Knight's Title!" Nick held up his card. "This will transform your first Dark Magician into the Dark Magician Knight!"

A collective gasp escaped the lips of Randall's companions as they watched in awe. The mystical energy enveloped the Dark Magician, transmuting its very essence. In a mesmerizing display, the once-familiar sorcerer was reborn as a warrior adorned in resplendent purple armor, wielding a mighty enchanted sword.

Purple lighting zapped through the air as the newly transformed Dark Magician Knight stood poised, ready to unleash its newfound power upon the field.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (21)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (22)

"And now that Dark Magician Knight has been successfully summoned, his special ability activates, allowing me to target a card on your field and destroy it! So say goodbye to your Five-Headed Dragon, Randall!"

Dark Magician Knight's sword pulsed with blue magical energy, a brilliant aura enveloping its blade. The surge of power caused the sword to glow intensely, its radiance growing brighter with each passing moment. As the magical energy surged, the once-normal sword began to grow in size, extending to towering heights comparable to a skyscraper.

Nick's voice rang out with fiery passion, commanding the Dark Magician Knight to action. With a resounding clash, the colossal sword descended upon the formidable Five-Headed Dragon. The ground trembled beneath the force of the strike, and a blinding flash of light engulfed the field.

The Duelists watched in awe as the Dark Magician Knight's attack connected with unparalleled strength. The overwhelming power of the blow shattered the defenses of the Five-Headed Dragon, reducing it to a shower of fragments. The remnants scattered across the field.

"My dragon!" Randall shouted in horror. But he quickly regained his composure. "No matter! We still have one more Five-Headed Dragon left, the Link version, who cannot be destroyed by card effects. On our next turn, we're going to destroy that magician and kick you out of the tournament!"

"I'm not done yet, Randall!" Nick said confidently. "Logan's still got one more Dark Magician left."

"So what? It's a Dark monster. And Dark monsters cannot do battle with my Five-Headed Link Dragon. Ha! Even if he could do battle, he would still be destroyed. His ATK is 2500 and my dragon's is 5000. You stand no chance no matter what you do."

"That's where you're wrong!" Nick exclaimed as he held up a card. "I activate Instant Fusion! Now, by paying 1000 of my Life Points, I get to summon a Level 5 or lower Fusion monster from my Extra Deck. And I call on an old buddy of mine. Go, Flame Swordsman!"

He summoned an 1800 ATK warrior with a giant sword that looked like flaming orange glass.

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"I used to kick butt with this guy a long time ago," said Nick. "And now I'm ready to do it again as I combined my finest warriors with Logan's magicians!All right, now I activate Polymerization, fusing together my Flame Swordsman with Logan's Dark Magician and creating the mighty Dark Flare Knight!"

From beneath the Dark Magician and Flame Swordsman, two swirling cyclones of blazing flames erupted. As the fiery tempests intertwined, they merged into a singular entity, giving birth to a pyromancer clad in striking black and red armor. A long, flowing lavender cape billowed behind him, resembling wisps of smoke dancing in the air. In his hand, he wielded a gleaming orange sword, ready to deliver scorching justice, while a shield adorned with colors matching his armor provided a stalwart defense.

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Randall's laughter echoed through the air as he reared his head back, a confident smirk adorning his face. "You actually think that feeble knight can stand against the power of the Dark Magician used to summon it? How naive! You won't be able to lay a scratch on my mighty dragon with such a weakling!"

Undeterred by Randall's taunts, Nick squared his shoulders, a determined glint in his eyes. "Don't underestimate the strength of the Dark Flare Knight. It may appear smaller, but it holds the spirit of both the Flame Swordsman and the Dark Magician within it. Prepare to be proven wrong!"

Dark Flare Knight and Five-Headed Link Dragon engaged in a fierce and dizzying battle, their clash of powers captivating the onlookers. The valiant knight fought bravely, his sword slashing through the air with fiery determination. Each strike was met with an equal display of might from the formidable dragon, its multiple heads unleashing devastating elemental attacks.

The battle raged on, with Dark Flare Knight pushing himself to the limit, channeling the combined strength of the Flame Swordsman and the Dark Magician. His lavender cape billowed behind him as he evaded the dragon's onslaught, displaying remarkable agility and resilience. Spectators marveled at the dazzling display of skill and strategy, their excitement mounting with every intense moment.

However, despite the knight's gallant efforts, the overwhelming power of the Five-Headed Link Dragon proved too formidable to overcome. With a final surge of draconic fury, the dragon unleashed a devastating blow, shattering the knight's defenses. The clash ended with Dark Flare Knight succumbing to the dragon's relentless assault, disappearing in a burst of flames.

A hush fell over the crowd as they witnessed the knight's defeat.

"I told you your knight was no match for..." Randall's taunting words trailed off abruptly as his eyes widened in disbelief. A gasp escaped his lips as he witnessed a stunning transformation taking place before him. In place of the fallen Dark Flare Knight, a new figure emerged—an awe-inspiring knight adorned in resplendent white and gold armor, wielding a colossal scythe with an aura of untamed power.

"What... What is this? Another knight? It doesn't matter; I'll crush it just like the last one!"

"That's right," said Logan. "When Dark Flare Knight is destroyed in battle, he allows Nick to Special Summon the mighty, Mirage Knight!"

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"But your Dark Flare Knight has less ATK points than my dragon!" shouted Randall. "Your Life Points should have been reduced to zero from the attack."

"Nope. Dark Flare Knight doesn't let me take any damage from battles involving him," said Nick. "And now, since our more powerful Mirage Knight is a Light attribute, he will allow us to take on Five-Headed Link Dragon." He held up his hand to stop Randall from boasting about the ATK points again. "And before you yap about how powerful your dragon is, you should know Mirage Knight comes with a very special ability. When he attacks, he gains ATK points equal to the original ATK points of the monster he does battle with. Since your dragon has 5000 ATK points and our Mirage Knight has 2800, his ATK rises to 7800!"

"WHAT!? NOOOOO!" Randall smacked both his hands on his cheeks in disbelief.

"Mirage Knight!" Logan and Nick said in unison. "Attack and destroy Five-Headed Link Dragon!"

The Mirage Knight heeded their command with a nod. With a swift and powerful motion, the knight launched itself toward the colossal dragon, his scythe gleaming with an ethereal light. Randall could only scream as his final shot at revenge shattered into a thousand pieces before his very eyes.

Yuri - Phobos Island, Diamond District

Yuri was in the middle of a Duel with two girls who came out from behind a tree as he walked through a forest of white trees with ruby-red leaves. They were twins with chestnut-colored hair that went down to their backs. They both wore black knitted crop tops, pleated skirts, velvet arm warmers, and black boots with leg-length socks. To tell them apart, their color schemes were different. The girl on the right had a black skirt and red socks. Her sister, however, wore a red skirt and black socks. They were named Autumn and Trinity, twin sisters who made a living modeling clothes and mixing and matching different ensembles for their viewers on social media.

They had Yuri trapped after playing spell and trap cards that limited Yuri's ability to summon from his Extra Deck, preventing him from using his powerful Transcendosaurus monsters.

"We got you right where we want you!" Autumn said drawing. She and her sister controlled the Duel using beautiful monsters and their ace was a gorgeous monster, properly titled as Allure Queen, and over time they evolved her to LV 7, who would take control of Yuri's best monsters with her beauty, and if Yuri tried to destroy her, he wound up destroying his own monsters instead, for they would be used as Equip-Spells to keep her safe as she struck at his Life Points.

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It's all down to this. Yuri, do you have faith that your deck will lead you to victory?Ser Norman said as he hovered behind Yuri, for he sensed his doubt.

"I...I..." He felt his cards slipping away. "Oh no, my deck is doubting me, too!"

Concentrate. Put all your faith in your deck. There are more than just the youths standing behind you who want you to succeed, Yuri. Do you believe your deck will lead you to victory? Have you placed all your trust in it?

"Yugi..." Yuri whispered. He drew. Card of Sanctity! He drew until he had six cards in his hand, and they were all just what he needed to clear the field of their spells and traps that prevented him from using the Extra Deck. Once those were taken care of, he swarmed the field with his Transcendosaurus monsters, who quickly wiped out what remained of the twins' Life Points.

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The holographic monsters dissipated into thin air, leaving behind a serene atmosphere. A gentle breeze rustled through the majestic ruby trees, offering a refreshing respite to the participants. Trinity and Autumn exchanged warm smiles with Yuri, expressing their gratitude for the exhilarating Duel and extending heartfelt birthday wishes. With an air of mischief, they simultaneously planted affectionate kisses on his cheeks, causing a vivid blush to spread across his face, mirroring the vibrant hues of the surrounding foliage. Laughter erupted among the group as Yuri stood there, momentarily frozen, caught off guard by the unexpected display of affection.

Breaking the spell, Trinity and Autumn presented their pieces of the invitation, placing them delicately into Yuri's hands. With a subtle nod of farewell, they intertwined their fingers, embarking on a silent journey into the ethereal depths of the forest. Like ethereal spirits dissipating into a mysterious mist, they vanished from sight, leaving behind a lingering sense of enchantment.

As the echo of their departure faded, Yuri and his companions scattered in different directions, driven by their shared quest to encounter new adversaries and collect more pieces of the coveted invitation. Each step carried them deeper into the heart of the tournament, fueling their determination and igniting the spark of anticipation that danced within their souls.

Declan Akaba - Leo Corp HQ, Domino City/Termnnia

Declan detested dinner parties more than anything. The pretentious laughter and sneers of the ultra-rich, their flashy attire, and unpleasant personalities made him feel nauseous. However, as the CEO, he had to be there and endure their company for the next few hours, depending on how long his mother wished to entertain the guests. She was standing by the window, overlooking the vast cityscape below, surrounded by noblewomen: baronesses, countesses, and the like, along with a few bankers, actresses, and wives of business tycoons from all over the massive megacity that was Eredas. Claude approached him with a glass of wine in hand.

"Status?" Declan asked.

"So far, the Lancers have kept the Duel Gangs at bay from that battle royale. Yuri and his friends are safe. You should be at ease, sir. Their numbers are dropping, and the Rare Hunters are finally defeated."

"That may be so, but that still leaves whoever gave them the means to travel to the Standard Dimension," Declan said, staring at his glass and now getting warm in his grip. "I need to find them, Claude. Does anyone know anything about this?"

"Not a one. We've checked the archives of every company that aided in the building of the Interdimensional Portal, receipts, messages, and manifests. You name it, and we've searched it. Nothing, not even a bolt to screw in the parts together was stolen or manufactured. This means that whoever sent the Rare Hunters into Aquarius has technology that rivals ours — which is impossible — or they wield powerful sorcery."

"I don't wish to consider the latter just yet," said Declan. "Continue looking into the possibility of another portal being built. If sorcery is at hand here, this is beyond my skill to help. We're going to need help from the Alliance Princes if this is the case. And until we find out what this source of interdimensional travel is, I cannot rest and assume all is well with Yuri."

"I understand, sir. We'll double our efforts and continue our search for any leads of interdimensional portals. If someone is even researching it, we'll inform you about it."

"See to it. Contact Axel and tell him to stay vigilant. The Rare Hunters may be gone, but the possibility of other enemies entering the Standard Dimension is high. We don't know who or what could get sent there."

Claude bowed and left the party to return to the control room. How Declan wished he could join him. Henrietta approached him with that ever-permanent grin she constantly wore.

"Talking Dueling in the middle of the party, Declan? That doesn't look well to our guests."

"I could care less about them, Mother. So long as Yuri's in danger, I will not rest."

"I see," she said. "Well, when you lighten your mood a bit, meet me by the fountain. Some board members from Kaiba Corp are down there." She walked away and left him alone by the stairs to join the guests and speak about their business endeavors.

Declan heard the elevator dining behind him and quickly turned to see Yami and Ser Gerhalos walking out. "Yugi!" Declan called out. He approached them, dodging and weaving through guests. "Master Yugi, so good of you to come. Ser Gerhalos, you're here, too."

"Mr. Declan," Ser Gerhalos replied.

"What news do you bring?" Declan asked. "Have you found this weapon I heard so much about?"

Yami and Ser Gerhalos looked at each other with grim looks. "We did," Yami answered.

"And..." Declan said in anticipation.

"The weapon was Lady Avi," Ser Gerhalos responded.

Declan's eyes widened, and he stepped back from the shock. "Avi? She's alive?"

"Yes. But...we could not get her to come with us. She was entombed in some sort of biomechanical sarcophagus. I don't know how long they kept her in there or how she got there, but the shock of waking up from the slumber she was in drove her to madness when she saw us. We tried chasing her down but...we were ambushed by Robotic Knights. Hundreds of them. However, before they could launch their attack, Avi summoned a dragon and burnt them all in seconds."

"What power!" Declan gasped. "And Avi? What happened to her?"

"We don't know," said Yami. "After the dragon attacked, Avi ran off into the wild. We never saw her again."

"Damn it!" Declan said, rushing back to the stairs. "This further complicates things. Naralians are everywhere. They're bound to find her again."

"Should we send the princes after her?" Ser Gerhalos asked.

"We cannot burden them any more than we have already," Declan answered with a sigh. "They have too much on their shoulders as it is. I'll form a team of Lancers to go into the wild and find her."

"Will that be enough?" Yami asked. "You're going to need someone who can fight. Lancers are capable Duelists, but I fear they won't be enough to apprehend Avi if they find her."

"If you know anyone who can help in this matter, please tell me," said Declan. "We need to assemble this team as quickly as possible. Yugi...we cannot lose her again. Those True Dragons might be the key we need to turn the tide in this war back in our favor until Yuri comes back."

"I'll send you a list of the best fighters I know," said Yami. "And I have one in mind already."

"Oh no..." said Declan. "Not him."

Chapter 6: The Great Birthday Battle Royale: Pt II

Chapter Text

Yuri - Amazonia District, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

Yuri and his friends regrouped after earning a significant amount of pieces of the invitation needed to enter the finals. Yuri, Patty, and Tyson had five pieces. Carter and the others trailed behind with four or three. Wanting to Duel in a different setting, they entered the enchanting realm of Aquarius's Amazonia District, another sector that was part of the battle royale. It was a captivating fusion of urbanity and untamed wilderness. As you step into this verdant paradise nestled within the bustling city, a symphony of sights and sounds unfolds before your eyes.

The district's architectural marvels, adorned with lush greenery, stand in harmony with nature's grandeur. Vines cascade down the sides of buildings, their emerald tendrils reaching towards the ground in a graceful dance. The structures, seemingly embraced by the foliage, blend seamlessly into the landscape, creating a tapestry of man-made wonders interwoven with the raw beauty of the rainforest.

The air was alive with the intoxicating scents of tropical blossoms and rich food from South American countries that have regions covered by the rainforest. The fragrant blooms, vibrant and diverse, paint a riot of colors against the backdrop of towering trees. Each inhalation filled the citizen's lungs with the essence of exotic orchids, jasmine, and hibiscus, mingling with the earthy aroma of moss and damp soil.

As Yuri and his friends wandered along the district's winding pathways, the rhythmic melody of cascading waterfalls and babbling brooks guided their footsteps. Meandering rivers, their crystal-clear waters reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the dense canopy above, carve intricate patterns through the landscape. Ferry cruises gracefully glide along the waterways, offering a serene and picturesque journey through this urban oasis.

Above, the emerald canopy stretches as far as the eye can see, its branches entwined like an intricate web, providing a respite from the glare of the sun. Sunlight dances through the leaves, casting a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of shadows upon the forest floor. The canopy echoes with the calls of vibrant birds, their plumage radiant in hues of iridescent blues, fiery oranges, and vibrant greens.

To immerse visitors in the full splendor of the rainforest, the district orchestrates an ambient soundscape. The gentle rustling of leaves, the distant calls of exotic creatures, and the faint hum of insects collectively mimic the symphony of the jungle, transporting you to a realm untouched by the urban clamor beyond.

As they paused to indulge in the refreshing delights of fruit-flavored sherberts from a cheerful Brazilian vendor, a resounding explosion shattered the tranquility of the moment, echoing across the river. The cacophony of onlookers clapping and cheering filled the air, signaling the presence of an intense Duel taking place in the vicinity. Eager to witness the spectacle, the companions swiftly settled their payment and dashed towards a nearby balcony that overlooked the commotion.

"Look, it's Nick!" Sabrina exclaimed.

Yuri joined her, squinting to get a clearer view. True to Sabrina's words, the Duelist immersed in the thrilling match was none other than Nick himself. Close by, Logan and Penelope were watching the match from behind their friend. With enthusiasm, Yuri and the others collectively pointed and called out to Nick, who sheepishly acknowledged their presence from his vantage point. Opposing him was a formidable adversary, commanding the field a powerful monster called Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax.

The knight towered over the Duelist with an imposing presence. Its cybernetic visage gleamed with a glass-like sword, a symbol of its devastating power. Adorned in resplendent white armor adorned with luminescent blue cybernetic patterns, the majestic warrior emanated an aura of sheer brilliance. A billowing blue cape trailed behind, casting ephemeral shadows that danced and swayed, lending an air of mystique to the Duelist who had summoned this formidable entity. It was a young girl, her flowing blue braids cascading down her shoulders, clad in her school uniform, a striking contrast to the extraordinary circ*mstances in which she found herself.

A smoking crater lay before Nick, hinting at the loss of one of his monsters to the relentless might of the warrior.

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"So far your Noble Knights haven't been all that impressive," the girl boasted.

Nick remained calm and drew to start his turn. "Who says I'm trying to impress you? Your Mekk-Knight is feeble compared to the Noble Knight I'm about to summon! Watch this!" He summoned a bunch of warriors and unleashed an array of combos that ultimately led to the summoning of Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights.

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After banishing Excaliburn from his Graveyard, he performed what was called an Xyz Evolution, in which Nick could summon another form of his King of Noble Knights using it as the sole material for the Xyz Summon of his second form. As the luminous energy swirled and coalesced, a second form of the noble monarch materialized before the enthralled spectators. This evolved incarnation stood resolute, clad in shining armor adorned with regal emblems, emanating an aura of heightened grandeur.

"Behold Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus!" Nick called out. He laid down a card that flashed with a beautiful animated prismatic royal finish.

Per his effect, the Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus equipped himself with 3 Noble Arms cards: Cariburn, Gallatin, and Destiny. The king's ATK increased to 3700 and he could not be destroyed in battle or by card effects. Then another Noble Arms equipped itself to him, as all Noble Arms did when they got sent to the Graveyard. Noble Arms - Clarent, which allowed him to attack directly.

"Hey, why didn't he just attack Avramax and be done with it?" Tyson wondered aloud.

"Because Avramax has a very nasty ability," Patty replied. "When he battles a Special Summoned monster, he gains ATK points equal to that monster's ATK points."

"So that means Avramax will have a total of 6700 ATK points if he battles Nick's Noble Knight," said Yuri.

Patty nodded then ate a spoonful of her sherbert. "Right. He may not get destroyed in battle, but Nick will surely lose a hell of a lot of Life Points."

The girl (LP 4300) drew to commence her turn, then attacked Artorigus with Avramax, triggering his ability to increase his ATK to 6700.

With a burst of energy, the battle commenced, as Avramax swiftly parried the thunderous strikes of Artorigus, his cybernetic shield gleaming as it intercepted the powerful blows. The air crackled with the clash of their weapons, creating a symphony of metallic echoes. Artorigus, resolute in his assault, skillfully blocked and retaliated with a flurry of strikes, his twin swords slashing through the air with an elegance and precision befitting a legendary king.

As their clash intensified, the ground beneath them trembled with each earth-shattering blow. Craters formed where their weapons collided, leaving scars in the digital terrain as if the very fabric of reality quivered in awe. The surrounding holographic environment mimicked the destructive chaos, causing virtual glass to fracture and shatter in nearby buildings, casting shards of luminescence into the air. Yuri and the others braced themselves, crying out in shock as the ground shook around them.

Avramax's movements were swift and calculated, his armor glowing with a vibrant blue radiance as he deftly maneuvered through Artorigus's onslaught. The knight's cybernetic enhancements granted him unmatched agility and reflexes, enabling him to gracefully evade and parry the king's relentless attacks. In turn, Artorigus showcased his extraordinary strength and skill, his dual swords a whirlwind of fury and grace.

The clash between Avramax and Artorigus was a mesmerizing display of power, technique, and resilience. Each strike reverberated through the virtual city, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

As the epic confrontation continued, the world around them seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the grandeur and sheer magnitude of their clash. The clash of titans continued, the streets trembling, and trees rustling from the energy of their fight. Artorigus would not go down, for he was equipped with Noble Arms - Destiny, preventing him from being destroyed once per turn. Nick stood as still as a statue, his jacket fluttering from the gusts created by the warriors' blades on the field.

"Damn it!" the girl cursed. But she quickly grinned as Nick's Life Points got lower. Even though Avramax didn't destroy his Sacred King, Nick still lost 3000 Life Points, reducing his score to 4200.

"Wow! That was tense!" Yuri said, looking up from over his arm, Patty was clutching his other arm in horror, her legs quaking and her face buried in the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"Holy sh*t, I need new underwear," she jested, trying to lighten the mood.

Tyson let out a loud "Wooooo!" and clapped his hands. "Man, I gotta hand it to Nick. He knows how to make his monsters put on quite the show."

"Man, is this the same Nick we knew a few months ago?" Carter wondered from the stupefaction of the battle's intensity. "He doesn't usually make us hang by the edge of our seats like this."

"Kind of makes you wonder if he was holding back on us this whole time, huh?" Leonidas commented as he came to watch the match with his sister.

"Whoa! Leo, you're in the battle royale too?" Tyson said as he locked hands with him and bumped shoulders.

"Of course. How else would I get a chance to Duel Yuri with my Red Dragon Archfiend in such style?" He and Tyson let go of each other's hands. "So, you're friend Nick looks like he's in quite the fix."

"He might have a chance if he plays his cards right," said Kate. "One slip up from either of those two will cost them dearly."

The girl with blue hair ended her turn and Nick drew and his king lost 500 ATK because of Noble Arms - Gallatin's effect. Then he paid 500 Life Points and attacked the girl's Life Points directly. Artorigus sprung forward and slashed her with his dual swords. She blocked it with her arms and the force of his strikes sent her sliding a few feet back on the bottom of her shoes. She growled as her Life Points plummeted even lower until she was at 1150.

It was the girl's turn and again, she attacked with Avramax.

In a swift motion, Avramax lunged forward, his slender blue sword gleaming with an otherworldly light. With precision and swiftness, he aimed to breach Artorigus's defenses once more, his cybernetic patterns shimmering as if synchronized with his every movement.

Artorigus, undeterred by the relentless assault, met Avramax head-on. The clash of their weapons reverberated through the virtual city, a symphony of clashes that echoed into eternity. Avramax's strikes were calculated and precise, aiming for the chinks in Artorigus's formidable armor. Yet, the noble king proved to be a stalwart defender, parrying and countering with the greatest of ease.

Each attack and counterattack was executed flawlessly. The impact of Avramax's strikes sent shockwaves through the surroundings, causing the ground to crack and tremble beneath their feet. The virtual glass of nearby buildings shattered, cascading like ethereal raindrops as their fierce confrontation continued.

The girl, entranced by the intensity of the battle, urged Avramax to press on, to break through Artorigus's defenses. They understood the importance of this pivotal moment, knowing that the outcome could sway the tides of their virtual duel.

Avramax redoubled his efforts. His attacks became more relentless, his movements fluid and unforgiving. Every strike aimed to test Artorigus's limits, to expose the smallest of openings in his defenses.

The clash between Avramax and Artorigus reached an end and Artorigus pushed Avramax back. Nick's Life Points went down to 1200. She set a card face down, hoping it would stop Artorigus from striking her Life Points. But Nick used Harpie's Feather Duster, destroying her face-down card and leaving her at the mercy of Artorigus. He lunged forward and struck her Life Points directly, ending the match. The girl just smiled, shook Nick's hand, and gave him her pieces before setting off into the city.

Yuri and the others crossed a bridge to get to the other side of the river and congratulate him.

"Nice work, Nick!" Yuri said. He patted Nick on the back. "How many pieces did you get?"

"I have eight so far."

"EIGHT!!!" The others cried out at the same time.

"Nick, you almost got all ten pieces already?" Natalya cried out. "Wow! You've been busy."

"Yeeeeah," Nick said brashly. "Well, when you're a prestigious member of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, you're going to attract a lot of attention."

"That or the fact they always claim you're the weakest in the group," said Penelope.

"I can imagine they all regretted that," said Leonidas. "Logan. Are you in as well?"

"Yeah, but I've only got six pieces. Penelope here, unfortunately, lost all her pieces."

"Awww, you did?" Patty asked.

Penelope nodded. "I lost my pieces to Andre a few hours ago. Ha. I guess we're even now."

Nick punched his palm in anger. "Wait till I get my hands on him!" he growled. "You should have told me when he was around. Man, I hope I can be the guy to knock him out of the battle royale!"

"Come on, Nick, be nice," Penelope said. "It's just part of the game."

"Yeah, but I wanted you to join us in the finals. Arrrgh! Now I gotta take him out before gets the last pieces he needs to get there."

"Why don't we go look for him?" Yuri asked. "A majority of the Duelists in the battle royale are here."

Nick crossed his arms with a scoff. "And when we find him, leave him to me."

"Well, I wouldn't get picky about who your opponent is going to be," said Patty. She took her phone out of her pocket to check the time. "The first day of the tournament ends at five. So you've only got forty minutes left to play."

"Well, looks like we need to split up again," Tyson said.

"I'm heading out with Yuri," Nick proclaimed. "I think he and I can kick some butt together."

"Oh, this I got to see," said Patty. "You coming, Penelope?"

"Yes, of course," she replied.

"Well, Tyson and I are going this way," said Carter. "My girlfriend is over by the Celestial Heights District with Raven and Asuka. I need to meet up with her and take her to dinner after the Royal."

"Hey, dinner doesn't sound so bad," Patty said, playfully bumping her hip against Yuri's leg. "All this Dueling's making me hungry. Where you taking me tonight, champ?"

Yuri just chuckled nervously. "We'll figure that out as the day goes along, baby. For now, I just want to get the last few pieces of the invitation."

And so they split off, once again, in different directions, saying goodbye, for they would be on their way home once the hours of the battle royal had ended. Nick, Yuri, Penelope, and Patty remained in the Amazonia District, while Tyson and Carter chose to go to the Celestial Heights District and meet with Raven. Logan, meanwhile, would continue to Duel for more pieces by the Red Dragon Garden District with Sabrina and Natalya by his side. And then Leo and his sister headed off to find their last opponents as well. The sun was beginning to set behind the ocean and night began to blanket the city. Street lamps and illuminated decor started flickering on to light the darkness of the twilight.

Not long after they split, Yuri and Nick encountered two Duelists eager to face them and claim their pieces. Since time was running short, they decided to make it a tag team match. One of the boys put up three pieces and his partner put up two. That meant that Yuri would gain eight pieces if he won and Nick would get all ten pieces needed to complete the invitation and cement his spot in the finals.

"We'll make a name for ourselves taking out you two!" said one of the boys, a young fellow wearing a leather jacket and a black bandana on his head.

"Patty McKnight is here!" said his partner, licking his hand and sliding it down his hair. "Won't she be impressed when she sees me take down her boyfriend!"

"Enough with the small talk!" shouted Nick. "Let's get this match underway!"

And off they went, battling by the river with all their might, playing their best cards and countering each other's moves. The opposing Duelists seemed to be working well together and they both summoned Monarchs of great power to wipe out Yuri and Nick's spell cards and their monsters with powerful special abilities. Thestalos the Mega Monarch and Zaborg the Mega Monarch now stood before Yuri and Nick after completely decimating their offenses and reducing their Life Points to their last 2000.

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"We got this, Yuri!" Nick coached his friend with a confident smile. "I've seen you beat these guys before and I know you can do it again."

"How? They just took out our best monsters?"

"Trust me, Yuri! I'm gonna need your help to get this done. Remember, Meteorus doesn't like to stay in the Graveyard forever."

"That's right!" said Yuri. "I send Megazowler back to my deck and then I bring back Transcendosaurus Meteorus!"

The ground trembled and cracked in front of Yuri and from the ruin of the streets, a wall of fire shot out and formed into the giant flaming dinosaur. The creature roared at the Mega Monarchs, angered that their co*cky masters had the audacity to destroy him. And then, it was Nick's turn. He carefully summoned the monsters he needed to perform a Synchro Summon, calling forth a blazing knight in red and gold armor, riding on a flaming steed. The new warrior Nick conjured was known as Gaia Blaze, the Force of Blazing Sun!

Then, Nick activated Polymerization, fusing together his Gaia Blaze with Yuri's Trancendrake Meteorus to form a monster that represented the fiery bond they shared as brothers. After a giant tornado fo flames blazed about the field, it dispersed and revealed a brand new monster. Gaia Prominence, the Kindling Seraph. Gaia had absorbed Meteorus's power, causing him and his flaming steed to grow bigger. The knight's armor became larger and more ornamental, turning white, red, and gold, and the fiery steed on which he rode was adorned in matching armor. The twin sabers he wielded in both hands crackled with flames from Meteorus, and decorative flames hung from various parts of the steed, acting almost like streamers.

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Nick attacked Zaborg and destroyed it, then Nicka used the knight's special ability to resurrect a Fire monster from the Graveyard, and he chose Yuri's, Transcendosaurus Meteorus, who returned to the field with a vengeance. He attacked with Transcendosaurus and destroyed Thestalos. Now it was Yuri and Nick's turn to dominate and a few turns later, they beat their opponents and earned the pieces they needed. Nick finally had all ten pieces, and Yuri needed two more to earn his.

Overwhelmed by the exhilarating triumph, Patty couldn't contain her excitement. She embraced Yuri tightly, her lips finding his in a passionate kiss. "You were beyond amazing, my love," she exclaimed. Glancing at Nick, she couldn't resist a playful jab, accompanied by a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, and nice job too, I suppose, Nick."

Nick's eyebrows raised, detecting the underlying sarcasm in Patty's tone. "Very funny, Patty," he retorted, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Man, cut me some slack, babe. I could conquer this entire tournament, and I doubt I'd ever manage to impress you."

A mischievous glint sparked in Patty's eyes as she responded, her playful tone laced with a hint of mischief. "Impress? Oh, Nick, darling," she teased. "Let's be real here. I'm dating Yuri, and you're fighting a losing battle trying to win my heart."

Nick chuckled, his competitive spirit undeterred. "Well, Patty, if I can't impress you, at least I'll make sure to impress the entire dueling world. Just you wait and see."

"Wow, Nick, that was an incredible move! You really showed your skill there," Patty said, though she hated giving him any praise and boosting his already bloated ego.

Nick, unaware of Penelope's genuine attempt to gain his favor, simply shrugged it off, his attention still fixated on Patty.Penelope's smile faltered momentarily, but she quickly regained her composure. She understood Nick's infatuation with Patty, even if he failed to notice her own admiration. She decided to support him from the sidelines, silently hoping that one day he would see her appreciation too.

Patty noticed Nick's obliviousness to Penelope's attempt and shook her head with a subtle sigh. Glancing at her phone to check the time, she remarked, "Well, there's still forty minutes left before the first day of the battle royal comes to a close. Should we try to find you guys some other opponents to face?"

Nick shrugged confidently. "Not me. I've already secured all my pieces. Yuri, on the other hand, you've got seven pieces. All you need to do is find a Duelist with at least three and defeat them to earn your spot."

Yuri nodded. "You're right, Nick. Let's see who else wants to get their butt kicked."

As the group prepared to venture into the bustling city once again, Penelope discreetly watched from the sidelines, silently wishing for Yuri's triumph. Deep down, she yearned for Nick's attention to shift, to see the admiration she held for him. But for now, she focused on supporting her friends, hoping that their shared journey would bring them all closer together.

Tyson and Carter - Celestial Heights District

After a seemingly endless elevator ride that took them high above the city, Tyson and Carter finally reached their destination—the Celestial Heights District. The town, perched on the upper floors of four majestic skyscrapers, spread out before them in all its splendor.

As they stepped out of the elevator, the air became crisper, infused with a sense of exclusivity and prestige. The streets were lined with impeccably designed buildings, their glass facades reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. Vibrant flowers adorned meticulously manicured gardens, their sweet fragrance wafting through the air. The bustling atmosphere was filled with the energy of the elite, who strolled confidently along the pristine streets, dressed in fashionable attire that accentuated their status. Tyson and Carter found themselves immersed in a world of sophistication, where luxury and refinement seemed to be the norm.

They marveled at the grandeur of the district, taking in the breathtaking panoramic views that stretched out before them. From this vantage point, they could see the sprawling city below, its bustling streets and towering buildings forming a stark contrast to the serene elegance of Celestial Heights.

As they walked further into the district, they noticed the presence of high-end boutiques, gourmet restaurants, and exclusive clubs. The ambiance was alive with the sounds of laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the soft melodies of live music drifting from hidden corners. And as they approached the waterfall where Nikki told Carter to meet her, they happened upon a Duel. Sure enough, it was Andre. He had three knights in front of him with a playing card motif. Queen's Knight, Jack's Knight, and the King's Knight all stood in a row in front of him, ready to team up against his opponent's Tyran Dragon, who was weakened by Shadow Spell, a trap card that summoned chains, which not only prevented a monster from attacking, but reduced its ATK by 700 points.

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"So he's been here the whole time," said Tyson. "Wait till Nick hears about this."

"Hey! Carter! Hey! Up here!" Nikki's voice echoed as she gracefully descended the winding glass steps that spiraled around a cascading waterfall. Her ebony party dress, flowing effortlessly around her, added an air of elegance to her every move. Sparkling stilettos adorned her feet, making her presence even more striking.

As Carter turned to face her, a smile lit up his face. He watched in anticipation as Nikki approached, her radiance capturing the attention of everyone around them. The sound of her heels clicking against the glass steps added a rhythm to her confident stride.

From a glass balcony above, Asuka and Raven waved, their faces beaming with excitement. They signaled that they would join them shortly, eager to be a part of the excitement that awaited below.

Without hesitation, Nikki ran past Andre's Duel, her eyes locked on Carter. As she reached him, she embraced him in a warm hug, her infectious energy transferring to him. Their connection was evident as she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Where've you been? I've been waiting for you," Nikki whined playfully, her voice filled with mock impatience. Arching her back, she leaned against Carter. Glancing over her shoulder at the ongoing match, she noticed a familiar face. "Oh, isn't he one of Yuri's friends?"

Carter nodded. "Yeah, he was at the party, remember?"

A mischievous smile played on Nikki's lips as she recalled the previous encounter. "Ah, yes. The one Penelope destroyed with her Therion/Springan deck. Hopefully, he'll give a much stronger performance here with those poker card knights he just summoned."

She turned around and leaned against Carter as he placed his hands on her shoulders. He kissed her neck and they watched the match together. And just as Tyson was about to get comfortable, a young man who hosted a very popular podcast approached Tyson and gleefully challenged him to a Duel for his remaining pieces. Tyson checked the time and sure enough, there was just a little bit left for one more Duel.

"I'm a big fan of your father's restaurant!" said the host. "The Washington Family's cooking is bar-none the best there is on this island."

"Why thank you," said Tyson. "I'm a big fan of your show as well."

They talked as they headed for an open space to play, so as not to get in the way of Andre's Duel and 'steal his thunder' as Tyson said.

"I activate Royal Flush!" Andre called out over the sound of the waterfall beside him. "And with it, I tribute my three knights to Special Summon a monster from my Extra Deck that mentions King's, Queen's, and Jack's Knight! Fusion Summon! Arcana Knight Joker!"

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ATK/3800 DEF/2500

With a flourish of his hand, Andre channeled his skill and knowledge, summoning forth his ultimate trump card. The three legendary knights, King's Knight, Queen's Knight, and Jack's Knight, transformed into ethereal playing cards, swirling in a mesmerizing display of power.The once separate cards fused into a towering form, standing proud and resplendent in black and gold.

But just as the card emerged, a swift and precise slash shattered it into fragments, revealing the true form of the black and gold knight. With an imposing presence and a gleaming sword held firmly in hand, the knight stood tall, an embodiment of power and elegance.

The crowd gasped in awe, captivated by the spectacle before them. The Arcana Knight Joker swung his blade triumphantly through the air and posed to show off its 3800 ATK points.

"And now I activate Soul Charge!" Andre said holding up another Spell Card. "With it, I pay 3000 Life Points to summon King's Knight, Queen's Knight, and Jack's Knight back to the field!" The three knights rose out of the ground in a neat row, but then they formed into red orbs that got zapped into the LINK portal above Andre. He LINK Summoned another powerful warrior to stand on his side of the field. "And now, I summon the mighty Arcana Extra Joker!"

Zap! Zap! Zap! The red arrows on the LINK Portal flashed and revealed a towering knight in white and gold armor, carrying a massive sword. Red, yellow, and blue gemstones decorated various parts of his armor and formed a gleaming ring around his shield.

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"Hey now!" Asuka exclaimed. "Now that's pretty impressive."

"Impressive, my ass!" groaned Carter. "Now I know why everyone wants Soul Charge banned."

"Aww, what's the matter, big guy?" Asuka teased as she and Rave joined them by the battlefield. "Don't think your little fishies can match up against the Knights of Face."

"Yeah, you sound mighty perturbed," Raven joked.

"Pfft, as if. Nick's Noble Knights are scarier than those guys." Of course, he was only trying to be tough for her sake. Deep down he felt a little nervous seeing the two knights charge across the field and strike the opposing player's Life Points.

When the dust settled, the player got up and handed Andre his last three pieces of the invitation before heading to a nearby restaurant to grab a bite to eat. Andre then pocketed the pieces in his jacket and approached the couple.

"Fancy seeing you guys here," said Andre. Just then a loud buzzer erupted in his Duel Disk. Time was up. The first day of the birthday battle royale had come to a close. "Well, I guess that just about does it for the battle royal."

"You're lucky," said Carter. "Nick's got it out for you for taking Penelope's pieces away."

"Hmph, I'm not surprised," Andre said, walking to the side of the plaza where Tyson was having his Duel. "Everything I do he takes offense. Penelope is an opponent in this tournament. You gotta do what you gotta do."

"So how many pieces did you manage to get?" Raven asked.


"Well, you beat me," said Raven. "I managed to only get five."

Asuka just giggled. "Well, I can't say I blame all those Duelists turning down a Duel against you. It's an instant loss after all."

"Want to put that statement to the test?" Andre asked with a leer.

"You can't, tough guy," said Nikki. "The battle royal is over for the day."

Raven shrugged. "Besides, we wouldn't get much of a Duel anyway." He looked at his Duel Disk. "My battery's running low at 10%. Perhaps some other time I can trounce that ego of yours, Andre."

Meanwhile, the Duel intensified as Tyson Fusion Summoned his beasts. First, Chimera, the Illusion Magical Beast and a twin-headed bird with beautiful purple feathers called Garura, Wings of Resonant Life in defense mode.

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"Nice line-up you got there!" his opponent said as he drew. "Now let's see how I fair against you!"

After playing a few spells and pulling through Tyson's counters, he managed to summon the ace of his Dragomaid Deck. He summoned House Dragonmaid, a woman with a long black dragon's tail dressed as European maid from Victorian times. With 3000 ATK points, she was able to destroy Tyson's bird, triggering its effect and letting him draw a card.

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Tyson was quick to recover his forces. "I banish Chuemra the Phantom Beast King to special summon my buddy, Behemoth, King of All Wars from my Graveyard!"

BAM! The giant four-legged behemoth sprung from out of the concrete and metal and glass and landed on the ground behind Tyson with a furious stomp. It growled and snapped its jaws before rearing up its head and roaring at the sunset.

"Using Behemoth's effect," Tyson said. "I can add Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws back to my hand but Behemoth loses 700 ATK points. And now it's my turn! And I summon Gazelle, the King of Mythical Claws! And I use his effect to add Chimera Fusion to my hand. And I'll also activate the Chimera Fusion in my Graveyard, adding it to my hand. Now, I'll activate it! Fusing together Gazelle with Berfomet the Great Wings and creating the mighty, Chimera the Phantom Beast King!"

Tyson moved in to finish the Duel. First, he attacked with Chimera the Illusion Magical Beast. And with its ability, he reduced the Dragonmaid's ATK to 0. After Tyson unleashed a devastating attack with all his beasts and reduced his opponent's Life Points to 0.

As the dust settled from the intense Duel, Tyson couldn't help but let out a triumphant cheer, his adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He turned to his friends, a wide grin stretching across his face.

"Wooooo!" Tyson exclaimed. "Check it out! Seven pieces! I'm just a Duel away from the finals!"

Carter chuckled and gave Tyson a playful nudge. "Impressive move, buddy. You really showed them what you're made of."

Nikki joined in, her eyes shining with admiration. "Yeah, Tyson, you were on fire! I couldn't take my eyes off the Duel!"

Andre, always the cool and composed one, smirked and crossed his arms. "Not bad, Tyson."

Tyson just laughed at him. "Oh, I'll bet O' great and mighty sensei."

Nikki interjected, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, Tyson, I think you definitely heated things up in that Duel. I mean, your opponent didn't stand a chance!"

Carter laughed, joining the banter. "Yeah, Tyson, you sent those Dragonmaids packing. They never saw it coming!"

Tyson basked in the camaraderie, enjoying the friendly teasing and praise from his friends. He knew that their support and banter fueled his passion for the game, pushing him to become an even better Duelist. However, as they were having the time of their lives in the battle royal, the Lancers were in the shadows, stalking their prey.

Chapter 7: Wrath of the Xyz Duelists

Chapter Text

Axel - Crystal Harbor District

Even though the Crystal Harbor District was an area of Aquarius with great beauty, it was still marred around the waters by unused warehouses whose fates resided with the Phobos Corp's Cityscape Optimization Department could decide what to do with them. For now, they were used as underground arenas for dark Duels or hangouts for an infamous Duel Gang known as the Alleyway All-Stars.

The abandoned warehouse that Axel and his team were about to infiltrate became their den, a fortress where they planned their criminal activities, organized illegal Dueling tournaments, and devised strategies to outwit both law enforcement and rival gangs. It served as a hub for their illicit dealings, housing stolen cards, counterfeit goods, and other contraband. As the Alleyway All-Stars expanded their operations, they developed a distinct Dueling style that focused on exploiting the urban environment to their advantage. They employed unorthodox tactics, sabotaged opponents' decks, and manipulated the chaotic nature of Street Duels to ensure victory.

Their dominance over the Crystal Harbor District attracted attention from rival gangs, triggering turf wars and intense Duels that would determine control over lucrative dueling territories. The Alleyway All-Stars fought tooth and nail to protect their illicit empire, always on the lookout for opportunities to expand their influence and exploit the weaknesses of their rivals.

Axel, Hassleberry, Sukari, Shay, Plum, Rebecca, Zane, Bastion, Yuto, and Yuya were sitting in the back of a black van, all of them dressed in black gear and black Duel Disks. They had bulletproof vests protecting their torsos in case the gangs were armed, and in many cases they were. That is why their new Duel Disks came equipped with tranq guns and launchers that fired sleep gas in case they were drawn into a shootout, which they wanted to avoid at all costs so as not to be seen by RAPTOR, who seemed to always arrive in seconds at the first sign of trouble. From his control room, Declan watched the camera feeds from multiple angles along with a screen showing an aerial thermal view of the warehouse. Red dots depicting the gang's movements and energy readings detecting possible Fusion Dimension Technology were lighting up the map like holiday lights.

"If those guys are packing Fusion Dimension heat, we're going to have one hell of a fight," Hassleberry said. "Any action from those babies is going to attract RAPTOR soldiers for miles."

"So we gotta make sure we take out quickly," said Zane. "Yuto, what's the pool at now?"

"Really Zane?" Rebecca grumbled as she chewed her gum like a cow chewing on cud. "Can you give it a rest? I don't want you guys turning this into another game."

"Wasn't talking to you, Hawkins. Yuto when's the bidding close?"

Yuto sighed as he looked at the ceiling light. "When we get out of the van," he replied. The light reflected off his huge black goggles. "So...you gonna call it?"

Zane smiled. "Depends on the pool."

"One thousand. Plus a booster box."

Zane nodded. "Given the intel, it's a guy with a busted-up Duel Disk."

"Ha! I'm in!" said Hassleberry. "I've always wanted to take your money, Zane."

"Gentlemen, please, let's keep this professional," Bastion sighed as he was reading his notes on the Card Nexus.

Clover banged on the wall from the driver's seat. "Ready up!" she called. As the black van rolled to a stop a few blocks away from the Alleyway All-Stars' hideout, Axel and his team prepared themselves for the dangerous mission ahead. They double-checked their gear and ensured their Duel Disks were fully functional. "LEO this is Zero-1," Axel said on the radio. "Moving to the target building."

"Copy Zero-1," Claude responded. "Take these guys out swiftly and silently. They have plans on some revenge mission to get back at Yuri for what he did to Brett. Make sure that doesn't happen!"

"You got it."

Axel glanced at his teammates, his expression determined. "Remember, we need to be cautious and avoid any unnecessary confrontations. Our goal is to gather information and locate any traces of Fusion Dimension Technology without alerting RAPTOR. Dueling them and expelling them from this part of town is our priority. If they wanna get rough, take 'em out swiftly."

The team nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with determination. They understood the importance of maintaining a low profile while infiltrating the enemy's stronghold. Plum adjusted her black cap, concealing her vibrant hair, while Shay tightened the straps of his Duel Disk.

Declan and Claude, acting as their tactical support, observed the live camera feeds and thermal imagery from the control room. His gaze shifted from one screen to another, analyzing the movements of the gang members within the warehouse. However, sitting on a red loveseat was his mother, Henrietta, watching the mission with a glass of wine in hand. She had always wanted to see the Lancers in action.

As she watched them move, a feeling of disbelief filled her core. She was witnessing images of another dimension.

"We're ready to proceed," Declan's voice crackled through their communication earpieces. "Remember, I'll be your eyes and ears. Stay focused and stay together."

Rebecca took out a compact device. With a few taps on its touchscreen, she activated a small drone equipped with a stealth mode and a mini-camera. The drone silently soared above the warehouse, transmitting a live feed to the screens in Declan's control room.

With Declan providing real-time guidance, the Lancers maneuvered through the surrounding alleys and hidden passageways, using their knowledge of the city's underbelly to their advantage. They evaded the patrolling gang members, their steps quick and calculated, until they reached a side entrance to the warehouse.

Yuto took the lead, carefully disabling the security measures at the entrance. With a swift movement, he unlocked the door, allowing the team to slip inside unnoticed. Once inside, they spread out, each looking to take out the Duelists inside one by one.

As the Lancers ventured further into the depths of the Alleyway All-Stars' hideout, the sounds of clashing cards and impassioned voices grew louder. The once eerie silence of the harbor was now shattered by the chaotic symphony of Dueling.

The team cautiously approached the main chamber of the warehouse, where the heart of the battles raged. They peered through the partially open doors, their eyes widening at the scene unfolding before them.

Inside, a makeshift arena had been set up, surrounded by a throng of spectators, gang members, and rival street Duelists. The air sparked with energy as Duel Disks powered on and monsters were summoned onto the holographic battlefield. The neon lights reflected off the sweat-drenched faces of determined duelists, their eyes locked on their opponents, their every move calculated.

Axel's jaw clenched as he took in the scene. "Looks like we stumbled upon their turf war," he murmured to the team.

With their senses heightened, the Lancers carefully navigated through the maze of dueling combatants, their movements precise and deliberate. They skillfully weaved between duels, taking advantage of the distraction to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Rebecca, ever the observant strategist, discreetly captured images and recordings of the battles unfolding around them, documenting the Alleyway All-Stars' unique strategies and tactics.

"We've scanned the enemy players," said Declan. "They are not armed. Feel free to deal with them as you please."

"All right, let's take 'em out," said Zane. "Hawkins. You lead Sukari and Plum. Find the Duelist with the Fusion Dimension Duel Disk. Be careful."

"Right!" the girls said at once and hurried deeper into the warehouse to find the Duelist.

Yuto, Shay, and Yuya, who acted as the team's vanguards jumped into the fray and called out the Duelists, challenging them to a turf war of their own. Meanwhile, Zane, Axel, Hassleberry, and Bastion ambushed another group and started to Duel them.

Axel approached a Duelist wearing a bean and a sleeveless white coat. "Come on, tough guy, wanna dance?" Axel said.

Just as he was about to activate his Duel Disk, an explosion rocked the warehouse. One of the walls came crashing down and three All-Stars screamed as they were sent flying through the air and crashing against the walls. One of them...was the leader of the group. He grunted and groaned in pain as he lay on the ground. Suddenly, a figure walked out of the smoke with a Duel Disk in his hand. It was no ordinary Duel Disk. It was the Fusion Dimension Duel Disk they were looking for. He held it up in the air and then smashed it on the ground before stomping it like a bug under his boot. As the weapon sparked the figure walked out and revealed himself. He was a boy wearing a sleeveless red jacket with a white hood. He had a green-lensed eyepiece over his eye: a device from his world in the Xyz Dimension.

"Yuma Tsukumo?" Bastion gasped. "It can't be! He's here, too!"

"The Eyar from the Xyz Dimension," whispered Zane.

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"All right! Who's next!" Yuma boldly declared. "C'mon! You street gangs are supposed to be the meanest, scariest Duelists in this oversized dingy. So far, you've done nothing but disappoint me!"

The young man who was supposed to face Axel ran to face him. "You trashed our headquarters, punk! Now you're going to pay! I'll show you how tough we are!"

They battled and the player in the coat so far had Yuma in the ropes with his Masked Beast Des Gardius.

"Is that really all you've got!?" said the All-Star.

Yuma just laughed. "I can say the same about you, man. Even with the head start I gave you, you failed to impress. My turn! I draw! Hah! It's time for me to end this! I activate the continuous spell cards, Onomatopickup, and Xyz Change Tactics! First, Onomatopickup lets me add an Onomato card to my hand. And I'll activate it! Onomatopairia! This lets me add two monsters whose names are either Gagag, Gogogo, Zubaba, or Dododo to my hand. I choose Zubababancho Gagacoat and Dodododwarf Gogoglove! First I summon Dodododwarf, which lets me summon Zubababanncho Gagagagcoat, which lets me special summon Utopoc Onomatopoeia from my Graveyard!"

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Yuma jumped up high as he held up a card. "I open the Overlay Network! I Xyz Summon! Come forth ZS - Utopic Sage!" He summoned a golden warrior carrying a divinely crafted staff. He stayed afloat with two massive golden wings.

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ATK/2000 DEF/2500


The kid he was playing against obviously laughed it off, going on with the usual jargon about how low his Xyz Monster's attack was. Yuma heard the same number over and over again throughout his adventures in the Xyz Dimension. He ignored him, continuing with his turn to summon the real heavy hitters.

"I use both ZS - Utopic Sage's Xyz Materials to activate his effect and call on ZS - Acscended Sage!"

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Yuma held up the next card of his combo for all to see. He revived Dodododward Gogogoglove from the Graveyard with his effect and then opened the Overlay Network once again. The brilliant foil of his Xyz monster caught the light around it and shined like a star. "Rise on up, Number 39: Utopia!"

The angelic swordsman opened his biosynthetic wings and raised a curved sword with steel as bright as a moonbeam.

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Number 39: Utopia

ATK/2500 DEF/2000


"And I'm not through yet!" Yuma shouted.

"You're not done?" The boy was getting nervous.

"Nope. Thanks to my Xyz Change Tactics, when a Utopia monster is summoned, I can draw one card at the cost of 500 Life Points. Now, I'll evolve Utopia into Number C39: Utopia Ray!"

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The onlookers raised their fists, cheering as Utopia's body went from gold and white to black and gray and his body became bulkier. A couple of satellites orbited over his back.

"I pay 500 Life Points to add another card with Xyz Change Tactics!" Yuma said. "Now, I'll continue to evolve my Utopia with this! Hyper-Rank-Up Magic Hope Force. This will convert Utopia Ray into Number 99: Utopia Dragner!"

Yuma's newest monster took form and shined so bright the night seemed to turn into day. So many Xyz Materials orbited around him.

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Number 99: Utopia Dragner

ATK/3000 DEF/3000


"Xyz Change Tactics activates! I pay 500 and draw a card! Now, I remove two Xyz Materials from Dragner to Xyz Summon Leo Utopia Ray!"

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Leo Utopia Ray

ATK/2500 DEF/2000


His new monster was a red-armored giant with a gold-spiked halo behind it. He seemed so menacing hovering beside Utopia Dragner.

"Now I can add Hyper-Rank-Up Magic Hope Force to Leo Utopia Ray as an Xyz Material! And I'll remove it to equip him with ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber!"

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A mechanical pegasus monster galloped onto the field. Then it took off and turned into two giant twin blades for Leo Utopia Ray to use.

"This card will increase Leo Utopia Ray's attack points by one thousand! Also, since it's now equipped with a ZW monster, I can choose an effect monster you control. Its effects are negated and its attack points are cut in half!"

The boy felt his arms turn to lead and his heart seemed to drop to his gut. "Hey wait! My monster! No!"

"Yeah, and now that I've got Xyz Monsters out, I can special summon this! Astraltopia!"

He summoned a ghostly version of Number 39: Utopia. It was a specter, colored blue and haloed in fire.

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"One more time, Utopia!" shouted Yuma. "I'll Overlay Utopic Astral Hope and Utopic Onomatopoeia to Xyz Summon Utopia Double! Then, I'll Overlay again and transform him into Number F0: Utopic Future. And finally, I'll transform him to become Number F0: Utopic Draco Future!"

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And with that last monster, who was 3000 ATK points strong, that was it. The now weakened Masked Beast Des Gardias was helpless against the might of Leo Utopia Ray, who slashed him in half with his two pegasus twin sabers. The boy was wide open for a Utopic onslaught. He braced himself as the giant astral swordsman flew towards him and assaulted him in a blitzkrieg of bright swords. He flew out of the smoke cloud and landed on his back. His Life Points fell to 0 and the Lancers cheered.

"Yeah!" Yuma cheered and jumped up high, holding up his hand as though he were high-fiving the stars in the sky.

"By the Goddesses!" Sukari gasped. "He's incredible!"

Just as Axel was about to greet Yuma, an Alleyway All-Star jumped over the pile of rubble with his Duel Disk in hand and challenged him to a match.

"This is gonna be quick!" Axel said. In no time at all he summoned his two powerful aces, Volcanic Doomfire and Volcanic Emperor, who were more than a match against the boy's two Mega Monarchs. Those monsters seemed very popular with the Street Gangs lately along with the likes of Accesscode Talker and Baron de Fluer and the Swordsoul Archetype. Those monsters usually spelled instant doom for any player who lacked the skills to face them, but Axel and his well-trained Lancers had the right cards to deal with them. And more importantly, they had faith: the faith in their decks that was hammered into them by the wisdom of Master Yugi.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (53)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (54)

Axel slammed his cards on his Duel Disks and summoned the beasts. The ground beneath them trembled as the molten rock of the volcanic monsters glowed with intense heat and their fiery manes flickered with destructive energy. As the Duelists faced the wrath of these formidable creatures, the air around them grew thick with the scorching heat emanating from the volcanic duo. Lava dripped from their bodies, leaving a trail of molten destruction in their wake.

With a roar that shook the battlefield, Volcanic Emperor unleashed a torrent of blazing fireballs, engulfing the opposing players and their monsters in a blazing inferno. The flames licked at the surroundings, leaving nothing but smoldering remnants of what once stood. Meanwhile, Volcanic Doomfire rose high into the air, its arms of red scorching rock spreading wide, as it released a devastating blast of searing flames. The sheer force and intensity of the attack sent shockwaves through the area, obliterating anything in its path and leaving behind a scorched landscape.

Axel's opponents trembled in fear as they witnessed the overwhelming power of the volcanic monsters. The very ground seemed to crumble beneath their feet as the destructive force of the attack consumed them.

"Come forth, Water Dragon Cluster!" Bastion shouted, summoning his twin-headed dragon made of a violent stream of water, each head hissed and their glowing eyes sent shivers down the spines of their opponents.

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A wave of water formed behind Bastion as the massive dragon materialized, its dual forms towering above the battlefield. With a resounding roar that echoed throughout the area, the Water Dragon Cluster launched its assault. The first head lunged forward with incredible speed, its jaws wide open as it unleashed a powerful torrent of water. The surging wave crashed towards the first Duelist, engulfing them in a deluge of watery destruction. The sheer force of the attack sent them flying backward.

Meanwhile, the second head coiled back, gathering energy within its formidable jaws. It unleashed a concentrated beam of water infused with swirling currents of power. The powerful jet of water cut through the air like a sharp blade, aimed at the second Duelist. Upon impact, the force of the attack reduced his Life Points to zero. He splashed around in a pool of Solid Vision water, gasping for breath. As the devastating assault continued, the Water Dragon Cluster's dual forms exhibited a mesmerizing dance of destruction. Their movements were graceful yet deadly, reminiscent of the untamed fury of a wild river. The dragon's power surged through the battlefield, leaving a path of watery devastation in its wake.

In another part of the warehouse, Zane was surrounded by four players who were foolish enough to think they could take him on. After blocking their attacks and using cards that sent almost half his deck to the Graveyard, Zane's strategy reached its climax as he called forth the mighty Chimeratech Overdragon onto the field.

The Chimeratech Overdragon stood tall, its metallic body gleaming under the warehouse lights. Its imposing presence sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it. With multiple heads that twisted and turned, each one equipped with devastating weaponry, it was a force to be reckoned with. As Zane unleashed the true power of his deck, the energy surged through the Chimeratech Overdragon, fueling its immense strength. The mechanized dragon's eyes glowed with an eerie light, scanning the battlefield and locking onto every opponent and their monsters.

With a thunderous roar, the Chimeratech Overdragon unleashed a barrage of attacks that reverberated through the arena. Its massive claws, jaws, and appendages struck with precision and fury, obliterating everything in their path.

The combined might of its numerous heads and overwhelming attack power of 57,600 ATK points left the opposing Duelists trembling in fear. One by one, their Life Points plummeted as the Chimeratech Overdragon's relentless assault engulfed them.

The arena was bathed in chaos as the mechanized dragon swept through the opposing forces, leaving destruction and debris in its wake. The sheer magnitude of its power overwhelmed even the most resilient defenses, leaving no room for escape. As the dust settled and the echoes of its devastating attacks subsided, the Duelists stood in awe of Zane's mastery over his formidable creation. The Chimeratech Overdragon's wrath had been unleashed, and none could deny its overwhelming might.

Upstairs, in the darkened rafters of the dueling arena, Shay Obsidian unleashed the full might of his Raidraptor monsters. Their menacing forms soared through the air with deadly precision, tearing apart his opponents' defenses and leaving their once-mighty All-Star cards in ruins. Shay's skill and strategy were unmatched, each move calculated to decimate his adversaries and secure his path to victory.

Meanwhile, in a secluded office tucked away from the clamor of the warehouse, Sukari showcased her own formidable prowess. The room was filled with an aura of elegance as Sukari's Lunalight monsters gracefully twirled and danced, their razor-sharp blades slashing through the opposition with lethal finesse. One by one, her foes fell in humiliating defeat, their once-confident expressions twisted with disbelief.

Outside of the warehouse, chaos reigned as Yuya summoned forth a dragon of unimaginable power. The gang members who had foolishly stood against him felt their courage crumble in the face of this unprecedented spectacle. Yuya's Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon materialized with a resounding roar, its imposing figure casting a daunting shadow across the battlefield. Those who still possessed a shred of reason in their hearts turned and fled, desperately seeking safety from the impending storm.

After what seemed like hours, the Lancers emerged from the warehouse, their mission accomplished. The defeated gangs scattered into the streets, their spirits dampened and their ranks broken. The night air was filled with a mix of relief and tension as the Lancers regrouped, their adrenaline still pumping from the intense confrontation.

Axel wiped the sweat from his brow and let out a long breath. "That was quite a showdown. These guys won't be causing any trouble for a while."

Hassleberry nodded, adjusting his gear. "Yeah, they underestimated the power of the Lancers. They won't be forgetting this defeat anytime soon."

Sukari leaned against a nearby wall, catching her breath. "We sent them a clear message. And I don't think they'll be back."

"Don't celebrate just yet, you guys," said Axel. "We've still got a lot more work to do. We will not rest until the streets of Yuri's home are safe and free from these criminal scum." He turned to look at Yuma who walked out of the rubble to join them. "You? How did you get here?"

"I just arrived," Yuma replied. "When Declan Akaba came to me and asked if I wanted to aid Prince Yuri for a few days, I couldn't say no. Besides, you guys need all the help you can get after most of the Duelists in your group got pulled back for the war."

"We are glad for your help," Shay said. "Still up for a Duel Gang hunt?"

Yumu formed a dastardly grin and slid his finger across his nose. "Heh, bring 'em to me. Let's clean these streets, fellas."

Chapter 8: The Final Contestants

Chapter Text

Crystal and Patty - Diamond District, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

"Hey, don't feel bad," Crystal said, speaking to Annabelle on the phone. "You and Sam tried your best, that's all that matters. Don't worry. Mr. Montgomery will let you watch the finals. Yes, he will. I'll speak to him, don't worry, sweet pea. Okay. Okay. Yeah, no worries. I'll meet you there and we can watch it together. All right, remember, keep your chin up. Bye."

She hung up and sighed sadly. "Well, Annabelle and Sam are out of the tournament."

"You serious? Aww. What happened?"

"Yuri's pal, Andre. That's what happened. Annabelle and Sam took him on two-on-one, and he beat them both. Uh...they only had a piece each. Turns out the competition was really fierce for them."

"Well, duh. All these hotshots running around the streets looking for a chance to beat Yuri in his own birthday tournament?"

Crystal nodded, her expression reflecting disappointment and concern. "Yeah, it's been crazy. The competition has been intense, and everyone wants to prove themselves against Yuri. But I didn't expect Andre to be so formidable. He's really skilled."

Patty leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Well, that's what happens when you mess with Yuri and his crew. They attract the best of the best. But hey, Annabelle and Sam gave it their all, right?"

Crystal smiled faintly, appreciating Patty's perspective. "Absolutely. They fought with everything they had. I'm proud of them for stepping up and taking on the challenge. It's just tough seeing them disappointed."

Patty shrugged. "Competition can be brutal. But it's not the end of the world. They'll bounce back. Besides, there's still the finals to look forward to. Plenty of excitement left."

Crystal's eyes brightened. "You're right. The finals will be amazing. And I promised Annabelle that I'll speak to Mr. Montgomery to let her watch the matches. I think it'll cheer her up."

Patty grinned mischievously. "Well, if anyone can convince Mr. Montgomery, it's you. You have a way with words, Crystal."

Crystal chuckled. "I'll give it my best shot. And who knows, maybe we'll witness some incredible duels in the finals."

Max barked happily in Patty's arms as they began to walk into the city to find Yuri and the others. But as they did, a little boy ran up to them, crying and sobbing. "Help! Help!" he cried. "Help! They took my favorite dragon!"

Patty's eyes widened with concern as she knelt down to the young boy's level. Max squirmed in her arms, sensing the distress in the child's voice. "Hey, hey, calm down," she said soothingly, gently patting his shoulder. "Take a deep breath and tell us what happened. We're here to help."

"I was Dueling in the park with my friends when these guys in red jackets showed up and challenged me to a Duel. They beat me and took my rare Serpent Night Dragon card!"

Patty's brows furrowed in sympathy as she listened to the boy's distressing story. She knew the value of rare cards in the Duel Monsters world and understood how devastating it could be to lose one. "I'm really sorry to hear that," she said softly. "Losing a valuable card like Serpent Night Dragon must feel awful. But don't worry, we'll do everything we can to help you get it back."

Crystal stepped forward, a determined glint in her eyes. "Do you remember anything specific about the guys who took your card? Any distinct features or anything they said?"

The boy sniffled and wiped away a stray tear. "They were wearing red jackets and had a patch on their sleeves with a dragon emblem. They laughed and said the card was theirs now because they won the Duel."

Patty nodded, taking in the information. "Okay, we'll track them down and get your card back. Can you show us where they went?"

The boy nodded eagerly, grateful for their help. Patty gently placed Max on the ground, and he trotted alongside them as they followed the boy's lead. "They went that way," he said pointing to the forest of palms and crystal clear ponds.

As Patty and Crystal confidently promised the boy that they would retrieve his stolen card, they ventured into the park. Unbeknownst to them, the boy had ulterior motives. He sneered with satisfaction and quickly dashed across the street, disappearing into an alley where the leader of the Dragon Slayers awaited.

The leader, leaning against the wall with an air of authority, observed the boy's arrival. "Did you do it?" he inquired.

The boy nodded, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, I played my part perfectly. I told them a sob story, and they bought it completely!"

Impressed by the boy's deception, the leader nodded in approval and handed him an envelope filled with rare cards. "Good work," he commended. "These cards are your reward for leading them right to us. Now, let's see how this unfolds."

Patty and Crystal walked deeper into the park, their eyes scanning the surroundings in search of any sign of the thieves. The serene atmosphere of the park seemed to contrast with their mission, adding a sense of urgency to their steps. They navigated through clusters of palm trees, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

Max, ever vigilant, sniffed the air and trotted ahead, leading the way with his nose close to the ground. The boy who had sought their help had provided a general direction, pointing them towards the forested area where the thieves had disappeared.

As they ventured deeper into the park, Crystal's grip on her Duel Disk tightened. Perseverance etched on her face, she was ready to confront the culprits and retrieve the stolen card. Patty, equally determined, scanned the surroundings, her eyes darting from one patch of shadows to another, searching for any signs of movement or red jackets.

The park was vast, with numerous paths and hidden corners. Patty and Crystal pressed on. Their senses were heightened, attuned to the slightest sound or movement that might indicate the presence of the thieves.

They came across a small clearing with a bench, its surface adorned with Duel Monsters cards scattered haphazardly. It seemed like the remnants of a previous Duel. Their eyes met, and they knew they were on the right track.

They continued their pursuit, their footsteps growing quicker as they followed the faint sounds of laughter and voices. As they turned a corner, they finally caught sight of the thieves. A group of individuals dressed in red jackets, each adorned with a dragon emblem on their sleeves.

Patty and Crystal exchanged a determined look before advancing, ready to confront the thieves and reclaim the stolen card. Max stood by their side, barking with astounding loyalty. The Duelists, five of them, walked out of the darkness and surrounded the two girls, Duel Disks at the ready.

"Who are you guys?" Crystal asked.

The leader of the group stepped forward, a smirk on his face as he held up the stolen Serpent Night Dragon card, tauntingly waving it in the air. "We're the Dragon Slayers," he said with a hint of arrogance. "And we've been hired to take the both of you out. When you lose, we expect you two to hand over your two rarest cards. The Chaos Emperor Dragon and the mighty Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair."

Patty stepped beside Crystal, her expression firm. "You took a young boy's valuable card, and that's not something we're going to let slide."

The Dragon Slayers laughed mockingly. "He was working for us. Now, this is your last warning. Hand over your best cards now, and maybe we'll let you leave with some pride left."

Crystal tightened her grip on her Duel Disk. "We don't back down from bullies like you. If you want a Duel, you'll get one. But when we win, you give that boy's card back."

The leader's eyes narrowed, intrigued by their defiance. "Fine then. But don't say we didn't warn you. Get ready to face the fury of the Dragon Slayers!"

The tension in the air was palpable as they prepared to Duel. Crystal and Patty stood back to back, ready to support each other in the upcoming battle. Max, sensing the intensity, stood by their side, his barks echoing through the park, almost as if cheering them on.

Crystal and Patty went back to back as their Duel Disks powered on. "You set?" Crystal said.

"Yeah, I'm all set. Dragon Slayers my ass! Wait till they find out I've got no dragons in this deck."

"Oh? You're not using Diabolos or your Bystials?"

"Nope. These guys aren't worthy of that deck. I've got something else in store for them.

The first two opponents stepped up and took their places in front of their opponents.

"The Queen of Dragons is all mine!"

"Ha! That's fine! Yuri's mistress will make a fine target for me."

"DUEL!" they all shouted.

Crystal was already quick to finish her foe. "Using Fallen of Albaz's effect, I will fuse him together with your monster and create the mighty Ala-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon!" Albaz fused together with her opponent's monster and they formed into a giant blazing dragon with red and black armor that came flying out of the fusion vortex in a cape of fire.

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ATK/2500 DEF/2500

"And now I'll use the effect of Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous to Special Summon her from my hand to the field!"

She held it up over her head before slapping it down on her Duel Disk, conjuring a mysterious girl with ghostly-white hair and wearing a black gown wielding a staff that doubled as a giant longsword. Her opponent started growing nervous. His anti-dragon strategy was useless with this hybrid deck of spellcasters and dragons.

A Branded/Bystial hybrid deck. He was such a fool to believe Crystal would be running that old dragon deck she used to run before the arrival of the new summoning mechanics. She adapted to the new rules of the game more than he anticipated.

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"And now, I use her effect, fusing get together with Bystial Druiswyrm so that I can create Granguignol the Dusk Dragon!"

Cartesia raised her staff into the air and spun it around, fusing Bystial Druiswyrm with her great and terrible power. The dragon grew to a colossal size. Its body was black metal fused together with is jet-black scales. It had strange appendages that were shaped into claws with webbing made of glass. And behind it, were two beautiful wings that were patterned like a mosaic window. The dragon smashed his powerful arms on the ground, causing the forest to crumble and the ground to crack as fire burst from the openings it created. Cartesia snickered as her gown became more extravagant, almost like a party dress with red metalwork along the edges of the dress. The Dragon Slayers watching the match were taken aback by the creature. Some started to doubt themselves while the braver (Or foolish) ones cracked their knuckles in anticipation, hoping to bag those dragons from Crystal.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (58)

ATK/2500 DEF/2500

"Using Granguignol's effect, I send a Level 6 Dark monster to my graveyard! And then, I activate Branded Fusion! Now I combine Fallen of Albaz and Bystial Lubellion from my deck and create Albion the Branded Dragon!" And she then summoned a red dragon made of flames from her Extra Deck, the fire crackling from its body lit the darkness of their Dueling field.

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ATK/2500 DEF/2000

"Now I'll use his effect to Fusion Summon Masquerade the Blazing Dragon by banishing the two materials from the Graveyard!" Another pillar of flames burst from the cracked ground and formed into a dragon with the motif of a court jester.

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ATK/2500 DEF/2000

She attacked the so-called Dragon Slayer directly and wiped out his Life Points on her first turn, ending his hunt for good. "Round one to us, babe!" Patty said, slapping Crystal's butt in congratulations. Crystal giggled as she looked over her shoulder to see what Patty was cooking up on her side of the battlefield.

She destroyed her opponent's DNA Surgery card, which turned all her monsters into a different type of monsters, in this case, Dragon-Type so her opponent could use all kinds of spells and abilities to cripple Patty's strategies. Now that she was free, she was able to utilize the full power of her Unchained Deck.

"I special summon Unchained Soul Shyama!" Patty shouted over the chaos, summoning a maned, four-legged beast with broken chains attacked to golden shackles on its legs. "And now, using Escape from the Unchained in my Graveyard, I Special Summon Unchained Soul of Disaster!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (61)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (62)

She summoned another ghostly blue beast that looked like it was made of blue flames. It had golden chains attached to shackles and a giant collar, which it wore proudly around its blazing neck. She used its special ability to Tribute itself and her opponent's Dragon Seeker to LINK Summon Unchained Soul of Rage. As soon as Patty announced its name, a loud, deafening roar, more powerful than thunder, rocked the park. From the cracks on the ground created from Crystal's Duel, blue flames burst out and manifested themselves into another four-legged beast with a mane like a lion and the body of a wolf — its neck and legs also adorned in golden chains with shackles. She used it along with her Unchained Soul King Yama to create Unchained Soul of Anguish, a fearsome beast with a body made of red ghostly flames.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (63)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (64)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (65)

"Wooo! Go, Patty!" Crystal cheered. She saw her next opponent step forward. "Want some?" she asked.

Meanwhile, Patty executed the last move of the Duel, using Unchained Soul of Anguish to LINK with another monster on the field and LINK Summon her most powerful Unchained monster. Unchained Abomination, with a devastating ATK power of 3000. She sent both her Unchained Abomination and her Unchained Soul of Rage to attack and defeat her opponent. He cowered in fear as the giant four-legged beasts charged across the field, creating a trail of blue flames with each step they took.

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"Teach you to mess with us!" Patty said, taking her Unchained Deck out of her Duel Disk and replacing it with her Darklord Deck. "All right. Who's next?"

Yuri - Celestial Heights District

Yuri and his friends couldn't help but burst into laughter as they stepped back from the pier. It was a showdown between Carter and an enthusiastic student from Delphina Academy, both vying for the last piece needed to secure a spot in the finals. Standing by the boy's side was his girlfriend, a lively redhead adorned with ribbons in her hair. She playfully planted a big kiss on her boyfriend's cheek and took a step back, urging him to win the match. The finals were filling up quickly, and securing this victory was crucial. Yuri, Nick, Patty, and Tyson had already collected their ten pieces, leaving only four spots up for grabs. Carter's success in this Duel would secure the final piece and grant him entry into the finals alongside his friends.

Sabrina, Natalya, and Penelope huddled by Tyson, Yuri, and Nick on a small hill overlooking the pier where the Duel was going to take place. Meanwhile, Nikki, dressed in a Marie Rose (Dead or Alive franchise) schoolgirl cosplay, cheered from behind Carter with uncontainable excitement. She hopped up and down, the heels of her long belted boots resonating on the pavement. Clasping her hands together, she wished Carter the best of luck, pouring all her hopes and wishes into their journey towards the finals.

"Draw!" said Carter. "I play the Field Spell, A Legendary Ocean! Now, all my Water monsters' ATK will be increased by 200 points and their Levels are reduced by one. Then, I shall set two cards face-down and summon Electric Jellyfish!" The water in front of him bubbled and something below the surface illuminated the darkness below. Up from the depths emerged the giant purple jellyfish with sparks of electricity flashing from its tentacles.

ATK 1400 (1600)

The Delphina Academy student drew and began his turn, hoping that his Lightsworn Deck would serve him well and eliminate one of the famous Knights of the Ruby Dragon from the tournament. He was a very masterful player, summoning and resurrecting his monsters until he hand what he needed to Synchro Summon his ace, Michael the Arch-Lightswornd, an armored angel with golden wings riding atop a Duel Monster called Judgement Dragon. At 3000 ATK he was a formidable boss monster.

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He raised his sword and let out a mighty call as if telling Carter to prepare himself for divine judgment. He used Michael's ability to destroy Electric Jellyfish, leaving Carter wide open for a direct attack.

"Oh nooooo!" Nikki cried, covering her eyes.

"He's not attacking me, baby!" Carter reassured Nikki, his charming smile putting her worries at ease. With a suave gesture, he slid his fingers across the brim of his fedora hat and activated a trap card. "Behold! Ice Barrier!" he exclaimed. The trap card materialized, floating in the air for his opponent to see its chilling effect. "When you declare an attack, your monster's ATK becomes zero, and its effects are negated. Furthermore, you cannot change its battle position!"

In an instant, Michael found himself trapped within a solid block of ice, his movements completely halted.

"WHAT?! NO!" his opponent cried out.

"Uh...what just happened?" his girlfriend moaned as her arms slumped in disbelief.

"My man just turned the tables on yours, that's what! Wooo! Incredible move, Carter!" Nikki exclaimed. She bounced up and down, her twin pigtails swaying in the air as she celebrated her boyfriend's impressive play. "You've really put that Arch-Lightsworn on ice!"

Carter grinned confidently, his fedora tilted slightly to the side. "Just getting started, babe," he replied. "Because I also activate Kairyu-Shin's Dark Reef! Now, I send Umi from my field to the Graveyard — by the way, A Legendary Ocean counts as Umi if you didn't know — ahem. Anyways. Now I can summon two monsters from my deck that mention Umi or are Normal Water monsters. First, I call on Doom Kraken!"

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As he spoke those words, long, black tentacles burst forth from behind the pier, swaying ominously in the air. The sound of a haunting howl resonated, sending chills down the spines of all who heard it. Suddenly, the pointed head of the Kraken emerged from the depths of the inky black ocean. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, illuminating the darkness around it. Bioluminescent patterns adorned its massive form, creating an eerie spectacle against the backdrop of the night sky.

"And now, I summon the mighty Mega Fortress Whale!"

From the depths of the dark waters of the night, a majestic creature emerged. It was no ordinary whale; it was a colossal naval battleship, infused with the spirit of the sea. The whale let out a resounding call, its powerful voice echoing across the ocean as it took its rightful place alongside the imposing Doom Kraken.

The Megafortress Whale stood proudly, its massive form exuding a sense of raw power and indomitable strength. Waves crashed against its metallic hull, as if paying homage to its formidable presence. Its cannons glistened in the moonlight, ready to unleash their payload on Carter's opponent.

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"And that's not all I can do!" said Carter. "If you control a monster, I can unleash the true power of the sea! I can Special Summon any number of Level 6 or lower Water monsters from my deck or hand! Say hello to my old friend, Kairyu-Shin! Or should I say 'friends' because I'm summoning two of them!"

As his words echoed through the night, the waves crashed against the pier with renewed vigor. From the murky depths of the dark ocean waters, two colossal forms emerged. The Kairyu-Shins, majestic dragon-like creatures, exuded an aura of mystique and power. Their scales shimmered with an iridescent glow, reflecting the lights of the pier, while their massive heads swayed from side to side in a mesmerizing display.

With a mighty roar, the Kairyu-Shins unleashed sprays of mist from their jaws, enveloping the area in an ethereal haze. Their razor-sharp teeth gleamed menacingly, hinting at the ferocity they possessed.

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Meanwhile, Carter's opponent stood there, shock and frustration painted across his face. He had underestimated Carter's strategic prowess and was now paying the price. He frantically searched his cards, hoping to find a way to counter the unexpected turn of events.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't keep Michael encased forever," said Carter. "Since it's your Battle Phase, my Mega Fortress Whale's effect activates. I target a monster you control and destroy it. So say goodbye to your Arch-Lightsworn."

As the echoes of his words subsided, Mega Fortress Whale's immense cannons sprang to life with a series of mechanical clanks and whirs. They swiveled and aimed directly at Michael, their menacing barrels locked onto the frozen figure. With a thunderous roar, the cannons unleashed a devastating volley of energy blasts, each one crackling with power and intent. The explosive force of the cannon fire struck Michael's icy prison with relentless fury, shattering it into countless fragments. The frozen shards, glinting like ethereal snowflakes, cascaded through the air, filling the battlefield with an enchanting yet foreboding spectacle.

As the fragments of ice slowly descended, the defeated Arch-Lightsworn crumbled away, dissolving into nothingness. The remnants of his once formidable presence were now scattered, a testament to the overwhelming might of Carter's Mega Fortress Whale.

"Wooo!" Nikki's voice echoed through the air, her excitement uncontainable as she bounced up and down like a spirited cheerleader. Her pigtails swayed with each enthusiastic jump, and her eyes sparkled with unbridled joy.

She clapped her hands together, her palms creating a rhythmic applause that matched the fervor of the Duel unfolding before her. With each explosive turn of events, her enthusiasm soared, radiating an infectious energy that rippled through the spectators gathered around.

"My turn!" Carter said. "I summon another Doom Kraken to the field. And now, I use the effect of my Citadel Whale, tributing both my Doom Krakens to Special Summon him from my hand."

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The atmosphere trembled with energy as the Doom Krakens shattered into shimmering fragments, their essence merging with the depths of the ocean. Suddenly, a mighty splash erupted from the waters, heralding the arrival of a colossal whale like no other. Towering above the battlefield, its imposing figure adorned with a formidable citadel armed with cannons, the Citadel Whale emerged from the depths with a resounding roar.

The ground trembled beneath its massive presence as it aligned itself beside the Mega Fortress Whale, forming an unstoppable duo. And so, Carter attacked directly with his monsters, depleting his opponent's Life Points to zero and earning him his final piece of the invitation needed to enter the finals.

Nikki's elation knew no bounds as she witnessed the awe-inspiring might of Carter's summoned beasts. Unable to contain her excitement, she propelled herself toward him, launching into a jubilant leap. In a burst of unrestrained joy, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, her legs encircling his torso. Giggles bubbled from her lips, echoing the sheer delight that radiated from her every pore.

"Easy! Easy!" Carter laughed.

As Carter and Nikki reveled in their victorious moment, a rhythmic applause broke through the air, drawing their attention to the source. With beaming smiles, their gazes shifted, and their expressions lit up even brighter. Crystal and Patty emerged from the enchanting palm tree forest, adorned with sparkling string lights that illuminated their path. The sight of their friends returning filled their hearts with delight.

"Awww, they're so cute together!" Patty jeered as she saw Nikki and Carter still embraced.

With uncontainable excitement, the duo rushed toward their friends. Max could hardly contain his joy, his barks echoing through the air as his tiny tail wagged back and forth with infectious enthusiasm. The reunion of the gang after weeks spent within the confines of Patty's grandparents' home was a moment of sheer bliss, a testament to the strength of their friendship.

Arms extended, they embraced one another, their laughter blending together like a symphony of shared memories and unbreakable bonds. The weight of their collective experiences lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of unity and purpose. Their spirits intertwined, weaving a tapestry of fellowship and perseverance.

In that moment, as the palm trees swayed gently in the breeze and the string lights cast a warm glow upon their faces, they knew that they were not alone in their journey.

"All right, looks like you're in," Tyson affirmed.

"We're all in!" Nick exclaimed, his excitement contagious. "I just knew we'd all make it! Knights! Bring it in! Hey, Crystal! C'mon. You, too! Get in here!"

As if choreographed, they leaned in, their huddled formation cementing their bond further. Each member placed their hand on top of the others. "WOOOOO!" they all howled at once.

"So all five of us are in the finals, huh?" Patty said picking up her puppy. "I wonder who the other three finalists are going to be?"

"It doesn't matter who they are," boasted Tyson. "Those suckers don't stand a chance because we're the ones making it to the top!"

"Well, guess we better head over to the docks and wait for those other three losers to arrive, huh?" said Nick. "Come on, guys."

With a confident smile, Nick led the way as the group of friends made their way towards the docks. Yuri and his friends, with little Max scampering closely behind, were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Andre - Crystal Harbor District

Andre walked to a nearby restaurant built under a set of stone steps on a hill. His mind was filled with recent events, the transformation into a Lancer, Yuri's triumph over Brett, and the realization of his own need for humility, thanks to Raven's words. He knew his ego had taken a hit, and while it was a necessary growth, it left him feeling vulnerable.

As the server handed him a cold soda, he couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. He reached into his pocket and took out his deck, staring at the Arkana Knight Joker on the bottom of the deck. "Today was quite the experience. My Joker deck

Realizing he needed to address a crucial matter, Andre's nervousness became apparent as he dialed a certain number on his device. The anticipation caused sweat to form on his forehead, yet he took solace in the fact that Yuri had reassured him before his departure. Still, a part of him couldn't help but worry that Yuri hadn't reached out to him yet.

Suddenly, the device that allowed him to speak to Yami activated for the first time in over a month. Yami was contacting him! Andre paid for his drink and hurried into the darkness of a nearby aquatic garden. The aquatic garden provided a calming ambiance as Andre hurriedly answered the activated device. The holographic projection spiraled open, revealing a glowing blue light that soon materialized into the familiar face of the King of Games, Yami. Andre's excitement was evident as he realized that Yami had finally returned from his quest, which had kept him occupied for over a month. The backdrop of the Domino City skyline behind Yami confirmed this assumption.

"Master Yami, you're back!" Andre exclaimed, his face lighting up with sheer elation upon seeing his mentor once again. "I cannot express enough how grateful I am for the opportunities you've given me. My time here on Earth has been nothing short of profound, not just because of the planet itself, but because of the remarkable people I've encountered, especially Prince Yuri. Master Yami, I want to thank you for allowing me the privilege of meeting him. However, I must also apologize for my reckless behavior and the mistakes I've made. It's become evident that I wasn't fully prepared for the responsibilities entrusted to me..."

Yami's expression hardened, his scowl revealing a hint of disappointment. "No, clearly you weren't," he replied sternly. "But it seems the Lancers and Yuri have instilled some discipline in you. They've taught you valuable lessons about self-control and responsibility."

"Uh...yes, sir. Sir. I mean, Master," Andre stumbled over his words. "I want to thank you for letting me..."

"Do not thank me," Yami interjected firmly. "I've done absolutely nothing for you. Your extension in the Standard Dimension was a result of the lessons you've learned and the trust you've gained from Yuri. It appears he has developed a certain fondness for you, enough to persuade Declan to keep you here. But don't mistake this opportunity for fun and games."

"No, sir," Andre replied quickly, his previous elation replaced with a newfound seriousness. He understood the gravity of the situation and the responsibility he now carried as a member of the Lancers and a friend of Prince Yuri.

"There is something far more dangerous than Rare Hunters prowling in the shadows of Aquarius," said Yami. "Axel's Lancers have reported seeing this man."

He held up a tablet from his cape, displaying a photo of PaniK. "This man is very close to the Shadows. They saw him speaking to a group of Duelists I recognize as Bonz. My friends and I dealt with him and his gang in the Tournament of Kings many years ago."

"Cora Kaiba said she also had a Duel with Bonz, too," Andre added.

"It's not Bonz who I'm worried about. He's just a mercenary necromancer who can easily be taken care of. It's this man here, PaniK, who makes us worry. If you find him, deal with him at once. I don't want him anywhere near Yuri or his friends," Yami said firmly, his gaze fixed on Andre, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

Andre nodded, understanding the gravity of the task. "Understood, Master Yami. I will be vigilant and ensure that PaniK stays far away from Prince Yuri and the others. I won't let any harm come to them."

"Good. That's what I expect from a Lancer," Yami replied, his expression showing a hint of approval. "Keep your guard up, and remember, protecting Yuri is your top priority."

"Good. That's what I expect from a Lancer," Yami replied, his expression showing a hint of approval. "Keep your guard up, and remember, protecting Yuri is your top priority."

"Yes, Master."

"And Andre..."

Andre paused.

"No more screw-ups. Declan says that Yuri assures you've learned to put others before yourself. Don't prove him wrong. If you mess up again, I cannot help you. Nor Yuri."

"Yes, Master," Andre replied. "I understand the gravity of the situation. I won't let you or Prince Yuri down. I've learned from my mistakes, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect him and fulfill my duties as a Lancer."

Yami's stern expression softened slightly. "I hope you mean every word, Andre. Remember, you have the Lancers' support and your friends' belief. But ultimately, it's up to you to prove yourself."

"I won't take this responsibility lightly, Master," Andre replied firmly. "I'll be prepared for whatever challenges come our way and prove that I'm worthy of being a Lancer."

Yami nodded, his gaze filled with a blend of confidence and concern. "Good. Stay focused, stay vigilant. May the Heart of the Cards guide you."

With those parting words, the holographic image of Yami faded away, leaving Andre standing there with a renewed sense of purpose.

Andre put the device away and heard someone calling out to him. A young man in a cargo vest and army camo cargo pants pointed out to him. "Hey! You in the Battle Royale!?"

Andre turned towards the young man who called out to him, taking a moment to observe his rugged appearance. "Yeah, I am," Andre replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "What's up?"

The young man powered on his Duel Disk. "Let's have a match! Unless you're afraid to lose!"

"Ha! As if. You got the pieces you need to enter the finals."

"All I need is one more piece. And I'm aiming to take yours, kid."

"I'm not about to let that happen. Let's Duel!"

"I'm going to start first!" announced the opponent. "I activate Solidarity! This card will increase the ATK of all my monsters by 800 so long as I have only one type of monster in my Graveyard. And now, I summon a monster in defense mode, ending my turn!"

Andre drew his opening card and was about to announce his first move when he heard familiar voices from behind.

"Hey, look over there!" Tyson called. "It's Andre!"

"Andre!?" Nick groaned in disappointment, yet he still followed his friends toward the Duel.

"What's going on, Andre?" Crystal asked.

"Nothing much," he replied. "Just Dueling for my final piece of the invitation."

"Your final piece, huh?" Patty said, slightly impressed. "Well, good luck to you then, chief."

Andre's opponent smiled. "Ha! Perfect! I get to trample this chump in front of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon! This night gets better and better!"

Andre just laughed at him. "I wouldn't go planning your deck for the finals just yet. I play Joker's Straight! Now, I discard a card and Special Summon Queen's Knight from my deck. And then, I add King's Knight to my hand and summon Jack's Knight! My spell also lets me Normal Summon him from my hand. And as you know, when King's Knight and Queen's Knight are on the field, I can Special Summon Jack's Knight from my deck. And now, I activate Royal Straight!"

The card formed in front of Andre so that his friends and his opponent could read its effect.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (73)

"Now, I send Queen's Knight, King's Knight, and Jack's Knight to the Graveyard and Special Summon Arcana Knight's Joker!" His three knights transformed into playing cards which spun around and around and formed into Arcana Knight Joker.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (74)

ATK/3800 DEF/2500

"Whoa, cool knight," said Tyson. "He's stronger than your King Artorigus, Nick."

Nick just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"And now, I summon Imperial Bower!" Andre called out, summoning two black and red jesters acting as knights with long red spears. The two jesters cackled as they clanged their spears together, creating bright sparks and then they posed to show off their 1500 ATK points.

"Battle phase!" Andre announced. "I'll attack your face-down monster with Imperial Bower!"

Andre's Imperial Bower charged forward with their spears aimed at the face-down monster on his opponent's side. However, the monster revealed itself to be Command Knight, a female warrior adorned in decorative red and black armor. Her 1900 DEF surpassed the knights' 1500 ATK. With a swift movement, Command Knight skillfully blocked the incoming strikes with her ornate red shield, effortlessly parrying the jesters' attacks and sending them recoiling back to Andre's side of the field, costing him 400 Life Points.

"Ha! What an idiot!" laughed Nick.

Andre just ignored him and attacked with Arcana Knight Joker, whos 3800 ATK points easily overpowered Command Knight's defense. He slashed her across the chest. Command Knight grunted and exploded into a cloud of black smoke.

"I end my turn and activate the effect of Joker's Straight from my Graveyard. I send Queen's Knight back into my deck and then I can add Joker's Straight back to my hand."

"Not bad," said Penelope. "Now he can summon Queen's Knight and King's Knight again and call on another Jack's Knight. Think he'll summon another Arcana Knight Joker?"

"If he does, he'll be unbeatable," said Natalya.

"Girls, don't get his ego going," Nick groaned as he crossed his arms.

His opponent drew. "I set a card face-down and summon another Command Knight!" The red and gold knight appeared once again, slashing her blade through the air. "And when she's out on the field, all of my Warrior monsters gain an additional 400 ATK points, which will raise her ATK to 1600. But don't forget about my Solidarity card. It will also increase the ATK of my monsters by 800 if I have nothing but one type of monster in my Graveyard. So now her ATK increases to 2400! It may not be enough to take on that Arcana Knight Joker, but your Imperial Bower is going down! Attack those clowns, Command Knight!"

Engaging in a thrilling display of skillfulness and agility, Command Knight effortlessly maneuvered around the relentless assault of the two jester knights, deftly dodging their spear thrusts and effectively blocking their relentless attacks with her sturdy shield. With a keen eye for openings in their defenses, she struck with precision, slashing through the black jester knight first, and then swiftly turning her attention to the red jester, delivering a decisive blow that shattered them both, bringing an end to their valiant but ultimately unsuccessful resistance.

Andre used his arm to block the gust of wind from their destruction and his Life Points slowly decreased to 6700.

"Attack me with your Arcana Knight! Come on, I dare you!" said Andre's foe.

"Ha!" Andre laughed as he drew for turn. "If you think I'm going to fall for that face-down card, you've got another thing coming! I activate Mystical Space Typhoon!"

A mighty gust of wind swept across the field, targeting his opponent's face-down card. The card was enveloped in a whirlwind, spinning faster and faster until it was obliterated, its mysterious effects vanishing into thin air.

"Oh no! My Rising Energy card!"

"Good call," Sabrina commented as she held Max in her arms. "If Andre attacked, his opponent could have used that card to increase his own knight's ATK by 1500. Heh. Maybe Andre's a better Duelist than you give him credit for, Nick."

"Shut it," Nick grumbled again. "So he made one lucky move. Big deal."

"Nick, you never cease to amaze me," said Andre. "Your overconfidence is going to blind you one of these days. And trust me, man. It's going to cost you. I activate the spell, Fissure, which forces you to destroy a monster with the highest ATK on your side of the field, however, since your Command Knight is the only one you control, it gets destroyed anyway."

His opponent howled in disbelief, slapping both hands on the side of his head as his Command Knight vanished.

"Now, I activate Joker's Straight! Now, just like last time, I can summon Queen's Knight and add King's Knight to my hand, allowing me to Normal Summon him. And with his effect, I call on Jack's Knight! And now the conditions are set! I tribute my three knights to LINK Summon, Arcana Extra Joker!"

The three knights formed into red orbs that zapped into the LINK portal over Andre's field and summoned the giant white and gold knight that was the second-best monster in Andre's deck.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (75)

"And now, I send Jack's Knight from my deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon Joker's Knight!"

The formidable jester emerged, clad in sleek black armor adorned with a distinct playing card motif. With his vibrant red and black attire, the jester exuded an aura of mischief and power. A jingle of bells accompanied his arrival, adding an eerie charm to the atmosphere. Joker's Knight brandished his elongated sword, which surpassed his own height, ready to unleash his formidable strength in the impending battle.

"Oh-ho, man!" laughed Tyson. "Andre's got enough firepower to wipe the dude out with an all-out assault!"

Andre's trio of knights executed their synchronized assault under his command. They struck the opponent relentlessly with precision and coordination, their weapons slashing through the air with incredible speed. The opponent had little time to react, and the combined onslaught sent him hurtling several feet backward before he hit the ground with a heavy thud. A pained groan escaped his lips as he grappled with the aftermath of the powerful attack. After he got up, he handed Andre his piece and walked away in defeat.

"So it looks like you're going to the finals, too," said Tyson. "Not bad, Andre."

"Thanks," said Andre. He combined the ten pieces of the invitation together. They clung together with magnets and gave Andre the time and place of the finals. "Well, guys. I guess we should make for the docks, huh?"

"That we must," said Yuri. "My dad's yacht awaits."

Chapter 9: The Battle Royal Finals

Chapter Text

The group reached the docks and saw the impressive sight before them. Mr. Montgomery's colossal mega yacht, a symbol of luxury and extravagance, stood proudly at the water's edge. The yacht's sleek, black exterior exuded an air of sophistication while its towering structure commanded attention. Rising high above the docks, the mega yacht boasted three expansive floors, each promising a world of opulence and comfort. The gleaming windows reflected the city lights, adding a touch of brilliance to its already majestic presence. At the very top, a helipad glistened, serving as a testament to the yacht's grandeur and exclusivity.

Excitement filled the air as the group prepared to board the yacht, their anticipation growing with each step closer to the vessel. The journey around Aquarius aboard this remarkable floating abode held the promise of adventure, camaraderie, and the ultimate stage for the upcoming finals.

As they neared the gate leading to the yacht, their eyes caught sight of Leo and Logan, seated comfortably nearby, seemingly amused by the group's tardiness. "Well, well, well, took you guys long enough," Leo jested, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Andre chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Leo. We got caught up in the excitement of it all." "So you guys are the last two finalists, huh?" Patty asked.

Leo nodded, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "You bet. The final showdown is shaping up to be a real blast."

The gates swung open, revealing Mr. Montgomery stepping out, dressed impeccably in his finest attire. A wide smile crossed his face as he looked at his son and his friends.

"Well, bless my soul!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine astonishment. "My son and his friends? The finalists of this impressive battle royale. Who would have thought?"

Yuri greeted his father with a warm smile. "Hey, Dad," he said, his voice brimming with pride and excitement.

Mr. Montgomery approached Yuri, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I couldn't be prouder of you, son," he said, his voice filled with fatherly affection. "You've come so far, and now here you are, on the brink of the finals. It's an incredible achievement."

Yuri's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thanks, Dad. None of this would have been possible without the support of my friends. They've been there for me every step of the way."

Mr. Montgomery nodded, his gaze shifting to include the entire group. "Well, then, I'm grateful to all of you," he said, his voice sincere. "You've brought joy and excitement back into Yuri's life, and I'll always be grateful for that. Now, let's not keep the yacht waiting. The finals await, and I have a feeling they're going to be quite the spectacle."

With that, the finalists of the Great Birthday Battle Royale followed Mr. Montgomery, boarding the magnificent mega yacht. As they stepped onto the vessel, a sense of anticipation and camaraderie enveloped them, strengthening their resolve for the final battles that awaited them in the tournament.

As the group stepped onto the mega yacht, they found themselves immersed in a world of opulence and luxury. The interior was a sight to behold, with its grandeur captivating their senses. The spacious atrium welcomed them with its high ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers that cast a warm, elegant glow throughout the area. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, adding a touch of sophistication to the surroundings.

But what truly caught their attention were the glass walls that stretched from floor to ceiling, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the cityscape illuminated by the night sky. The darkness outside acted as a perfect backdrop, allowing the city's lights to shine like a tapestry of stars. It was as if they were floating on a vessel of dreams, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of the city lights dancing on the water's surface.

The yacht's interior boasted an exquisite fusion of modern design and classic elegance. Plush, comfortable seating arrangements were strategically placed to maximize both comfort and the stunning views. Fine craftsmanship was evident in every piece of furniture, showcasing meticulous attention to detail.

As they ventured further into the yacht, they discovered various luxurious amenities. A grand dining area beckoned with its gleaming polished table and an assortment of crystal glassware. The yacht's bar, resplendent with a vast selection of beverages, invited them to indulge in a moment of relaxation and celebration.

Private suites awaited each of them, offering spacious accommodations adorned with lavish furnishings and soft, inviting beds. The suites were designed to provide a sanctuary of tranquility and privacy amidst the vibrant energy of the battles that lay ahead.

Discreet lighting illuminated the pathways throughout the yacht, casting a warm and soothing ambiance. The soft glow enhanced the yacht's allure, creating an atmosphere of elegance and comfort.

Mr. Montgomery led Yuri and his friends through the grand hallways of the yacht, guiding them to a spacious dining hall. The enticing aroma of mouthwatering dishes filled the air as they entered, instantly awakening their appetites. The dining hall was a remarkable sight, a juxtaposition of opulence and modern design.

Large glass walls adorned the sides of the hall, offering more scenic views of the cityscape in the distance. The darkness outside provided a striking contrast to the elegance within. The dining table was adorned with exquisite tableware, sparkling under the soft light. A colorful array of dishes, each meticulously prepared, awaited them. There were platters of succulent seafood, grilled meats, vibrant salads, and various delectable desserts.

"You kids must be hungry from all that Dueling," Mr. Montgomery exclaimed warmly. "Help yourselves to whatever your hearts desire. Consider it a reward for your remarkable journey."

Yuri and his friends exchanged delighted glances, their eyes widening at the sight of the culinary feast. They eagerly filled their plates, sampling a little bit of everything. Laughter and conversations filled the air as they savored the delicious flavors, their taste buds treated to a delightful symphony of tastes and textures. Just as Crystal promised, Sam and Annabelle were here to watch the finals with their new friend Emiko. The three youngsters walked around the room, speaking to each finalist individually as if interviewing them. Emiko had a notepad and pen in her stuffed elephant and asked for their autographs at the end of each conversation.

Tyson munched on some barbeque ribs, savoring the tender meat as he stood beneath the swaying palm trees of the yacht's interior aquatic garden. The gentle sound of trickling water added a soothing ambiance to the surroundings. Nick approached him, a plate of food in hand, his expression slightly troubled.

"What's wrong?" Tyson asked, his voice slightly muffled due to the delectable ribs he was enjoying.

Nick let out a sigh, his frustration was evident. "That Andre guy, you know? I was hoping this tournament would be just us, a chance for our skills to shine. But, as always, he has to be right there, tagging along. What's he trying to prove?"

Tyson paused for a moment, considering Nick's words. He took another bite of the ribs, the tangy sauce lingering on his lips before he spoke. "He has every right to participate in tournaments and events, Nick. If he made it this far, it's because he's earned it. I think Sabrina's right. You don't give him enough credit as a Duelist." He shrugged. "If anything, I think you're trying to prove something. What is it about him that terrifies you so much and brings out so much hatred?"

"Again, it's everything he did when he first showed up and shoved his presence into our lives. All he's done was try to be the big man. Trying to woo Patty and even getting Yuri to see him as his best buddy. All the while talking down on me and giving me 'advice' as if I needed it. And you guys seemed more and more interested in him as time flew by. I was worried...I was worried you'd accept him more than me because I'm..."

"A Stowaway?" Patty said. "Nick, you know we saw you more than that."

"You called me a bottom dweller many times," said Nick.

Patty shrugged. "Well...you didn't exactly treat me like a lady, Nick. Of course, I was going to get angry and say things I didn't mean. Look, despite all your flaws, you're still a good friend. And know this. Andre's not going to be the only strong Duelist we're going to encounter or befriend. Knowing how quickly our reputation is growing, we're going to find a lot of them. Like Leo and his sister, Kate. But no matter how strong they or how flashier their monsters are than yours, they're never going to take your place in our group."

"Yeah," said Tyson. "The five of us are family." He slapped his palm on Nick's shoulder. "Friends come and go, but what we have. That's forever. I guarantee it."

"You're stuck with us for life, Nick," Patty said with a wink.

Nick just smiled and nodded his head. "Heh. Thanks, guys."

Tyson patted his palm on Nick's shoulder. "Hey, come on. Enough of that crap. Let's enjoy this good food!"

Andre was chatting with Sabrina and Penelope nearby, and Leo, Yuri, and Carter were gathered by the grand window, their plates filled with delectable cuisine from the extravagant buffet. The panoramic view outside showcased the vast expanse of the dark ocean, its serene depths stretching as far as the eye could see. As they savored the flavors of the carefully prepared dishes, their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by moments of laughter and camaraderie. The ambiance of the yacht's dining hall, adorned with elegant chandeliers casting a warm glow, added a touch of sophistication to their gathering.

Carter, ever the joker of the group, couldn't resist cracking a playful remark. "You know, guys, it's quite something to be feasting like this while staring into the abyss of the deep ocean. Talk about dining with a view!"

Yuri chuckled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of appreciation and contemplation. "It's a reminder of the vastness and mysteries that lie in that deck of yours. I shiver to think what could be swimming in those waters as we're safe and sound in here. So, I take it your sister didn't make it to the finals, Leo?"

"She didn't participate," he responded, ripping the meat off his peanut butter chicken lollipop with one go. "But she's on board as a guest."

"Where's she at?" Carter asked. "I haven't seen her since we got here."

"She's probably lounging in the big pool upstairs. That's where the finals are going to be held. Hope you guys brought swimwear."

"Swimwear?" Patty said, approaching the trio. "If I had known we'd be lounging in a pool as we watched the finals, I would have brought my best bikini."

"Uh...that wouldn't have been a good idea," said Yuri. "Considering it doesn't cover your big butt."

"Hey!" she laughed, smacking him playfully on his arm.

Yuri kissed her cheek as they settled down. "Hey, I thought Raven would be here for sure."

"I knocked him out of the Battle Royale yesterday," Leo said.

"You beat Raven?" Patty asked in astonishment. "Wow, Leo. Those Red Dragon Archfiends of yours sure are something else, huh?"

"Indeed they are. And I plan on winning this tournament with them. As powerful as your Black Tyranno and his evolved forms are, Yuri, I hope you have no plans on winning."

"You sound so sure," said Yuri. "Brett thought his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was indestructible. And look what happened to him."

Leo chuckled as he set the plate down on a table nearby and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Well, it seems you're developing that sort of unhealthy confidence in your dinosaurs, Yuri."

"Aren't you doing the same with your Red Dragon Archfiends?" Patty asked.

"No, not at all," he replied. "I don't expect my dragons to be invincible. That's an amateur's way of thinking. I know they have their weaknesses, and I will do my best to keep my opponent from exploiting them. See, I don't think I'm invincible, Yuri. I'm just one step ahead of the game." He winked.

"We'll see about that," Yuri said.

He heard Ren chuckling as he approached the group. "Well, well, well. I'm loving the fire and energy here."

"Ren!" Yuri exclaimed. "Man, it's so good to see you! Glad you could make it."

"What are you doing here?" Patty asked.

"I'm a friend of the Montgomery clan. I can go anywhere, please. Ain't that right, Yuri."

"Yeah, but I sure wish you'd use those privileges a little more often. Come on, Ren. It sucks that I can barely see you even when you're on Aquarius."

"Yeah," Patty said. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were doing a little late-night vigilante work, Ren."

Ren just laughed. "Who? Me? Patty, don't be silly. What would I have to gain by running around the streets at night looking for thugs?"

Crystal joined in with a glass of champagne in hand. "Well, you are the one who started that Anti-Duel Gang task force a few years ago. What were you guys called? The Enforcers or something?"

"Please, please, don't remind me of that," Ren said. "Despite our efforts, we just couldn't take those fiends off the streets."

"True," said Leo, "but not long after your battle against them, this mysterious Red Sparrow showed up."

"Are you saying I'm the Red Sparrow?" Ren asked.

"It's a possibility. I mean, you not being around, acting all mysterious and sh*t. And let's not ignore the fact that the Red Sparrow has a Vampire Deck just like yours."

Crystal rubbed her chin. "Hmm. Now that you mention it, I have heard stories about him summoning Vampire Lord and Vampire Genesis. You used to beat the crap out of Yuri with those cards back in elementary school."

"Crystal, do you have any idea how many players on this island have Vampire Genesis? He came in a structure deck, after all. Besides, I fancy using Kashtira monsters now. And like Yuri, I have a responsibility to maintain the legacy of my father by taking over his company one day. I have no time to walk about the streets in a silly costume beating Duel Gangs."

"I guess not," said Crystal. "Or...could our mysterious Red Sparrow be our little flower over here."

"Crystal..." Yuri groaned. "Even after all I've done, do you still refer to me as that?"

She giggled in response. "You'll always be my flower, Yuri."

"Awww!" Patty said, pinching Yuri's cheek. "Did you hear that? You will always be her pwecious wittle fwower?"

The sharp, metallic sound of Mr. Montgomery tapping his steak knife against his glass resonated through the air, capturing the group's attention in the dining room. The clinking sound grew louder, gradually silencing the conversations and drawing all eyes to the patriarch of the Montgomery family.

As the room fell into a hushed anticipation, Mr. Montgomery stood tall, a commanding presence amidst the elegance of the surroundings.

"Duelists, if I may have your attention," he began. "First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. You have proven your skills in this Battle Royale tournament. Your passion for the game of Duel Monsters shines brightly, and I couldn't be prouder."

A wave of applause rippled through the room. Mr. Montgomery continued, his gaze sweeping across the faces of the young Duelists.

"Tonight, as we gather in this splendid setting, surrounded by the beauty of the ocean and the city's shimmering lights, let us not forget the true essence of this tournament. It's not just about winning or losing, but about the bonds we forge, the friendships we create, and the lessons we learn along the way."

Mr. Montgomery raised his glass, a gleam of pride in his eyes. "To Yuri, Nick, my dear Pamela, Leo, and all the finalists, I raise this toast. May your Dueling skills be honed, your strategies be sharp, and your spirits be indomitable. Remember, it's not just about the destination, but the journey that brings us here."

The room erupted in cheers and clinking glasses.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that the time has come for the first match of the finals," he said with a gracious bow.

Stepping aside, Mr. Montgomery signaled towards the entrance, and a stunning woman in a sparkling red dress entered the room, pushing a glistening bingo machine adorned with ornate patterns. The machine emitted a faint hum, adding an air of excitement to the atmosphere.

As she positioned the machine at the center of the room, the woman, with an elegant smile, addressed the Duelists. "Greetings, esteemed Duelists. I am Madeline, the master of fate in this thrilling tournament. Allow me to guide the selection of your opponents."

"Each Duelist will be given a number," said Mr. Montgomery, "and the machine will randomly select two. The Duelists whose numbers are picked will face off against one another. Yuri has 1. Nick will be number 2. Patty is number 3. Tyson will be 4. Carter is 5. Leo has 6, Logan has 7, and young Andre has 8. Madeline, begin the selection, please."

The machine whirred to life as Madeline delicately turned the crank, causing the numbered balls within to swirl and dance. The tension grew as each ball held the destiny of a Duelist in its grasp.

"One," Madeline announced, her voice carrying a touch of suspense. "And Four!"

Yuri and Tyson exchanged knowing glances, realizing they would be pitted against each other in the first match.

Mr. Montgomery beamed with excitement. "Then the first match of the finals will be between Tyson and my son, Yuri! Duelists, you have fifteen minutes to prepare your decks. Once you are ready, you will be summoned to the grand arena on the third floor."

The finalists ascended to the third floor, guided by the elevator that whisked them upward. Stepping out, they were greeted by a breathtaking sight. The expansive top deck revealed a magnificent pool, its shimmering waters illuminated by lights adorning the walls and bottom.

Amidst the vibrant ambiance, Kate lounged in a jacuzzi right by the poolside. Her lips embraced an apple martini as she eagerly welcomed the assembled finalists. The bubbling water and soothing atmosphere provided a tranquil backdrop, contrasting with the imminent intensity of the duels. The finalists gathered in a cozy lounge area near the pool's edge and settled into their designated spots.

Tyson and Yuri took their respective places, their hands poised over the glowing D-Pads, ready to unleash their strategies and showcase their skills.

"Here we go, Yuri!" Tyson said. "You and me going at it in the big time. This ain't gonna be like those matches we had after school at the Ruby Dragon, though."

"Yeah, we sure have come a long way, haven't we?"

"Heh. Promise you're not gonna surrender when the going gets tough like you did last time?"

Yuri responded with a leer and drew his opening hand after his D-Pad shuffled his deck. "I'll let you go first."

Yuri - LP 8000


LP 8000 - Tyson


You're too kind, sweet prince! Draw!" Tyson added his first card to his hand and smiled.Perfect. I've got what I need to summon my Chimeras! When I activate their abilities, Yuri's time in the finals will be over before they even begin."All right, Yuri! First, I'll start things off by summoning my boy, Gazelle, the King of Mythical Claws!"

Gazelle formed in front of Tyson from a display of sparkling lights and hovered over the pool. Patty and the others gasped at the amazing detail of the hologram standing before them on the other side of the glass.

"Wow! Did you add a new texture pack, Mr. Montomery?" Leo asked.

"We most certainly did," Mr. Montgomery replied, adjusting his spectacles with a smile. "Incorporating parallax mapping into the holographic forms of the monsters is one of the ways we enhance the realism and visual impact of our Solid Vision technology. By utilizing advanced algorithms and rendering techniques, we can create a sense of depth and texture within the holographic projections."

He continued, gesturing towards the holographic Gazelle floating above the pool. "You see, each individual pixel within the hologram is assigned specific depth information, allowing it to react dynamically to the viewer's perspective. As you move around or change your viewing angle, the holographic monster's textures and details subtly shift, creating the illusion of depth and dimensionality. By incorporating parallax mapping, the holographic monsters gain a new level of visual fidelity. The holograms appear more lifelike and interactive, with textures that seem to have depth and volume. This attention to detail immerses Duelists in their virtual battles, making the experience all the more thrilling and captivating."

"Wow, this is so amazing!" Patty said. "I can see each hair on Gazelle's body moving in the wind. You've really outdone yourselves this time."

She heard the sound of loud, obnoxious chewing and looked to her right. Nick was digging into a bone-in ribeye with a white napkin around his neck.

"Nick, you serious?" Penelope asked in disdain. "You ate all the chicken wings at the welcome dinner earlier."

"Those didn't fill me up! Arfff! Om-nom!" He bit into another piece. "Man, this stuff is good."

Arf! Arf! Max barked in disapproval. Even though he was a puppy, even he knew bad table manners when he saw it.

Tyson continued his turn as the others gazed at the amazing new textures. "Using Gazelle's effect, I can add Berfomet the Great Wings to my hand! And now, I'm going to activate Chimera Fusion from my hand, and Fusion Summon the mighty Chimera, the Phantom Beast King!"

Gazelle and Berfomet were sucked into a vortex of swirling energy, their forms merging and transforming into a magnificent being. From the depths of the vortex emerged Chimera the Phantom Beast King. Its majestic presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room.

The holographic projection of Chimera, the Phantom Beast King, displayed the intricate details and enhanced textures brought to life by the parallax mapping technology. Its fur seemed to ripple with movement, the feathers on its wings appeared to have depth, and the jet-black manes on both its heads radiated with a vibrant glow. The fusion of artistry and technology created a mesmerizing spectacle that captivated the onlookers.

Arf! Arf! Max barked in excitement. It had been forever since he'd seen a Duel.

"Now that Gazelle's been used as a Fusion Material, I can activate his effect, adding an Illusionist monster from my deck to my hand! Also, since I have Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast on the field, Chimera Fusion returns to my hand."

"Hey, wait a minute," said Andre. "That monster's not Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast. He can't activate that effect."

"Wrong!" Nick said. He stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth and chewed. "When he's out on the field, Chimera the Phantom Beast King gets treated as Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast. In fact, all of Tyson's amazing Chimera fusion monsters are all treated as Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast. Hmph. Maybe if you actually read the cards instead of jumping to conclusions, you wouldn't make such amateurish mistakes like that."

Andre just glared at Nick. "Man, what I'd give just to get you on the field!"

"Hmph. It'll be the last mistake you'll ever make!" Nick said with a confident sneer that made Andre's blood boil. "You and those stupid clowns you call knights don't stand a chance against my warriors. REAL knights. I can't wait until they make you regret ever thinking you could lord us over with your lame-ass magician."

"Boys, play nice!" Natalya said, crossing her arms sternly.

Tyson held up his Chimera Fusion card, fusing together his Phantom Beast King and Mirror Swordsman to create Chimera the Illusion Beast. The monster gained armor, reptilian features, and two razor-sharp blades attached to gauntlets on his arms.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (76)

ATK/3100 DEF/2800

"Just like that, Tyson summoned one of his best monsters!" said Logan. "Yuri's going to have a hard time with that one, for sure. Especially with that effect."

"Oh, right!" said Sabrina. "Chimera, the Illusion Beast, can attack multiple times for each Illusionist monster used to create him. And he can't be destroyed in battle."

"And when he attacks a monster, that monster isn't destroyed, and it's ATK gets reduced to 0," said Ren. "Good thing Tyson didn't have too many Illusionists to use for the summoning of that beast. Otherwise, Yuri would have lost this already."

"Hey, don't count him out just yet," said Nick. "Yuri's got this."

"I end my turn," said Tyson, "and due to Chimera the Phantom Beast King's effect, you have to banish one card from your hand."

"sh*t," Yuri said, sending Double Evolution Pill away.


He drew and smiled. "I activate the Field Spell, Lost World!" he announced.

As he spoke those words, a dazzling transformation unfolded before their eyes. The stern of the mega yacht morphed into a breathtaking prehistoric jungle landscape, illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. The once tranquil pool now shimmered like a mystical lake, perfectly mirroring the celestial beauty above. In the distance, miniature volcanoes billowed smoke, adding an air of mystery and danger to the scene.

The group stood in awe, marveling at the incredible spectacle Yuri had conjured. The night air carried the exotic scents of ancient flora, and the distant calls of prehistoric creatures echoed through the makeshift jungle. It was as if they had been transported back in time, witnessing a long-forgotten world.

Yuri's eyes sparkled with excitement as he surveyed his transformed battleground. "Welcome to my domain, my friends. In this lost world, the dinosaurs shall reign supreme. And it already shows." He pointed at Chimera, whose ATK was reduced to 2600.

"Wait a minute! What happened?" Tyson exclaimed.

"Lost World reduces the ATK of all monsters except Dinosaur monsters by 500 points, putting you at quite a disadvantage."

"I activate the effect of Phantom Beast King from my Graveyard!" Tyson yelled. "By Banishing him from my Graveyard, I can summon Berfomet in defense mode! Doing so lets me add Gazelle, the King of Mythical Claws, and another Chimera Fusion to my hand."

"And I'll activate Ground Xeno!" Yuri said. "Adding Xeno Meteorus to my hand and destroying a second one, which triggers its effect, allowing me to Special Summon Xeno Metorus to the field!"

As Yuri summoned his majestic theropod dinosaur, a brilliant blaze engulfed its body, casting a vibrant crimson glow upon the surrounding forest. The ancient trees and foliage seemed to dance in the mesmerizing red light, creating an ethereal atmosphere in the prehistoric landscape.

"Also, since a Dinosaur was summoned to the field, you gain a Juraegg Token!"

Tyson looked at the ground as a flash of light erupted, leaving behind a tan egg with dark brown spots.

There were no other moves left to make, so Yuri proceeded to the battle phase. "Xeno Meteorus, attack Berfomet!" he commanded. In an awe-inspiring display, Xeno Meteorus unleashed a torrent of scorching flames upon its foe. Berfomet could not withstand the inferno, and its form exploded into a magnificent spectacle of a thousand burning embers.

The radiant embers twirled and danced through the night air, their ethereal glow illuminating the darkened jungle. The remnants of Berfomet's presence mingled with the fiery ambiance, creating an enchanting scene that held the spectators captive.


"Draw!" Tyson said. "I activate Chimera Fusion's effect and add it to my hand. Then I activate a second one, fusing together Behemoth King of all Wars, and Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws to create Garura, Wings of Resonant Life!"

As the fusion process unfolded, an awe-inspiring creature emerged from the depths of Tyson's deck. With fiery purple feathers ablaze, Garura, Wings of Resonant Life soared into existence, its two heads poised and ready for battle. The magnificent bird unfurled its wings, assuming a formidable stance in defense mode, ready to protect Tyson's position on the field. The sight of Garura's imposing form sent ripples of anticipation through the spectators. Its resplendent plumage and commanding presence exuded an air of power and strength.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (77)

ATK/1500 DEF/2400

"With Garura in defense mode, it's gonna be hard for you to get at my Life Points. And as Gazelle was used as material for fusion, I add Cornfield Koator to my hand. Now, I'm going to attack your Xeno Metorus with Chimera the Illusionist Magical Beast!"

Chimera, the Illusionist Beast, lunged forward, its twin red blades slicing through the air with deadly precision. Xeno Meteorus met the assault head-on, its flaming tail whipping and swirling with ferocious strength. The clash of metal against fire echoed throughout the arena, each collision creating sparks that illuminated the night sky. Chimera's blades gleamed with a malevolent aura, leaving trails of residual energy in their wake. Xeno Meteorus roared defiantly, its fiery body blazing with intensified brilliance.

The two monstrous beings displayed incredible agility and power with every swipe and parry. Chimera's elegant movements were matched by Xeno Meteorus' primal instincts, each maneuver executed with calculated grace. The air crackled with energy as their attacks collided, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the surroundings.

As Chimera pressed forward, its blades aimed to strike at Xeno Meteorus' vulnerable points. But Xeno Meteorus proved to be a strong opponent. It skillfully countered with a swift tail whip, parrying Chimera's assault with a resounding impact. The clash between the two unleashed a burst of raw energy, sending shockwaves in all directions.

The onlookers held their breath, captivated by the sheer intensity of the battle. The sky seemed to shimmer with the clash of fire and steel.

In the midst of the chaos, Tyson and Yuri remained focused, their eyes locked on their battling creatures. Each strike and counterstrike further intensified the spectacle, captivating the others with its sheer spectacle and the raw power displayed by these extraordinary creatures.

Xeno Meteorus parried with its tail and headbutted the beast away in a stalemateThe clash was fierce, a clash of strength. Xeno Meteorus countered with a swift tail swipe, the impact reverberating through the air. The flaming theropod retaliated with a resolute headbutt, meeting Chimera's blades in a dramatic stalemate.

Yuri's Life Points dropped to 7400. But he realized he was about to lose more Life Points, for Xeno Metorus's ATK was reduced to 0 in the blink of an eye. Chimera attacked again and again, and their fight ended in a statement since Chimera's effect prevented the battling monsters from being destroyed. However, Yuri lost 2600 Life Points this time, reducing his score to 4800.

Yuri took a moment to catch his breath before drawing his card. As he did Ser Norman appeared beside him. "Your friend is a very powerful Duelist," he commented. "Even with your field card reducing the ATK of his monsters, he was still able to reduce you to almost half your Life Points."

"Yeah, no kidding. But I ain't backing down now."

"No, of course, you shouldn't. Let's see what the Heart of the Cards can offer you."

"Yeah, hopefully, it's something good," Yuri said.


"Wow! Tyson's beasts are almost unstoppable!" Sabrina commented, sitting on Logan's lap. "He uses them really well."

"That he does," said Logan. "Heh, a part of me hopes I don't have to face him to get to the finals. Those Chimera cards of his have some pretty nasty effects. You, Knights of the Ruby Dragon, are all very skilled players. I can see why the Rare Hunters failed to beat you guys."

"Ah, it was nothing," said Nick.

"Don't brag," said Patty. "You only Dueled them once and I was the one who beat them when they targeted us in that tag team match."

Yuri drew for turn and weighed his options. "All right, first, I banish Ground Xeno from my Graveyard, using it to fuse together Xeno Meteorus and Megazolwer in my hand to create Trancendosaurus Gigantozowler. The giant horned dinosaur was as tall as a mountain and hovered over the boat.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (78)

ATK/3800 DEF/2000

"That's one big boy!" exclaimed Penelope.

"Wow, Yuri's dinosaurs get bigger and bigger each time I see them!" Annabelle said. She, Sam, and Emiko watched from a little lounge next to the seating area where the finalists watched the Duels.

"Yeah, they are," Sam agreed. "You just wait. Yuri's going to turn this whole thing around!"

But Emiko was oblivious to the Duel. She was stunned by the Solid Viso jungle outside the window. It was as if they were looking into a whole new world. The lush greenery stretched as far as the eye could see, vibrant and teeming with life. Towering trees with ancient branches formed a dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The vibrant hues of various plants and flowers painted a picturesque scene, contrasting against the rich, earthy tones of the prehistoric landscape.

Mighty T-Rexes roared in the distance, their calls resonating through the air, while gentle herbivores grazed peacefully, undisturbed by the surrounding chaos.

Since a dinosaur was summoned, another egg took its place on Tyson's field. Then he used Transcendrake Gigantozowler's effect to add Xeno Meteorus back to his hand. He then attacked Tyson's Garura and it activated the effect of his Xeno Meteorus, allowing Yuri to Special Summon it from his hand. Garura's effect also activated, and Tyson drew a card as a result of his bird's destruction. Not wanting to trigger Chimera's effect, Yuri ended his turn by setting a card face-down.


"Not bad, Yuri. Not bad at all. But that Gigantozowler of yours is going down. I'll attack him with Chimera!"

Just as Chimera soared toward the giant, Yuri activated his face-down card, which forced Chimera to attack Xeno Meteorus instead. The two monsters clashed once again, the first round ending in a stalemate with Yuri losing 600 Life Points and Chimera activating its effect, reducing the Dinosaur's ATK to 0. He attacked again, and Yuri's Life Points suffered more damage, plunging down to a mere 2200.


Yuri drew and smiled. "I activate Pot of Greed! And with it, I'll draw two cards. Next, I use Graceful Charity to draw three and discard two to the Graveyard. And now, I activate Spellbook Inside the Pot, allowing us both to draw three cards. Get ready, Tyson! I banish two Dinosaurs from my Graveyard so that I can Special Summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (79)

In a blinding lightning surge, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno emerged, its colossal form radiating an aura of raw strength. The beast's muscular body was adorned with vibrant purple orbs, each pulsating with an electric charge. Lightning crackled within them, illuminating the surrounding area with an otherworldly glow.

With a mighty roar that shook the ground beneath its feet, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno asserted its dominance. The sheer force of its presence sent shockwaves through the air, rattling the trees and causing leaves to flutter in its wake. The primal instincts of this mighty creature were unleashed, ready to decimate anything standing in its way.

Mr. Montgomery stood up from his armchair and watched in awe. The sheer power emanating from Ultimate Conductor Tyranno was awe-inspiring. The purple orbs on its body pulsed with an electrifying energy, hinting at the devastating abilities waiting to be unleashed.

"Look at that!" Nick cried out. "Ain't that thing a more beefed up version of that Ultimate Tyranno Randall kept boasting about at the Qualifier?"

"Ha! I guess it is," laughed Patty. "Man, what I'd give to see the look on his face if he saw my boy summoning this thing right now."

Yuri's heart raced with excitement as he prepared to command his fearsome behemoth. With Ultimate Conductor Tyranno by his side, he felt a newly forged bond, a connection to the ancient world of dinosaurs and the primal forces that fueled their existence. It was a moment of triumph, a realization of the dreams and aspirations that had led him to this point. The Jurassic jungle outside the window seemed to come alive, its inhabitants sensing the presence of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno. The rustle of leaves and the distant calls of creatures blended harmoniously with the crackling of lightning, creating a symphony of nature's raw power.

Yuri's grip tightened on his D-Pad as he locked eyes with Tyson, ready to unleash the fury of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno. The beast's purple orbs glowed with an intensified brilliance, an omen of the impending storm that was about to be unleashed upon the Duel. With each step, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno left a trail of charged energy in its wake, leaving no doubt that it was a force to be reckoned with. Per the effect of Lost World, an egg token summoned itself on Tyson's field.

Then, with another flurry of combos from his hand, Yuri Special Summoned enough monsters to LINK Summon Transcendrake Exaraptor. Using Ultimate Conductor Tyranno's special ability, Yuri discarded a card, and then the prehistoric beast let out a loud roar that terrified all of Tyson's monsters, even the eggs, forcing them all to flip face-down in fear.

"My monsters!" shouted Tyson. "They all went to face-down defense position!"

"So is the power of Ultimate Conductor Tyranno," said Yuri. "His presence is so terrifying, that when he roars, all of your monsters will tremble in fear and hide. But it won't do them any good. Because Ultimate Conductor Tyranno can attack every monster you control with one attack."

"Man, good thing they're in defense mode," Tyson gulped.

"Heh, no. It doesn't matter if they are. Ultimate Conductor Tyranno will deal 1000 points of damage to your Life Points each time he takes out a monster!"

Tyson's gasp of astonishment reverberated through the air as the realization settled in. "No way..."

Amidst the electrifying atmosphere, Andre couldn't contain his admiration. "What power!"

Nick, ever loyal and supportive, nodded vigorously. "That's my pal! Show 'em what you've got, Yuri!"

Yuri wasted no time, unleashing a devastating onslaught as Ultimate Conductor Tyranno unleashed its fury upon Tyson's defenseless monsters. With each powerful strike of its fists, feet, and tail, Tyson's Life Points dwindled under the relentless assault. The sheer force and ferocity of the prehistoric creature were awe-inspiring, leaving Tyson writhing in agony.

As the dust settled and victory became imminent, cheers erupted from the spectators. Nick and the others rose from their seats, applauding the remarkable display of skill and power. They congratulated both Yuri and Tyson for their hard-fought Duel, acknowledging the valor displayed by both Duelists.

Patty couldn't contain her excitement, her laughter ringing out in the air as she clasped her hands to her face. "That man's gonna marry me!" she exclaimed playfully, caught up in the exhilaration of the moment.

Amidst the jubilant celebration, Yuri and Tyson approached each other and locked hands. They hugged and Tyson patted Yuri's back.

"All right, Duelists," Mr. Montgomery called from the balcony above. "Let's waste no time. Madeline, if you'll please roll the bingo machine and see who will participate in the next round."

The room fell silent as Madeline stepped forward, her graceful movements carrying an air of anticipation. She approached the bingo machine, her fingers delicately poised above the button. With a confident press, the machine sprung to life, its spinning mechanism filling the room with a gentle whir. The tension grew as the numbered balls swirled inside, each representing a Duelist's chance at advancing in the tournament.

All eyes were fixed on the machine, awaiting the outcome that would determine the next round of competitors.

"Three," Madeline announced, her voice carrying the weight of the moment. "And Eight! I repeat! Three and eight!"

"Three and eight!" repeated Mr. Montgomery. "Patty McKnight vs Andre Martin!"

Nick laughed and held up his fist confidently. "Ha! A bunch of poker clowns against Patty's deck of fiends and dragons from the depths of the darkest abyss. That loser doesn't have a chance!"

A mixture of excitement and surprise rippled through the room as the names of the next participants echoed in the air. Patty and Andre exchanged determined glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of confidence and anticipation. They had journeyed this far, and now destiny had brought them together for a thrilling clash.

Patty's gaze shimmered with self-assurance as she deftly adjusted her Duel Disk. "Looks like it's you and me again, chief," she proclaimed, a hint of playful mischief in her voice. "I look forward to kicking your ass again." She winked.

Andre nodded resolutely, a focused expression etched across his features. "Bring it on, Patty. I won't hold back."

Chapter 10: The Sadness of King Forrest

Chapter Text

Prince Talion - The Bowels of King Forrest's Summer Palace, Somewhere in the mountains of Naralia

King Forrest smiled hungrily as a man robed in black, wearing a black masquerade mask poured wine into his goblet. He sat on a red velvet couch naked as the day he was born with only his jeweled chain of office around his neck as his choice of clothing. He sipped the wine, his worm-colored lips formed a sickening smile as he held onto a leash attached to a collar that was fastened around Prince Talion's neck.

Talion, naked from the waist up, was tied to two wooden posts. Below him, five girls dressed in small, glittery loincloths and masquerade masks crawled around and purred like cats. They licked the back of their hands and rubbed their bodies along his legs and purred as though they were cats.

Talion breathed heavily, wondering what plane of the Shadow Realm he had been condemned to. He was in some sort of dark chamber, probably hundreds of feet underground. It was made of brick and the air was cold. Talion saw women wearing nothing but their masks walk around the chamber serving drinks, food, or themselves to hungry-looking men. Some were in the corner in a massive orgy. These men, Talion thought. They looked like gentlemen of the highest society. They were dressed in their best, all the while wearing masks to cover their faces. There were monks draped in black muttering a dark and ancient hymn as a priest draped in blood-red robes stood on an altar where four elf girls were laid on their bellies on black slabs of cold stone. Their bodies were marked in ominous runes. The priest in red was rambling on about who knew what?

He held out his arms as twelve naked men wearing masks walked up the altar and circled around the slabs, eyeing the girls hungrily as they stroked themselves. At the red priest's command, they began to make love to the elf girls. As they did, the priest in red splashed wine on them and muttered dark prayers. He chewed on grapes, devoured a slice of a peach, and then he joined in, grabbing the elf girl he desired.

It must have been a dark and secret society of the Church. Much to Talion's dismay, he realized that was still alive. His body was covered in scars, welts, and burns. Some of his toes and fingers were missing or broken. The amputated fingers, no doubt, were going to be sent to his sister.

"I can't imagine what must be going through your mind," King Forrest said, grabbing a serving girl and sitting her on his lap. He slapped her rump playfully and kissed her back. He poured wine down her shoulder and started licking it. "What must it feel like for a eunuch like yourself to never feel the desire for a woman's flesh again? Do you feel anything? Or can you imagine that you're feeling it, eh? An 'itch' if you will?"

He looked at Talion. "So, tell me, boy? As those girls play around you like that, do you feel anything? I know you like them. I know I've got a hard-on for that."

The Fat King showed no shame in showing Talion what he meant. Talion looked away. "You will all suffer for this," he muttered.

The girls heard his threat and laughed at him, as did King Forrest. "Suffer?" laughed King Forrest. "At your hand? And tell me, boy, just what are you going to do? Are you going to conjure up some Duel Monster to destroy us and save you? By all means, do so."

Nothing happened. "I'm waiting," said Forrest.

Still, nothing happened. "There you see. You're all talk. You are in the heart of my kingdom, boy. You are miles away from your friends. And your dearest sister, who will soon be joining us here in the Shadow Club. Like it? It's a society I created of my own design."

"Not at all surprises me," Talion groaned. Just talking took a lot of effort. "Only a man like you would be callous enough to create something so disgusting. Why build something like this anyway? What is the purpose? Why have you brought me here?"

"To treat you, my dear boy," said Forrest.

A woman rolled a cart his way at Forrest's command. The cart was full of plates full of freshly cooked food. Forrest gave the serving girl a slap to her butt, commanding her to go before he stood up. He walked to the cart.

"Let's see what we have here," he said. "Ah, wonderful. We got king crab. Swordfish. Potato salad. Dates. Grapes. Honey-coated hen. Come, boy, it's all you can eat. I have arranged this all for you."

"What are you getting at?" Talion asked, trying to be tough, but he could not deny his hunger. After almost two weeks of cold and bitter gruel, the food in front of him was a welcoming sight.

"It's all for you, Talion," said King Forrest. "Please, stop this foolishness. Tell your father to surrender the kingdom, and your sister; and the food will be all yours."

Talion tried to laugh. "You think I will tell my father to surrender the kingdom for a bit of food?"

"Of course not," said Forrest. "Order your father to surrender the kingdom, and I promise you that I'll order you out of the dungeons at once. I will move you to a room of great comfort. A hearth to keep you warm. Warm, silk sheets. Room service at your command. I will treat you as my guest. And you are. What do you say, hmm? Let us put all this behind us and come together in bringing our homelands together. Not to mention, all the women you could want. Or men, if that is your desire."

"What would be the point?" Talion coughed. He jerked his head toward his hand. "Look. You've ruined me. I can no longer raise a sword. No longer lead troops into battle. I can no longer Duel."

"My dear boy, you don't need fingers to Duel. We here at the Shadow Club have devised a new way to enjoy the game of Duel Monsters, without the need of that foul magic the Church so highly condemns."

"How?" Talion asked. "How can you Duel and please the Covenant at the same time?"

"I'm very glad you asked," Forrest said. He turned and clapped his hands at the men in dark robes. "Assemble!" he cried out happily. "It's time for games."

Two men in white robes stood at opposite ends of a deep pit full of sand. They carried golden staves. Forrest looked at Talion. "You see, we have developed a way to summon monsters without the need of cards, Mana Crystals, and Duel Disks. My mages were hard at work conjuring up ways to summon monsters using powerful magic. Of course, we don't tell the Hierarch that." Forrest chuckled.

"Let us battle!" said one of the white-robed men, holding up his staff. "By the power of Yeyu, I command that the holy energies of the earth come to me and bring forth these beasts to do battle!"

The monks in black began to chant. "Magic powers, heed my cry! Release the monsters trapped inside! Magic powers, heed my cry! Release the monster's trapped inside! Magic powers, heed my cry! Release the monsters trapped inside!"

Talion gasped when an orb of light rose out of a golden cauldron. It hovered over the sand pit and turned into a Duel Monster known as Grappler. It looked like a ghost standing in the pit, for its body was glowing and see-through.

The second man in white raised his staff and ordered the summoning of a winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1. Talion stared in awe as a white orb slithered out of the cauldron and turned into the dragon, hovering over the pit. Despite the beast snarling and flapping its massive wings, the serving girls still strutted around serving their drinks and food. The man commanded his Winged Dragon to attack and destroy Grappler!

Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #1 launched a massive fireball at the lizard creature, creating a terrific explosion that rocked the foundation of the chambers.

"Impressive beast!" said the defeated conjurer. "But watch as I summon something stronger! Come forth, La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp!"

The monks chanted and La Jinn appeared. "Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" He chuckled.

The other man laughed. "Your La Jinn is strong, but did you think I would not come prepared!?" He summoned a Fairy Dragon to the field. "I will combine my two dragons into a more powerful beast."

"Make two be one! Make two be one! Make to be one! Make two be one!" the monks chanted.

Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress #1 and Fairy Dragon combined into Kaiser Dragon!"

"Why are you doing this?" Talion asked while hissing in pain. He waited for the blast from the Kaiser Dragon's attack to subside before speaking. "Why do you do the things you do? You're a man of the Covenant, but yet you sin against them."

Forrest sighed. Wrapping his hand tighter around Talion's leash. "I love this world, Talion. I've been everywhere. I've seen everything Termnnia has to offer. As a boy, I remember romping through the meadows outside the city pretending I was Norman the Conqueror, Gilford the Lightning, or a Black Luster Soldier of the Spire of the Kings. I love the mountains, Talion. The forests - so green and beautiful. The lakes, so calm and so clear; reflecting the skies and their surroundings like a giant mirror of great beauty."

Forrest tapped his finger against the cart. "And as you can guess, I love women, too. But most of all. I love Duel Monsters! Ever since I was a little lad, I dreamed to play like the legendary Duelists of old."

"So why do you side with the Covenant?" Talion breathed. "They want to take it all away from you."

Forrest sighed again. He looked at Talion with tears of hurt twinkling in his glazed eyes. "I told you before, Talion. I love this world, you understand that? And if I have to side with radical religious zealots to save it, then so be it. I'm not sure if you've heard, Talion, but Orcs are gathering in number in the Black Continent. Many stragglers from the past war have been seen sailing out to sea chanting Anubis' name triumphantly. Something tells me Yuri isn't the hero we think he is."

Talion coughed. "Orcs? Gathering in numbers? Forrest, don't you think we should be uniting Termnnia? Not dividing it with this pointless civil war?"

"I have tried everything to rally support, young Talion. None would listen to me. They said I was a fool. That the Song from the Divines was going to protect us from them. How could he do that if he was still just baby living in another world!? I did not want to wait that long, nor was I just going to sit around and let some boy who has no experience in Termnnian politics take the Diamond Throne. God Cards or not, he will not last very long on the throne."

"And you believe you can, Forrest?"

"I know I can. That civil war in Balodrum may have driven a huge influx of refugees into our beloved homeland, but I viewed it as a blessing in disguise."

"You let them take over the whole country?" said Talion. "So they could help you become High King."

"I had to, Talion. Know this. I hate every second I spend in this cursed religion. They won't let me drink. They won't let me eat. They won't let me f*ck! Worse of all, they don't let me Duel because Duel Monsters is played with foul magic that the Covenant condemns. I can take it no more, boy. Despite their backward religion, the Covenant has access to advanced technology. They trade with the markets of other dimensions and have access to powerful weapons. Weapons that could help me take control of the kingdoms with ease. And I have done just that. Once I take control of the Diamond Throne and become High King, I promise you, boy, that the Covenant and all its practices will be restricted, if not banned."

"The Diamond Throne is for Yuri," said Talion. "The God Cards chose, Yuri."

"It is people's faith in Yuri that will doom us to the Orcs," said Forrest. "The boy will be the downfall of the entire continent; mark my words. Fighting amongst princesses looking for his hand in marriage has started. Somewhere in the southwest, Yuri's cousin, Prince Hector, has started a rebellion to turn all of Emboldor against him. And now, Master Yu-Gi-Oh calls upon a dragon-summoning girl to come down here and wreak her vengeance on us. Another child that Yugi uses as a tool for war against me."

"Forrest, you can't win this!" Talion pleaded. "You are going against forces that are beyond the Covenant, politics, and even Master Yugi himself. Please. Stop this. The Covenant is doing Termnnia no good. Somehow, some way, they will find a way to turn against you. Don't wait until it's too late. Join Master Yugi and his friends. Have your son join the great alliance he constructs. Together, we can push back the Covenant and the Orcs. This world can be saved, and you can still enjoy it."

A tear rolled down Forrest's cheek. "You're right," he said. He shook his head. "I was such a fool. But I'm sorry to say that it's far too late for that."

"It's never too late!" said Talion. "You can be a changed man!"

"I've done a lot of bad things, boy. And look at what I've done to you. There is no reversing the damage I have done. I'm sorry." He waddled back to his couch. "I'm sorry you had to go through this." He started to sob. He snorted sorrowfully. "I'm sorry for everything!"

Two men in black armored robes came out from behind Talion. One of them yanked a black sack over his head. The thick fabric muffled Talion's cries. He squirmed around, trying to figure out a way to get Forrest to hear him. But his pleas were replaced by screams as the men sliced off his hands from their bindings. Talion fell to the ground, writing and screaming in agony.

"Prepare him for the journey home," Forrest commanded. "Enhance the Wayshrines for an army. We march upon Elleria at once."

Chapter 11: Clash of Kings

Chapter Text

Leon - Auroura Highway, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

"Looks like this tournament is working wonders for my little brother's deck."

Leon chuckled as the limo sped down the highway. He looked toward the ocean or what he could make of it in the pitch-black darkness of the night. Only the water reflecting the lights could be seen below. "All these new cards and Summoning Techniques. Hundreds and hundreds of them have been released in such a short time, and our players utilize them with such skill and precision. I told you we were good enough."

A figure sat in the shadows in the seat in front of him. Cold, piercing blue eyes stared at Leon from the dark. As the light from the street lamps rushed by, only the cold color of his blue eyes could be seen. "It seems you're right," he said. "I thought for a moment that all those cards Antilles tried to send here behind our backs would cripple Yuri's chances of winning the world championship title, but it seems he's had quite the opposite effect. Yuri plays well. In fact, a little too well. Back home, I heard from one of my agents that the old coot's planning to send in more cards to this dimension with the aid of the Department of Games."

"You can't stop him?"

The figure just laughed. "No need. He's actually helping Yuri more than he is harming him."

"I see. So...what do you think of Yuri?"

The figure in the shadows folded his arms and let out an unimpressed grunt. "He has potential. But we need him to get better."

"Leave that to me," Leon said, raising a glass of champagne to his lips. "There's still lots and lots of time left before the Millennium Tournament. I'll set up another event to keep his skills sharp in the meantime, but....these things take time and a lot of money, which I personally don't have a lot of."

The figure smirked and took a checkbook from his sleeveless white coat. Leon wrinkled his nose, examining his guest's expression. The coat's studded raised collar almost concealed his face, and pairs of belts were wrapped around his forearms and shins.

Does everybody from this 'other' world dress like him?

"Here," the figure said, handing Leon a check.

Leon whistled when he saw the amount that would be paid in gold. "This is very generous of you, sir. By the way, I didn't catch your name."

"What do you care what my name is?"

Leon grimaced but grinned, finding his cold attitude amusing. "Well, we've been working together for the past few days. You came by so quickly that we never got the chance to catch up. You're all business, not that I mind, of course. I admire that quality in you, sir. You're a straight-to-the-point kind of guy."

Leon's business partner sneered at the compliment. "Well, if you want to know so bad. Just call me Kaiba."

The grin on Leon's face grew wider, and he burst out laughing. "Well, it's nice to meet you...Kaiba."

Patty - Mr. Montgomery's Private Yacht, Waters around Aquarius/Standard Dimension

Patty got on her side of the field, standing on the other side of the pool as Andre came out and took his place as well. As confident as he was in the Knights of Face, he was still a little nervous. Patty had cemented herself as arguably the best player in the Knights of the Ruby Dragon. Even Yuri was nervous going against her, and he had the likes of his Transcendosaurus and Black Tyranno's various new forms in his deck. Even the Rare Hunters avoided her at all costs when the group suffered through their reign of terror weeks ago. With her deck of terrifying dark monsters, Patty truly cemented herself as The Reaper of Aquarius. Andre knew firsthand about her skill: he had gone up against her multiple times and lost.

"Ready, Andre?" Patty asked.

"Yeah, as I'll ever be."

Patty swiftly slid a new deck into her D-Pad, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Hey, let's not wrap this up too quickly. I'll go a little easy on you," she declared.

Nick let out a dismissive scoff, relishing another succulent bite of steak. "As if that will make a difference. Patty's lethal even at fifty percent," he remarked, savoring the flavors with unabashed gusto.

Andre, taken aback by Patty's approach, interjected with a touch of disappointment. "Patty, both you and Yuri have always emphasized the importance of never holding back. It's an insult to our opponents."

Patty's eyes flared with an unsettling shade of purple, her eyebrows furrowing in disdain. "The only insult here is me wasting my precious time facing someone like you," she retorted, her words dripping with venomous scorn.

Andre's expression fell, his hurt evident in his widened eyes. "Patty... You don't truly mean that, do you?" he questioned.

Tyson chimed in, a note of surprise lacing his words. "Ouch, that was...kinda harsh," he observed, his tone tinged with sympathy.

Yuri's attention was drawn to Patty's unsettling eyes, a flicker of concern shadowing his features. "Her eyes... They're doing it again," he noted.

Ser Norman, the astute observer. "It's the darkness I warned you about," he affirmed. "Patty believes she has control over it, that it will grant her an advantage. But I fear it will ultimately lead to her downfall, and not just in this Duel."

Mr. Montgomery, filled with nervous tension, called out from the balcony. "Come on, Pamela, let's keep it clean, love. Remember, this is meant to be a friendly competition."

Patty, seemingly unfazed by the pleas for restraint, sneered as her gaze fixated on Andre. "Competition?" she snickered, her tone laced with derision. "There's no competition when it comes to you," she added, regarding Andre as nothing more than an insignificant obstacle in her path.

"Patty, I've had enough of this," he declared, his frustration palpable. "There's something off about you, Patty. I can sense it. Haven't you ever questioned if you're truly yourself at times?"

A fleeting moment of silence hung in the air, as the weight of Andre's words settled upon them all. Patty's demeanor softened, her eyes briefly betraying a hint of vulnerability amidst the lingering darkness that had consumed her. Her brows furrowed, grappling with the conflict that raged within her.

The atmosphere around them seemed to hold its breath, awaiting Patty's response. Would she acknowledge the unsettling truth buried beneath the facade she presented? Would she embrace the introspection that Andre's words had stirred within her?

"Just shut up and Duel."

"What's gotten into her?" Crystal asked. "That's not the Patty I know."

"Yeah, I think you're right," Tyson agreed.

Nick was the only one who was not concerned with her attitude. He laughed and stuck another juicy bit of steak into his mouth. "Heh. Man, this is gonna be good. Patty's gonna whoop this loser out of the tournament."

Patty - LP 8000


LP 8000 - Andre


Andre started the match. "Draw!" He swiped the card off the top of his deck. "I summon Imperial Bower!" Andre summoned his twin red and black knights. "And now, I'm going to Tribute them to activate their effect! I summon King's Knight in attack mode! And then I set a card face-down and end my turn!"


Patty drew her card, and her eyes flashed purple again, filling Andre with fear. "I activate Turning of the World!" she said. "I can use this card to summon a new addition to my army of dark monsters! I tribute this monster in my hand to summon Demise, King of Armageddon!"

With a surge of dark energy, Patty initiated a ritual summon, invoking the fearsome Demise, King of Armageddon. As the shadows converged, a towering fiend emerged, its presence dominating the ship's deck. Clad in armor of menacing black and white, Demise exuded an aura of malevolence and raw power. A giant axe, gleaming with wicked intent, rested menacingly in its hands, while a billowing cape engulfed in blue flames enveloped the pool area, casting an eerie glow that sent shivers down the spines of onlookers.

The fiend's towering form emanated an unsettling energy, a potent reminder of the destruction and chaos it could unleash upon the field. Its very presence seemed to warp the air, commanding attention and instilling a sense of foreboding in those who dared to challenge its might. As the eerie blue flames of his cape danced and flickered, illuminating the surroundings, an atmosphere of trepidation settled over the pool area, casting a surreal ambiance that heightened the intensity of the impending Duel.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (80)

ATK/2400 DEF/2000

Patty's posture exuded a chilling confidence as she stood beside her monstrous creation, a sinister grin playing on her lips. Her eyes sparkled with a malevolent glint, fueled by an insatiable desire to unleash her fiendish might upon Andre.

"Oh, Andre," Patty taunted, her voice dripping with venomous delight. "I hope you don't have any plans for that face-down card of yours. Because I'm paying 2000 Life Points to activate Demise's special ability! Prepare for utter annihilation as he lays waste to every single card on your pitiful field!"

With a flick of her wrist, the dark energies of Demise, King of Armageddon surged forth, engulfing the battlefield in an ominous aura. The monstrous fiend reveled in its destructive power, eager to unleash chaos and devastation upon Andre's fragile defenses. The air crackled with anticipation, as the imminent reckoning loomed over the duel, leaving Andre with a daunting challenge he would be hard-pressed to overcome.

With a resounding crash, Demise, King of Armageddon, forcefully drove his axe into the ground. A surge of malevolent power coursed through his being, igniting an inferno of blazing blue fire that engulfed the field. The intense flames crackled and roared, consuming everything in their path.

Andre's face-down card and his King's Knight were helpless against the onslaught of Demise's fiery wrath. They became mere kindling, swiftly reduced to ashes under the relentless assault. The once-proud King's Knight, a symbol of Andre's valor, met its demise, consumed by the voracious flames, leaving only a void where its noble presence had once stood.

Seizing the opportunity that Andre's vulnerable field presented, Demise, King of Armageddon, surged forward. With a mighty swing of his colossal axe, he unleashed a devastating assault directly aimed at Andre's Life Points, his attack guided by an insatiable hunger for destruction.

The ground trembled beneath Demise's ferocious charge, and the air crackled with an electric intensity. As the colossal fiend closed in, the specter of impending doom loomed over Andre. Demise's malevolent presence grew with each thunderous step, casting a shadow of despair upon the duel.

Andre braced himself, his heart pounding with trepidation as he faced the wrath of Demise's onslaught. The clash between the King of Armageddon and the vulnerable Life Points held the weight of the duel's outcome. The air became heavy with anticipation as spectators and duelists alike held their breath, their eyes fixated on the climactic collision between darkness and resilience.

The blow landed with an earth-shattering impact, and Andre's Life Points suffered a devastating blow. The force of Demise's attack reverberated through the duel, leaving no doubt about Patty's relentless pursuit of victory.

"Had enough, Andre? This is just the beginning, so why don't you make things easier on yourself and just quit."

Andre went back to his feet and drew for turn. "You should know by now, Patty. I don't quit."


"Using the effect of Joker's Wild, I send King's Knight back to my deck and add Joker's Wild back to my hand. And now, I set two cards face-down and end my turn."

Nick started laughing. "Man, this guy acts all big and tough when he faces off against Duel Gang thugs but when he's up against real competition, he chokes. And to think this guy tried so hard to make himself our teacher and leader. Ha! Pathetic!"

"Andre had no chance against our group's ace," said Tyson. "Damn, dawg, I almost feel sorry for him. To come this far just to tangle with the Reaper. Talk about rotten luck."


"Draw!" Patty said. "I activate End of the World!"

A mystical symbol, colored in a contrasting palette of black and white, materialized high above in the expansive sky. The intricate design of the arcane circle shimmered with ethereal energy, its lines and curves intertwining in an elaborate dance of mystic artistry. The symbol's mesmerizing glow cast an eerie ambiance over the battlefield, infusing the air with a sense of foreboding.

With the celestial manifestation of the Ritual Spell reaching its zenith, a profound stillness settled over the battlefield. From within the mystical symbol, a figure emerged, radiant and mysterious. This ethereal woman had flowing white hair cascading like a waterfall, framing her captivating features. Clad in an elegant gown adorned with hues of red and black, she emanated an aura of regality and power.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (81)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (82)

"In Demise and his beautiful queen, Ruin, I find a reflection of the love I share with Yuri," she confided. Her gaze locked onto Ruin, symbolizing the profound connection she shared with her partner. "Demise embodies the strength and resilience that Yuri has shown me throughout our journey. Like Demise, he stands tall and strong, a pillar of support and protection in my life. Much like Demise's, his presence fills me with a sense of security and stability."

Patty's voice grew softer as she shifted her focus to Ruin, Queen of Oblivion. "Ruin..well, every king needs a powerful and sexy queen by his side, am I right?" She reared her head back and laughed.

The others remained quiet, and Yuri shook his head in disbelief. "This is not right."

"You dare to compare Yuri to that abomination?" he exclaimed, his gaze fixed on the towering Demise, King of Armageddon. His tone carried a mixture of anger and disbelief; his emotions laid bare for all to see. "Yuri is so much more than what you're reducing him to, Patty!" Andre's voice rang out, each word resolute and filled with conviction. "He embodies light, goodness, and justice, not the darkness, anger, and chaos that you seem to have embraced. I don't know what has influenced you, but it's time to put a stop to this distorted perception of life. I activate Compulsory Evacuation Device and send Ruin back to your hand!"

"Arggh!" Patty growled in frustration as her queen vanished.

"Now I activate Joker's Wild, which lets me send a spell that mentions the Knights of Face in my deck to the Graveyard. And the spell I chose was Joker's Straight! It allows me to discard a card and summon two Queen's Knights to my field!"

"You fool! That won't stop me from clobbering you! I'm going to make you suffer for sending my queen off the battlefield! I pay 2000 Life Points and use King of Armageddon's effect to destroy all cards on the field!"

When his field was emptied by another blast of blue fire, Demise, King of Armageddon, flew out of the flames and raised his axe, ready to strike Andre's Life Points again. But thanks to Andre's bond with Syrus Truesdale, he would keep his Life Points safe.

"I activate Kiteroid from my hand!" Andre shouted. With a swift motion, he held up the card just in the nick of time. "This card will protect me from taking direct damage for a full turn!"

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (83)

As Demise's mighty axe descended, poised to strike a devastating blow, it collided with an impenetrable barrier conjured by Kiteroid. The clash sent reverberations through the air, creating a dazzling display of blue sparks that danced and crackled in defiance of the formidable fiend's assault.

The barrier held firm, its mystical energy resisting the destructive force unleashed by Demise. The clash between the fiery axe and the resilient shield became a testament to the indomitable spirit of Andre's defense, providing a crucial respite from the imminent danger he faced.

The onlookers watched in awe as the scene unfolded, the collision of power and protection creating a spectacle that captured their attention. The battlefield crackled with electric energy, the clash of forces becoming a focal point of the duel's intensity.

With Kiteroid's timely intervention, Andre had gained a vital reprieve, shielding him from immediate harm.

"He saved himself!" said Yuri.

"For now," said Nick. "Patty's gonna come back stronger. Heh, I know she is. In a Duel with any other amateur, Andre would have had those clown knights swarming the field already. But Patty's no street thug who thinks that because they've got a rare card in their deck that they're pro. She's good. So what if Andre protected his Life Points this once? He's not going to do it again."

"You're really starting to piss me off!" Patty snarled through her teeth, her eyes flashing an even darker shade of purple. "I end my turn!"


"I don't know what's gotten into you, Patty, but I'm not liking it at all," said Andre. "I thought Yuri expelled that darkness from your heart last time, but you're so obsessed with using it that you let it back in. I'm going to get through to you somehow."

"Stop being so dramatic and hurry up with your turn," she hissed. "Darkness, darkness, darkness. You sound like you're in a Kingdom Hearts game and I f*cking hate that franchise. This has nothing todo with 'darkness and light'! It's skill! It's power! And I'm using every ounce of it to beat you down! Now stop preaching and start Dueling!"

"As you wish! I use the effect of Joker's Wild to send Queen's Knight back to my deck. And Joker's Wild returns to my hand. Also, Joker's Straight activates, and I send the second Queen's Knight back into my deck to add it to my hand."

"He's going to summon those things again, isn't he?" Nick groaned. "Man, doesn't he have any other combos? He's a one-trick pony."

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," said Penelope. "That's what my pals down in the shop keep telling me. Of course, as much as I want Patty to win, I can't. Something about her seems really off. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there."

"You really believe what they're saying?" Annabelle asked Sam. "About Patty not being herself?"

Sam just shrugged. "I don't know. I think this is just grown-up drama. I just wanna see who's gonna make it to the finals."

"I activate Joker's Straight!" Andre yelled. "I discard a card from my hand and summon Queen's Knight and King's Knight! And as you know, when King's Knight and Queen's Knight are together, I can summon Jack's Knight! Now, I activate Royal Straight, fusing them together to become the mighty Arcana Knight Joker!"

The knight appeared, slashing his sword through the air. He stood beside Andre, his shield up, as though he were ready to defend him from the wicked king standing before him.

ATK/3800 DEF/2500

To Patty's dismay, Jack's Knight stood defiantly on the field. Andre fused Arcana Knight Joker with another Jack's Knight in his hand! As if that wasn't enough, Andre further bolstered his forces by summoning Queen's Knight, further tipping the scales in his favor.

The weight of the impending defeat settled upon Patty's shoulders, sending a wave of weakness coursing through her. With trembling knees and gasping breaths, she struggled to come to terms with the dire situation unfolding before her. The realization that victory was slipping away, slipping through her grasp like sand, filled her with a profound sense of despair.

In the midst of the chaos, Yuri and the others rose from their seats, their expressions a mirror of shock and disbelief. Tyson's gasp reverberated through the lounge, his hands instinctively finding their way to cover his head. The collective outcry of the onlookers echoed through the air.

Patty's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing to find a way to turn the tide. The fire of resolution flickered within her, refusing to be extinguished even in the face of imminent defeat. The will to fight burned within her, urging her to push beyond her limits and rise above the overwhelming odds stacked against her.

With gritted teeth and a flicker of defiance in her eyes. "It...it can't be!" she gasped, her voice quivering. "I can't...I can't lose. Not like this."

Andre's Arcana Knight Joker lunged forward with astonishing speed, defying Demise's attempts to impede the impending attack. Like a blur of black and gold, the knight evaded the swing of Demise's mighty axe, displaying unmatched agility and precision. With a gravity-defying leap, Arcana Knight Joker soared through the air, his sword gleaming in the yacht's lights. The sword connected with devastating force in a split second, slashing across Demise's face with a resounding impact. The clash between the ethereal blade and the fiendish visage of the King of Armageddon reverberated through the battlefield, setting off a chain reaction of explosive energy.

The ensuing explosion engulfed Demise, his formidable form consumed by a dazzling burst of light and power. The echoes of the detonation resonated throughout the pool. Patty watched in stunned silence, the explosion's impact echoing within her. The realization of Demise's end settled upon her.

With a swift and coordinated assault, Jack's and Queen's knights surged forward, their blades poised to strike with deadly precision. Patty's heart sank as the combined force of their attacks landed true, delivering a devastating blow to her Life Points. The pain reverberated through her being, a tangible reminder of the dwindling hope she had clung to.

As the blades made contact, the force of the impact shook Patty to her core. Her Life Points plummeted, their numerical value ticking closer and closer to the fateful zero.

Winner: Andre

Nick's hands pressed firmly against the cool surface of the glass, his eyes fixed on the unfolding scene before him. Disbelief and frustration washed over him like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf his emotions. He couldn't fathom the sight before him – Patty, the Reaper! The ace of their group. Defeated! By Andre Martin!!

"She...she lost?! I...I don't believe it! Not to him!"

Andre approached Patty as she was crouched on one knee by the side of the pool. "Hey, that was a good game, Patty," Andre said.

Patty just stood up and walked away. "Eat my ass, Andre." She said. However, she didn't rejoin the others in the lounge. She sauntered off to her quarters and locked herself inside.

"Think you should go talk to her, Yuri?" Crystal asked. "She seemed pretty upset."

"I dunno, I don't think I should go after her like that. You know how Patty is when she gets pissed off." Yuri replied.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to be around her," Tyson added. "Especially after a loss like that."

"You!" Nick said. He balled his fists in anger as Andre came into the lounge. "You! Why do you always have to trail us like this? Why do you have to show up wherever we go and ruin everything!"

"What? It's not like you all were going to win together." Andre replied. "Only one of us is going to win in the end."

"And it's going to be one of us!" Nick said sharply. "I hope it's you and me in the next round, asshole. Because I'm going to kick your ass so hard you'll be singing soprano for the rest of your life!"

"Hmph, maybe you'll get your wish," Andre said. "And I'm going to make sure you regret it."

Andre didn't want to deal with Nick any longer and retired to his quarters. The others could only watch as Nick seethed with anger. "That bastard!" Nick said. "I don't know why we even bother with him! He's a total dick!"

"For what, competing in the games?" Yuri asked. "Why must you be such a drama queen, Nick? He has every right to compete in the city's events as much as you do."

"Well, he shouldn't! He's trying to sabotage us! How can you trust a guy who tries to weasel his way into our lives and tries to be our 'fearless' leader? Why would he want that? Don't you see, guys? We were just a means to his own end. He never cared for us."

"I...I don't think that's true, Nick," Crystal said. "And you better put that little flimflam of his behind you for good because all this anger and hate will turn you into something you don't want to be. Just ask Brett. Excuse me!" She pushed past him and sauntered off to her room.

"Crystal! Wait!" Nick cried out, but she was already gone. He tried to chase after her, but Tyson held him back.

"Let her go, man. It's bad enough that Patty lost, but we don't need your blind and venomous hate for Andre to escalate things any further."

"I'm not blind! I could smell his selfishness the moment he walked into the Ruby Dragon that day. How can you guys be so cool with a guy who just wanted to forcibly make us his pawns? Why does he think he's so great and special, anyway? I swear, if I ever get the chance, I'm going to knock his block off!"

"Maybe you should take a walk, Nick," Yuri suggested. "Before things get any uglier."


"Just go, Nick. Take a breather, clear your head."

Nick let out a deep sigh. He looked at the others, hoping they'd understand. They gave him a slight nod, indicating their support for him. He couldn't believe how understanding they were towards Andre after what he'd done. He backed away from the others and headed out of the lounge. Then he stopped and turned. "Trusting that guy is going to lead us into trouble," he said. "I know it. We'll see."

Patty - Private Quarters

Patty sat on the edge of her bed, holding her knees to her chest. Her mind was racing with thoughts of her loss in the last round of the tournament. It wasn't as though it was her first time losing a match – but this defeat was different. She had been so confident about her abilities as a fighter and her prowess as an agent that she was sure she'd win easily. After all, she had defeated the best in the world in her previous battles. Yet, against Andre Martin, she had been soundly defeated.

She heard a soft knock on her door and immediately recognized the signature knock pattern. She opened the door and the hulking giant, PaniK walked into her quarters.

"Won't you come in?" Patty said sarcastically as PaniK thumped his way in.

"You shouldn't have lost that match?" PaniK said, walking toward the glass wall where he peered into the infinite blackness of the ocean at night. "That deck you built. It should have ended him in a couple of turns. Why did you get overconfident?"

Patty shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I just didn't expect him to be that good. He's a sh*tty Duelist so I didn't expect much from him. But he kept beating me down with his Poker Knights. I didn't expect them to be that fast."

PaniK turned and looked at her. "He's not a sh*tty Duelist," he said. "Not if he can get the best of The Reaper. Why did you hold back, Patty? Honestly, tell me why."

"It's...it's complicated, PaniK." Patty replied. "But it's not like I wanted to lose. I kicked his ass lots of times before. I wanted to drag the match on. Torture him. You know what I mean?"

"And in your grandstanding, he got the best of you and knocked you out of the tournament."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure it won't happen again," Patty said. "I'll find a way to get even with him."

"I doubt that."

Patty gave PaniK a nasty glare. "What? What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean," PaniK said. "If you continue to make foolish choices like that, you will never become the Duelist you were meant to become. Have I taught you nothing?"

"You've taught me plenty, PaniK!" Patty shot back. "Your lessons didn't go to waste. I was just a stupid girl tonight."

"A stupid girl who could have taken care of this situation by playing the game correctly. Not just a mindless brawl."

Patty sighed and smelled something sweet and pungent coming from Panik. He had a long black pipe in his hand with the head of a dragon, its eyes and mouth glowing purple. PaniK inhaled something from the pipe and he spewed out a small cloud of smoke.

"Hey, what is that?" Patty asked. "It...it smells good."

"You wouldn't like this," PaniK said, taking another puff of the pipe.

"What is it?" Patty asked.

"You sure you want to know?" PaniK replied.

"Yeah, I'm curious."

"All right," PaniK said. "It's calledMindlfare. Very strong stuff."

"Mindlfare? I've never heard of that. Is it...is it new?"

"You've dabbled in the commodities of the underground world before, haven't you?" PaniK asked.

"I've hit the streets once in a while to get a fix," she replied. "Picked up a few good kicks. But that...it looks mighty interesting. And that pipe is badass!"

PaniK walked towards Patty as she sat on the edge of her bed. He handed her the pipe. "Want to try it?"

Patty shrugged. She took the pipe and held it up to her nose. It smelled like some kind of candy. She sniffed it and felt her nostrils burn. "Whoa! That's strong!"

"It's an acquired taste," PaniK said.

"I'm sure it is." Patty put the pipe to her lips and inhaled sharply. She felt the smoke seep down into her lungs. Immediately she felt a warm sensation course through her body. Her heart began to beat faster and she felt a rush of energy fill her body. "OH! WOW!" she laughed. "That...that's awesome!"

"Isn't it?" PaniK said. "This stuff is very rare. Not many people know about it because it's pretty expensive."

"What is it?"

PaniK's expression turned enigmatic, his lips curving into a half-smile. "I wish I could tell you, but the ingredients... they're from a realm beyond our reach. What I can tell you is this:Mindlfareis a conduit to unparalleled focus and heightened senses. It expands your perception, sharpens your intuition, and unlocks hidden reserves of power within. With it, you'll experience dueling like never before."

Patty's mind wrestled with uncertainty, her gaze shifting from the vial to PaniK. She understood the allure, the potential advantage it could grant her in her duels. But there was a lingering sense of unease, a reminder of the forbidden nature of this substance.

PaniK leaned closer, his raspy voice barely above a whisper. "Think of it as a gateway to greatness, Patty. Mindlfare will enable you to tap into your fullest potential, to transcend the limitations of ordinary dueling. But remember, once you partake, there's no turning back. Wanna test it out?"

Patty nodded. Before she knew it, sheand PaniK sat across from each other at a small table, a tense silence lingering between them. PaniK wore a sly smirk, confident in his deck's strength, while Patty's eyes glimmered with an unusual intensity.

PaniK slid his deck towards Patty. "Go ahead, take a look. I'm curious to see if you can find any weaknesses."

As Patty's fingers brushed against the deck, a surge of energy coursed through her. Her mind buzzed with the effects of theMindlfare, and her senses became razor-sharp. With lightning speed, she began scanning each card, her eyes absorbing the information with uncanny efficiency.

In an instant, Patty's brain ignited with strategies and counterplays. She saw through PaniK's deck, recognizing patterns and potential pitfalls. Without hesitation, she plucked cards from her own deck, discarding those she deemed unnecessary, and replaced them with precise additions that she knew would bolster her tactics.

With her newly refined deck in hand, Patty locked eyes with PaniK. The Duel commenced, and from the very first move, it became apparent that Patty was operating on a different level. Her reactions were swift and precise, her knowledge of PaniK's cards shining through each play.

PaniK's face contorted with surprise as Patty expertly navigated the Duel. Every move he made, she countered flawlessly, always one step ahead. It was as if she could anticipate his every move, her mind calculating the optimal response with uncanny accuracy.

Patty's command over the Duel was mesmerizing. Her actions were swift, her decisions calculated, and her strategy flawlessly executed. PaniK found himself trapped in a web of her brilliance, unable to gain any meaningful advantage.

As the Duel progressed, Patty's focus never wavered. Her heightened senses allowed her to see beyond the surface, perceiving the intricate interplay of cards and their implications. She effortlessly manipulated the field, forcing PaniK into defensive maneuvers and strategic retreats.

With each turn, Patty's advantage became more pronounced. She seemed to dance through the game, her movements guided by an otherworldly understanding. PaniK's attempts to gain the upper hand were met with a swift and resolute counter, leaving him frustrated and confounded.

Patty's mastery over the Duel, a result of Mindlfare's effects, showcased her exceptional abilities and strategic genius.

As the Duel reached its climax, Patty's final move sealed her triumph, leaving PaniK stunned and defeated. The room fell silent, the echoes of the Duel lingering in the air.

"Wow!" she giggled uncontrollably. "That was so cool! I knew each of your moves before you could even play them! Like I had psychic powers or something! And man does it kick! I feel like I can take on an army of Duelists! More! More!"

"I'm afraid there isn't anymore, my sweet. You enjoyed it a little too much."

Patty slid her fingers through her hair. "No! No! Where can I get more? You gotta tell me where I can find more! Please, PaniK, please! I don't want to lose again!"

"Very well..." PaniK said after a long pause.

Nick and Carter stood face-to-face on Mr. Montgomery's luxurious yacht, engaged in an intense Duel. The sun glistened off the ocean waves as their Duel Disks emitted a vibrant glow, signifying the clash of their strategies.

Carter smirked confidently, pointing to his powerful Fortress Whale. "Give up, Nick! My Fortress Whale is an unstoppable force that will crush your defenses!"

Nick's grin widened as he quickly formulated a countermove. "Ah, but I won't be defeated that easily! I activate my spell card, Lighting Blade, and equip it to my Black Luster Soldier!"

As he spoke, a surge of electric energy enveloped Nick's warrior, enhancing its already impressive abilities. The once sleek warrior now crackled with electrifying power, ready to strike.

Carter's expression faltered slightly, a hint of uncertainty creeping in. "Oh no! Not that card!"

Nick laughed. "Ha! Being a Water Duelist, I figured you'd know what this does. It will increase Panther Warrior's ATK by 800 and decrease the ATK of all your Water monsters goes down by 500. Say goodnight, Cartet!"

With a swift motion, Black Luster Soldier jumped high into the air to battle the whale. Nick's triumphant laughter filled the air as the electrified blade of his Black Luster Soldier struck true, piercing the head of Carter's formidable Fortress Whale. The creature let out a mournful cry before erupting into a spectacular explosion, its defeat echoing through the surrounding waters.

Carter's face contorted with shock and disbelief as the fragments of his once-mighty monster dissipated. His Life Points dwindled to nothing, sealing his defeat.

The others gasped and cheered, their astonishment mingling with awe. Nick had executed a masterstroke, turning the tides of the Duel in a single, calculated move.

Carter, though defeated, begrudgingly extended his hand in acknowledgment. Nick accepted it graciously, a sense of respect passing between the two Duelists. In the world of Duel Monsters, victory and defeat were as unpredictable as the shifting currents of the sea, and both players understood the ebb and flow of the game.

After his hard-fought victory against Carter, Nick stepped out of the Duel arena and walked toward the lounge area. His adrenaline was still pumping, and he sought solace among his friends. Carter followed and was met with Nikki, who hugged him and congratulated him on a well-fought Duel.

As he entered the lounge, his eyes locked with Andre's, who was leaning against one of the imposing black marble columns. A simmering tension filled the air between them, an unspoken rivalry and animosity that had been brewing for some time. Their gazes clashed, a silent exchange of disdain and unresolved conflict.

Nick scoffed with indifference etched on his face. He didn't shy away from the challenge, nor did he attempt to hide his disdain for Andre. With a subtle shake of his head, he turned away, determined not to let the animosity consume him.

His focus shifted towards the buffet table, an array of delectable treats tempting his taste buds. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, a reminder of the physical exertion he had just endured in the Duel. He approached the spread of culinary delights, eager to satiate his appetite.

Nick's mind drifted as he perused the offerings, momentarily escaping the lingering tension. He selected a plate and began to fill it with an assortment of savory dishes, his attention focused on the culinary indulgences before him. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, enticing his senses and momentarily providing respite from the intensity of the Duel and the silent confrontation with Andre.

"Hey, Nick, that was great!" Yuri said; he and Nick locked hands and let go with a hand slide. "Carter, you, too, man. What happened to your Ghotis?"

Carter shrugged. "Would have been too easy."

"Oh yeah?" Nick said, playfully punching his friend on the shoulder. "I bet my knights would have stood up to those overgrown sky fish."

"We'll have to test that theory sometime."

"Another time," Nikki corrected him. "Come on. I wanna wade in the pool with you. Let's go get changed."

Carter winked at his friends as he left the lounge, arm-in-arm with his girlfriend. As they approached the door, it slid open to reveal Patty, already clad in a pink two-piece with a matching pareo.

"Patty!" the couple said at once.

"Hey, guys," she said. "Did I miss anything?"

"Uh...no, just Carter getting his butt kicked because he didn't use the deck I built him." She shot Carter a stern glare and punched his shoulder.

"Oh, that's too bad," said Patty. "Well, I'm sure you gave it your all, Carter."

"Ah, I went easy on the guy," Carter said. "Even my Kairyu-Shin Deck can match Nick's Noble Knights." He looked at Patty from head to toe and whistled. "Nice, bikini, babe. Is it new?"

"Yeah, got it just for Yuri's pleasure. Speaking of which, where is my handsome prince?"

"Over here," Yuri said, waving his arm. He approached her and wrapped his arms around her neck, kissing her and rubbing his nose against hers. "You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I just...what?"

Yuri's face crinkled in confusion as he sniffed. "What's the smell? Is that a new perfume or something?"

Patty gasped, remembering huffing Mindflare Dust with PaniK in her room. "Oh...uh...yeah. It's something I picked up at the variety shop. You don't like it."

"Not really," said Yuri. "It's very pungent. What happened to the perfume I gave you when we went shopping the other day?"

"I uh...wanted to try something new."

"Eeesh," Carter said, pinching his nose. "You smell like you rolled around in roses and jumped in a dumpster of rotting fruit. Whoever designed that perfume needs to be fired from whatever company they work for and banished to a desert island. Hopefully, a dip in the pool will wash that scent off of you, girl. You reek."

Crystal approached the group, accompanied by Ren and Nick, a concerned look on her face. "Patty, are you sure you're okay? You seemed unusually aggressive during your match against Andre, and storming off afterward isn't like you."

"Pride," Patty said with a shrug. "That's all I can say." She bumped her hip against Yuri's leg. "Do I get a punishment for making such a stupid mistake, babe?"

"Well, now," Ren said in surprise.

"Uh...no," said Yuri. "I don't do that sh*t."

"Awww, you big baby!" Patty bumped him with her hip again. "I thought you'd be into that sort of thing. You said you liked that video on my Onlyfans where Tyson dressed up as Ryu-Kishin Clown and spanked me in the park."

"THAT WAS TYSON!" Yuri exclaimed.

"Ooh-oh!" Tyson, seizing the opportunity, bolted out of the door, laughter echoing behind him. "Hey, come on, Patty! You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"COME BACK HERE!" Yuri yelled, chasing after his friend as the others laughed.

"It wasn't my idea, man!" Tyson laughed as Yuri chased him around the pool. "Chill! Chill!"

Mr. Montgomery tapped his knife against the glass, producing a sharp sound that cut through the chatter and excitement of the teenagers below. The room fell into a hushed silence as the finalists and their friends turned their attention to the balcony, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the next round. Madeline stepped forward and spun the bingo machine, its colorful balls rattling within.

As the machine whirled to a stop, Madeline carefully retrieved a ball, revealing the first number and then the second. The anticipation grew as she announced, "Duelists, it's time for the next thrilling match! In this round, we have Logan versus Leo!"

The others rushed to the leather seats by the window while Andre remained on the column with his arms crossed. Sabrina leaned in and planted a kiss on Logan's cheek, wishing him good luck as he prepared for his duel. Leo walked past them, his focus locked on his side of the pool. Meanwhile, Patty, unfazed by the cat-calling from Sam and Nick, gracefully slipped out of her pareo, revealing her bikini. With a confident stride, she made her way towards a charming little grotto nestled beside the pool, where Kate was leisurely enjoying a bowl of strawberries.

"Hey, glad to see you here," Kate greeted, a smile playing on her lips. "It was getting a bit lonely in this oasis."

Patty joined Kate in the grotto, feeling the cool water embrace her body. The lights surrounding the pool illuminated the water, giving it a vibrant turquoise hue. The reflective ripples danced along the rocky roof of the grotto, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow.

"You're right," Patty agreed, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "This is definitely the best seat in the house. A perfect spot to witness the excitement unfold."

"I can't wait to see those Red Dragon Archfiends in action," Carter exclaimed, joining Patty and Kate in the grotto. With Nikki by his side, also dressed in her swimsuit, they waded into the refreshing water, finding their spot to witness the upcoming duel. Tyson followed suit, arriving with a plate of delicious BBQ drumsticks in hand, ready to enjoy the match alongside his friends.

"Man, this is living, huh, guys?" Tyson said with a mouthful of sweet meat. "—good friends, thrilling Duels, and a little bit of relaxation. It doesn't get much better than this. Cheers to a great time together, everyone!"

Penelope was hesitant about going in the water for a second, but after seeing everyone grouped together, she stood up and headed for her room to change. "Looks like fun. You coming, Nick?"

Nick, laying out his cards on the table, preparing strategies, looked over his shoulder and shook his head. "Nah, you go ahead. I need to prepare."

"Suit yourself," Penelope said, exiting the lounge. The glass doors slid open and she vanished down the hall.

"You're not going to join your girl in the pool, Yuri?" Andre asked.

Yuri paused for a moment, his brows furrowing with concern. He glanced over at Patty, who was now enjoying the cool water in the grotto with her friends. Andre's words struck a chord, reminding him of the peculiar scent and uncharacteristic behavior Patty had displayed earlier.

"No," Yuri replied with a hint of hesitation. "I'm not so sure I want to be near her right now. There's something off about her. That strange smell and her recent behavior... it's just not like her. I can't shake this feeling that something isn't right."

Andre nodded, understanding Yuri's apprehension. "Trust your instincts, Yuri. It's important to be cautious. We don't know what might be going on, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

Yuri glanced back at Patty, concern etched on his face as a butler arrived to pass out orange fruit co*cktails. "I'll keep an eye on her from here. If something seems amiss, I'll be ready to step in. We need to make sure she's okay."

And so the match began. The match, though very hyped, was a very short one. On his first turn, Logan was able to summon both his Dark Magician of Chaos and his Magician of Black Chaos MAX. He set three cards face-down and ended his turn.

However, Leo, even though he was happpy to be in a Duel with Logan once again, decided to end things quickly. In a stunning display of Special Summoning, he swarmed the field with Resonators from his deck multiple times until he successfully summoned Red Dragon Archfiend, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss, Scar-Red Dragon Archfiend, and Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend in a single triumphant moment. The sheer magnitude of his summoning power reverberated through the duel, leaving Logan's Magicians vulnerable and exposed.

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And since he used Maxx C on Logan's turn, he had enough cards to wipe out Logan's backboard, leaving his Magicians at the mercy of his dragons. With a swift and calculated assault, the dragons roared to life, unleashing a breathtaking conflagration of flames that illuminated the surrounding waters in a 200 ft radius.

The intensity of the dragons' onslaught reverberated through the yacht, causing even the sturdy vessel to tremble. The sea itself seemed to mirror the fierce resolve of the dragons, its waters aflame with the fiery spectacle unfolding before the mesmerized spectators.

As the fiery display subsided, it became apparent that Logan's valiant efforts had been eclipsed by Leo's overwhelming force. The crowd erupted into a mixture of astonishment and applause, captivated by the raw power and sheer spectacle of the Duel.

"Holy sh*t!" Patty exclaimed.

"Wow..." Nikki whispered in awe. The remnants of dancing embers painted a mesmerizing picture of the fierce battle that had just transpired. With a satisfied smile, Leo gracefully slid his hand down his hair. He deactivated his Duel Disk with a decisive motion, causing the majestic dragons to dissolve into ethereal wisps, their power fading into the digital realm.

As the dragons vanished, a gentle wave of static permeated the atmosphere, creating an ethereal haze before dissipating completely. The arena, once ablaze with the dragons' fiery might, returned to a serene stillness, leaving only a sense of reverence and wonder in its wake. The onlookers, spellbound by the spectacle they had witnessed, remained silent momentarily, as if processing the sheer magnitude of the Duel's conclusion.

"Well, at least Sabrina didn't interfere this time," Logan said.

Leo placed a friendly hand on Logan's shoulder and gave it a reassuring pat. "Don't be upset, man. Making it this far in the tournament is an achievement in itself. You showcased your skills and gave it your all. Now, head to your room and change. Your girlfriend wants to get in the pool with the others."

Logan nodded. "Heh, yeah. I guess I should. It looks like I'm out of the tournament."

As the Duelists exited the pool, they wrapped themselves in towels and returned to the lounge. The atmosphere brimmed with a blend of excitement and anticipation as Mr. Montgomery's voice filled the room, announcing the commencement of the semi-finals. The field had narrowed to only four formidable Duelists: Yuri, Nick, Andre, and Leo. The stage was set for the ultimate battles, deciding who would emerge as the true victor of this exhilarating tournament.

"All right, everyone," Mr. Montgomery announced. "Settle down, now. Yes, yes, I want to get things going as well. Ahem. Well, we're here. The final four, and in record time, might I add. Each one of you has showcased remarkable skills and utilized the power of the new cards to deliver deadly strategies that can end a game in one or two turns. It's truly an exhilarating turn of events. Now that we have reached this pivotal moment, it is time to determine the pairings for the semifinals."

A sense of anticipation hung in the air as the Duelists and their friends gathered, their eyes fixed on Mr. Montgomery, awaiting the revelation of the matchups.

"In the first pair-up of the semifinals," Mr. Montgomery continued, "we will witness a battle that has been brewing, a rivalry that needs to be settled once and for all. Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves, for the first match of the semifinals will be between Nick and Andre!"

A collective gasp filled the room as the group turned their attention to both Andre and Nick. Worry etched on their faces, they exchanged glances, aware of the formidable opponents they were about to face. The weight of the moment settled upon them, and the room buzzed with an electric tension, signaling the epic clash that was about to unfold.

"And in the next pair, we have a clash that promises to be nothing short of legendary. Kids, get ready to witness a battle between two extraordinary Duelists. The next match shall pit Leo, the Red Dragon Summoner, known for his awe-inspiring summoning techniques and fiery strategies, against my son Yuri, the Dinosaur King."

The room erupted with applause as the announcement of the next match sent waves of excitement through the crowd. The clash between Leo and Yuri promised a showdown of epic proportions, pitting the power of the Red Dragons against the ancient might of the Dinosaurs.

"Now," Mr. Montgomery continued. "Who will emerge victorious in the finals of this amazing battle royale? May the best Duelists prevail!"

"I plan to," Nick said as he venomously locked eyes with Andre. "So, which of the pairs is going to Duel first?" Nick asked.

"We'll flip a coin," said Mr. Montgomery. He took a huge gold one out of his pocket and flipped it. Heads would be Nick vs Andre. Tails was Yuri vs Leo. The coin dropped. Mr. Montgomery caught it and slapped it against the back of his hand. "And the first match will be..." He raised his hand. "Leo vs Yuri! All right, boys, get out there and prove your worth!"

"You ready, Yuri?" Leo asked. "Ah, I've been looking forward to this."

"As have I," Yuri replied, stuffing his deck into the D-Pad. "Time to see if your Red Dragon Archfiend can match against my dinosaurs."

Leo looked at the grand stage before him. "Yuri, I've always watched my favorite Duelists perform on stages such as this," he admitted as he looked around at his friends. "Seeing their incredible skills and the way they captivated the crowd fueled my dreams of making a mark in Dueling."

Yuri's face lit up with understanding. "You know...I feel the same way, Leo. And now, here we are, standing in the spotlight. This is our moment to shine, to show the world what we're capable of."

Leo started first. He usually started by swarming the field with all forms of his Red Dragon Archfiend, but he wanted to get a feel for Yuri. See what he would do. How would he approach it? So he first summoned Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend and laid a defensive wall of face-down cards behind him.

Leo, seeking to test Yuri's capabilities, summoned the powerful Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend to the field, its fiery presence casting an imposing shadow. With a calculated strategy in mind, Leo carefully set four cards face-down, indicating his intention to gauge Yuri's response.

Observing the unfolding Duel, Kate asked, "Why didn't Leo unleash a swarm of dragons onto the field? He could easily wipe Yuri out, bringing out the likes of Abyss, Bane, and King Calamity."

Tyson, well acquainted with Yuri's tactics, provided an explanation, "Leo is wise to exercise caution. He knows Yuri is a formidable opponent, and simultaneously summoning multiple dragons would be risky. Yuri possesses hidden tricks, and in a single devastating blow, Leo's dragons could be obliterated."

Patty chimed in, captivated by the escalating tension, "That makes sense! With Leo's face-down cards creating an additional layer of unpredictability, Yuri will need to be quick-witted and adaptable."

Nick, considering the psychological aspect of the Duel, mused, "It's possible that they're trying to psych each other out, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty. Mind games can be just as influential as the moves made on the field."

The onlookers watched intently as the Duelists prepared to clash, their minds and strategies locked in a fierce battle of wits. Yuri, ever vigilant, assessed the field before him, contemplating his next move. The weight of Leo's presence and the mystery behind his face-down cards added an extra layer of complexity to the unfolding Duel, intensifying the anticipation among the spectators.

Yuri, determined not to be overshadowed by Leo's cautious approach, summoned a single monster to join the fray. Activating Big Evolution Pill, he called forth the formidable Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, its earth-shaking presence commanding attention. Yuri strategically placed a wall of face-down cards to fortify his position, ready to counter any moves Leo might make.

From the poolside, their group of friends watched the Duel unfold, lounging comfortably in their seats. Andre leaned on the yacht's railing, arms crossed, his eyes fixed on the thrilling exchange between Yuri and Leo. A wry smile played across his lips as he engaged in an inner monologue, likening the Duel to a strategic game of chess.

"This is like a game of chess," Andre thought, his voice echoing in his mind. "Yuri and Leo are locked in a battle of wits. Man, this is going to get interesting.

The arena trembled under the weight of anticipation as the clash between Yuri's Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and Leo's Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend commenced. The air crackled with energy, and the ground quaked beneath the monstrous combatants' titanic footsteps. The crowd held their breath, caught in the grip of an electrifying spectacle.

Perched on the third floor overlooking the deck where the Duel unfolded, Sam, Annabelle, and Emiko sat with wide-eyed excitement. Annabelle, a spirited supporter of Yuri, couldn't help but cheer loudly for her favored Duelist. Holding her cherished stuffed elephant close, Emiko placed her bets on the Red Dragon Archfiends.

Annabelle shouted: "Go, Yuri! Show them what you're made of!"

Beside them, Sam watched in awe, his eyes tracing every move and strategy with a sense of wonder. Enthralled by the skill and spectacle before him, he couldn't help but dream of his own future as a Duelist. He hoped that one day, when he grew up, he too would be able to participate in thrilling Duels like the one unfolding below.

Ultimate Conductor Tyranno lunged forward with a thunderous roar, its colossal frame propelled by the raw power coursing through its veins. Its primal instincts took over as it unleashed a barrage of devastating blows upon Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend. Claws as sharp as razors raked across the dragon's scaled hide, tearing through with unyielding fury.

But Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend was no mere bystander in this clash. Its crimson eyes blazed as it met Tyranno's assault head-on. Crimson flames erupted from its maw, engulfing its body in an inferno of scorching power. The dragon's mighty wings unfurled, sending a gust of heat and destruction toward Tyranno, hoping to fend off the relentless onslaught.

Tyranno, undeterred by the flames that engulfed its form, summoned its primeval might. With a mighty bellow reverberating through the arena, it unleashed a devastating Tail Whipping Storm, its mighty tail swirling through the air with blinding speed. The savage force of its attack shattered the flames, sending fragments scattering in all directions.

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend retaliated with a furious assault. Its clawed wings propelled it skyward, soaring with unmatched agility. The dragon's eyes narrowed as it summoned the flames of its infernal power, charging up its signature technique—the Red Dragon Archfiend Rage Burst.

A wave of blistering heat surged forth from the dragon, a torrent of fire and fury aimed squarely at Tyranno. The ground quaked beneath the cataclysmic force of the attack, and a cloud of smoke and ash filled the air. But Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, a force of nature in its own right, refused to succumb. Its indomitable spirit roared to life, propelling it forward through the raging inferno.

With a primal roar that echoed across the battlefield, Tyranno defied the odds, breaking free from the suffocating grip of the dragon's flames. Covered in ash and embers, it emerged unscathed, its eyes burning with an unquenchable resolve. The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers shaking the very foundations of the arena.

Leo knew that he had met his match in Yuri's Tyranno. The battle was nearing its end. Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend summoned every ounce of its remaining strength, channeling it into a fearsome onslaught. Its wings beat with vigor, sending a gust of scorching wind toward Tyranno. The air shimmered with heat as the dragon hurtled toward its opponent, claws extended, ready to deliver a final, decisive blow.

In a clash that defied imagination, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno met Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend head-on. The ground quaked beneath their mighty collision, and sparks of raw power danced through the air. The friends held their breath, the tension unbearable.

Then, a resounding boom echoed through the arena in a moment that seemed to stretch on for eternity. The dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the cataclysmic clash. Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend, its once-majestic form now shattered and broken, lay defeated upon the scorched battlefield.

Yuri's Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, though battered and weary, stood triumphant amidst the wreckage. Its eyes glimmered, and it reared up its head and roared.

"Round one goes to Yuri!" Patty cheered.

"He may have won the round, but this Duel is far from over," Kate assured her. "Just watch. My brother is going to make a comeback."

Leo stood still as the embers left behind by his dragon danced in the air. "Not bad, Yuri! But that Ultimate Conductor Tyranno is going down with my dragon. The last card I activated wasCrimson King's Final Will. When you destroy my Red Dragon Archfiend in battle, the monster that attacked him goes down with it. And you take 1000 points of damage to your Life Points.

Yuri narrowed his eyes as his dinosaur dispersed into a million burning embers, reducing his Life Points to 7000. Their fields were now empty.

"Looks like we're back where we started," said Yuri. So I activate the trap,Generosity of the High King! When both of us have no cards in our hands, we shuffle five cards from our Graveyards back into our decks and then draw five cards."

"Ho, ho!" Tyson said, rubbing his hands together. "Yuri just hit the restart button."

Patty shivered in excitement. "Oooh, Yuri! You're just too good!":

The stage was set for a second clash of titans. Yuri summoned Transcendrake Exaraptor and faced off against the mighty Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss. The crowd watched in awe as the formidable dragon towered over the agile dinosaur, its imposing figure casting a daunting shadow across the arena.

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Undeterred by the stark difference in size, Exaraptor relied on its incredible speed and agility to launch its assault. With lightning-quick reflexes, it darted and weaved around the massive dragon, evading its swipes and lunges. The raptor's glowing claws struck precisely, leaving deep, searing scratches upon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss's scaled exterior.

Yuri and Leo, eager to seize the advantage, activated their respective traps and spells in a fierce battle of strategy. Yuri's cunning traps aimed to disrupt the dragon's movements, forcing it into vulnerable positions. Leo utilized his own trap to empower his ferocious beast, augmenting its already formidable strength and bestowing it with an infernal aura.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of chaos and calculated maneuvers. Exaraptor's swift strikes were met with retaliatory blasts of dragonfire, the very air crackling with raw energy. Leo's Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss, bolstered by its master's spells, unleashed devastating counterattacks, sweeping its massive tail and engulfing the surroundings in a tempest of flames.

But despite Exaraptor's remarkable agility and tenacity, Leo's mastery over his dragon proved too formidable. Leo played a flaming spell card with a flourish, igniting the already blazing power within Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss. The dragon's form shimmered with an intense heat, its scales glowing brighter with every passing moment. Empowered by the fiery magic, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss unleashed an explosive burst of energy. Flames erupted from its mouth, engulfing the arena in an all-consuming inferno. Exaraptor, valiant until the end, fought desperately against the overwhelming might of its adversary. However, the sheer force of the dragon's fiery assault proved insurmountable.

In a blaze of glory, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss emerged victorious. Their friends erupted into applause; their admiration mingled with a sense of awe at the power they had witnessed. Yuri, though disappointed, couldn't help but acknowledge Leo's skillful display of dueling prowess. And Leo extended a nod of recognition to his valiant opponent.

"YEAH," Tyson cheered. "Come on, you guys!"

The Duel continued on with the same level of violence as before. Dragons and prehistoric behemoths from Yuri's deck clashed for dominance, Life Poitns were gained and lost, hands were refreshed, traps were activated. It seemed to go on and on. But everyone knew the match would find its crescendo. Soon, they couldn't increase their Life Points or defend them anymore. Both of them were now standing at their last 1000 LP.

Yuri and Leo were both panting with exhaustion, sweat dripping from their foreheads, and their chests rising and falling with exertion. Yuri and Leo stood locked in a moment of respite. A glimmer of admiration danced in Leo's eyes as he mustered a smile, acknowledging the intensity of their Duel. With a wave of his hand, Leo activated the Card of Sanctity, a powerful spell that would replenish their hands, granting them a fresh set of six cards each.

"This is it," said Patty. "This one decides who advances to the finals."

"Oh my..." whimpered Nikki, clinging tightly to Carter's arm. "They're both so amazing. I wish they could both win."

"We all do," said Nick. "After a match like that, these guys deserve it all. But only one can win. Come on, Yuri."

As the climactic moment arrived, the battlefield trembled once more. Yuri's Kaiser Black Tyranno, a colossal and fearsome dinosaur, stood poised at the edge of the arena. Across from it, Leo's Red Dragon Archfiend had undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as the awe-inspiring Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity, the embodiment of sheer power.

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To combat this, Yuri used another unique spell card given to him by his father to enhance Kaiser Black Tyranno's power further. Regal Morphing Magic - High King's Resplendence.

Kaiser Black Tyranno underwent a stunning metamorphosis, transcending its original dinosaur form into a magnificent humanoid incarnation akin to the awe-inspiring transformation of King Calamity. The mighty dinosaur's silhouette was now graced with regal proportions and an air of commanding presence.

Enveloped in an elaborate suit of grand armor, the likes of which befit a monarch of ancient lore, Kaiser Black Tyranno's new form emanated an aura of majesty and invincibility. The armor, adorned with intricate engravings and gemstones that shimmered with ethereal brilliance, symbolized the indomitable spirit of its wearer.

The colossal arms of the transformed Tyranno were no longer mere limbs of brute strength, but they had evolved into pillars of unrivaled might and grace.

Yet, amidst the regal transformation, the head of Kaiser Black Tyranno retained its unmistakable essence—a fearsome visage that echoed its primordial roots. The sharp, piercing eyes glinted with an intelligence and ferocity unyielding even in this new form. Its tooth-filled maw, capable of unleashing devastating primal roars, served as a reminder of the untamed beast that lay within the dignified exterior.

In this resplendent humanoid incarnation, Kaiser Black Tyranno stood as a true force to be reckoned with, exuding a majestic presence that inspired awe and reverence. It was a symbol of the bond between Duelist and monster, where the spirit of the dinosaur intertwined with the grandeur of ancient royalty, creating a formidable fusion of raw strength and regal power.

As Kaiser Black Tyranno's transformed form took center stage, the battlefield trembled with anticipation, for the regal dinosaur's enhanced abilities now resonated with the very essence of its new humanoid manifestation. The Duelists and spectators alike could not help but marvel at the magnificence and sheer might exuded by this awe-inspiring regalia-clad ruler of the ancient world.

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Kaiser Black Tyranno - Regal Mode

ATK/4000 DEF/3500

Yuri and Leo locked eyes. They knew that this final clash would decide the outcome of their Duel, leaving an indelible mark on their Dueling journey.

With a mighty roar, the transformed Kaiser Black Tyranno lunged forward, its massive tail swinging a golden sword aimed at striking down Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity. The clash of metal against scales reverberated through the arena as the tail weapon connected, sending shockwaves of force through the air.

Undeterred, King Calamity retaliated, utilizing its four massive arms to grapple with Kaiser Black Tyranno. Flames burst forth from its hands like meteoric fireballs, hurtling toward the ferocious dinosaur. The air crackled with the heat and intensity of the inferno.

Kaiser Black Tyranno fought back with unrivaled strength, its sharp claws and powerful jaws sinking into the scaly flesh of King Calamity. Each swipe and bite aimed to overpower the mighty dragon, to unleash devastation upon its opponent.

Meanwhile, Kaiser Black Tyranno unleashed a torrent of golden fire breath, engulfing the battlefield in a searing blaze. The flames licked at King Calamity's formidable form, testing its endurance and resilience. The clash of fire and scales created a spectacle of chaos and destruction.

The battle raged on, the monsters locked in a tumultuous struggle of power and will. Kaiser Black Tyranno's tail blade clashed against King Calamity's mighty arms while the dragon's fiery projectiles tore through the air, leaving trails of scorching destruction in their wake.

The ground beneath them trembled as the monsters wrestled for dominance.

The friends watching from above gasped in awe at the spectacle unfolding before them. Sam, Annabelle, and Emiko held their breath, their eyes wide with wonder at the clash of these magnificent creatures.

Yuri and Leo, their emotions boiling over, locked eyes one final time.

Frustration laced Leo's voice as he shouted, "Yuri, give up! This is futile!"

Yuri's eyes blazed with defiance as he retorted, "I won't back down! Not now, not ever!"

The clash between Kaiser Black Tyranno and Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity intensified, reaching its boiling point. The ground shook beneath their immense forms as their attacks collided with titanic force. Kaiser Black Tyranno's golden sword tail slashed and hacked, while King Calamity's massive arms grappled and unleashed devastating fireballs.

King Calamity, utilizing its colossal strength, managed to overpower Kaiser Black Tyranno. Its mighty arms, pulsating with draconic energy, tightened their grip, wresting control away from the fearsome dinosaur. Kaiser Black Tyranno fought valiantly, using every ounce of its strength, but it couldn't withstand the power of King Calamity.

With a final surge, King Calamity unleashed a torrent of blazing fire from its maw, engulfing Kaiser Black Tyranno in searing flames. The towering dinosaur roared in defiance, but the intensity of the assault proved overwhelming. The flames consumed its massive frame, leaving behind nothing but remnants of a once-mighty creature.

The friends gasped in awe, witnessing the demise of Kaiser Black Tyranno. Sam, Annabelle, and Emiko watched with admiration, recognizing the sheer might of King Calamity. Andre, his eyes wide, marveled at the devastating power unleashed by Leo's final form.

As the echoes of the Duel subsided, silence settled, and time seemed to stand still as Yuri glided to the other side of the pool, and he tumbled end over end as his Life Points hit 0.

Though saddened by Yuri's loss in his own event, Mr. Montgomery couldn't help but rise to his feet with immense joy and admiration for the breathtaking battle that had unfolded before his eyes. With a wide smile, he declared Leo, the deserving winner.

As their friends and loved ones erupted into cheers and applause, Leo approached Yuri, a mixture of pride and concern etched on his face. The cheers reverberated from the grotto where their friends had gathered.

Approaching Yuri's side, Leo's triumphant expression softened, overshadowed by a genuine empathy for his fallen comrade. The shimmering form of Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity disintegrated into a million tiny fragments, dissipating out of the realm of men.

Leo extended his hand towards Yuri, offering a gesture of camaraderie and respect. Yuri, still recovering from the intense Duel, grasped Leo's hand firmly.

Seated beside Yuri, Leo took a moment to catch his breath, the weight of their intense battle evident on his weary shoulders.

As Yuri and Leo lay side by side, their weary bodies finding respite, they couldn't help but exchange lighthearted banter amidst their exhaustion. A playful glint danced in their eyes, and laughter mingled with the sighs of fatigue.

Yuri, with a mischievous grin, broke the silence first. "Leo, you really know how to bring the heat!"

Leo chuckled. "Well, Yuri, your Transcendosaurus packs quite a punch, too. And that new Kaiser Black Tyranno of yours. Man, he's awesome. Wanna trade?"

Yuri laughed. "Not in your life!"

They shared a moment of laughter, their camaraderie shining through even in their weariness. The battles they had fought, the traps they had sprung, were now the source of playful jest.

Lying side by side, both Yuri and Leo allowed their exhausted bodies to find solace in the comforting ground beneath them. A shared sigh escaped their lips, carrying with it the remnants of their hard-fought Duel. In that moment of shared fatigue and camaraderie, the weight of their rivalry lifted, replaced by a deep mutual respect and understanding.

Chapter 12: The Darkness in her Heart

Chapter Text

Mr. Montgomery soon announced that it was time for the next match to begin. At once, Nick took his place on the other side of the arena as Andre slowly sulked to his side, his mood soured by Nick's attitude. He didn't care what the repercussions of the Duel were anymore. Nick had gotten on his nerves for the very last time.

Leo stood up and helped Yuri back to his feet as Andre made his way to their spot. "Hey, Yuri!" Andre said as Yuri passed by.

Yuri and Leo stopped and turned to look at him.

"I don't want to hear any moaning about being too hard on him," he said staring at the ocean. "I'm taking him out. I'm tired of his constant whining and making me the enemy all the time. I'm going all out. No mercy."

"You did that yourself," said Yuri. "And you're not going to get an earful from me. You do what you got to do." He walked away to join his friends by the pool. Leo and Yuri were already wearing their swimming trunks by the time they had their Duel. They stripped off their t-shirts and jumped in.

Nick stood confidently on his side of the pool, arms crossed as he waited for Andre to make the final preparations on his Duel Disk. "I've been looking forward to this," he said. "After all those times you bragged about kicking my ass at the Ruby Dragon, I'm finally gonna get my chance to make you eat your words. You had a strong deck back then considering what we used to have, I'll give you that much. But that gave you no right to try and turn us into your lackeys for the sake of making you famous. I hate you for doing that to us. Seeing us as nothing but a means to your own end."

"And I'm getting tired of getting labeled as the bad guy by you. I said I'm sorry already. But you know what? I'm done. I'm done trying to get you to see that I'm everyone's friend here. Did I make a stupid mistake? Yes. Was my endeavor a selfish one? Of course, I won't deny that. I was an asshole for thinking that way, and I'm sorry. You know what, Nick? I may never gain your favor, but at least the rest of the gang sees me in a better light. That means they're the bigger people...the better ones, too. Do you honestly think you're going to help your sister if you walk the world hating everything and everybody that poses a challenge to you!?"

"My sister?"

"Yuri told me all about her, Nick."

Nick looked furiously at Yuri. "YURI! You back-stabbing rat! Why did you tell him about Jeannie?"

"Why is it so bad that he knows about her?" Yuri asked. "If your intent is to bring her here, she's bound to run into him anyway."

"I'll never let Jeannie around the likes of this guy! Never! So he can treat her like his own personal pawn, too!?"

"Now you're being paranoid. But then again, that doesn't surprise me. I'll never forget what you said to me that night I helped you from the Rare Hunters. That you were scared I was going to take Yuri's place as his best friend. Not that I blame you. I'm far and away better than you'll ever be at this game. And you know it."

"I'm going to make you eat your own words, you punk!" Nick seethed through his teeth, hissing like a snake.

Andre drew his opening hand. "I just want to help you, Nick."

Nick drew his. "I don't need your help! I got this far without it and I'm going to show you that me and my friends don't need you!"

LP 8000 - Nick


Andre - LP 8000

Andre started the match first, drawing his card fiercely with his eyes still glued to Nick's. "If you know what's good for you, Nick. You'd back out right now."

"I'm not afraid of those stupid clowns you call knights," said Nick. "Shut up and make your move so I can destroy you."

"If that's what you want." He looked at the card he drew. "Hmm. Not bad. I summon Keeper of Dragon Magic!" he said summoning a knight in blue armor wielding a huge javelin. "My monster's effect activates!" Andre announced. "By discarding a card, I add Polymerization to my hand. Next, I set one card face-down and end my turn. Look, Nick. I don't want to keep fighting with you. Why can't we be friends?"

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"Because friends don't do the things you did. You tried to elevate yourself and make a lackey out of my friends. One of whom is someone I consider my brother. You forced Patty to Duel you so she could date you and each time we Dueled, you nagged about how we could have done better. Well f*ck you! Each day that me and my friends got better and better, I savored the look of disappointment on your face. Yuri, Tyson, Patty, Carter! And even I started pulling out combos that are too difficult for your simple brain to comprehend."


"Hell yeah! I said simple! Ever since these new cards came out and we mastered them, you scratch your head in confusion wondering how we could have pulled it off. Ha ha ha! You thought we needed a leader. You thought we needed your guidance. We don't! We've surpassed you by many leagues! And now that you know that to be true, you just want to settle and get chummy with us. 'Oh, I just wanna be friends!'"

He mocked Andre's words with a babyish voice. "You know what you are, Andre? You're a parasite! From the get-go, you leeched off of everything we did. You sit there and boast that you did a lot of things for us. Like what? What did you do? You didn't fight the Rare Hunters! You didn't defeat Laxius! You didn't have to deal with the wrath of Brett Martinetti's bounty hunters! We did! We did all of that! Us! Just the five of us! You can't be our fearless leader so you ride on the coattails of our victory and fame!"

"Nick! You're going too far!" Andre shouted.

"I've only just begun. Draw!"

"It's about time," said Patty. "Nick is right on the money about how wrong Andre's intentions were in the past but to just chew him up like that…that's just low even for him."

"He has every right to feel the way he does," said Leo. "If I were you, Yuri, I personally wouldn't have allowed him around my friends again."

"Yeah," agreed Kate. "The fact he tried to turn you guys into his disciples or something makes my blood boil. You're too nice for your own good, Yuri. No offense."

"I know he's done some bad things in the past," said Yuri. "But so have I. So has Tyson. He and I used to lord over all the kids in the playground. If someone had something I wanted and they wouldn't give it to me, Tyson would beat them up and give it to me."

"Yeah, we did," said Tyson with a mournful sigh. The cries for help and pleas for mercy from his past victims were once again haunting him. "With a record like ours, we can't act like we're holier than thou. And Patty. Huh. This girl got arrested for stealing, she skipped school, inhaled every toxin she could get her hands on, you name it, she's done it."

Patty sighed heavily as the guilt of her past mistakes chilled her to the bone. "So Nick needs to shut up about this whole thing. Not only is it wrong but it's getting old."

Nick heard everything they said. "You guys just don't understand…"

"It's you who doesn't understand, Nick," Carter called out from the pool. "We get it. You were paranoid that Andre would take over and that we'd forget you. How many times do we have to drill it into your head, man? No one is ever going to replace you."

"But you guys welcomed him so quickly," said Nick.

"So what?" Patty retorted.

"You guys made me the butt of every joke!"

"Because you deserved it with your nasty attitude and your rotten treatment of Patty," Yuri said. "Any other person would have gotten their ass kicked. Patty was like my sister, Nick. You went too far. But you know what? You changed. You got better. You Dueled better. You've treated Patty better. You changed a lot right?"


"Right. So has Andre. Why does he always have to get sent to the chopping block with you each time he comes around and wants to hang out with us?"

"I saved your life!" said Andre.

"Don't be so dramatic. I got beaten up! It's not the first time that's happened. When you live in Los Angeles Rojas, you tend to get used to getting mugged. I was thankful for your help at first until you started to act like I owed you for it. The only thing you're going to get from me is an ass-kicking as I eliminate you from the finals! I summon Noble Knight Artorigus!"

The field in front of him flashed and his gleaming white knight rose out of the water, holding the hilt of his sword with both hands. Artorigus swung it around and posed to show off his 1800 ATK points.

"Now, I equip Artorigus with Noble Arms of Destiny!"

Artorigus raised his other arm and a beautiful sword of reflective mirror-like steel flashed into his grip. He set his other sword on his back and then a matching tower shield with intricate scrollwork formed on his other hand.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (89)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (90)

"And I'm going to activate Joker's Wild!" Andre said. "It allows me to send a card that mentions the Knights of Face to the Graveyard and then it will act out as that spell. And I choose…"

"Let me guess, Joker's Straight, huh? Pfft. I could see that coming a mile away."

"So what if you did," Andre said as Queen's Knight and King's Knight appeared on the field. "Look at that. Now both you and I have kings on our field."

"Don't insult the mighty Artorigus by comparing him to that jester!" Nick snapped.

"King's Knight is no jester," said Andre. "Call him what you want, but it doesn't change the fact that your so-called king is outnumbered three to one."

"He's not alone. Not for long. I'm going to equip Artorigus with this. Gwenhwyfar Queen of Noble Arms!" Nick held up the card to show Andre.

"Uh, Nick. That's a monster card."

Nick sneered and broke into a laugh. "See what a mean? You're so far behind in the game that you fail to see that some things are more than they appear. There are monsters in this game that can be used as Equip Spells and Gwenhwyfar is going to show you just what I mean."

A beautiful young maiden appeared behind Noble Knight Artorigus. His beautiful queen had arrived to aid him in battle. Her heart-shaped face radiated in the light of the full moon and her long ruby-colored hair formed into long twin braids. She carried a sword in her hands, which she gave to the future king and lord of the Round Table.

"Gwenhwyfar will increase Artorigus's ATK by 300 points, making him far and away stronger than your Keeper of Dragon Magic!"

"Arrgh," Andre grunted.

"Artorigus! Attack!"

Noble Knight Artorigus sprung forward as Gwenhwyfar stood back, watching her knight spring into battle with a romantic look in her eyes and her hands clasped together in prayer. The gust caused by Atrotigus's leap made her hair and elegant red gown flow like curtains in the wind. He and Keeper of Dragon Magic clashed in a fierce and dizzying battle. His twin swords clanged against the Keeper's enchanted javelin. He tried blasting Artroigus with a ball of magical energy, but Artorigus shielded himself with the escutcheon of Noble Arms of Destiny.

He pushed through the blast caused by the deflected magical sphere and then sliced Keeper of Dragon Magic across the chest. "Rrrarrggh!" the Keeper grunted and dispersed into a thousand tiny fragments.

Andre's Life Points trickled down to 7700.

"Round one goes to me!" Nick jeered. "You give up or are you thirsty for more?"

Andre just swiped his top card off his deck. "You think because that dude wearing an oversized tin can took out 300 points that I'm going to quit, Nick? Your pathetic knight is going to need more than a few swords and a pretty waifu to stop what I'm about to unleash upon you."

"Oh, do let me guess. Arcana Knight Joker?" Nick retorted with a disrespectful grunt. "Seen it so many times in this tournament. You're a one-trick pony, man. If it's not Dark Magician coming to the rescue for the 100th time it's your joker knight."

Andre ignored him and activated Face Card Fusion, combining King's Knight and Queen's Knight together with a Jack's Knight from the deck and creating Arcana Knight Joker.

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"Bring it on!" Nick said. "You want to take out Artorigus so bad! Come and get him!"

"With pleasure, Nick! Arcana Knight Joker! Attack and destroy Noble Knight Artorigus!"

The black and gold knight swooped forward, raising both his twin swords. They clashed with Artorigus's shield and sword. The Noble Knight elegantly blocked and parried Arcana Knight Joker's blades with great speed. He pirouetted to the left as Arcana Knight Joker attacked with a swift vertical strike and then he blocked the sword with his shield, sending sparks flying in all directions. Gwenhwyfar frantically ran from left to right to avoid the clashing knights.

Artorigus blocked Arcana Knight Joker's last attack with his sword and with a great feat of strength, he pushed Arcana Knight Joker back to Andre's side of the field. There was no victor this round but Nick lost 1700 Life Points. His score now stood at 6300.

"What happened?" Andre asked. "My Arcana Knight Joker's 3800 ATK points surpass your knight's 2100."

Artorigus held out his sword and displayed its grand masterwork forging to Andre, the steel still singing from the battle.

"Noble Arms of Destiny prevents Artorigus from being destroyed in battle once per turn," said Nick. "So the future king gets to fight another day."

"I end my turn!" Andre called out. "And I activate the effects of Joker's Straight and Joker's Wild in my Graveyard. I add them both to my hand and send King's Knight and Jack's Knight back to my deck. Your move. Guess I was the better one this round. Even though your knight was spared from my joker's wrath, you still lost 1700 Life Points."

"Hmph. You're about to lose more than that when I'm done with you, Andre Martin. I summon Noble Knight Custennin!" He summoned a black-haired knight wearing shiny white and gold armor and wielding a huge golden sword with a green gem in the middle of the guard.

"Did you know that Custennin is the great successor to Artorigus?" Nick said.

"I don't care for your bedtime stories!" said Andre.

"Heh, you uncultured swine. I bet you don't know that Custennin is based on the great King Constantine who ruled the Knights of the Round Table after King Arthur passed. Yuri…in a way…I see myself as this guy. One day when you become the best of the best. When you become King of Games and the day comes that can no longer play cards anymore because of your responsibilities at Phobos Corp or…maybe your new life with Patty. I hope to be your successor, man. I hope to take up that mantle. Just as King Constantine took over for King Arthur in our books. What do you think?"

"I couldn't have found a better person to play that role," said Yuri. "But if you want to be my successor…pfft, if I ever get that far — then you're going to have to prove yourself first."

"And I'm going to start by taking this guy out!"

"That's not what I meant…" Yuri stammered. But Patty held his hand and shook her head.

"I Overlay Noble Knight Artorigus and Noble Knight Custennin to create Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin!"

The new King of the Round Table arose from the Overlay Network, his armor became more resplendent, and blue energy patterns adorned the steel. A golden crown now adorned his head and his sword was larger and more decorative.

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ATK/1500 DEF/2500

"That's your new king?" Andre said. "He's far weaker than Artorigus as a Noble Knight. What are you planning?"

"You just watch!" said Nick. "As per the effect of any Noble Arms card, they get returned from the Graveyard to a warrior on the field. So Noble Arms Destiny gets equipped to King Custennin. Also, Gwenhwyfar's effect activates and she returns to lend her power to the new king, increasing his ATK by 300."

"You're still 2000 ATK points short, loser!" Sam yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth.

As if responding to his jest, Nick removed an Xyz Material from King Custennin. One of the orbs floating around him got sucked into his sword and he slashed the air with all his might, sending Arcana Knight Joker back to Andre's Extra Deck.

"What happened!?" Andre cried.

"When I remove Xyz Materials from Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin, I can send cards back to your hand up to the number of materials that I used. All I needed was one to get ride of that joker you call a knight! And now that your field is wide open, there's nothing stopping Custennin from striking your Life Points!"

Custennin sprinted across the water, his armor clanking and clinking. He jumped and struck Andre twice with a cross slash, dropping his score to 5900.

"Nice move!" Andre said. "But don't go thinking that's going to keep me down. Draw! All right, I set a card face-down and use Joker's Straight once again, summoning my King's Knight and Queen's Knight, allowing me to Special Summon, Jack's Knight to the field. Now, I activate Royal Straight, fusing them together and forming a friend that just hates saying goodbye."

After a dazzling display of flying cards and bright lights, Arcana Knight Joker reappeared on the field. Andre attacked and his knight and Nick's clashed in a fierce battle that ended with Custennin kicking Arcana Knight Joker back to Andre's side of the field. No victor once again but Nick's Life Points took 2000 damage, reducing him to 4300 Life Points.

Andre then ended his turn and sent Queen's Knight and King's Knight back to his deck to bring Joker's Straight and Royal Straight back to his hand.

"No boasting from him?" Kate asked.

"Because Andre knows what's about to happen," said Leo. "King Custennin still has one more Xyz Material to use. Nick will remove it and send Andre's knight back to the Extra Deck."

"But that won't do Nick any good," Yuri said with a voice laced with worry. "I bet you anything that face-down card Andre played is Joker's Wild. Andre will just use it to copy the Joker's Straight effect and summon those knights again."

"Yeah, but I seriously doubt Andre's got another Royal Straight in his hand to fusion summon that Knight Joker again, right?"

"That won't matter," said Nikki. "He'll just summon that Arcana Extra Joker. He may not be as strong as Arcana Knight Joker but he's still much stronger than Custennin."

"That's gonna be bad news for Nick," added Tyson. "His king won't get destroyed but it doesn't matter what Andre summons. His king is going to continue to cause Nick to take damage."

"I draw!" Nick announced as his turn began. "I summon Noble Knight Pellinore!" He summoned a silver-haired knight wearing black and gold armor, riding atop a horse wearing a silk chiffon displaying the colors of King Custennin's House.

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ATK/1900 DEF/500

"Now say goodbye to your knight once again!" said Nick. "I remove an Xyz Material from Custennin to send your knight back to you Extra Deck!"

"I don't think so, Nick!" Andre showed him a card from his hand. A Queen's Knight. "Using Arcana Knight Joker's effect, I can negate the activation of a card you play by discarding a card of that same type. Since you're using a monster effect, I discard Queen's Knight to negate it. Nice try, Nick!"

"You're not stopping me, Andre! From my hand, I discard Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon! I destroy Noble Arms - Destiny and negate your knight's effect!"

"Ugh! No!" Andre yelled. "I activate Joker's Wild and use it to send Joker's Straight to the Graveyard and copy its effect, allowing me to summon King and Queen's Knight!"

Nick didn't care and reached for a card in his Graveyard. "Ha! Go ahead! I activate the effect of Noble Arms - Destiny and re-equip it to King Custennin!"

"Nick took control of that squabble so quickly," said Ren. "He truly has upped his game."

"Well, Andre saved himself from some direct damage at least," said Carter.

"Yeah, but props to Nick for being one step ahead," said Patty. "Wow! What an awesome move."

"And he forced Andre to sacrifice his strategy to summon his stronger Arcana Knights," laughed Leo.

"Yeah that's right," said Crystal. "Custennin and Noble Knight Pellinore are much stronger than the knights Andre played. So they're going to be destroyed easily. Without them, his strategy to summon Arcana Knight Joker has failed."

"Not like he's got the option to do that anyway," Yuri said. "Andre's got no cards on the field or in his hand. Nick's got the upper hand."

Nick attacked with Custennin and Pellinore, destroying Andre's King's and Queen's Knight and dealing 600 damage to his Life Points, reducing them to 5300.

"If there's anyone around here who needs to surrender," said Nick, " it's you! Look at you, O' great and fearless leader. You have no cards in your hand or on the field. One more turn! And you're all mine!"

"Have you forgotten about Joker's Wild and Joker's Straight!?" Andre shouted at him. "By sending Queen's Knight and Jack's Knight back to my deck, I get to add these two cards back to my hand.

"Man, here we go again," said Tyson. "It's the same combo over and over again."

"If it ain't broke don't fix it," said Penelope. "I said that earlier today, didn't I? If Andre can get his Arcana Knights on the field, then let him. With 3800 ATK points on that bad boy, I'd want to bring him out, too."

"Draw!" said Andre, beginning his turn. "I activate Pot of Greed! Now two more cards get added to my hand. Check it out, Nick! I've drawn Lighting Storm!"

"Ugh!" Nick gasped. "Now he can choose to destroy my monsters or my spells."

"Right! And since your Noble Arms cards get sent back to the field after they're destroyed, I'm going to wipe out your monsters instead!"

"By using Gwenhwyfar's effect, I can protect Custennin from your..."

"Sorry, Nick, but I activate Effect Shut! When you activate a monster's effect, I can negate that card and destroy it! So your King Custennin is going down no matter what!"

The sky flashed and roared loud with powerful blasts of thunder as a giant bolt of lightning zapped Nick's field. His Noble Knights and his Noble Arms vanished into smoldering craters.

"OH NOOOOO!" Nick cried, slapping both hands over his head in shock and horror.

"Now Nick's the one with the empty field!" cried Carter.

Andre sighed with relief. "You put up a good fight, Nick. But I'm afraid this is where it all ends. I activate Joker's Straight! And with it, I call Queen's Knight and King's Knight. And with their effects, I can summon Jack's Knight. Time to finish you off, Nick."

"N-n-no," Nick stuttered.

"Why doesn't Andre summon his Arcana Knight?" asked Tyson.

"What would be the point?" Leo answered. "With a combined total of 5000 ATK points, Andre has enough power to wipe Nick out with those three knights. He doesn't need to do anything more. Nick has lost this match."

Nick stepped back. "Don't you dare do it!"

"Like Yuri said. I've got to do what I've got to do. Sorry, Nick. Now, my knights! Attack!"

One by one, Andre's Knights sprung into action. They soared over the water of the pool, creating fierce wakes. The moonlight made their swords gleam and their armor flash in bright silver. All of a sudden, the water in front of Nick burst into a veil of white mist. Out of the water, Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus sprang out, wielding both Noble Arms of Destiny and his default sword in one hand. He parried the three knights with amazing speed and prevented them from attacking Nick directly. He stood there, water dripping from his armor and his swords, daring the three Knights of Face to continue with their direct assault.

"What happened?" Andre said. "That's supposed to be King Artorigus's evolved form! How did you summon him without evolving King Artorgius first?"

"You destroyed a Sacred Noble Knight," said Nick. "Those are the highest a Noble Knight can get and they wield powers beyond your understanding, Andre Martin."


Nick reared his head back and laughed. "Sorry, just being dramatic. But in a sense it's true. When Sacred Noble Knight of King Custennin was destroyed, he allowed me to Xyz Summon a Noble Knight monster from my Extra Deck. And I chose Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus to rescue me from your Knights of Face. And when he's summoned, I can equip him with up to three Noble Arms cards to him. Since I only have one, that's what he gets. Also, Custennin becomes an Xyz Material for Artorigus to use."

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ATK/2200 DEF/2200

"Wow!" Yuri said. "Nick just saved himself."

"Those knights are something else," said Tyson. "And Nick, man. He uses them so well."

"Draw!" Nick said. "Your Knights of Face are more than just clowns," said Nick. "They're pretty cool. But my Noble Knights proved to be the superior warriors in this fight. I activate Heritage of the Chalice! This allows me to add a Noble Arms card to my hand. Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere and I'll equip them to Artorigas!"

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Twin swords of red and gold formed in the Sacred Noble Knight's hands.

"And now, I activate the effect of my Spell Card, Glory of the Noble Knights! And now I can Equip my Sacred Noble Knight with a Noble Arms Card from my deck. And it's Noble Arms - Clarent! And with it, I can pay 500 Life Points to have Artorigus attack you directly this turn! And that's where Hauteclere comes into play. I can select a monster I control and it can attack directly this turn."

"You mean..."

"Game over, Andre!" Nick said.

Artorigus sprung forward and slashed Andre twice sending him flying halfway across the deck and he smashed on the ground, sliding to a stop as his Life Points hit 0. "Hmph," Nick said. He turned off his Duel Disk and his knight vanished, leaving the pool in an eerie calm stillness.

"Nick..." Andre said getting up.

Nick stopped.

"I don't want to fight anymore, man. What do I have to do to get this to stop?"

Nick slowly turned his head over his shoulder to peer at his fallen opponent. He only shrugged and walked to the lounge to get a drink. With the final match of the battle royale set, the group exited the pool, their bodies glistening with droplets of water. They swiftly dried themselves, exchanging their swimsuits for their regular clothes, eager to witness the imminent clash between Nick and Leo. The air was thick with anticipation as the stage was set for the ultimate showdown, pitting Nick's formidable skills against Leo's Red Dragon Archfiend in a Duel that would determine the victor of the battle royale.

In a magnificent clash of opposing forces, Nick's Noble Knights clashed with Leo's Red Dragon Archfiends in an epic duel that shook the very foundation of the battlefield. Flames roared and crackled, illuminating the darkness with their fierce glow. The clash of steel echoed through the air, as swords and claws clashed in a symphony of chaos.

Mighty dragons, with wings outstretched and scales shimmering, roared defiantly, their fiery breath scorching the heavens above. Their claws tore through the air, leaving trails of devastation in their wake.

Nick's Noble Knights, armed with swords of enchanted steel, retaliated with precision and valor. Their strikes were swift and calculated, the magical blades humming with arcane energy. Each swing brought forth a cascade of sparks as they clashed against the formidable might of the Red Dragon Archfiends.

Leo's Red Dragon Archfiends, embodiments of primal fury and power, proved to be relentless opponents. Their fiery auras flickered and danced, amplifying their wrathful presence. They unleashed torrents of flames, engulfing the battlefield and casting an ominous glow upon the clash.

As the battle raged on, the air became thick with tension and anticipation. The clash of these ancient forces seemed to transcend the mortal realm, their struggle etching itself into the annals of legends. The knights, noble and courageous, fought relentlessly, their blades cutting through the fiery tempest that surrounded them.

Despite Nick's best efforts, his Noble Knights valiantly battling against the overwhelming might of the Red Dragon Archfiends, the scales of fate began to tip. Leo's Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity, a towering force of destruction, emerged as the apex predator. Its fiery presence engulfed the battlefield, casting a shadow over the valiant efforts of the Noble Knights.

In a climactic exchange, as blades clashed against scales and fire clashed against steel, Nick's defenses began to crumble under the relentless assault. Each strike from King Calamity carried the weight of an entire era, overwhelming the defenses of the valiant Noble Knights.

With one final, resounding blow, the Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity unleashed its devastating power. The impact shook the very earth beneath them, leaving Nick's Noble Knights in ruins. Their armor, once gleaming with pride, now lay scattered and broken across the battlefield.

As the dust settled, the clash of the noble and the draconic concluded, leaving a silence that reverberated through the hearts of all who bore witness. The victor emerged, Leo, his Red Dragon Archfiends reigning supreme over the fallen Noble Knights.

Nick, though defeated, rose to his feet with dignity and grace. He extended a hand towards Leo, acknowledging the valor and skill displayed in their epic Duel.

As the ship docked and the celebration ensued. However, Patty began to feverishly wait for the ship to stop so she could leave. The urge for Mindflare had returned and made her feel awfully sick inside. Every organ in her body burned with each passing second without the special med that PaniK introduced to her. As soon as Mr. Montgomery and Yuri presented Leo with the trophy, she slipped away from the revelry, seeking solace in the shadows. Unbeknownst to her companions, her true intention lay veiled beneath her feigned weariness.

Guided by a flickering street lamp, Patty traversed the labyrinthine streets, her steps carrying her to an underground realm of decadence and secrecy. It was here, amidst the dimly lit corners and throbbing melodies, that she sought refuge from the world above. It was calledThe Red Trident. And PaniK promised her she would find what she was looking for here.

"Patty!" said the bouncer with piercings on his face. He used to help the girl sneak into clubs the year before, provided she paid him with a hefty sum of coins and some rare dragon cards. "How was the Battle Royale?"

"Who f*cking cares," Patty said handing him a crumpled sack of coins.

"Well, hop on inside. Enjoy. In case you're up fro some games, Levi just installed an arena in there. He acquired it last night."

"And by acquired you mean stolen?" said Patty.

"Details, details," said the bouncer. "Better get inside before anyone gets suspicious. Oh, if you are going to Duel, you'd better drop all those fancy cards and summoning techniques. We play by old-school rules down here."

Patty just smirked and patted the deck case on her leg. "No problem. I was a dangerous bitch before all these new cards came out."

The bouncer nodded and opened the door to let her inside. Her ears were bombarded with loud, heavy metal music. The smell of tobacco, sex, and alcohol intoxicated her nose and her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She heard a roar coming from a den down below. There was a crowd of punks huddled along a railing overlooking the den. Patty shoved her way through and spotted a dueling arena painted black and detailed with florescent spray painting.

She spotted a shady figure selling all kinds of poison to the club's odd clientele. Patty leaned off the railing and approached him.

"So what brings you here?" he asked.

"Mindflare. Have you heard of it?"

"Have I heard of it?" The dealer laughed. He took a ruby-studded black pipe out of his pocket, inhaled it, and blew a pungent cloud of mist at Patty's face.

"We practically distribute it in this place," he said. "Uh...who told you about Mindflare?"

"A little birdie, let's leave it at that."

"Hmmm. You're Yuri's girl, aren't you? This ain't the kind of place for a lady like you. What would Yuri have to say about you being down here, love?"

"I don't give a sh*t. My life shouldn't revolve around his approval. I'm his girlfriend, not his mind slave."

The dealer cackled and coughed. "Mmmm, who's to say you can't be both?"

"He's too much a softy for anything hardcore," Patty said. "But what can you do? The guy is going to inherit a trillion-dollar corporation when he gets out of school. And I want a piece of that."

"Oh really? Whatever happened to that speech you made after winning the pageant? About loving Yuri for his heart and soul?"

"A heart and soul doesn't make you money," Patty answered. "Now, are you gonna tell me where I can find some of that stuff? Or am I going to have to rip your stash out myself?" Patty said, her eyes flashing in that shadowy purple hue. "Now, where can I find it? Who can I buy it from?"

"The club's owner, Levi, should have plenty to share."

"Where can I find this Levi?" Patty asked.

VROOM! VROOM! Went the engines of a large chopper in the arena below.

"Down there," the dealer said, leading Patty to the edge of the railing overlooking the battlefield below. It was outlined in neon red, flooding it with a hellish glow. "Looks like another dork took the thousand coin challenge? They'll never learn; you can't beat the boss."

The owner of The Red Trident, Levi, was down below, summoning a ritual monster called Dokurorider. It differed from an original Dokurorider, meaning Levi had an extremely rare alternate art card. This one had a flaming skull, and his chopper was painted black with two massive wheels on the back. He had a large sword in his hand.

VROOM! VROOM! Dokurorider's engines roared, and he sped toward the opponent's Griffor monster. He made a powerful slide and rammed his spiked wheels into the monster's face.

The Duel was won. Levi held up his deck triumphantly. He was a good-looking youth wearing a Gothic suit and tie with a silver chain dangling over his hip. His hair was silvery blonde and he had purple contacts over his eyes because he wanted to look like the Targaryens from George R.R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire.

"Anyone else wants to take on the thousand coin challenge!" shouted the club's MC.

"You there!" shouted Levi, pointing at Patty. "Girl with the black bow. Think you got what it takes?"

"Yeah, I'll take you on!" said Patty. She walked down the stone steps to the Dueling pit. "All right, let's go!" said Patty, hopping onto her podium.

"We go when I say we go!" said Levi. I don't think I've ever seen you around here before. But from those pink highlights and that bow in your hair, I speculate you're Yuri's mistress, am I right?"

Patty smirked and let out a humored puff from her nose. "Yeah, I guess you can say that."

"Nice," said Levi, "they tell me you're pretty good. Let's find out!"

"Do let's," said Patty.

"All right. And remember, we don't take kindly to Synchro, Xyz, LINK, or Pendulum around here. We play the game the way it's meant to be played."

"No problem," Patty said. "Now, ladies first. I summon Terra the Terrible in attack mode!"

Heh! Heh! Heh! sneered the fat, green-skinned fiend.

Terra the Terrible

ATK/1200 DEF/1100

"Not bad," said Levi, drawing his card. He examined his hand and smiled. "But it won't be enough to contend with this. Chaosrider Gustaph!"

The projectors rendered a green-skinned warrior in red straps riding atop a blood-red motorcycle. The headlights in the form of the eyes of a beast.

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Chaosrider Gustaph

ATK/1400 DEF/1500

VROOM! VROOM! The warrior revved up his engines, eager for Levi to declare an attack, which he did. He pointed at Patty's monster and commanded his Chaos Rider to destroy it. Gustaph burned rubber to intimidate Patty then sped towards Terra the Terrible and slashed him in the gut.

Patty snorted with frustration, feeling stupid to have started the duel with a throw-away monster like Terra the Terrible.

Patty-1800 LP

Levi-2000 LP

"Your turn, Pats!" cheered Serena from the stands above.

Patty was disappointed with her draw. A Claw Reacher monster. Her hand was nothing great either, for it was full of throw-away monsters and a trap that could keep her safe, but she needed that in case Zera was drawn. Until then, she had to play defensively.

"I summon Ogre of the Black Shadow in defense mode!" she called out, summoning her beast.

Ogre of the Black Shadow

ATK/1200 DEF/1400

The shadowy beast was weak in terms of attack, but defensively, it was evenly matched with Chaos Rider Gustaph.

"If you think your ogre is going to defend you from my biker beasts, you are sadly mistaken, sweetheart. First I play Graceful Charity. I draw three cards, and discard two, like these trap cards, which are the cards I need for this monster. Go, Diskblade Rider in attack mode!"

Another green-skinned beast on a bike appeared on the field, save his armor and his motorcycle was blue. While Gustaph was wielding a sword, Diskblade Rider was equipped with a ringed blade.

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Diskblade Rider

ATK/1700 DEF/1500

"And now I equip my Diskblade Rider with Big Bang Shot. This card raises the attack of my Diskblade Rider by four hundred points. And, it also grants my monster with piercing damage, so even if your ogre is in defense mode, my beast will still inflict damage."

"Shoot!" Patty muttered.

Levi attacked. The Diskblade Rider rode to Ogre of the Black Shadow and sliced and diced him with his ring blade. The ogre exploded and dealt 700 damage to Patty's Life Points.

Patty shielded herself from the blast with her arms.

Patty-1100 LP


"I guess you aren't so tough," sneered Levi. "You sure you're the Patty everyone's been talking about?"

"I am," Patty declared strongly. "You just wait. I'll wipe the smug look off your face! My deck will come through for me."

She drew her card.

"And my faith rewards me with Summoned Skull, with a devastating attack power of twenty-five hundred!"

OOOH! Went the crowd, for Summoned Skull was one of the most desired monsters of the Fiend-Type. However, Patty's card was different. Her Summoned Skull was an extremely rare alternate art card. Her Summoned Skull was holding a black, demonic scythe and wore heavy purple armor, purple feathered wings, an armored tail, and one green eye on its head with two black horns coming out from the sides.

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Summoned Skull

ATK/2500 DEF/1200

"Attack Chaos Rider Gustaph!" shouted Patty.

Summoned Skull let out a feline-like growl and slashed Chaos Rider Gustaph away with his scythe.

"NO!" shouted Levi. "My monster!"

Patty-1100 LP

Levi-900 LP

"The tides are turning!" shouted Maggie.

"That's it baby!" cheered Serena. "Get 'em!"

"Nice move there, Patty," Levi complimented her monster as well. "But don't think this will change anything. Your Summoned Skull is powerful, but after I'm done with him, your deck will get decimated by my ace monster! I use the ritual spell card: Revival of Dokurorider!"

He sacrificed a level six monster from his hand and summoned his favorite card to the field.

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ATK/1900 DEF/1850

"Ha!" laughed Patty. "No offense, but, he is way weaker than my Summoned Skull. I think the Mindflare got into your head."

"I got plenty for us if you wish to join me after the match."

"Really?" said Patty. "I'm down for that."

"Yeah, but first, I've got to beat you. And I shall do so with my Diskblade Rider. He has a special ability. Once per turn, I can banish a normal trap card from my Graveyard to increase his attack by five hundred points."

"No! Now he's stronger than my Summoned Skull!"

"Damn right, he is!"

VROOM! VROOM! The Diskblade Rider zoomed towards Summoned Skull and slashed him down to size.

Patty-1000 LP

Levi-900 LP

"So much for your Summoned Skull!" said Levi. "It's over for you, Patty!"

Three turns went by, and all Patty could do was go defensive. She lost Claw Reacher. Ryu-Kishin, and then her Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams.

But in the end, she finally drew her Zera the Mant. She kissed the card and activated the ritual, sending away just the right amount of monsters needed to summon her favorite monster.

Zera the Mant arrived in all his fury. He gave Dokurorider a good slashing and dealt 900 damage to Levi, bringing him down to 0.

"I don't believe it!" said the MC. "Patty has beaten Levi! She wins the thousand-coin challenge!"

"Congratulations," Levi said, after the Duel and handed her the coins in a custom black leather sack.

"You promised me the good stuff," said Patty.

"I did didn't I?" Levi said with a confident grin. He leaned his head to the right. "My office is down this way," he said.

Levi smiled as led the girl to his office. Inside a girl in red lingerie was pole dancing in a private booth for a group of Levi's friends. Once they both walked in, he closed the door. He sat down on a red leather couch in front of an aquarium built into the wall. "So, Patty. What do you think of my club?"

"I like it a lot. You guys established a really cool place down here."

"Yeah, we sure did," Levi said as Patty sat on the couch opposite his. "It would be such a shame if Yuri and your friends decided to come by and trash it."


Levi poured vodka into his glass. "We heard that Yuri's establishing some kind of Dueling fighting force to beat the gangs and take their turf. You know that's going to be bad for business, right?"

"I...I suppose so."

"We go out of business; Mindflare might get taken off the menu for good; you know that too, right?"

Patty nodded her head. "I uh...yeah. I do. I don't want that to happen. That stuff is amazing! It could really sharpen my Dueling tenfold!"

"And it can do more than that," said Levi. "This stuff somehow, someway, puts you one step ahead. I swear, the last time I used this stuff, I practically saw my opponent's move before he made it. Heh, had I taken some more tonight, I would have beaten your pretty little ass in that Duel. So, uh...tell me, doll face. Why did you develop a certain interest in this product? I figured a girl dating James Vincent Montgomery would have higher standards than that."

"I can date the king of the world, and it wouldn't change who I am," said Patty. "Deep down, I'm always going to be that delinquent getting caught by the cops and causing trouble. Man, being down here in this atmosphere was like a breath of fresh air for me. The music, the dancing, the sex, and the Dueling itself are different, too. It felt like...I came home. The person who introduced me to Mindflare, I can't say much, other than he's helping me shape my life into something better. When I puffed it in, I missed this. And now that I'm here...I intend to stay."

"You really are a naughty girl, aren't you, Patty?"

"Can't be tamed. Not by Yuri. Not by anyone. So, are we gonna play twenty questions? Or are we going to get some Mindflare blazing up?"

Levi sat back in his seat and rolled the cubes around his glass. "We'll get to that soon. We want to know if you're truly honest with us, Patty. You helped Yuri take out your dad. He may have been the RAPTOR commander, but he was the one who made business a lot easier for all of us down here. Now that he's gone and that white knight took command, RAPTOR's been all over the place hunting down our boys. How do we know this isn't some recon operation for Yuri's anti-gang war he just started?"

"It's not, believe me. I can help you guys stay in business."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"I can keep Yuri and his friends away from the Red Trident. Give me Mindflare, as much as you can give me, and I promise I can keep him out of this side of Aquarius. I promise."

"You're going to have to do better than that," said Levi. "Prove to me that you're going to be a good girl and keep Yuri away from this place."

"Okay, okay, fine!" Patty said, her eyes getting red from the hunger for Mindflare. "Just tell me what I need to do."

Chapter 13: Fighting for the Scraps

Chapter Text

Rex and Weevil - Diamond District Sewers, Aquarius

Rex and Weevil, once regarded as Duel Monsters champions, now found themselves relegated to the shadowy underbelly of the city they had hoped to conquer. Disgraced and without a way back home, they sought refuge within the confines of the city's grim sewers.

Their campsite, nestled among a maze of pipes, offered little comfort. Two worn sleeping bags served as their beds, providing meager respite from the cold, damp surroundings. The flickering light of a lantern illuminated their meager abode, casting eerie shadows against the walls. A crate, once filled with provisions, now held only remnants of unwanted snacks—biscuits and a few cans of beans.

As they huddled around a modest fire, the dim glow reflected off their weary faces. The weight of their defeat bore heavily upon them, casting a pall over their once-ambitious dreams. Their attempts to challenge and best Yuri and Nick had backfired, leaving them stranded in the forgotten depths of this unfamiliar dimension.

Rex sighed. "Who would have thought our grand plans would lead us here, Weevil? Stuck in this wretched place, living like vermin."

Weevil's anger reverberated through the dimly lit campsite, echoing the depths of his despair. With a frustrated cry, he kicked a can into the darkness, the metallic clinks fading into the desolate void. His words carried the weight of disillusionment and shattered dreams, resonating with a sense of hopelessness.

The lantern's flickering light cast long, somber shadows across their makeshift campsite, serving as a harsh reminder of their downfall. Rex listened in silence, unable to offer solace or reassurance amidst the suffocating darkness that enveloped them.

"How did it come to this?" Weevil's voice trembled with anger. "We were once at the top of the world, basking in the spotlight. But now, it's all gone. The fame, the girls, the championships, the money, the luxury—all reduced to mere memories. Losing to Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler was bad enough, but now we've been defeated by that royal brat and his friend. Our lives have crumbled into nothingness."

"Don't forget Cora Kaiba and her girlfriend trouncing our sorry butts at the KaibaLand Duel Festival," Rex groaned. "Speaking of which, I heard she's here in Aquarius."

"Oh, is she!? Grrrr! Wait till I get my hands on her!"

"Yeah, and just what are you gonna do about it!? Her Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon easily outmatches your Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth! You challenge her again, and you're asking for another fall.

"Why those no good..." Weevil said, still remembering Cora slapping her behind as her dragon destroyed his moth in last year's big tournament.

The bleakness of their situation was inescapable. They had fallen from their lofty positions of privilege and success, left to dwell in the cold, unforgiving confines of a sewer in another dimension. Their hopes and dreams were dashed, their future shrouded in darkness.

Rex couldn't find the words to comfort his companion. The weight of their failures pressed upon him, draining him of any remaining optimism. The realization that their former glory had become a distant memory seemed to suffocate their very spirits.

In the flickering light, the remnants of their provisions served as a grim reminder of their diminishing resources. The biscuits and cans of beans, once an afterthought, now represented their dwindling lifeline, a stark reminder of their desperate existence.

As they sat in silence hope seemed distant and unattainable. The fire that once burned within their hearts had been extinguished, leaving behind only a sense of desolation.

Rex and Weevil suddenly heard distant voices echoing through the tunnels. Their eyes met, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. They were determined to protect their turf and confront whoever dared invade their space. Equipping their Duel Disks, they concealed knives in their belts as a precautionary measure.

Without hesitation, the duo equipped their disks and hurried through the twisting tunnels, their footsteps echoing in the sewers' industrial yellow and acid-green surroundings. The air was heavy with the stench of dampness and decay, the atmosphere creating an eerie ambiance. Shadows cast by pipes, grills, and other mechanical contraptions danced on the walls, appearing like ghostly apparitions.

As they ventured deeper into the sewers, Rex and Weevil remained vigilant, their senses heightened. The voices grew louder, echoing through the labyrinthine passages.

Finally, they reached a junction where the voices seemed to converge. Peering around the corner, they saw three figures huddled together. Rex and Weevil exchanged a knowing glance, ready to confront the intruders head-on.

Stepping forward, Rex cleared his throat. "Who goes there? This is our territory, and we won't tolerate any unwanted guests."

The three figures revealed themselves in the light of a bulb hanging from the brick wall nearby. There were three of them. One was tall, the other was large and muscular, and the third, the leader, was short. It was Bonz, Sid, and Zygor.

"Hey, it's the zombie Duelists!" shouted Rex. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"Hey! Who are you!?" shouted Bonz.

"Oy, check it out, lads! It's Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood!" said Sid.

"Get out of here right now!" Bonz shouted. "We're calling this place our own!"

"We got here first!" Weevil shouted, his high-pitched, lispy voice echoing. "Get out of here before things get ugly!"

"Ha!" laughed Rex. "For zombie boy over there, it's too late for that!"

Bonz snarled and bared his teeth as his two companions laughed. "Hey!" he shouted, turning around to face them. " Who's side are you guys on anyway?"

"Sorry, boss," laughed Zygor. "He's got a point."

Rex and Weevil exchanged a satisfied glance, relishing in the fact that even Bonz's own companions recognized the validity of their claim. The tension doubled as the rival groups faced off.

"We've been here long before you three showed up," Rex asserted. "This is our turf, and we won't back down without a fight."

Weevil's smirk widened as he stepped forward. "Oh, how adorable. The zombie Duelists think they can take on the likes of us. Well, get ready for a real duel, boys. We're not backing down."

Bonz gritted his teeth. "Fine!" he shouted. "If you want a Duel, you've got one! But don't expect us to go easy on you."

Sid and Zygor exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They knew loyalty and survival in the underground territories were fragile. Reluctantly, they turned to face Rex and Weevil, prepared to defend their leader and prove their worth.

The tension peaked as the rival groups readied their Duel Disks. The stakes were high, with pride and territorial dominance on the line.

All of a sudden, they were joined by a third party. Someone tall and lanky was walking out of the shadows. "What the?" he said. It was Spider, the former Rare Hunter. "What's going on here?"

"Oh great!" said Rex. "Another unwanted guest. Get lost! These sewers aren't big enough for all of us!"

"Is that so?" said Spider. "Well, I'm claiming these parts as my own. So all of you take a hike!"

Spider stood his ground. "You think you can claim this territory for yourselves? Well, I've got news for you. I'm staking my claim here, and if you want to challenge me, be my guest. But don't expect me to back down."

The tension in the sewers grew thicker as the three groups faced off. Rex and Weevil against Bonz and now Spider.

"I'll start off first!" shouted Weevil. "You two fools will tremble when I bring out my Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth!"

"Weevil, don't!" shouted Rex. "We can't wait five turns for you to summon that moth of yours!"

"Ah, we won't have to! For I summon Flying Kamakiri #2!"

He summoned a giant tan-colored mantis. Its wings made a horrible buzzing noise, which was escalated by the vastness of the tunnels.

"Now, I equip him with the dreaded Parasite Paranoid card!" Weevil said, infecting his mantis with a blue parasite with glowing purple patterns. "And Now, I'm activating Eradicating Aerosol to destroy my infected monster!"

"Why would you do that?" Bonz asked.

"Because when Parasite Paranoid is sent to the Graveyard as an Equip Card, he can allow me to Special Summon a monster with a Level of 7 or higher from my hand, ignoring its Summoning Conditions! Now tremble in fear as I Special Summon my Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth!"

The tunnels reverberated with the sound of wings fluttering as the colossal form of Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth materialized before them. Its vibrant wings, adorned with intricate patterns, stretched wide, casting an ominous shadow in the dimly lit sewers.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (100)

ATK/3500 DEF/3000

Bonz and his companions exchanged wary glances, realizing the threat they faced. The summoning of Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth was the very sigil of the power of Weevil's cunning, proving that even in the unlikeliest of situations, he could turn the tables in his favor.

"Nice going, Weevil!" Rex said. "Now it's my turn to kick some butt! First, I activate Graceful Charity. I can draw three cards and discard two. Now I activate the spell, Take Over Five! I send the top five cards of my deck to the Graveyard. Why, you ask? Simple? First, I send Miscellaneousaurs from my hand to the Graveyard, triggering its effect. Don't try to use any Ash Blossoms or whatever on my dinos! Because for the rest of this turn, card effects will not affect them. Now, I banish him and five other dinos from my Graveyard to summon a monster whose level is equal to the number of cards I banished, and I call on Double-Headed Dino King Rex!"

The twin-headed dinosaur roared as it burst out of the ground and hovered next to Rex. "And now, because I have five banished Dinosaur monsters, I shuffle them back into the deck and Special Summon Overtex Quoatlus!"

He summoned a dark pterosaur the size of a fighter jet to his field. It let out piercing cries as it flapped its wings.

ATK/2700 DEF/2100

"Finally, I activate Jurassic Power! Thanks to this card, Level 5 or higher Dinosaur monsters don't need a tribute to be summoned! And I call on Dark Tyranno!"

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His prehistoric ace towered over his monsters, taking his place at the head of the pack. With the Jurassic Power spell active, its ATK increased to 2900. Overtex's strength rose to 3000 and King Rex's power increased to 1900.

"Now I set a card face-down, and that ends my turn!" said Rex.

"Impressive," Spider muttered to himself.

"Oh, is that it?" Bonz said. "I activate Polymerization, fusing together The Snake Hair with Dragon Zombie to create the Great Mammoth of Goldfine!"

The waters beside him churned as a vortex opened and assaulted the environment with a fierce gust. The golden mammoth skeleton appeared in front of him. It bellowed loudly, waving its gleaming tusks around to display its 2200 ATK points.

"Next, I summon Crazy Clown in attack mode!" Bonz said, summoning a hellish overweight clown in a colorful outfit. His shaggy hair was blood red, and his red eyes pierced the darkness.

"But wait, there's more!" continued Bonz. "I activate Silent Doom and return my Dragon Zombie from the Graveyard! But he won't stay for long. Because I Tune him with Crazy Clown to Synchro Summon, Revived King Ha Des!"

The undead form of the fallen Lord of the Underworld rose out of a purple mist, his robes torn after he had lost a battle against Diabolos, King of the Abyss. He let out an eerie moan that reverberated through the darkness of the sewers.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (104)

ATK/2450 DEF/0

"Now, I'll set a card face-down and end my turn!"

"Ha! Is that all you got!?" Spider shouted as he drew. "Watch this! I activate Trade-In! And I'll send a Level 8 monster from my hand to the Graveyard to draw to cards. Now, Pot of Greed; for an additional two cards. You keeping up, fellas?"

Weevil and Bonz just narrowed their eyes at him.

"Ha! Now I activate Dragon Shrine! Now, I send a Dragon-Type monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Next, I'm going to revive it with Monster Reborn! Say hello to Dragonic Knight! And now, I'm gonna sacrifice him so that I can summon Strong Wind Dragon!"

His dragon vanished, and a larger, more muscular one took his place. It flexed its powerful muscles as it roared, sending a fierce blast of wind down the tunnels and causing waves in the nasty green water next to them.

"Get this!" Spider said confidently, clenching his fist. "When Strong Wind Dragon is Tribute Summoned using a Dragon, half of its ATK points get added to his ATK points, increasing his power to a powerful 3800 ATK points! And don't think for a moment that my Dragonic Knight is gone! Because I'm activating Return of the Dragon Lords! With this card, I can revive a Level 7 or 8 Dragon from the Graveyard, so rise up once again, Dragonic Knight!"

With a flash of light, his white-armored dragon knight rose up from the ground and stood next to Strong Wind Dragon.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (105)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (106)

"And it just gets better and better, fellas! I activate Dragon King's Demise! I tribute all Dragon-Type monsters I control, and then we all take damage equal to their combined ATK points!"

"WHAT!" cried Weevil.

"What are you doing?" shouted Bonz.

"Making a truce!" Spider said. His dragons blew up, and he reduced everyone's Life Points to 0. Rex, Weevil, Bonz, and his gang lay on the ground, scattered as columns of smoke rose around them. The blast continued to echo and then faded away.

"Hey, what did you do that for?" Rex grunted.

"Look at us!" said Spider. "Squabbling over who gets to live in the sewer. We're better than this! Tell me, guys. Why are you down here?"

"I got kicked out of my haunting grounds when I lost to Patty McKnight," said Bonz.

"And we lost our Duels against Prince Yuri and his pal Nick Rogers," said Rex.

"So you guys all lost the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, huh?" said Spider. "You know, that's one thing we all have in common."

"Losing to them?" Zygor asked.

"No. He's our enemy! I had it good with the Rare Hunters. But ever since Yuri defeated Laxius, the old crew split up and I got stranded here. I can't show my face anymore because those stinkin' Lancers are running around playing hero. But I look at us and I see potential. You guys summoned some pretty strong monsters with one go. Talk about impressive. If anything, we've got what it takes to take over this town and maybe even beat the Lancers and Prince Yuri."

"How do you plan on doing that?" Rex said. "We've tried."

"We should combine our strength, fellas," Spider continued.

As Spider's words hung in the air, a glimmer of realization sparked within the hearts of the other Duelists. They were united by their shared defeats at the hands of the Knights of the Ruby Dragon, and the allure of combining their strengths to defy their common enemy was undeniable.

Bonz, his eyes narrowed in contemplation, broke the silence. "You might be onto something. The Lancers and Prince Yuri may have dealt us devastating blows, but together, we can turn the tables. Our combined skills make for a formidable force."

Rex's competitive spirit ignited, a fire burning in his eyes. "If we pool our resources and strategize effectively, we could become a force to be reckoned with. No longer will we be at the mercy of the Lancers and their heroics."

Spider's grin widened, sensing the growing unity among the group. "That's the spirit, fellas! We've got what it takes to carve out our own path in this town. We'll show them that we're not to be underestimated."

Yuri - Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop

The air was filled with jubilant cheers and laughter as the doors of the newly renovated Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop swung open, welcoming visitors to its grand reopening. Yuri and his friends, their faces beaming with joy, stepped inside, their hearts brimming with anticipation and nostalgia. The interior was dazzling, adorned with vibrant red and black balloons that danced in the air.

The familiar scent of freshly printed cards and the sound of shuffling decks filled the air, creating a vibrant ambiance. Various vendors lined the walls, showcasing various card games that enticed the eager crowd. Yuri's eyes gleamed as he spotted displays of Cardfight: Vanguard, Duel Masters, Knights and Summons, Zenonzard, and many other captivating games that beckoned to be played.

The shop was abuzz with activity as old and new customers alike perused the aisles, their faces alight with curiosity and excitement. Tables were set up for friendly duels, where players showcased their strategies and tested their skills against one another. The slip of card sleeves and the tapping of tokens reverberated through the room, accompanied by laughter and occasional gasps of surprise.

Amidst the joyous celebration, Yuri couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. The reopening of the Ruby Dragon Gaming Shop symbolized more than just a physical space; it represented a sanctuary of friendship, a haven where their passion for gaming could flourish and their bonds could grow stronger.

"I can't believe you're buying me cards from your own pocket!" said Yuri.

He, Nick, Carter, and Tyson were standing in the Ruby Dragon, looking at the new set called Legacy of Darkness. Nick bought a hundred of them in search of Tyrant Dragon. But he put aside some extra money to help Yuri.

"Think nothing of it," said Nick. "After destroying that gang last night, I feel like presenting you with a pack or two."

Yuri looked around. Amidst all the excitement, Patty wasn't around. "Where's Patty? I figured she'd be here right now."

"Her profile is still abuzz with activity," said Tyson. "I guess she's too busy for the Ruby Dragon's reopening."

"That can't be," said Yuri. "She wouldn't miss this to take some stupid pictures."

"WHAT THE CRRRPPPP!" shouted a little boy in the aisle behind them. His mother was just buying a board game for her nephew's birthday. She just put away a pack of cards he was carrying.

Yuri and his friends did all they could to ignore him.

"Don't worry, man. She'll show up," said Nick. ("Yeah but I want it!" the boy shouted.)

"Waboku!" cheered Carter, pointing at an Ultimate Rare card. "Waboku!"

"Yeah, man, Waboku," said Tyson. ("But I want it, Mom!") "You could use that to defend..."

"DARN IIIIIIIT!" shouted the boy, going into rage mode when his mom put the cards away and went to the register.

"sh*t," whispered Tyson. "That kid's about to go Super Saiyan on us."

"Uh, I think that's our cue to go," said Nick, running to the cash register.

The kid kicked a stand of structure decks to the ground.

"Hey...HEY!" shouted Sergei.

"I GET NOTHING!" shouted the boy as he went out the door. "NEVER NOTHING!"

"Stop right there!" yelled his mom. "STOP RIGHT THERE!"

When they were gone, everyone in the store began to laugh.

"What the hell, man!" said Tyson. "Talk about spoiled."

"Well, it was a lot of money," said Nick, "but you're worth it, Yuri; here you go."

He shoved all the packs in Yuri's arms.

"Wow, thanks," said Yuri.

The woman came back inside, looking shocked and distraught.


"What? A girl?" saidSergei.

Yuri and his friends followedSergeioutside.

"Oh my God!" yelled Yuri.

"PATTY!" shouted Nick.

Patty was face down on the ground in her underwear, surrounded by trash. Her cards were scattered all around her.

"Cooool. Is she dead?" asked the boy, poking her ribs with a stick.

"STOP THAT!" shouted Sergei, shoving past the crowd. He lightly pushed the boy back to his mother. "GET HIM OUT OF HERE!"

"Is she okay,Sergei?" Yuri asked.

Sergei knelt over Patty and felt her chest. He leaned his ear to her mouth and nodded. "She's alive, just drugged out of her mind!" he answered. He checked her pupils, which were dilated.

"No..." Yuri breathed. He felt himself collapsing, his legs giving way to the shock.

Yuri...Ser Norman said softly as he hovered over his shoulder.

"Drugs!" shouted Tyson.

"Not again," said Nick.

Leo swiftly moved to support Yuri, helping him sit down on the ground. "Take it easy, man, take it easy," Leo said. "It's okay, man. She's gonna be okay."

"Boys, get back!" shouted Sergei. "Everyone get back! Tyson, get these people out of here. Natalya, get me a blanket to cover her up. We got to get this girl to the hospital."

"We're coming with you!" said Nick.

"No, you go home!" said Sergei.

"But she's our friend!" Carter yelled. He started hiccuping, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Sergei's gaze softened, his eyes meeting Carter's with gratitude and assurance. "I will take care of her, my friends," he affirmed. One by one, he locked eyes with each member of their group, a silent vow passed between them. "I will take care of her."

Natalya came out of the shop with a blue blanket. Sergei picked Patty up in a fireman's lift, and she put the blanket over Patty's body. Sergei roared at the crowd to move as he took Patty to his car and drove her to the emergency room.

Chapter 14: A Night of Lament

Chapter Text

Evelyn - Castle Alteria, Elleria/Termnnia

"Your tea and cakes, My Lady," Josephine said, setting down snacks on a round table beside Evelyn's bath.

"Thank you, Josephine," Evelyn said, reaching for one of the tiny cubed vanilla cakes covered in pink frosting and decorated with sparkling sugar flowers; all of them laying neatly on a silver platter. She made no eye contact with Josephine, leaving the lady-in-waiting to feel that her gratitude was not from the heart.

Josephine looked at the princess. She had her earbuds on, connected to her cell phone, that strange device Alexis gave her. Josephine shook her head as she poured Evelyn her tea. Being a traditionalist, she was not very fond of Eredian technology slipping into the borders of her kingdom.

But to be in the hands of her princess was just such a damning prospect. She wanted nothing more than to rip the earbuds from Evelyn's ears, pick up the phone, and throw them into the sea (Unknown to her, the phone was waterproof). She opened the lid to the glass sugar cube container. "Two lumps, Princess? Or just one?"

Evelyn slowly put the cake in her mouth and chewed. Her rose-red lips curved into a smile, and she moaned, satisfied with the taste. "Two, please," Evelyn replied, shaking her shoulders to the beat of the music playing on her phone.

In one hand, she held onto a new device which was sent to her by Zane Truesdale, the Steward of Domino City. It was a large tablet where she could Duel her companions online. She was having a Duel as she lay in the tub.

"This is so cool," Evelyn said, biting into another cake. Josephine frowned. Cool? What kind of language was that for a princess? Just as she feared, Evelyn was learning the lingo of the Southern kids. Evelyn laughed. "All right, Cyber Paladin-eighty-seven-two-zero. Let's see what you got."

The Duel commenced. CyberPaldadin8720 let Evelyn start first.

"All right, then," said Evelyn.

She tapped on the image of the deck on her screen. A card automatically swiped off of it and flew to her starting hand.

"I summon Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman. Set two cards face-down, and that will do it for me." She waited for her opponent to make his move. He summoned a Lonefire Blossom and activated its effect, to which Evelyn activated her trap card, Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman. And just like that, her two best and favorite monsters were on the field. "Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, and Buster Dragon! Suck on that, you scrub!"

"Is there a way to turn that noise down?" Josephine vituperated at the loudness of the music coming from the earbuds. "I'm surprised you can hear me from with tomfoolery blasting in your ears."

"I'm used to it," Evelyn said. "Don't be mad, will you, Josephine? It's been a long day, and I want to enjoy my bath."

"I know you're upset with the disappearance of your brother, Princess; but must you use this...this...wretched device from the south?"

Evelyn slowly rolled her head to the right to look at Josephine with disapproval. "It was a birthday gift from Alexis. She's my best friend. I can't just deny her gift. Besides, Mother and Father have not made a fuss about it. Even the Ebony Guards have asked me to have a go with my phone. You're the only one who disapproves of it."

Josephine grunted at her words and slammed both her knuckles on her thick hips."If you were my daughter, I would poison your tea!"

"Josephine, if I was your daughter, I'd drink it," Evelyn replied.

"Well, I never!" Josephine said, almost in shock. She turned and marched out the door. "Ana forbid you should have daughters! For I will not deal with them, you drunken, licentious, lying, little ingrate!" she cursed at Evelyn before slamming it shut. "Don't you ever ask anything of me again!"

Evelyn rolled her eyes. "There will be light in the Shadow Realm before I ever ask anything of you," Evelyn said, defiantly shaking her head left to right, and moving her shoulders in an uncaring dance. She went to the menu and searched for another opponent to play against. Before she could accept a match, the door creaked open.

"ETHAN!" she shouted.

"Princess," Ethan said, strolling into the bathing chamber. He seemed properly dressed in fine velvet of light blue with gold threading. The Silver lion of his House was sewn onto his shirt with round emeralds and rubies. He leaned against a nearby column of brick and crossed his arms.

Evelyn put her tablet on the windowsill and dunked herself in the bubbles of her bath. "I did not give you permission to enter, Ethan. Get out right now!"

"How are you tonight?" he asked, uncaring of her anger and embarrassment.

"Get out!" she shouted. "Can't you see that I'm not dressed? Go away!"

Ethan shrugged. "Why would that matter? Remember when we were kids? Josephine took you, me, Dancer, Talion, Ezra, and Kevin to Darius Falls to swim. We stripped down to nothing and played without a care."

"Things are different now!" shouted Evelyn. "I'm grown up! I don't...I don't look like I did when we were kids."

Ethan chuckled. "You look so adorable when your cheeks flush pink."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes. "I said get out! Guard! Guard!"

Ethan closed his eyes and shook his head. "You'd have one of your best friends tossed away in the dungeon?"

"I would!" said Evelyn. "And if you're not out of here by the time the Ebony Guard gets here, you won't even be an acquaintance to me. Now leave! Oh, Tellara almighty, what do you want?"

"Well, I thought that maybe...if you weren't doing anything tomorrow night, we could-"

"You are out of your mind!" Evelyn said, holding up her hand to stop him from saying another word. "Guard! Guard! Oh, where in Zorc's name are they? Guard! Damn you, you bastards!"

Ethan tsked. "That's no language for a princess. Must I wash your mouth off with soap?"

Evelyn did not appreciate his presence any longer. She balled her fists and shouted. "GET OUT!"

There was a powerful knock on the door. "Princess! Princess!" It was Ser Kevin. "Princess, what's going on in there?"

Ethan got off the column and frantically looked for a way out. He looked at Evelyn, his lips trembling in worry.

She felt pity for him. "Nothing, Ser Kevin. I was just playing an exciting Duel on my tablet and got too excited. I'm not dressed, Ser Kevin, please do not enter."

"I'm sorry to have bothered you, My Lady. Josephine will be up shortly with your clothes, and then it's off to bed."

"Understood, Ser Kevin, thank you." She looked at Ethan and narrowed her eyes. "If you are not out of here by the time they leave, I will call them back, and this time, I will not protect you. Now get out!"

Ethan gritted his teeth. "I love you, you know. If things don't work out with the arrangements with Yuri I could-"

"Get. Out." Evelyn said through her teeth. "Now!"

Not wanting to argue with her, Ethan bowed and left the bathing chamber. Evelyn saw the moonlight illuminating the tears flowing down his cheeks. Evelyn slammed her head against the edge of the tub. "Everyone has gone completely insane!" she breathed. "Well, at least that's over."

Something tapped against the window beside her bed. "What now?" she grumbled.

Again, something tapped against the window. Something very shiny. Evelyn investigated the objects, and realized they were diamonds! More and more flew from the grounds below until a ring followed. There was a note wrapped around it. Evelyn smiled and opened the window. She picked up the ring with a base of gold and a crystal crafted into a flower glowing bright blue and pink. She unwrapped the tiny note.

Down Here!

Evelyn leaned out the window. She looked over the walls and down into the dark gardens with patches of silver light from the moons. She heard a harp coming from the rose bushes below.

"Evelyn!" said a familiar voice. "Down here, my love!"

"Dancer!" Evelyn called out. "Dancer, where are you?"

"Can't see me? Well, let me risk a little more light, as theGrey Wizardonce said."

Dancer turned on a jeweled lantern which revealed him for Evelyn to see. He was dressed in an extravagant bard's outfit colored black with gold threading, and a belt of gold with gemstones over his shoulder and hips.

"Dancer!" Evelyn cried out waving. "Oh, darling, what are you doing down there? Come in, come in."

"I can't," he replied, picking up his harp. "I fear with your brother fighting the good fight, Ethan has been named your official watcher and protector by your mother, and the Lady Josephine. ("But of course they did," Evelyn grumbled with a roll of her eyes) Let's just say he set some rules about me coming in to see you in the night."

"Damn him," Evelyn said, resting her arms against the windowsill. "I care for him a lot, but sometimes, he just flat out annoys me."

"Ethan is still young," Dancer replied. "He'll grow into a proper knight one day, you'll see."

"Not as proper as you, my love," Evelyn swooned. "You're in luck, for I am naked."

Dancer laughed loudly, a little too loudly. "Naked or clothed, it matters not to me. Just seeing you and looking into your eyes makes me the luckiest man in the world."

Evelyn rolled her eyes and shook her head. That was pathetic, she thought. She laughed as she said: "You truly are the worst bard I've ever met, Ser Dancer."

"You're such a bad girl, Evelyn. Now, I have a song to play for you as you bathe. Would like to hear it?"

Evelyn clapped. "Play for me, Ser Dancer, play for me."

"Very well," he said. "This one is one of my own compositions."

He started strumming the harp. "To Evelyn Alteria. My ebony beauty."

In the twilight's gentle embrace, Beneath the moon's soft glow,

I stand here by your window, fair lady, With a song that my heart bestows.

Your beauty, a rarity, unmatched, Like cards of great legend and lore,

Each feature is a treasure to behold, A captivating sight to adore.

Your eyes, oh, they shimmer like stars, Guiding my heart through the night,

They hold the secrets of the universe, With their celestial, enchanting light.

With every gentle sway and twirl, I dance in your honor, my muse,

My voice, a serenade of devotion, For you, my love, I shall choose.

For you are the queen of my heart, A jewel in this world's vast array,

With grace and elegance, you shine, In my dreams, you forever stay.

So let this song reach your ears, Carried on the wings of the breeze,

May it speak of my love and devotion, Forevermore, my heart's unease.

As I sing to you, my dearest Evelyn, Know that you are cherished, adored,

And with each note that leaves my lips, My love for you is forever restored.

"Intruder!" shouted a guard, standing on one of the ramparts. "Intruder in the gardens!"

"Uh oh!" Dancer said when he heard the clinking and clanking of the Ebony Guards' armor approaching his position. "I gotta go!" he said, picking up his things. "Sweet dreams, Evelyn!"

"Dancer, wait!" Evelyn called. She reached for her table and picked up her black garter. "A token for your song," she said and tossed it at him. Dancer caught it. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. The knights were getting closer. Dancer bowed quickly, dashed into the bushes, and out of sight as the black knights neared his spot with their halberds in hand.

"Intruder!" one of them shouted. "In the gardens!"

"Check the hedge maze!"

"This way!"

Evelyn searched and searched, but Dancer was nowhere to be seen. Josephine knocked on the door. "Okay, you. It's bedtime. I expect that thing off, or I will confiscate it from you."

"Just a minute," Evelyn called. She sighed. "Sorry, Prince Yuri, but I've already found my knight in shining armor."

She sighed dreamily, but he dillydally would be brought to a halt.

She saw a rider and his horse galloping quickly down the alleyways toward her castle. She gasped when the moonlight revealed a flag displaying the crowned Grizzly Bear of House Ungard roaring on a field of royal red. By the look of his studded leather armor, he was a messenger. He bore a message from the Fat King, and deep down, Evelyn knew he would not bless them with good news.

Yuri - Montgomery Estate, Aquarius/Standard Dimension

"I can't believe she'd just do that again?" Yuri was sitting on the edge of his bed in his pajamas. He looked at a picture of him and Patty on his phone, eyes red with weep and his heart heavy with anger. "I thought she changed." He said, deleting the picture at once.

Ser Norman stood in front of him, his ghostly armor reflecting the moonlight shining through Yuri's window. "I'm so sorry, Yuri."

Yuri let out a heavy sigh, his emotions churning within him like a tempestuous sea. "I trusted her, Ser Norman. I believed in her transformation. But now, she lies in the hospital, a victim of her own choices."

The knight's visage softened with empathy. "Sometimes, even the strongest among us can falter and stumble on their path, my lord. The journey of self-redemption is arduous and not without its pitfalls. We must find solace in the fact that we have offered our support and guidance, even if it was not enough to prevent her from straying."

Yuri clenched his fists, frustration and sorrow intertwining within him. "But it hurts, Ser Norman. It hurts to see someone we care for suffer the consequences of their actions. I wish there were more I could have done, more I could have said to prevent this."

The knight placed a spectral hand on Yuri's shoulder, offering a comforting presence. "We cannot control the choices of others, my lord. We can only offer our support and hope that they find their way back to the light."

"What should I do? I love her, but...I can't bear to see her like this again. Should I let her go?" He looked up to see what the knight would say. "You must do what you must, Yuri. I'm sorry to say Patty is so close to the darkness. Not even the light that shines from your heart can guide her."

Yuri's heart sank at Ser Norman's words, a tumultuous mix of love and despair consuming him. He gazed out the window, contemplating the difficult decision that lay before him. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on his shoulders, each breath a struggle as he grappled with his emotions.

"I cannot bear the thought of letting her go, Ser Norman," Yuri murmured, his voice filled with a bittersweet ache. "She means everything to me, and I have witnessed the light within her, even amidst the shadows. But if her path veers too far into darkness, if her actions continue to harm herself and those around her, what choice do I have?"

The knight's spectral form emanated a gentle warmth as he leaned closer to Yuri. "Love is a powerful force, my lord, and it often demands difficult decisions. It may be that the most compassionate act you can offer is to release her, allowing her the opportunity to find her own way back to the light."

Yuri's brows furrowed with anguish, tears welling in his eyes. "But what if she never finds her way back? What if I let her go and it's the end of our story?"

Ser Norman's ethereal voice resonated with wisdom and empathy. "Love is not always about possessing or controlling another, my lord. Sometimes, it means letting go, granting them the freedom to discover their own path. Even if your story takes an unforeseen turn, it does not diminish the love you shared or the impact you had on each other's lives."

"Thanks, Ser Norman," Yuri said. He sniffed. "I don't know what I'd do without you. My life's changing before my eyes and I can't control it. First these Lancers show up and tell me I'm going to be a High King. Then they tell me this place, The Standard Dimension, isn't my true home. My parents aren't my real parents. I have to leave my friends behind one day, and now my girlfriend has become a drug addict!"

Yuri's voice trembled with a mix of vulnerability and frustration as he poured out his tumultuous emotions to the specter of Ser Norman. His words echoed with the weight of a world turned upside down, a cascade of revelations and uncertainties threatening to overwhelm him.

Ser Norman's ethereal presence offered a comforting stability amidst the whirlwind of Yuri's thoughts. "Life is a tapestry woven with unexpected twists and turns, my lord," the knight spoke with a voice that resonated with understanding. "It is often in the face of great challenges and upheavals that our true strength and purpose reveal themselves."

Yuri wiped away a tear, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon as he grappled with the magnitude of the revelations. "I never asked for any of this," he murmured.. "I never sought the role of a High King or the burden of a fragmented identity. And yet, here I stand, caught in a web of destinies I struggle to comprehend."

Ser Norman's spectral form radiated a reassuring presence, his ghostly armor glinting softly in the moonlight. "You may not have sought these revelations, my lord, but they have been entrusted to you nonetheless. It is within your power to shape your response to these challenges, to find the strength within yourself to navigate the unknown."

Yuri's fists clenched, his resolve burning brighter amidst the chaos. "But what about my friends, Ser Norman? What about Patty?" he asked, his voice tinged with anguish. "I can't leave them behind! Not when things are turning out like this."

"Your friends are strong, Yuri," Ser Norman replied softly. "Have faith in them. Just as they have faith in you. We will overcome this! And Patty will as well."

"Even if I'm not there?"

"Her story is not yours, Yuri. The path she walks, and the consequences she could face, are hers and hers alone."

Yuri sighed at those words and nodded.

"Get some rest," Ser Norman said. "Go now. Off to bed."

Yuri crawled to the end of his bed and got under the covers. As he closed his eyes, tears poured down his cheeks. It was a while before sleep found him. But as he lay in bed slumbering, a battle was taking place outside in the city.

Chapter 15: Final Battle for the Underground

Chapter Text

Noble Team - Abandoned Metro/Red Dragon Gardens District

An army of dozens of Lancers shifted through the night, ready to exact Yuri's revenge against the gang that gave Patty the awful drug that almost ended her life.

"All right, Lancers!" Axel said, his voice booming with authority. "This mission is from Prince Yuri himself. There are groups of Termnnians hiding out here who have illegally smuggled in the Tarkon Plant from the swamps of Feldia. As you know, this plant can be used to create deadly toxins such as Mindflare. Yuri's girlfriend, Pamela McKnight, is in the hospital right now after she overdosed on the drug. This is personal! He's ordered us to hunt these guys down and deal with them how we please. Extreme prejudice. Our objective is to locate their hideouts, neutralize their operations, and seize any Tarkon Plants in their possession. We cannot allow this dangerous substance to fall into the wrong hands and poison the youths of this city. While the rest of you take care of the grunts, I will lead a strike team into the old abandoned shopping center here where a group of Lancers with Fusion Dimension Duel Disks are holed up. Our primary target is this bastard!"

He showed a picture of Levi on everyone's HUDs.

"This is Levi. He's the one who got Patty drugged up on Mindflare. Yuri says he doesn't care how we do it. But he wants him taken out for good. Extreme prejudice, everyone! Hoorah! Lock and load, Lancers!"

Sukari revved her Duel Runner's engine in response.

Vans dropped off teams of Duelists in different parts of the industrial sector of the district to hunt down any gangs prowling about the alleys or unused buildings.

"Cora!" a fellow Duelist cried out over the hustle of the other Lancers. "You're not coming with us?"

Cora raised her gaitor mask over her mouth and nose and draped her hood over her head. "I move faster on my own!" she said, heading off to another entrance that would take her deep into the underbelly of Aquarius.

"She's going alone, sir?" someone asked, watching Cora smash open the door and sprint down the stairs into the darkness.

"She prefers it that way."

Within an hour, Duel Gangs were engaged all throughout Enron. No one was safe from the wrath of the Lancers that night. The streets erupted with finishing blows, and monsters clashed against one another to secure dominance.

The battles underground became intense, the tunnels getting rocked with finishing blow after finishing blow from the Lancers. Despite saying she worked better alone, Cora found herself teaming with Zane to eradicate the gangs like the roaches they were.

Zane and Cora stood on a platform across the water. They were battling back to back against their last opponents from a horde of Duel Gangs. Their last opponents were quivering in their boots. Their comrades lay around them, knocked out and grunting in agony. On his side of the field, he had a Fiend Megacyber and a Jinzo. But his Life Points didn't look so good. He must have struggled the whole match just to get those two monsters out.

And Zane was about to prove his efforts were all for naught.

"I activate the spell, Cyber Emergency!" he declared as he held up the card, adding Cyber Dragon Nachster to my hand. Then, I send Cyber Dragon Hertz to the Graveyard and summon Galaxy Soldier in defense mode! Also, Cyber Dragon Hertz's effect activates. When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can add a Cyber Dragon to my hand from my deck. Galaxy Soldier's effect also activates, allowing me to add another one to my hand. And I'll activate its effect, discarding Cyber Dragon from my hand to special summon my soldier to the field. Now, I Overlay my two Galaxy Soldiers to Xyz Summon Cyber Dragon Nova!"

The Duelist quivered even more as Zane's new cybernetic beast formed in front of him. The darkness around him was lit up with the orange glow coming from the patterns on the dragon's body.

Zane continued. "Now, I remove an Xyz Material from Cyber Dragon Nova to resurrect Cyber Dragon from the Graveyard!"

"I activate Torrential Tribute!" shouted the opposing Duelist. "Now all of our monsters are destroyed!"

Zane's eyes gleamed with triumph. "You fool!" he exclaimed. "When Cyber Dragon Nova is sent to the Graveyard by your card effects, I can Special Summon a Machine Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck! Rise up and wreak your vengeance on this idiot, CYBER END DRAGON!"

The poor Duelist cried, fear coursing through his veins as Zane's words reverberated in the air. The ground beneath them quivered, the very fabric of reality trembling in response. As Zane's declaration reached its zenith, a burst of blinding light erupted, casting an ethereal glow across the battlefield.

From the heart of that radiant brilliance emerged a towering behemoth. It was the legendary Cyber End Dragon, its three menacing heads snarling with unrestrained power. The sheer force of its arrival caused the surrounding water to churn and crash against the platforms, mirroring the tempestuous might of a storm on the coasts.

Meanwhile, Cora, in the midst of her own battle, stood resolute. Her opponent trembled as she unleashed her trump card. "I activate Polymerization!" she declared, her words cutting through the chaotic din. "Fusing together all three of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons to create Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

As Cora's proclamation filled the air, an awe-inspiring fusion of radiant blue and majestic power materialized before her. Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon stood tall and proud, its majestic form exuding an aura of unparalleled strength.

Together, Zane and Cora unleashed a symphony of devastation and awe, their dragons casting an imposing presence upon the battlefield. The raw might of Cyber End Dragon and the unparalleled grace of Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon danced in harmony, each movement and attack leaving an indelible mark on the minds of all who beheld their clash.

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Axel - Red Dragon Garden District Sewers Sector 7

The sewers were erupting with Duels or holographic monster brawls all around them. Swordsmen struck with fierce battle cries and flashing blades, spellcasters unleashed their mightiest spells to annihilate the opposition, and dragons blasted away enemies with white-hot flames or beams of powerful energy, causing the structures to rumble.

Axel ran through the chaos with Jim Cook and Adrian Gecko. On a platform to the right, they saw Bastion teaming up with Hassleberry against six opponents. Using Drowning Mirror Force, Hassleberry switched their monsters to defense mode, and he Special Summoned an Ultimate Conductor Tyranno of his own to attack every monster they had, dealing 1000 damage to their Life Points each time his dinosaur sent them to the Graveyard. Then Bastion finished them off by attacking with two Water Dragons and his Water Dragon Cluster.

"The gang leader from this sector should be this way!" Axel said as he sprinted down a metal bridge over a river of green water. "We've got his troops preoccupied with ours, so there's no escape for him."

"I sure hope you're right!" Adrian said. "This sewer reeks!"

"C'mon, mate. It's not so bad!" laughed Jim. "It's good for ya! Builds up the immune system!"

"It builds illness and disease; that's what it does!" Adrian grumbled.

"Ah, you spent too much time in your fancy mansions to enjoy the fruits of the real world, Adrian, my man!"

"And for that, I'm thankful!" Adrian said, putting his purple scarf over his nose as he followed Axel down a winding corridor lit with round lamps on the ceiling and on the floor with red pipes going down the walls.

They ran past a huge metal door and spotted the leader trying to sneak away from the battle with his three best men.

"Hold it right there!" Axel shouted.

The leader and his henchmen froze in their tracks. They turned to face the trio of Duelists; their faces contorted with anger and fear.

"You've caused enough trouble in this city!" Axel declared, his Duel Disk at the ready. "It's time to pay for your crimes!"

The leader sneered, his eyes narrowing with defiance. "You losers working for Yuri, huh? You think you can just waltz in here and take us down? We'll show you the true power of the Duel Gangs!"

With a swift motion, the leader activated his Duel Disk, and a holographic field materialized before them. The other gang members followed suit, summoning their monsters with a menacing flair.

Axel grinned, undeterred by their bravado. "Bring it on," he said. "We've faced tougher opponents than you lot."

Jim cracked his knuckles, his face set in a determined expression. "Yeah, let's give 'em a taste of our skills!"

Adrian adjusted his glasses, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I'm ready to teach these ruffians a lesson they won't forget!"

As the three Lancers faced off against the gang members, the sewer reverberated with the sounds of their Duel Disks activating. The air was charged with tension and anticipation as the holographic dueling fields materialized before them.

Axel's Volcanic Doomfire towered above him, its fiery presence casting an eerie glow on the grimy walls of the sewer. The creature's molten eyes glared at the gang members with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. Jim's Fossil Warrior Skull King stood tall and imposing, its armor crafted from the ancient bones of powerful beasts. The engravings on its armor seemed to come to life, depicting tales of forgotten battles and long-lost civilizations. Adrian's Fog King drifted gracefully in the air, its ghostly figure ethereal and mysterious. The eerie blue cape billowed as if caught in an unseen wind, and the fog that emanated from its form seemed to swallow the surrounding darkness.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (109)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (110)A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (111)

"Whoa, they've got some serious firepower," one of the gang members muttered nervously.

The gang leader clenched his fists, trying to hide the unease creeping into his demeanor. "You think you're tough, huh?" he taunted, though his voice quivered slightly.

Axel's grin widened. "You're about to find out," he retorted.

Without further ado, the battle began. Axel, Jim, and Adrian expertly maneuvered their monsters, unleashing powerful attacks that left the gang members on the defensive. The Volcanic Doomfire spewed torrents of flames, engulfing the opposing monsters and dealing devastating damage to their life points. Jim's Fossil Warrior Skull King proved to be an indomitable force, expertly wielding its bone sword to cut through the gang members' defenses. The ancient ruler's strength was unmatched, and it seemed to draw upon the power of the very creatures whose bones adorned its armor.

Meanwhile, Adrian's Fog King utilized its spectral abilities, evading attacks with a ghostly grace that frustrated and bewildered the gang members. Its spectral sword struck with eerie precision, disrupting the opposing monsters' strategies.

The gang members gritted their teeth, their desperation growing with each passing turn. "This can't be happening!" one of them exclaimed.

"Keep your focus!" the leader barked, trying to rally his troops. "We can still turn this around!"

But the Lancers were relentless. "You guys are nothing!" Axel declared.

As the Duel ended, the chaos in the sewer seemed to escalate. The Lancers were surrounded by the gang members. Jim, Axel, and Adrian unsheathed their Solid Vision swords, the blades shimmering with ethereal light.

"Time to teach these punks a lesson," Jim growled.

Axel's grin widened as he twirled his sword expertly. "Let's show them the true power of a Lancer!" he exclaimed.

Adrian adjusted his glasses, his calm demeanor belying the excitement within. "Prepare to be defeated," he said.

The gang members brandished their crude weapons, attempting to strike fear into the Lancers' hearts. But Jim, Axel, and Adrian moved with fluid grace, evading the gang members' clumsy attacks with ease. Their Solid Vision swords gleamed in the dim light, leaving streaks of ethereal brilliance in their wake.

The gang leader, holding a pistol in hand, aimed it at the Lancers, his face contorted with nervousness and fear. But the trio moved like blurs, their reflexes honed through countless battles. Each shot fired missed its mark, leaving the gang leader increasingly desperate and disoriented.

"You're nothing but a bunch of kids playing hero!" the gang leader snarled.

The Lancers struck back in a flurry of motion, their Solid Vision swords slashing through the air with deadly precision. Jim's strikes were swift and fierce, disarming his opponents with well-placed strikes. Axel's agile movements allowed him to dance around his foes, landing precise blows and leaving them reeling.

Adrian's calculated strikes left the gang members bewildered, unable to anticipate his next move. His sword seemed to move of its own accord, finding the perfect angles to disarm his opponents.

As the battle raged on, the sewer echoed with the clashing of blades and the shouts of the Duelists. The gang members struggled to maintain the Lancers' superior skill and agility. Their crude weapons were no match for the mastery of the Solid Vision swords.

The gang leader's perseverance seemed to crumble with each passing moment. His pistol shook in his hand, his bravado replaced by uncertainty. "I...I give up," he stammered. The Lancers lowered their Solid Vision swords, their victory complete. The gang members hesitated for a moment before dropping their weapons and retreating, leaving the sewer in a state of disarray.

Axel's grip tightened on the gang leader's coat, his eyes burning with hate. "Who gave you the Tarkon Plants?" he demanded.

The gang leader initially tried to maintain a defiant facade, but as Axel raised his fist, a flicker of fear crossed his face. Realizing that resistance was futile, he finally surrendered. "Alright, alright! I'll talk!" he exclaimed.

With a sigh of relief, the gang leader spilled the beans. "Some shady characters showed up about a month ago," he began, his voice shaky. "They started distributing Mindflare and the Tarkon Plant. I don't know who they are, but they operate out of the ports of Enron Island."

Axel's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. Enron Island was a notorious hub for illegal activities, and it seemed the source of the Tarkon Plants was deeply entrenched in its seedy underbelly.

"We need more than that," Jim interjected. "Who are these guys? Do they have a name? Any other information?"

The gang leader hesitated momentarily, clearly torn between protecting his safety and providing the Lancers with the information they sought. But Axel's stern gaze left him with little choice. "I don't know their names," he admitted, "but they call themselves 'The Black Tide.' They're well-organized and well-armed. It's like they have eyes and ears everywhere."

Adrian furrowed his brow. "And what about the Tarkon Plant? How do they get it?"

The gang leader shrugged helplessly. "I don't know the details," he replied. "They just show up with shipments, and we distribute it. They pay us well, so we don't ask too many questions."

"Alright," Axel said, releasing his grip on the gang leader. "Thanks for the information. You better get the hell out of here! We claim this area in the name of James Vincent Montgomery and his group! This is their turf now! You got that!? We catch you around here again; we'll show no remorse! Now, go home and rethink your lives! Now!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! You got it! I'm done with this life. Brett Martinetti is a big loser now, right guys."

"Yeah! Yeah!" the others agreed.

"Yeah, he's nothing now that Yuri's beaten him? Why are we still taking orders from him?"

"Yeah, he's a loser. Let's go, guys!"

They all got up and ran away, leaving their advanced Duel Disks behind. Adrian collected them and put them in his pack to destroy them later.

Axel, Jim, and Adrian turned and walked away.

"Something on your mind, Axel?" Jim asked.

"The Black Tide is a notorious band of mercenary Duelists, known for their ruthless tactics and connections to the underground criminal world," Axel explained, marching with his head high to mask his frustration. "They operate in the shadows, taking on any job as long as the price is right. Rumor has it they've even dealt with some of the darkest forces in other dimensions."

"You mean they probably aided the Fusion Dimension with the invasion last year?" Jim asked.

"Not probably. They did. Once Obelisk Force started coming in, the Black Tide saw an opportunity to make money and helped them locate high-value targets all over the city. Since Cora got their leader's girlfriend arrested, they helped Obelisk Force hunt her down. Not long after the invasion was quelled, I helped Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Kalin Kessler, and Yusei Fudo wipe them out. But what the hell are they doing here in the Standard Dimension?"

Adrian adjusted his glasses, his mind working through the possibilities. "It's possible they have allies within our dimension," he suggested. "Someone with insider knowledge who's helped them gain access."

Axel nodded in agreement. "That's my hunch too," he said. "Which means we have a traitor in our midst."

"I think I might know who?" said Adrian. "King Antilles."

"That's a big huch, mate," said Jim. "You sure even King Antilles would stoop that low to try and halt Yuri's claim to the throne?"

"I wouldn't put it past him," Adrian replied. "He's been known to do a lot of dastardly things to get what he wants. My family suffered financially because of his malice. My cousin was killed by a mob of angry peasants because of the lies he spread about us. Why? Because we wouldn't let him in on a deal when we uncovered a diamond mine in our lands. I bet you anything he's the one who also let the Rare Hunters in to hunt Yuri and his friends."

"We should get Declan to monitor him closely," said Axel. "He was the first to figure out the Three Points Plan was bullsh*t after all. Maybe he can find out if he's been sending his own thugs into the Standard Dimension."

"I hope he can do so quickly," Adrian said. "Who knows who or what he'll send after Yuri if he has the power to send them here."

Axel's Duel Disk beeped. "Huh," he said with a smile. "Another team just located Levi."

Red Dragon Gardens District Sewers Sector 5

Andre, grimy and tired from the long battles in the sewers, rushed down the now-empty corridors where intense Duels took place. He heard a few shouts in the distance and felt the occasional rumble from a final attack, but other than that, the battle for the sewers and the abandoned tunnels was won.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of echoing footsteps and hushed whispers up ahead. He approached cautiously, and as he rounded a corner, he saw Levi getting cornered by Yuya and Yuma.

Andre cracked his knuckles and walked forward. "Thanks for stopping him, guys. Now let me..."

"You get on outta here," said Yuma. "We'll deal with these guys."

"No, I can..."

"MOVE!" Yuya roared. His voice seemed to reverberate forever and ever in the empty junction.

Yuma gripped Andre's wrist and pulled him back. "Trust me, dude, he's not in a good mood. You don't want to be around when he summons that dragon of his."

"Get off me!" Andre said, pulling his wrist away. "Levi is mine! Besides, I've seen Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon before."

A grim expression formed on Yuya's face, masking it with worry and dread. "Not like this. Come on, let's go. Levi's finished!"

Andre was initially hesitant, but he noticed something odd about Yuya. Even in the face of a rude and conniving opponent, Yuya always had a big smile on his face. But things were different. Yuya had a passionate love for Dueling and its effect on people. The smiles it brought to their faces with the excitement of the match and the grandeur of the monsters as they clashed with one another in battle.

But these Duel Gangs didn't care for that. They used Duel Monsters to hurt people and cause chaos.

The memories of seeing Brett blast Yuri and Logan with his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon filled him with rage. The look in Brett's eyes as he found glee in torturing them. The cries for help from the Duel Gang's victims and the sight of many of them getting whisked away to the hospital for playing a game that was meant to be fun and exciting—a game that built friendships and sparked fierce rivalries.

He tolerated a lot of things, but witnessing Patty on the ground on the news broke him. Seeing someone that Yuri — his future High King — loved with all his heart in such a state was his last straw. Seeing Patty half-dead was just a piece of the world these rats wanted to bring with the game he loved so much. This malice is what the gangs used Duel Monsters for. And that was something he could not tolerate any longer.

There was an aura radiating around Yuya that Andre found dreadful — horrifying even. And he ran back into the sewers to aid the other Lancers in the battle.

"Hey!" Levi said, waving his hands nervously. "I won't do it anymore, I swear."

His two flunkies stepped forward, Duel Disks at the ready to confront Yuya.

"Let me take care of them both, then," Yuya said.

Yuma gulped and nodded his head. He stepped back cautiously to let Yuya Duel the gang members.

They took positions and began the Duel at once.And in two turns...screams of absolute horror echoed across the underground of Aquarius.

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Chapter 16: Heartbreak

Chapter Text

Yuri - Aquarius General Hospital, Standard Dimension

Yuri walked into Patty's room in the hospital. She was up in bed eating a small bowl of cherry-flavored jello. She smiled. Her face was horribly gaunt, and the bags under her eyes were sickly purple. Word of Patty's misfortune had spread. Apparently, the boy at the shop was filming her the entire time and shared the video on his social media account.

Already, Mr. Montgomery's people were at work to take it down. What good that would do? Thousands of people might have made copies of it now. There was no escaping this flimflam.

"Hi, baby," Patty said with a hoarse voice. "Can you believe it? I've been expelled from school. Principal Green saw the video of me passed out outside the Ruby Dragon. My grandpa's going to kill me for this."

"If he isn't, I will," said Yuri, horribly stern, walking forward into the room.

Suddenly, a loud rumble of thunder could be heard, making Patty feel even more nervous than she already was. The uneasy feeling was amplified by the tense atmosphere, as Yuri's angry and menacing appearance made it clear that Patty was in for even more trouble. His leather jacket made a distinct creaking sound, soaked and heavy from the rain outside. The water droplets on his beanie glistened under the dull light of Patty's room, reflecting a faint rainbow of colors.

Patty's smile faded. "Yuri...I...I screwed up. Don't you be mad at me, too."

"You promised me you'd be clean. You said you'd stop going to nightclubs and filling your body with this crap. Look at you. Look what those ANIMALS did to you!"

His raised voice caused Patty's fingers to curl over the hem of her blanket. "Yuri..."

"I warned you, didn't I? I warned you something like this would happen. This life you chose! The way you like to act! The content you produce! It's unhealthy!"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry's not good enough, Patty," said Yuri. He sighed sadly, then covered his face with his palms. "My folks...they don't like what you've done. Bad enough you're a social media E-harlot. But now this?"

He shook his head. "We can't go on. You and me. We can't go on."

Patty's lips trembled. Yuri felt his heart sink when he saw the tears of hurt glistening in her eyes. "No, no, Yuri, you don't mean that. We can work something out. I'll get help. Please, don't leave me."

Yuri stepped back and shook his head.

Patty hiccuped as her face turned red and wrinkled with sorrow. Huge tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped past her chin. "Yuri, don't do this. Please, don't do this. I love you!"

"But you need to love yourself," Yuri said, breathing heavily, trying to control his emotions. "I don't respect anyone who doesn't respect themselves. And you clearly don't. There's a lot I've tolerated from you, Patty. But this is the last straw. I'm breaking up with you."

Patty shut her eyes and heaved in sorrow. She buried her face in her hands and wailed.

"I'm sorry," Yuri said, leaving the room.

As Patty sobbed in bed, a shadow loomed over her. It formed eerie red eyes. The Witch-King snarled in delight, proud of what he had done. He looked down at Patty crying and let out an eerie chuckle, relieved that the only thing that could provide her with light was gone for good. Now, after all these years, his plan could come to fruition.

A Song from the Divines Vol. XIII - TheSingingSword (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.