IPR2016-00458, No. 1041 Exhibit - Ex 1041 Provisional App 60076788 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 14, 2016) (2024)

`_u . DOCKET NO. : UPN-3106
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`In Re Application of:
`Donald M. O'Rourke and Mark I. Greene
`Serial No.:
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`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
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`Mutant Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) oncoproteins lacking most of subdomains I and II of
`the extracellular region, a deletion which includes most of the first of two cysteine-rich sequences,
`have been observed in multiple human epithelial tumors, including malignant gliomas. These EGFR
`oncoproteins, designated 6.EGFR or EGFRvlll, confer increased tumorigenicity in v1vo and are often
`coexpressed with full-length EGFR in human tumors. We have expressed an ectodomain-derived,
`carboxyl-terminal deletion mutant of the p185neu oncogene (T691stop) in human glioblastoma cells
`coexpressing endogenous EGFR and activated 6.EG FR oncoproteins. The p 185neu ectodomam-derived
`mutant forms heterodimers with 6.EGFR proteins and reduces the phosphotyrosine content and kinase
`activity of 6.EG FR monomers. As a consequence of T691 stop neu expression and surface localization,
`cell proliferation in conditions of full growth and reduced serum and anchorage-mdependent growth in
`soft agar was reduced in glioblastoma cells expressing either endogenous EGFR alone or coexpressing
`EGFR and elevated levels of 6.EGFRs. T691 stop neu mutant receptors abrogate the dramatic growth
`advantage conferred by 6.EGFR in vivo, suggesting that physical associations primanly between
`subdomains Ill and IV of the p185neu and EGFR ectodomains are sufficient to modulate signaling from
`activated EGFR complexes. Receptor-based inhibitory strategies exploit the thermodynamic preference
`for erbB ectodomains to heterodimerize, thereby creating erbB receptor assemblies which are
`defective in signaling and do not internalize. Pharmaceuticals which mimic the p185neu ectodomain
`may therefore have important therapeutic applications in advanced human malignancies expressing
`erbB receptors.
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`Ligand-induced receptor dimerization is thought to account for the activation of eukaryot1c signaling
`through transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) (reviewed in Heldin, 1995). Alterations of
`receptor subunits as a result of structural changes may be coupled to receptor oligomerization
`resulting in amplification of signaling (Gadella and Jovin, 1995).
`In addition to the binding of ligand,
`the erbB family of eukaryotic RTKs is regulated by interdomain interactions in cis (Bertics and G1ll,
`1985; Honegger et al., 1987; Weiner et al., 1989; Honegger et al., 1990; Wells et al., 1990; Wiley et
`al., 1991; Helin and Beguinot, 1991; Sorkin et al., 1991; Guy et al., 1992; Myers et al., 1992; LeVea
`et al., 1993; Opresko et al., 1995) and trans (Wada et al., 1990; Samanta et al., 1994; Carraway and
`Cantley, 1994; Karunagaran et al., 1995; Karunagaran et al., 1996; Pinkas et al., 1996; Worthylake
`and Wiley, 1997).
`Receptor activation of the erbB family involves both hom*odimer and heterodimer assembly formation
`(Ullrich and Schlessinger, 1990; Wada et al., 1990; Carraway and Cantley, 1994; O'Rourke et al.,
`In many cases, the formation of heterodimers between erbB family members increases
`ligand-binding affinity and results in the formation of a more active signaling complex which
`influences cell phenotype (Kokai et al., 1989; Wada et al., 1990; Alimandi et al., 1995; Beerli et al.,
`1995; Pinkas et al., 1996; Pinkas et al., 1996). Using p185neu and EGF receptor mutants, we have
`previously shown that the ectodomain alone of these erbB receptors is sufficient to allow for a
`thermodynamically preferred heteromeric physical association and that cytoplasmic contacts in the
`resultant dimer affect ligand affinity, signaling and phenotype (Qian et al., 1994a,b; 1995; 1996;
`O'Rourke et al., 1997a,b). Biochemical analysis of p185neu and EGFR suggests that the consequences
`of dimer formation between extracellular domains alone is different from the signaling resultant from
`endodomain dimer formation (Qian et al., 1994a; 1995). p185neu ectodomain-derived mutants are
`capable of specific trans-inhibition of EGF receptor signaling in both murine fibroblasts and primarily
`transformed EGFR-overexpressing human cells (Qian et al., 1994a; O'Rourke et al., 1997a). The
`active receptor complex for Neu Differentiation Factor (NDF/heregulin) appears to be either an
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`erb82-erb83 or erbB2-erbB4 heterodimer, suggesting that p185neu/erbB2 funct1ons, in part, as a
`trans-regulator of other erbB family receptor kinases (Beerli et al., 1995; Karunagaran et al., 1996;
`Pinkas et al., 1996).
`To further examine receptor subdomains responsible for trans regulatory interactions mediated by the
`extracellular domain in the erbB family, we analyzed the interaction between the EGFR and
`p 185neu/c-erbB2 in transformed cells. An EGFR oncoprotein commonly observed 1n human glial
`neoplasms and other human epithelial malignancies (~EGFR or EGFRvlll) results from an in-frame
`truncation involving exons 2 through 7 (amino acids 6 to 273) in the gene encoding the extracellular
`region of the molecule resulting in the expression of truncated, constitutively phosphorylated ~EGFRs
`of 140-155kDa (Nishikawa et al., 1994; Moscatello et al., 1995; Reist et al., 1995).
`receptors have been observed to exist spontaneously in a dimeric form and mediate constitutive
`signaling and oncogenic transformation of rodent fibroblasts in a ligand-independent manner, while
`overexpressed p 170 holo-EGFRs are only weakly transforming in the presence of EGF (Haley et al.,
`1989; Carter and Kung, 1994; Qian et al., 1994a; Moscatello et al., 1996).
`Importantly, ~EGFR
`oncoproteins confer a dramatic growth advantage in vivo in human glioblastoma cells (Nishikawa et a!.,
`1994) and in murine fibroblasts (Moscatello et al., 1996).
`Recent reports indicate that ~EGF receptors are present on the cell surface and internalize more slowly
`than ligand-stimulated holo-EGFRs {Moscatello et al., 1 996; Huang et al., 1 997), which may increase
`transforming efficiency of .6.EGFR oncoproteins (Chen et al., 1989; Wells et al., 1990; Masui et al.,
`1991; Huang et al., 1997). Other mutations which functionally separate the extracellular domain
`from the transmembrane and cytoplasmic region of RTK polypeptides have also been observed to lead to
`spontaneous dimerization {Sorokin, 1995) and to the acquisition of transforming potential (Haley et
`al., 1989; Sorokin, 1995), suggesting that a portion of the extracellular domain imposes a structural
`constraint on dimer formation which is presumably removed by ligand-binding or mass action.
`Extracellular deletions observed in .6.EGFRs or avian v-erbB oncogenes presumably facilitate dimer
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`formation by mimicking the conformational changes resulting
`llgand-bindi"'g, Soluble
`extracellular domalna of the EGFR have been observed to oligomerlze (Kohda et al., 1 993) and
`structural alteration In the ectodomaln can Induce spontaneous oligomerization of extracellular
`domains, cytoplasmic domains, or both (Hurwitz at al., 1991; Mohammad! et ai .• 1993; LaVes et al.,
`1993; Samanta et al., 1994; Sorokln, 1995; Cochran and Kim, 1996).
`The extracellular deletion In .o.EGFR removes the majority of amino acids comprising subdomalns I and
`II of the EGFR (see Kohda et at., 1993; Carter and Kung, 1994}, which lneludes a large portion of the
`first (mQ\"e amino·termlnal) of two cysteine-rich sequences in the extracellular r'glon of the
`reQeptor fSugawa at a!., 1990; Ekstrand et al., 1992; Wong et al., 1992). Subdomaln IIJ, which has
`been repr,rtecl to confer ligand-binding properties to the EGFR (Kohcla at al., 1993), is preserved In
`the 6EGF1R oncoprotein, although AEGFRa clo not appear to bind ligand in NIH3T3 cella (Moecetello et al.,
`1996). Ooexpression of holo-EGFRa and .O.EGFFis has been observed In human glioblastoma and other
`tumor sa~ples, suggesting that EGFR/6EGFR co-expressing cells may be a close correlate of human
`disease (~ugawa at al., 1890; Nishikawa at al., 1994; Moacatelto et al., 1995}. We have expressed an
`actodomain-darlved, carboxyl-terminal deletion mutant of the p18Sneu oncogene (TS91stop neu),
`Jacking ~he entire kinase domain and carboxyl-terminal autophosphorylatlon altai, in human
`glioblastQma calla coexpresslng full·length EGFR and 4EGFRs to examine whether the p185neu
`actodomaln could associate with truncated, actodomaln-cleleted 6EGFRs and modulate 4\EGFR-medlatec:l
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`Expression of EGFR and p185neu mutant forms In human glioblastoma cells
`U87MG human glioblastoma cells express elevated levels (=1 as receptors/cell) of endogenous, wtld(cid:173)
`type EGFR (Nishikawa et al., 1994; O'Rourke et al., 1997a). Three clonal derivatives of parental
`U87MG human glioblastoma cells were utilized for these studies: U87!T691-1 cells contain T691stop
`neu in the U87MG background; U87MG.D.EGFR cells express elevated levels (=1 o6 receptors/cell) of
`human D.EGFR proteins in parental U87MG cells (Nishikawa et al., 1994; Huang et al., 1997); and
`doubly transfected U87MG.D.EGFRIT691s cells contam endogenous EGFR, D.EGFRs, and T691 stop mutant
`neu proteins. Subclones derived from parental U87MG human glioblastoma cells notable for the
`expression of D.EGFR and/or T691 stop neu mutant receptors are shown
`in Fig. 1 A.
`lmmunoprecipttating with mAb 528 (Oncogene Science) reacttve with EGFR and ll.EGFR demonstrated
`all EGFR forms expressed in the U87MG-derived cell lines (lanes 1 ,3,5,7). D.EGFRs were identified in
`U87MG.D.EGFR and U87MG . .1EGFR/T691 s cells only (lanes 5,7). Metabolic
`labeling and
`immunoprecipitating with mAb 7.16.4 reactive with the p185neu ectodomain (O'Rourke et al., 1997a)
`allowed for the identification of T691stop mutant neu receptors of =115kDa in U87/T691-1 cells
`(Fig. 1A, lane 4) and in U87MG.D.EGFR!T691s cells (Fig. 1A, lane 8). Flow cytometric analysis of
`U87fT691-1 and U87MG.D.EGFR!T691s subclones with mAb 7.16.4 confirmed surface localization of
`T691stop neu proteins (data not shown). Flow cytometric analysis also confirmed cell surface
`localization of D.EGFRs on both U87MG.D.EGFR and U87MG.D.EGFR!T691s subclones (data not shown).
`We have previously reported that U87MG glioblastoma cells contain negligible levels of erbB-2 or
`erbB-3 (O'Rourke et al., 1997a).
`lmmunoprecipitation and immunoblotting of EGFRs in U87MG.D.EGFR cells revealed the presence of
`endogenous EGFR (170kDa) and transfected .1EGFRs running as a doublet species of Mr=140kDa and
`::::155kDa (Nishikawa et al., 1994; Han et al., 1996; Huang et al., 1997) (Fig. 1 B). This pattern was
`also demonstrated for U87MG.D.EGFR/T691s double transfectants. We used scanning densitometry to
`confirm a stoichiometric ratio of .1EGFR:EGFR of 10:1 by immunoprecipitation of cell lysates using
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`mAb 528 reactive with the extracellular domains of EGFR and D.EGFR, followed by immunoblotting wtth
`a polyclonal antisera reactive with EGFR
`in both U87MG . .:lEGFR cells
`(Fig. 1 B) and
`U87MG.D.EGFRfT691s cells (data not shown).
`We demonstrated that T691stop neu ectodomain efficiently forms heterodimers with full-length, Wild(cid:173)
`type EGFR on the surface of parental U87MG cells (Fig. 2, lane 6} and in rodent fibroblasts (D.M.
`O'Rourke, M.l. Greene, unpublished observations), using the membrane-impermeable cross-linker
`DTSSP (3,3'-dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate). The p185neu ectodomain inhibited the EGF(cid:173)
`induced downregulation of endogenous EGFR in U87MG-derived cells as determined by immunoblotting
`(Fig. 2, lanes 1-2, 4-5). Flow cytometric analysis indicated that receptor association occurring at
`the cell-surface mediates inhibition of EGFR, rather than endocytosis and degradation (data not shown).
`These data are in agreement with prior studies performed in rodent fibroblasts (Qian et al., 1994a).
`The T691stop neu ectodomain inhibited the EGF-induced phosphorylation of wild-type endogenous EGFR
`in U87MG-derived cells (Fig. 3,
`lanes 1-4). D.EGFR
`is constitutively phosphorylated
`U87MG . .:lEGFR cells, while p170 EGFR is phosphorylated in U87MG parental cells and
`U87MG . .1EGFR cells only upon the addition of EGF (Fig. 3, lanes 1-2,5-6). Blotting with an
`antiphosphotyrosine antibody revealed that the lower molecular weight species (p 140) of LlEGFR is
`underphosphorylated relative to the p155 species in U87MG . .1EGFR cells (Fig. 3, lanes 5-6).
`Modulation of 6EGFR-medlated cell growth and transformation by the T691 stop neu
`Cell proliferation and transforming efficiency of U87MG-derived human glioblastoma cell lines was
`assessed in vitro and in vivo in order to determine modulation of LlEGF receptor signaling by
`ectodomain-derived p185neu mutant proteins. 6EGFR expression (U87MG . .:lEGFR cells) increased cell
`proliferation in reduced serum conditions (Fig. 4A) over parental U87MG cells, which is consistent
`with ligand-independent activation of 6EGFRs. Expression of T691 stop mutant neu proteins inhibited
`cell growth in reduced serum and, notably, in full-growth media in both EGFR/.1EGFR-coexpressing
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`glioblastoma cells and in parental U87MG cells containing endogenous EGF'R only (~ig. 4A). Of note,
`U87MG.~eGFR/TS91a subclones exhibited decreased cell proliferation than parental U87MG cells
`lacking AEGFRs In both full·grcwth media and, to a greater degree, in reduced serum conditions.
`AEGFR did not Increase transforming efficiency In vitro in anchorage·lndependent growth assays over
`parental UB7MG cells (Fig. 49). U87MG cells are primary transformed human cells containing
`multiple aomatic genetic alterations, including deletions of p16 (He et al., 1 995; Nishikawa at al.,
`1895) arjd In the putative protein tyrosine phosphatase gene, PTeN (LI at al., 1997). Soft agar
`growth of U87MG.AEGFR/r891a cells was reduced 41.~% and 45% compared to parents U87MG and
`U87MG.ll!EGFR cells, respectively.
`Inhibition of anchorage·lndependent growth achieved by T69, stop
`neu proteins was more •lgnlflcant in U87MG parental cella lacking AEGFR (mean 75~% Inhibition
`relative tc parental U87MG cells In three independent experiments) (Fig. 49).
`The AEGF receptor confers a selective growth advantage In vivo in the. U87MG cell background (Fig. 4C)
`(Nishikawa at al., 1994), while many studies have shown that hclo-EGFRs are nontr$nsformlng in
`vivo, exe1ept under defined conditions In which p1BSneu receptors are co-expressed (Clan at al ..
`1 992). Expression of the TEi91 stop mutant neu ectodomaln In UB7MG cells was prevlolJisly shown to
`preferenttally inhibit the U87MG oncogenic phenotype when compared to a form of truncated p185neu
`(N891 stop) which differs from T681stop by containing the protooncogenlc: transmembrane region
`(O'Rourke et al., 1997a). TS91atop neu protein expression abrogated the selective In vivo growth
`advantage mediated by 4EGFR In U87MG cella (Fig. 4C). This result was confirmed by an analysis of
`three adi:Uttonal UB7MG.4EGFRIT681a aubclones (data not shown}. The UB7MG • .:!!.EGFRIT691s
`aubclone shown exhibited growth kinetics whic;h are similar to parental U87MG calla, thc'-'gh appeared
`to be mere
`than U87MG cells
`In vivo.
`Inhibition obaerved
`In vivo
`for all
`US7MG • .&EGFRIT891s aubclones was directly related 10 the stoichiometry of T691 stop mutant neu
`exprassic:ln (data not shown).
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`The Tl91atop ntu mutant forme hat.rcdimera with AEGFR In vivo
`Because of the genetic complexity of U87MG.AEGFR transfactanta and U87MG.AEGFRIT891a doubly
`transfected aubclonea, and the multiple hom*odlmeric and hetarodlmerlc complexes migrating at similar
`molaculat weights In gradient SDS-PAGE analyale. we elected to employ the thioclaavable, membrana(cid:173)
`Impermeable croaa·linker DTSSP to examine individual components of putative surface-localized
`heteromaric complexes. The mAb 528 was utilized to lmmunopreclpitate all EGFRa (WIId·ty~e and
`6EGFRs} which might form heteromers with mutant neu proteins. We detected eo-precipitated 6E:GFR
`monome{s from antl-neu lmmunocomplaxas by In vivo c:roaa-linking experiments using DTSSP.
`Crosa-lln~lng of U87MG.6EGFRIT691s cells and separating immunocomplexes by SOS/6-8% PAGE
`under reducing conditions revealed evidence of heterodlmer formation between T691stop neu proteins
`and the p140AE:GFR, p1554EGFR, and p170EGFA forms (Fig. SA). Moat cf the T691stao neu mutant
`receptors associated with the p140~EGFR form using these methode, although faint bands identifying
`heterodlmerlzed p1554EGFR and p170EGFR proteins ware repeatedly observed. Identification of
`AEGFR proteins on the cell surface of U87MG.45GFR and U87MG.AEGFR.ITf5B1s double tranafectants by
`flow CY\~metry supports the observations made with the membrane-Impermeable cross-linker (Fig.
`SA). T691atop nau mutant receptors form heterodimera with AEGF receptors on the c:all surface. The
`cell·surface localization of AEGFR mutant receptors has been confirmed by several independent
`Investigators using different methoda (Nishikawa et al., 1894; Moscatello at al., 199S, Wlkstrand et
`al., 1991).
`Blotting with an antlphosphotyroslne antibody confirmed that both &EGFR apeclea associated with
`T891atop nau are underphosphorylatad (Fig. SB, lane e). We ccnaiatantly demonstrated negligible
`phospho~roaina content for .AEGFR monomers lmmunocomplexad to T891 stop neu receptors in all
`exparlmanta. EGF has been observed to Increase the efficiency cf hetercdlmer formation between
`pHOEGFfR and the n•u ectodomaln, although this association Ia ligand-Independent (O.M. O'Rourke and
`M.l. Greer.e, unpublished data). EGF minimally increased the formation of AEGFR·p18Snt~u ,ctodomain
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`immunocomplexes, suggesting that EGF may stabilize heteromeric formation,
`if not ll.EGFR
`hom*odimeric formation (Nishikawa et al., 1994; Oian et al., 1994a; Moscatello et al., 1996).
`Reduction of phosphotyrosine content of .:lEGFR monomers
`in vivo by T691 stop neu
`The phosphotyrosine content for .:lEGFR monomers immunocomplexed to T691 stop neu receptors was
`negligible in all experiments (Fig. 5A,B; lane 6). Our results also revealed that the lower molecular
`weight form of .:lEGFR (140kDa) was relatively underphosphorylated as compared to the p155D.EGFR
`form in both U87MG . .:lEGFR cells and U87MG . .:lEGFR/T691 s double transfectants (Figs. 3, 58), as
`reported previously (Moscatello et al., 1995).
`Differences in the phosphotyrosine content of .:lEGFR monomers between U87MG . .:lEGFR cells and
`U87MG . .:lEGFRIT691 s cells were not observed in immunoprecipitations of larger cell lysates using
`mAb 528, which reacts with all EGFR forms '(Fig. 18), for in vivo cross-linking experiments (Fig.
`5A,B; lanes 3,5). Therefore, in order to specifically examine the phosphotyrosine content in vivo of
`.:lEGFRs in T691 stop neu-expressing cells, an antibody reactive with the D.EGFR only was used to
`precipitate .:lEGFRs from cell lysates containing reduced protein concentrations from those required to
`detect heterodimeric complexes. Blotting with PY-20 after immunoprecipitating with mAb tJ.124
`reactive with
`.:lEGFR only
`revealed several phosphoproteins
`in U87MG . .:lEGFR and
`U87MG.ll.EGFR/T691 s cells (Fig. 5C, lanes 1 ,2). The slower migrating form of .:lEGFR (155kDa) is
`indicated by the arrow, while the identities of the lW.Q. other .D.EGFR-associated phosphoproteins are
`unknown. Using these smaller protein lysates, the faster migrating form of AEGFR (140kDa) was not
`detected by the PY -20 antibody, indicating relatively lower phosphotyrosine content than p 155kDa.
`After stripping the membrane and reprobing with Ab-4 reactive with all EGFRs, both AEGFR forms are
`visualized in both U87MG.t.~.EGFR and U87MG.ll.EGFR/T691s double transfectants. Scanning
`densitometric analysis of the phosphorylation content of immunoprecipitated p 155.:lEGFR monomers in
`these cell lines revealed a decrease of 33.7% in U87MG.ll.EGFR/T691 s cells when compared to
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`U87MG.~EGFR cells, under conditions of full-growth (Fig. 5C). Observed constitutive differences 1n
`~EGFR phosphotyrosine content could therefore not be overcome by serum-containing factors. The
`ratio of PTyr/~EGFRs in U87MG.~EGFR cells was 1.57; this ratio in U87MG.~EGFR/T691 s cells was
`found to be 1.04, as determined by scanning densitometry. This difference was observed in two
`additional experiments.
`We analyzed the phosphotyrosine content in living cells of total immunoprecipitated ~EGFR monomers,
`not only ~EGFR monomers immunocomplexed to T691 stop neu prote1ns. Thus, 1n addition to the finding
`that ~EGFRs immunocomplexed to T691 stop neu mutant receptors have negligible phosphotyrosme
`content (Fig. 58, lane 6), these data indicate that T691 stop neu surface expression alone is sufficient
`to reduce ~EGFR monomeric phosphotyrosine content in trans.
`In T691stop neu-containing cells, the
`observed 33.7% reduction in phosphotyrosine content of immunoprecipitated ~EGFR monomers may
`diminish signaling from the activated ~EGF receptor complex, since the signaling complex may be a
`higher order multimer (O'Rourke et at., 1997a) and ~EGFR has been reported to have a lower
`stoichiometry of phosphotyrosine content than EGF-stimulated wild-type EGFR (Huang et al., 1997).
`Substrate binding and/or catalytic activity of the ~EGFR receptor kinase could be altered by a reduction
`of monomeric ~EGFR phosphotyrosine content. The lower level of constitutive phosphotyrosine content
`of ~EGFR relative to ligand-stimulated wild-type EGFR may account for the disabling effect on in vivo
`growth behavior of individual point mutations in terminal autophosphorylation sites of ~EGFR (Huang
`et al., 1997}. Hetero-oligomers formed by the association between ~EGFR dimers and T691stop neu
`dimers may be one mechanism for the reduction of ~EGFR phosphotyrosine content and the phenotypic
`inhibition resulting from T691 stop neu expression and surface localization.
`Reduction of In vitro kinase activity of ~EGFR by T691 stop neu expression
`Since we observed a reduction of monomeric ~EGFR phosphotyrosine content in cells expressing
`T691 stop neu mutant receptors (Fig. SC), we investigated whether the catalytic activity of the ~EGFR
`receptor kinase could be altered by T691stop neu protein expression. Using conditions identical to
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`those which confirmed the presence of ~EGFRs in cross-linked T691stop neu-associated heterodimers
`(Fig. SA), we showed that anti-~EGFR immune complexes had increased in vitro kinase

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.