Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

MARION LEADER- TRIBUNE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1926 Prof. Pogue to Appear Before, Monroe Township Farm Bureau Barton Rees Pogue, Indiana's own poet and author of "Songs of the a. series of poems on Hoosier farm life published weekly in the Indiana Farmer's been secured as a special teature of the Monroe township farm bureau meeting to be held on the evening of September 7, at Upland, according to an announcement of R. H. Thompson of Upland, township chairman.

The meeting was originally scheduled as a township event but when it was known that the noted entertainer could be engaged, the committee. decided. to chanson the bureau arrangements memberg in 80 Grant that county, as well as non-members and townspeople could be Invited and attend. The program committee, headed by Mr. Thompson, feels particularly fortunate in being able to list Mr.

Pogue on the evening's entertainment for he ig known, through POINCARE FEARS PACT OPPOSITION Paris, Aug. -Hostility to, Premier Poincare's proposed move to push for ratification of the debt agreements with the United States and. Great Britain, expressed in the parllamentary lobbies today, has caused the government to postpone discussion of the pacts in a ministerial counsel tomorrow, as was planned. Instead, the ministers will meet Monday. M.

Berenger, ambassador to the United States, who negotiated the Washington debt agreement, has deferred his departure United States, set for tomorrow, until the situation is straightened out by ratification. He said today he expected ratification before the close of the session, If M. Folncare, 'even with bis present grip on parljament and public opinion, should venture to bring up ratification of the debt agreements next week, it is ceded on all sides that they could -be adopted only with reservations. ANTI-APE MEN WIN ELECTION Nashville, Aug. returns tonight from 842 of the 2,195 precincts in Tennessee showed Gov.

Austin Peay seeking the democratic gubernatorial nomination, holding a lead of nearly votes over Hill McAllister, state treasurer, in yesterday's state-wide primary. Dr. J. R. Neal, senior counsel for Prof.

John T. Scopes in the evolution trial at Dayton, and Judge Jno. T. Raulston, fundamentalist and presiding judge at the Scopes trial wore among the defeated candidates In yesterday's state primary county elections. Dr.

Neal was a candidate for the democratic nomination for the governorship two opponents. Judge Raulston, rebut was far out distanced by his publican, was defeated in the judicial election In the eighteenth district by Leslie R. Duir of Jasper, Tenn. Duir is a minister's son. Dr.

Neal made his primary campaign on a liberal program, favoring referendums on prohibition. He also favored repeal of the anti-evolution bill which Gov. Peay signed and McAllister sponsored when it was up for enactment. W. HASTY IS NAMED Indianapolis, Aug.

Hasty of Indianapolis today was elected president of the Indiana Federation of Humane societies. Mrs. Zula 'Muncle, dent; was elected first vice- prestMiss' Dorthea Williams, Evansville, second vice-president: Mrs. R. A.

McCulloch, Fort Wayne, secretary; and William P. Hargon, Indianapolis, treasurer. charge to have at least one representative of each of the state's It 18 the alr of the committee in light weighta showing the Diost Chicago, Boston, 2. JONESBORO Relatives here received word on Thursday. concerning the accident in which Mrs.

Arthur West of Flint, was Injured last Sunday. Mrs. West, with bor family and some friends were out driving and were struck by a large car which was traveling at high speed. Details were not given but Mrs. West's right band WAR caught in some manner, atripping all the HE MAY FACE SERIOUS CHARGE Eshenfelder, May Answer As "Habitual Criminal" Herbert Eshenfelder, L.

age 40, who was arrested several days. ago con a charge of attempt to committ criminal assault ten-year-old girl, will probably face a charge of being an habitual criminal when he la brought before Judge J. Frank Charles In Grant circuit court next September, Ed Hays, prosecuting attorney, stated Friday, The prosecuting, attorney said that it is his understanding Eshenfelder had been in trouble previous the occurrence recently and that he "had done the Indiana state prison. A. definite decision with regard to future action in the case of the defendant will be forthcoming soon, it was stated.

Eshentelder is alleged to have enticed the girl to go shopping with and then drove her to a nearby wood where an attack upon the little girl was attempted. unsuccessfully. Authorities say he. admits his guilt. Provided Eshenfelder 1g -found guilty of being an habitual criminal by the court it would mean that he would spend remainder of This natural "behind the bars." REPAIRS TO BE MADE AT ONCE Action Taken Regarding Another Building building at 32nd and WashIngton streets, next to the Reese building and owned by E.

P. Miller of Warren, was reported for repairs by the state fire marshal yesterday. A report of the bullding, which is brick to and' the. fire unoccupied, department, was which Inspected it and found the front of it in such condition that it was roped off for the sake of the safety of pedestrians. Local officials communicated at once with the state fire marshal's office and immediate action WAS taken in informing the owner, Mr.

Miller of Warren. The owner visited Marion yesterday and made arrangements for the immediate repair of the condemned portion of the building. He stated to Burr Hamilton, assistant fire chief, that work would start today. 190 ARRESTS ARE MADE BY WARDEN Game wardens of the state department, arrested 190 persons the conviction of 174 for violating the fish and game laws during June. Persons convicted in that month paid Zines and costs amounting to 791.85.

Leading offenses included use and possession of illegal nets, hunting or fishing without- a 11- hunting or fishing in closed season, taking undersized fish, dynamiting fish, bunting on Sunday and shooting on a public highway. sixty persons were charged with use of possession of Illegal nets and forty charges of bunt1ng or fisbing without a license. To the nine months ending June 80, the wardens apprehended 1,296 persons of which 1,214 were conicied. This was a material reduction under the same period last year when 1,428 were arrested and 1.136 convicted. GIVE RECEPTION FOR REV.

BROWN The choir of the South Marion Friends church last. evening gave A delightful farewell reception at the church in honor of Rev. and Mrs. E. Howard Brown, who will soon go to Kokomo, to take charge of the First church of that city.

Since coming here two years ago, Mrs. Brown has been in charge of the choir, and has built a musical organization worthy of the church. At the affair, Rev. and Mrs. Brown were presented with a casket of silverware in appreciation their services.

They will leave the last part of August to assume their new posts, and will succeeded by Nev. Zen? IT. Doan of Kokomo, This Sunday evening, the choir will go to Fairmount, where they will give a program and on the follax. ing Sabbath will -journey to Amboy render another. I this verses, by' more than halt the farmers of Indiana, and his follow.

ers will be especially pleased to hear and meet the author whose lines they have read each week. The arrangements were made possible when it was found that this widely-known chautauqua speaker and director of the department of public speaking at Taylor sity; Upland, would be in this district during the second week In September, while making a summer lecture tour under the auspices of The Guide. Mr. Pogue is a genuine Hoosler poet through and through. Reared at Greenfield, the home of James Whitcomb Riley, and the son of a Hoosier schoolmaster, his talks are full of Indiana.

wit and rural philosophy which appeals to every member of his audlence. This master of rhyme seems to have absorbed the talent of Riley and the popularity of his' works is second only to his former flesh off and crushing one finger badly. She was taken to the hospital and will have to remain there for at least two weeks. Her moth er, Mrs. Amelia Elker, received a telegram Sunday that she had been injured and left at.

once for Flint. She will remain and care for the The Kolghts of Pythias and their familles of Jonesboro and Gas City will have a picnic at White Dove park All familles are asked to bring well filled baskets of food for the picnic dinner. A baseball game will be a feature of the afternoon's entertainment. Automobile transportation will be provided for those who do not have machines. John Ilimilick of Fairmount, W.

Va, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Himilick and family. The annual reunion of the Ruley family will be held at White Dove park Sunday, August 24. Mrs.

Albert Tilt of Chicago, Ill. was a recent guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary Cray. Qut-of-town relatives who were here to attend the fueral of the late John Minnick which was held Tuesday at the Apostolic Friends church were Mr. Tom Minnick, Mr.

Will Minnick, Mrs. Charles Minnick and Mrs. Frank Minnick and family of Middletown, Mr. George Minnick of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Swain of Oakville, Mr. and Mra. Clarence Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Swain, Mr.

and Mrs. Al Baker all of Sulpher Springs and Mr. Francis Gillinger of Logansport, Mrg. Howard Seward and daughter Germaine of Mrs. Logansport guests of Mr.

and Thomas Seward. Mrs. Fred and son, Arthur, and Helen -daughter, Lyndell, and Miss Coppock left early Friday morning on a motor trip to Illinois. Ohio, is the guest of his son, W. E.

Mr. Elijah Poling of Swanton, Poling, and family of North Jonesboro. Theorode Hiatt and William Telfer are enjoying a bunting and fishing trip through southern Indiana. Miss Helen Macy, who attends Jodiana university, will arrive home Saturday to spend a three weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Jay Macy. Mrs. W. E. Fowler and daughter, Mary Anna, have returned to their home at Lewisville, after A visit here with Rev.

and Mrs. Charles Elliott. Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Davies and daughter, Gwynneth, joined party of friends from Swayzee at Matter park Wednesday and enJoyed a picnic.

Mrs. W. E. Poling and daughter, Miss Bess, Mrs. Hoover and daughter, Miss Marie, of North Jonesboro attended the Muncie fair Wednesday.

Mrs. Joe Young and daughter, Anne, of Marion were guests of Mr. and. Mrs. John Young Wednesday, Mr.

Young was a guest at dinner Wednesday evening. Isaac Nicodemus had A8 his guests at dinner Thursday evening, H. M. Nicodemus of Indianapolis and Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Williams. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of ple street, who bare been 111 for some time, is Improving slowly. Earl Nicholson and Cecil Nicholson spent Thursday in Muncie.

Lconard. Lewis was pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening when number of friends called and reminded him of his birthday. The evening Was spent socially and refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pier and family of Decatur, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Liovill and. family of Fairmount, Mr. and Mrs.

Ora Elkins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Elkins and children. MA and Mrs. Sherman Brewer and children, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Cray and daughter Treva, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baird, Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Linvill, Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Mr.

and Mrs. Charles vIll and chilren, Mr. J. W. Wright and daughter Lucile, Mr.


assisted by WF Gloria wears beautiful gowns In 'S And you'll see it from seven to sixty days before any other RECITAL city in the state. of Classical Music It's -on the screen "BAY RICHARD IT DIX AGAIN" In Greater Movie Season Attraction City 44 THE DAYLIGHT STORE .7 FINAL CLEARANCE of SUMMER DRESSES To make room for incoming fall merchandise, we must clear our racks of all summer dresses, and we have priced them extremely low to assure a quick clearance. Splendid selections in all sizes. Many models suitable for early fall wear. $1.98 $2.98 $5.00 $6.77 4.

$8.00 0 $10.75 All Spring Coats and Satins included Less See The New Fall Hats SAYS SHE IS (Continued from Page One.) with a southwest wind. At 1 p. m. Miss Ederle bad covered more than twelve miles and wag still swimming strongly. At 3:10 Miss Ederle wag six and one mlleg from the English coast after eight hours and one- minute in the water.

Lillian Cannon, Baltimore swimmer, who 1g a rival for channel honors this year, was aboard the tug, cheerfully watching her rival's performance in the water. Rival Takes to Water. Lillian sportingly donned suit aboard the La Maronle and WAS rowed over to the Ederle tug. She was greeted with cheers. Lillian climbed aboard the Alsace and dived from the deck into the water, where Gertrude greet ber with a smile.

"Hello, Lillian," sho said, "we are fifty miles from nowhere." "Why you are almost there," replied Lillian. At 4:45 p. m. Gertrude Ederle THEATRE with EMIL JANNINGS Garamount LYA DE PUTTI Gicture Written A and Dupont Directed by cAn Ufa Production ADOLEN JUROR LASAY -variet Looking for A change In Aim fare? "Variety" offers thing tho title suggests. -Marion la seeing Te FIRST- I IN CHURCHES AT JONESBORO Presbyterian Church Rev.

A. E. House, pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Frank Wersing, superintendent.

worship, 10:30. Sub-1 ject, "New Things." Evening service. Union service at the M. E. church.

Your pastor will speak on "The Old Style Home." Friends Church Rev. Charles and Luella Elliott, pastors. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:30.

C. E. Service, 6:30 p. m. Union service, 7:30 p.

at the M. E- church. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. M.

E. Church Rev. Thomas Davles, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 A. m.

Morning service, 10:30. Epworth league, 6:45. Union service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.

m. M. P. Church Rev. -I: F.

Iliff, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:30.

Union service, 7:30 p. at M. E. church. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.

m. Wesleyan Methodist Church Rev. Walter. Speck, pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.

Morning worship, 10:30.: Evening service, 7:30 p. m. TO HAVE LINE OF TIRES AND TOOLS Today a complete line of tires and tools will be available at the offices of the Grant County Farm Burean, according to a statement, night by B. C. Green.

dent of the organization. The line will Include tires of all standard sizes types, balloon and straights, and tools for any make of automobile. Husband Defendant in Divorce Suit Charging principally that her husband had failed to make proper provision for herself, Margaret P'eo ples filed suit in Grant Superior court Friday for divorce from Chas. C. Peoples.

The plaintiff states that the defendant made reasonable wages and could easily have provided for her but had not done the same for a period of more than two years. They were married December 19, 1922 and separated July 8, 1925. Restoration of her maiden name, Margaret Duke, is asked by the plaintiff. CHURCH OF CHRIST The subject last night of Evangelist C. C.

Parker, speaking at the Church of Christ at Washington and Race streets, WAS "Weighed In the Balance and Found WantIng." In big sermon the minister brought out A person 18 weighed as a watchman, a steward, a servant, a soldier, and a member of the household of God. On Sunday morning, the sermon subject will Resurrection." At night an especially Interesting digcussion will be based on the Ject, "Why I Oblect, to Instrumental Music In Services." GOES ON VACATION Miss Delight Morrow, Bureau of the secretary of the Manufacturers! merce, leaves today for two weeks' trip to Gull Lake, Mich. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Frank Garland. No additions will be made to the office force of the Association of Commerce In Miss I Morrow's absence.

DO THE INDIANA THEATRE A Romance of the Circus D.W GRIFFITH presents SALLY OF THE DEMPSTER and W. C. FIELDS, 8PORTLIGHT Comedy- Two Jaggs" still was swimming strong. At that time her position was two miles northwest of the Goodwin 16g in ship and It was estimated that she WAS approximately seven miles southeast of Dover. The SCA was still fairly rough, but the southwest wind bad slightly moderated.

Heavy rain was sweeping the channel. Greased in Hotel. Miss Ederle did not como from tug, Boulogne on board the convoying as in her last attempt, but mitted to the greasing operation in the Hotel Sirene at the A business," was the to aboard the convoying tug, with: only Miss Ederle's father, sister, Trainer Burgess, Ishak Helmy and a swimming federation official, Jon Costa aboard besides the crew. Newspaper men and photogra phers followed on the ocean-going tug La Morine. The pilots of both tugs did their best to shield the swimmer from the breeze.

C. 0. Excursion to Cincinnati SUNDAY, AUG. 8th Leaves Marion 6:30 A. M.

$2.75 Round Trip Visit the Zoo -Afternoon Concert by the Cincinnati Summer Symphony Orchestra W. A. Rinehart, Ticket Agent Phone 788 ME ROYAL GRAND MAYNARD KEN Luna lite In WOLFHEART THE WONDER DOG -in- 114 "The Big Stunt" -withBIG BOY WILLIAMS KATHLEEN COLLINS CHARLES WHITTAKER JOHN TANSIE CAPTAIN BINGHAM What started out in play endcd up in dangerous villiany. Don't fan to see one of the most unusual climaxes ever filmed. I'r WILL GRIP -alsoIt tingles with thrille and CLYDE COOK in citement.


W. Abbott died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mra. F. C. Lenfesty, at the end of few days' illness.

She was 89 years old at the time of her death. Mrs. Abbott bad lived in this city about 17 years, coming here from Hartford City at the time of her husband's death. She was one of the pioneers of this part 1f Indiana. She was a members of the Presbyterian Surviv.

ing her are four daughters, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Lenfesty of Marion, Mrs. H. G.

Thomas of Teras, and Mrs. John Carney of Newark, N. J. She has one 800, Fred Abbott of Hartford City. The funeral services will be held Monday morning at the home of Mrs.

Lenfesty at 8:30 o'clock with Rev. J. E. Flemming in charge. Burial will take place in Hartford SET TIME FOR COUNTY EVENT W.

C. T. U. Will Meet-Here Sept. 29 and 30 The annual fall convention the Grant County W.

C. T. U. will be held at the Second Friends church in South Marion on Wednesday, and Thursday, September 29 and 30. The program for the convention is now being planned, and will reports of directors of departments, general officers and secretaries, addresses by county and state workers and a medal contest held on the evening of the first day of the convention.

The place and time were decided upon yesterday at the quarterly meeting of the Grant County W. C. T. U. executive committee held at the Y.

IV. C. A. Mrs. Della Kirk.

patrick. county president, presided, and there was a good attendance from various unions in the county, including the county corresponding secretary, Mrs. Nettle Ware, Mrs. Ruth Peaco*ck and Mrs. Arletta Harehbarger of Fairmount: Mrs, Delene Nelson Chapel, Mrs.

Nina Mills of Deer Creek, Mra. Edith Burrier, conuty secretary; Mrs. Emma Harrigan and Mrs. Ella Gard of South Marion and others. Mrs.

Emma Harrigan. county evangelistic director, conducted the devotions. BARR SAYS THE FARMER IS NOW DOING BETTER The condition of the Indiana farmer and that of the country banks is better, in the opinion of Thomas D. Barr of Fairmount, state bank commissioner, and Luther F. Symons, chiet deputy.

If the farmers are not closed out by more prosperous neighbors, they said, they soon will TO come into their own. These men attribute much of the trouble that has arleen in country banks to the fact that there have been too many banks. The banks and the people, they said, have seen situation In its true light, and, as a result, voluntary liquidation and consolidation has done away with many weak banks. Mr. Barr credited the improving condition today to the success of the 1927 crops, and to a determination on the part of the farmer to economize and to pay off his obligations.

"The pollcy of this department never has been and never will be to oppress the farmer who owes money as long as his affairs are in such condition that he has a sibility of liquidating hig obligations," Mr. Barr said. "The department always ha on all debts being paid that can be paid, but we never have encouraged a bank to close out a farmer who is doing the beat he can, And who bas a possibility of liquidatIng." RAIN DELAYS WORK ON BRIDGE FRIDAY Rain Friday afternoon caused cessation of work on the improvements rapidly nearing completion on the North Washington street bridge. Wilbur Miller, county superintendent of highways, statod that by the Arst of next week traffic may again be directed over the structure without further delay, DIES 48 HOURS AFTER HUSBAND Waycross, Aug 'G hours after the death of her husband, W. T.

Brinson, who weighed 600 pounds, "the biggest Elk in the world," Mrs. Lucia M. Brinson, his widow, died here today. She had been unconscious since the time of her husband's death. Funeral services will be held tomorrow.

Muncie Druggists Are Facing Arrest Muncle, Aug. 6. (AP) -As tho of An Investigation made here by of the narcotio division' of the intelligenco burcau, local police tonight said warranta would be issuod soon for the arront of two Muncie druggists and four clerks for sell. ing narcotics. twenty one years old.

Einstein's theory of relativity is.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.