Miranda Barbour | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers (2024)

Newlywed 'Craigslist serial killer' claims TWO other men responded to her advert for companionship which led to MURDER but they never showed up

  • Barbour and her husband Elytte Barbour, 22, charged with murdering Troy LaFerrara, 42, who they met through Craigslist in November

  • She claims two other men responded to the ad, but failed to turn up

  • The 19-year-old claims she's killed at least 22 people in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California over six years

  • In sensational police interviews, the young mom said she'd killed 'less than 100' people when possessed by her satanic alter-ego 'Super Miranda'

  • She's been dubbed the 'real-life Dexter' for claiming she only killed people who'd done bad things


March 30, 2014

The Satan worshiping teen charged with murdering a 42-year-old man she lured through Craigslist claims two other men responded to her ad but failed to show up.

Miranda Barbour, 19, and her husband, Elytte Barbour, 22, are accused of stabbing and strangling Troy LaFerrara in Pennsylvania, after he responded to her ad for 'female companionship' in November.

However Barbour now claims that two other unidentified men narrowly escaped death by failing to keep their appointments.

'I tried it a few times but it never worked out,' Barbour told The Daily Item in her second jailhouse interview in six weeks.

'I knew we (Elytte Barbour) were going to do this since the day we met, and we tried, but the others just didn’t show up.'

Barbour claimed in her first jailhouse interview on February 14 that she killed at least 22 other people over six years in a cross-country murder spree motivated by her satanic cult beliefs.

During her second jailhouse interview at the State Correctional Institution in Muncy, a maximum security women’s prison, Barbour repeated her claims and said the FBI have not questioned her.

She said she was prepared to show authorities where she hid the bodies.

'I said before I would talk to them (FBI) about all of this, but they never came to see me,' she told The Daily Item.

'They are looking for full bodies. They won’t find any. But they will find body parts.'

The Daily Item reported that local investigators in three murder locations named by Barbour are taking the claims seriously, but said they have no unresolved homicides they know about.

Barbour said she dumped some body parts in Big Lake, Alaska, and also in Mexico Beach, Florida where she worked as a 15-year-old go-go dancer.

She also said she dumped a body off Interstate 95 near Raleigh, North Carolina.

Barbour lived in Alaska, Florida and North Carolina before moving to Selinsgrove last fall with her husband.

Sunbury police say the couple murdered LaFerrara the day of their three-week wedding anniversary and Elyette Babour's 22nd birthday.

Elytte Barbour had allegedly told police he and his wife wanted to kill together.

In her sensational first jailhouse interview in February, Barbour claimed she killed 22 people in the past six years in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California.

Explaining that she adopted a murderous alter ego she dubbed 'Super Miranda' when she killed, Barbour said that she kept a favorite knife that had notches on - one for each of her victims.

Speaking to TMZ about the horrifying admission from Barbour, Daily Item reporter, Francis Scarella said that he omitted the frightening and unsubstantiated number from his story.

However, he confirmed that like the fictitious serial killer Dexter, Barbour said she only killed bad people - those who abused children or owed money and that her satanism controlled her murderous rages.

Indeed, Scarella told TMZ he spoke with an ex-roomate of Barbour's who said that the abused teen possessed two vials of sem*n belonging to her husband and that she used them to masturbat* in a satanic ritual.

Claiming that she only killed 'bad people who do bad things' in her self-confessed nationwide murder-spree, Barbour has been compared to the fictitious 'moral' serial killer played by Michael C. Hall on the Showtime cable network.

Amid these gruesome claims, the tiny Alaskan town of North Pole has become the center of the outlandish story about satanism and serial killers that Barbour claims began at the behest of a cult leader.

Barbour contends she joined a cult aged just 13 in the town of North Pole, where hundreds of news outlets have turned out since the lurid story broke, and then spent her teenage years on a nationwide killing spree.

However, she said the 'majority' of slayings took place in her home state.

Investigators are also pouring over the sordid Craigslist encounters that Barbour and her husband Elytte organized for cash in the months prior to her arrest while they lived in Dunn, North Carolina.

Elytte Barbour told The Daily Item of Sunbury that Miranda Barbour, whom he married October 22, regularly hired herself out as a 'companion' from $50 to $850 an hour to men she met on various meet-up websites.

He said he did not mind this because there was no sexual contact between his wife and her clients.

'She is not a prostitute,' he said at the time. 'What she does is meet men who have broken marriages or have no one in their lives, and she meets with them and has delightful conversation.'

However, when Barbour met married Troy LaFerrara through Craigslist, it wasn't for conversation.

Barbour told police in December that LaFerrara was still alive and 'choking and gasping for air' as she and her husband tried to find somewhere to dump his body after stabbing him 20 times.

Initially, Miranda told police that she killed La Ferrara in self-defense after he started to grope her.

But her husband Elytte Barbour gave police a different story, saying they conspired to kill a stranger together, and he helped hold La Ferrara down while his wife wielded the knife.

Miranda Barbour was the first to be arrested when police traced LaFerrara's last call to her cell phone.

Investigators said Elytte Barbour confessed to police the couple planned the killing. He previously told The Daily Item of Sunbury his wife acted in self-defense when LaFerrara, who was married, groped her after hiring her as a ‘companion.’

According to authorities, Miranda advertised herself as a 'companion' on Craigslist and LaFerrara responded.

She arranged to pick him up on November 11 at a mall, three weeks after her marriage.

Elytte Barbour says he hid in the back of the car under a blanket until the moment his wife gave him a signal.

He held LaFerrara back with a cable cord while his petite, bespectacled spouse repeatedly stabbed him. LaFerrara's body was discovered the next morning in an alley by Sunbury resident Brittany Settler.

After dumping their victim's body, the Barbours when to Wal-mart to buy garbage bags, carpet clearer, paper towels and seat covers to clean out the SUV - but it wasn't enough.

'She related that there was a lot of blood and she wasn't able to get it all,' police said.

After that they went to a strip club to celebrate Elytte's 22nd birthday.

The Barbours had recently moved from North Carolina to Pennsylvania after tying the knot October 22.

Sex abuse and Satanism with a man called 'Forrest' twice her age: How depravity, drugs and divorce warped the fragile mind of teen girl 'Dexter' killer who claims to have murdered 22

  • Miranda Barbour, 19, accused of murder of man she met on Craiglist, shocked the world when she claimed to have killed between 22 and 100 in jailhouse interview

  • As police voice doubt over her claims, a picture of a extremely troubled childhood has emerged

  • She was abused by her soldier uncle aged four, developed a drug problem and started having sex with a Satanist called Forrest, twice her age when she was 12

  • She was in and out of mental institution for behavioral problems called North Star, in Alaska

  • Finally her parents got divorced and sent her to live with aunt and uncle in North Carolina

  • Barbour had a daughter Aria but doesn't know the name of the father, says her mother

  • There she met her husband Elytte Barbour and in October 2013 - on the two year anniversary of her parents' divorce, they allegedly murdered Troy LaFerrara, 42

By Will Payne In Anchorage, Alaska - DailyNews.com

February 21, 2014

Since self-confessed satanic serial killer Miranda Barbour gave her chilling jailhouse interview last week, intense speculation and debate has raged across the globe.

Could a 19-year-old really have killed between 22 and 100 victims, starting at the age of 13? Is it just a sick attention-seeking boast? Or perhaps a clever ploy to appear insane and escape the death penalty for the horrific Craigslist killing of a middle-aged man?

As her extraordinary claims are torn apart by shocked police around the country, what has emerged is a portrait of a deeply disturbed teenager who has sunk to a shocking level of depravity.

And delving into her past it does not take long to see how a seemingly normal girl from a small Alaskan town was turned into the horribly troubled young woman she is today.

Abused at a young age by her pedophile uncle, recruited and preyed upon by a Satanist twice her age, drug addiction, her parent’s divorce and several stints in a mental institution all played a part in creating Barbour’s warped mind.

Both Barbour and her mother Elizabeth have spoken of the profound effect the sickening assault she suffered at the age of four had on the whole family.

And MailOnline has discovered the perpetrator was a former member of the US Army called Richard Fernandez.

The sex offender - now 43 - was married to Barbour’s aunt Melissa at the time of the offense, which took place in the family’s home town of North Pole, Alaska.

Speaking about the crime Elizabeth said: 'It was bad. I never let (her) stay anywhere except for my sister’s house, and I was devastated when I found out.'

The assault was so severe Fernandez was sentenced to 10 years in prison for first-degree sexual assault of a minor.

He was released about six years after his 1998 incarceration, but was arrested again in 2011 for distributing sickening child p*rnography.

Fernandez is currently behind bars in Wildwood Correctional Center in Kenai Alaska.

After that damaging incident Barbour, her mother Elizabeth, father Sonny and elder sister Ashley moved a few hundred miles south to the Wasilla and Palmer area of Alaska in Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

Life seemed to quieten down for the family, with both daughters attending local schools.

But the intense trauma suffered by Barbour always remained, bubbling beneath the surface and by the time she reached 12, it began to manifest itself in the worst possible way.

She started running away from home and fell into the clutches of a 25-year-old Satanist known only as Forrest.

Speaking to Pennsylvanian paper The Daily Item, Elizabeth explained: '(Miranda) ran away from home when she was 12.

'She got hooked up with a guy who was into satanic stuff, and when she came home one day, she told me that he owns her now.

'I asked her what she was talking about, and she told me that this man owns her and she has to do whatever he says.

'She said he branded her by carving a swastika on the back of her neck and his name on her thigh.

'She told me she was out prostituting at 12-years-old and that this man was her ruler.'

From that point on Barbour was in a dangerous downward spiral. She nominally attended Palmer schools Colony High and Valley Pathways, but her contemporaries barely remember her.

Her father Sonny has confirmed she became addicted to heroin and she has claimed she fell pregnant and was subjected to a brutal home abortion by the satanic cult.

Family friend Kelsey Solnick told MailOnline how her parents put her into North Star behavioral center in Anchorage in an attempt to tackle her drug problems and mental issues.

Kelsey explained: 'She would run off for a little while, her parents would go and look for her and she would turn up a couple of days later.'

Kelsey’s mother Nancy added: 'She was put into North Star for drug and behavioral issues. She was in and out of there throughout her teenage years.

'I put it down to her having a rough childhood, then she hit her teenage years and she faced the normal peer pressures. I don’t think she got the help she needed at North Star.'

Still under the influence of Forrest and the satanic cult, Barbour fell pregnant aged 17. She claims the father is now dead, but that is in dispute. Her mother says the father could be one of a number of people.

That period coincided with the break-down of Elizabeth and Sonny’s marriage. And Nancy Solnick believes this played a part in Barbour’s worsening behavior.

She said: 'Her parents splitting up didn’t help her at all. She didn’t really have anywhere to go. I think her mother wanted to do her own thing. Her father is a good guy, but he was living in Texas. Her mother wasn’t much of a talker. I would see her every now and then, but we weren’t friends.'

Following her 2011 divorce Elizabeth decided to send her daughter to live with her uncle Arlin Fletcher and his wife LaRea in North Carolina.

Despite her obvious issues, Barbour seemed to settle into life with her extended family. Our pictures show her looking happy at Arlin and LaRea’s wedding and even petting a horse during a day out while she was still pregnant.

She gave birth to daughter Aria and seemed to dote on her baby, posting a number of loving pictures of the little girl on Facebook.

But it was in North Carolina she met Elytte Barbour. Elizabeth says her daughter drew her new man into the world of Satanism.

She explained: 'She told me he liked it, but she said, 'Mom, I can’t put him on the panel because Forrest won’t let me'.'

The pair married in October 2013 and exactly three weeks later, on the two year anniversary of her parents' divorce, they allegedly murdered Troy LaFerrara, 42.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Barbour and her husband. She has now begged for her life to be spared, raising the question of whether her murderous claims are a ploy to avoid a lethal injection on grounds of insanity.

This will be contested by authorities who say the petite brunette met her 6'2'', 278-pound victim after he responded to her Craigslist ad offering companionship for money. She arranged to pick him up on November 11 at a mall.

Elytte says he hid in the back of the car under a blanket until the moment his wife gave him a signal.

He held LaFerrara back with a cable cord while his bespectacled spouse repeatedly stabbed him.

Barbour told police in December that LaFerrara was still alive and 'choking and gasping for air' as her and her husband tried to find somewhere to dump his body after plunging a knife into him 20 times.

After disposing of their victim's corpse the couple went to a strip club to celebrate Elytte's 22nd birthday.

Barbour was the first to be arrested when police traced LaFerrara's last call to her cell phone. She was charged last Wednesday in his death, followed by her husband on Friday.

If Barbour is to be believed, that killing is just the tip of the iceberg.

In her explosive interview with the Daily Item she said she only killed 'bad people'.

That has led to comparisons with fictional serial killer Dexter, played by Michael C Hall in the hit Showtime series of the same name.

Barbour claims it was her satanic master Forrest who introduced her to murder - killing a man down an alley in Alaska with a gun.

'It was in an alley and he shot him,' she said.

'Then he said to me that it was my turn to shoot him. I hate guns. I don't use guns. I couldn't do it, so he came behind me and he took his hands and put them on top of mine and we pulled the trigger. And then from there I just continued to kill.'

Police in Alaska say there is no such unsolved murder that they are aware of.

From that point she says she developed a taste for murder and went on a killing spree that stretched from her home state of Alaska to Texas, North Carolina and California.

Her father says he cannot 100 percent rule out the possibility that she was involved in the first killing she mentions, but he has completely dismissed her credentials as a serial killer.

In a letter to The Daily Item, he wrote: ‘I don't believe her. There is no way.

'The incident with the gun she talked about is possible. But I can promise you that she has only been to California once and Texas a few times and both times she wasn’t out of my sight.

'The reason I think that the Alaska incident is a possibility is that Miranda ran away from home at least two times that I remember, both for over a 48-hour period.

'Once was around the age of 13 and once was sometime the following year, when she was 14. I don’t know what took place during either of those 48-hour periods.

'Once all this stuff with drugs started happening, we locked our house down,’ he said. 'She wouldn’t have had the chance to do any of these things.’

He added: 'Believe very little of what Miranda says. She has a long history of extreme manipulation and dishonesty. I would be very surprised if any evidence was found concerning other victims in the states of Alaska, Texas, California and North Carolina.

'Thorough investigation will likely demonstrate that this cult story is fiction.

'Miranda lives in a fantasy world made up in her own mind. She craves attention, is selfish, dishonest and manipulative.'

That view is backed up by family friend Kelsey. She said: 'I do not believe for a second that she is a serial killer. She was troubled and she did have issues, but that is it. Anything else is her just looking for attention.'

MailOnline previously revealed Barbour has started providing authorities with specific locations for her kills. FBI teams are on standby in case any of them match up to current unsolved murders.

But authorities across the country have expressed doubts at her claims.

Antony Rosini, the district attorney of Northumberland County, where she is being held, said: 'As of this date, there has been no verification of any of the information that has been the subject of media coverage regarding prior acts of the defendant, Miranda Barbour.'

And a spokesperson for the Alaska State Troopers added: 'AST has had contact with authorities in Pennsylvania regarding Miranda Dean Barbour.

'We will assist them however we can. We will follow up on any credible lead that is provided to us. At this time the Alaska State Troopers are not aware of any information - beyond Barbour's comments quoted in the press - or evidence that would implicate Barbour with a homicide committed in Alaska.'

Whatever the truth, one thing is clear, Barbour is a deeply troubled individual.

And that being the case, it is obvious that her disturbing childhood has contributed to her being either a sick fantasist or one of the most prolific serial killers America has ever seen.

Real-life 'Dexter,' 19, reveals she 'had favorite knife and added a notch to it every time she killed' as she pleads to be spared death penalty

  • Miranda Barbour says she's committed up to 100 murders in her short life

  • But she claims in legal documents filed by her lawyer that she should not be put to death because execution is a 'cruel and inhumane punishment'

  • Her public defender also said she shouldn't be executed because there's no evidence she tortured the man she's accused of luring to his death with a Craigslist ad

  • The Satan worshiping teen said she adopted a murderous alter ego 'Super Miranda' when she killed and kept a favorite knife that she used to keep count of her victims

  • Like the fictitious serial killer Dexter, Barbour said she only killed those who abused children or owed money

  • She reportedly said satanism controlled her murderous rages


February 18, 2014

A self-confessed teenage serial killer, who is being dubbed a real-life 'Dexter,' claims she had a favorite knife and added notches to it every time she slayed another victim, as it's revealed she's begging to be spared the death penalty.

Miranda Barbour, 19, said she has committed somewhere between 22 and 100 murders in her short life, but she claims she should not be put to death because execution is a 'cruel and inhumane punishment.'

In legal documents seen by TMZ, her lawyer said the death penalty shouldn't be considered in Barbour's case because 'the criminal justice system is fallible... subjecting inappropriate persons to the death penalty.'

He believes his client qualifies as 'inappropriate' because police violated her constitutional rights when they got a confession out of her before she had an attorney present.

The public defender also said Pennsylvania want her executed because she tortured the man she's charged with murdering, but he said there is no evidence of torture.

However, Barbour later admitted again to slaying the man she's accused of luring to his death with a Craigslist ad in a sensational jailhouse confession to a local reporter Thursday.

The Satan worshiping teen, who is being compared to the star of the TV show Dexter because she claims she only killed 'bad people,' blurted out the staggering figure of 'less than 100' when she was pushed on the total number of victims she allegedly killed.

She revealed she adopted a murderous alter ego 'Super Miranda' when she killed and kept a favorite knife that had notches on it - one for each of her victims.

Speaking to TMZ about the horrifying admission from Barbour, Daily Item reporter, Francis Scarella said that he omitted the frightening and unsubstantiated number from his story.

However, he confirmed that like the fictitious serial killer Dexter, played by Michael C. Hall on the Showtime cable network, Barbour said she only killed those who abused children or owed money and that her satanism controlled her murderous rages.

Scarella told TMZ he spoke with an ex-roomate of Barbour's who said that the abused teen possessed two vials of sem*n belonging to her husband and that she used them to masturbat* in a satanic ritual.

In an interview given from prison and published on Saturday by the Daily Item in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, Barbour was quoted admitting she participated in at least 22 killings in the past six years in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California.

A law enforcement source close to the investigation later said that Barbour's claims could be 'the real deal'.

'It's conceivable,' said the source to CNN in response to Barbour's claims.

Amid these gruesome claims, the tiny Alaskan town of North Pole has become the center of the outlandish story about satanism and serial killers that Barbour claims began at the behest of a cult leader.

Barbour contends she joined a cult aged just 13 in the town of North Pole, where hundreds of news outlets have turned out since the lurid story broke, and then spent her teenage years on a nationwide killing spree.

However, the woman told a reporter the 'majority' of slayings took place in her home state.

Investigators are also pouring over the sordid Craigslist encounters that Barbour and her husband Elytte organized for cash in the months prior to her arrest while they lived in Dunn, North Carolina.

Elytte Barbour told The Daily Item of Sunbury that Miranda Barbour, whom he married October 22, regularly hired herself out as a 'companion' from $50 to $850 an hour to men she met on various meet-up websites.

He said he did not mind this because there was no sexual contact between his wife and her clients.

'She is not a prostitute,' he said at the time. 'What she does is meet men who have broken marriages or have no one in their lives, and she meets with them and has delightful conversation.'

According to a jailhouse interview, she joined the satanic sect as a young girl in the town, which is in the Fairbanks North Star Borough of Alaska and has a population of 2,210.

Claiming to have been sexually abused at the age of four, Barbour told the Daily Item that she only killed 'bad people' and was brought up in the cult by a man she would not identify.

Indeed, it was this individual who introduced Barbour to murder - killing a man down an alley in Alaska with a gun.

'It was in an alley and he (the cult leader) shot him,' she said, declining to identify him.

'Then he said to me that it was my turn to shoot him. I hate guns. I don’t use guns. I couldn’t do it, so he came behind me and he took his hands and put them on top of mine and we pulled the trigger. And then from there I just continued to kill.'

During her time in the cult, Barbour claims that at one point she fell pregnant and was subjected to a dangerous 'in-house abortion' by members after they drugged her and tied her to a bed.

In 2011, she moved to North Carolina from Alaska and met Elyett Barbour, her husband who is now 22. She said she left Alaska as a high-ranking member of the satanic cult.

The teen has a son by a man who is now deceased and his death is now part of the investigation.

Police in Pennsylvania told The Daily Item that they're working with investigators from other states to probe possible connections to unsolved murders.

Alaska law enforcement sources said they couldn't comment on whether they've launched their own investigations into her time in Alaska until after the President's Day weekend.

The Daily Item reported Barbour saying, 'I can pinpoint on a map where you can find them.'

Asked why she pleaded not guilty to the LaFerrara murder, she replied, 'I didn't want to.'

'When I was at my arraignment and the judge asked me how do I plead, I was ready to say guilty and my attorney (chief public defender Ed Greco) grabbed the microphone and said not guilty.'

Miranda Barbour said she has not spoken with her husband since the day she was arrested.

'He is proud of what he did,' she said. 'I will always love him.'

'I know I will never see my husband again and I have accepted that. I know I wanted to talk about all this because I know I had a 20-year window where I would possibly get out of jail and I don’t want that to happen. If I were to be released, I would do this again.'

Police allege in court papers that Elytte Barbour told investigators they committed the crime because they wanted to kill someone together.

Barbour's defense attorney has sought a psychiatric evaluation for his client, according to news reports. He said he didn't know she was going to give the interview.

Sunbury Police Chief Steve Mazzeo told CNN the FBI is now involved in the investigation.

'The FBI's Philadelphia Division has recently been in contact with the Sunbury Police Department regarding Miranda Barbour, and will offer any assistance requested in the case,' it said in a statement to CNN.

In the local newspaper piece, Barbour claims she will plead guilty to the butchering of Troy LaFerrara, 42, in November in addition to more than 20 victims from Alaska to North Carolina as part of her involvement in a satanic cult.

'I feel it is time to get all of this out. I don't care if people believe me. I just want to get it out,' Barbour told the newspaper for a story published Saturday night.

'When I hit 22, I stopped counting,' she said on the paper's website. She now just wanted to be honest, she said.

Mazzeo said earlier: 'From information we gathered and from information gathered from her interview we are seriously concerned and have been in contact with the proper authorities.'

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Barbour and her husband, 22-year-old Elytte Barbour.

Authorities said Barbour, a petite woman with long brown hair, told investigators she met the 6-foot-2, 278-pound victim after he responded to her Craigslist ad offering companionship for money.

Over the course of the deeply unsettling interview, Barbour claims that she is ready and able to cooperate with authorities to reveal where the bodies are buried.

She said in the interview that she doesn't want to get out of jail and that she would kill again if she were released.

These confessions from Barbour follow the graphic details she gave police about married Troy LaFerrara's last moments.

Barbour told police in December that LaFerrara was still alive and 'choking and gasping for air' as her and her husband tried to find somewhere to dump his body after stabbing him 20 times.

Initially, Miranda told police that she killed La Ferrara in self-defense after he started to grope her.

But her 22-year-old husband Elytte Barbour gave police a different story, saying they conspired to kill a stranger together, and he helped hold La Ferrara down while his wife wielded the knife.

Miranda Barbour was the first to be arrested when police traced LaFerrara's last call to her cell phone. She was charged last Wednesday in his death, followed by her husband on Friday.

Investigators said Elytte Barbour confessed to police the couple planned the killing. He previously told The Daily Item of Sunbury his wife acted in self-defense when LaFerrara, who was married, groped her after hiring her as a ‘companion.’

According to authorities, Miranda advertised herself as a 'companion' on Craigslist and LaFerrara responded. She arranged to pick him up on November 11 at a mall, three weeks after her marriage.

Elytte Barbour says he hid in the back of the car under a blanket until the moment his wife gave him a signal.

He held LaFerrara back with a cable cord while his petite, bespectacled spouse repeatedly stabbed him. LaFerrara's body was discovered the next morning in an alley by Sunbury resident Brittany Settler.

After dumping their victim's body, the Barbours when to Wal-mart to buy garbage bags, carpet clearer, paper towels and seat covers to clean out the SUV - but it wasn't enough.

'She related that there was a lot of blood and she wasn't able to get it all,' police said.

After that they went to a strip club to celebrate Elytte's 22nd birthday.

The Barbours had recently moved from North Carolina to Pennsylvania after tying the knot October 22.

LaFerrara married his girlfriend of eight years, Colleen Keeney, in June 2011. The couple did not have children.

According to his obituary, LaFerrara was employed as the senior resident engineer at the Lycoming County Landfill.

The couple's arrests comes after Richard Beasley was given the death penalty in April this year after luring three men to an Ohio farm by using Craigslist job posts before killing them in cold blood.

Mr Barbour has been charged with criminal homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault and criminal conspiracy and possession of instruments of crime.

The 22-year-old man told police that he and his wife had plotted to kill someone in the past, but without success. It was not until they came across LaFerrara on Craigslist that their plan finally came together.

Miranda Barbour offered little detail on the murders she claimed to have participated in in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California.

She claims she joined a satanic cult in Alaska when she was 13 before moving to North Carolina. Online records for the woman that the newspaper identified as Barbour's mother show her as having lived in both Alaska and North Carolina.

Last week, a judge granted a lawyer's request to have a forensic psychiatrist evaluate Miranda Barbour. The judge earlier approved a psychiatrist to evaluate Elytte Barbour.

Barbour body count at 22?

By Francis Scarcella - The Daily Item

February 15, 2014

SUNBURY — Nineteen-year-old satanist Miranda Barbour admits to killing Troy LaFerrara of Port Trevorton. In a prison interview Friday night, she said that she considered sparing his life until he said the wrong thing. She also said LaFerrara was one of dozens of such victims she killed in the past six years.

Barbour, with her husband, Elytte Barbour, 22, of Selinsgrove, has been charged by Sunbury police in the Nov. 11 fatal knifing of LaFerrara. She requested an interview that was recorded by the Northumberland County Prison on Friday night.

While she offered scant details of her participation in slayings in Alaska, Texas, North Carolina and California, city police confirmed Saturday they had been working, prior to her revelations Friday night, with investigators from other states and the FBI about Miranda Barbour’s possible connection to other killings. The majority of her murders, she said, took place in Alaska.

City police on Saturday would not comment on the status of those investigations.

At 22 victims, "I stopped counting"

Asked Friday night how many people she had killed, Miranda Barbour said through a jailhouse phone: “When I hit 22, I stopped counting.”

She wants to plead guilty to LaFerrara’s murder, and said she is ready to speak with police about her other victims.

“I can pinpoint on a map where you can find them,” she said.

LaFerrara, Miranda Barbour said, was Elytte’s first victim.

The 42-year-old Port Trevorton resident was killed on the Barbours’ three-week wedding anniversary.

“I remember everything,” Miranda Barbour said. “It is like watching a movie.”

She said she agreed to sex for $100 with LaFerrara, whom she met through a Craigslist ad. The two met in the parking lot of the Susquehanna Valley Mall in Hummels Wharf, and drove nearly six miles to Sunbury.

At one point, she planned to let LaFerrara out of her Honda CRV.

“He said the wrong things,” she said. “And then things got out of control. I can tell you he was not supposed to be stabbed. My husband was just supposed to strangle him.”

Time to "get it out"

According to court documents, Miranda Barbour knifed LaFerrara 20 times as Elytte Barbour sprang from the floor of the back seat to strap a cord around LaFerrara’s neck.

As she said upon her arrest, Miranda Barbour on Friday night repeated that LaFerrara tried to grope her, but she said it was his words that set her off.

“I lied to him and told him I just turned 16,” she said.

“He told me that it was OK. If he would have said no, that he wasn’t going to go through with the arrangement, I would have let him go.”

Miranda Barbour said she doesn’t care whether people believe her, that she wanted to tell her story to The Daily Item because she wanted to come clean and stop living a lie. She said she felt no remorse for her victims and said she killed only “bad people,” a belief she traced through a troubled childhood.

She said she was sexually molested at age 4 and was introduced to murder at 13, literally in the hands of a man who led her to satanism — beliefs that she said she held at the time of the LaFerrara homicide.

“I feel it is time to get all of this out,” she said. “I don’t care if people believe me. I just want to get it out.”

Suspect: I joined satanic cult

Miranda said when she was 4, she was sexually molested by a relative.

Elizabeth Dean, Miranda’s mother, confirmed Saturday that her sister’s husband was later arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a minor and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

“It was bad,” Dean said. “I never let (her) stay anywhere except for my sister’s house, and I was devastated when I found out.”

Nine years later, Miranda joined a satanic cult in Alaska. Soon after, Miranda said, she had her first experience in murder.

Barbour said she went with the leader of the satanic cult to meet a man who owed the cult leader money.

“It was in an alley and he (the cult leader) shot him,” she said, declining to identify the cult leader.

“Then he said to me that it was my turn to shoot him. I hate guns. I don’t use guns. I couldn’t do it, so he came behind me and he took his hands and put them on top of mine and we pulled the trigger. And then from there I just continued to kill.”

While in the satanic cult, Miranda became pregnant. The cult did not want her to have the baby, so, she said, members tied her to a bed, gave her drugs and she had an “in-house abortion.”

However, her mother on Saturday said that when Miranda told her about the abortion, she took her daughter to a doctor who said there were no signs of an ended pregnancy.

Miranda said she spent the next three years in Alaska, continuing in the satanic cult and participating in several murders.

“I wasn’t always there (mentally),” she said, adding that she had begun to use drugs. “I knew something was bad inside me and the satanic beliefs brought it out. I embraced it.”

During those three years, Miranda said she became pregnant again.

“And I moved to North Carolina,” she said. “I wanted to start over and forget everything I did.”

She left Alaska as a high-ranking official in the satanic world, leaving the father of her second pregnancy, a man named Forest, the No. 2 leader in their cult, who was murdered.

Ready to talk to police

Although Miranda would not say who else may have been involved in the alleged murders, she said all police have to do is talk to her because she is ready to speak.

“I would lure these people in,” she said. “I studied them. I learned them and even became their friend. I did this to people who did bad things and didn’t deserve to be here anymore.”

Sunbury police Chief Steve Mazzeo said authorities are aware of Miranda’s claims of murders, are taking them very seriously, and are also aware of Friday night’s interview. Prison officials have been cooperating with his department, Mazzeo said.

“We are reviewing the recording of The Daily Item interview and I will not confirm or deny anything at this point,” he said.

“I will however say that through investigations by lead officer Travis Bremigen he has been in contact with several other states and is working with law enforcement from various cities and towns.

“From information we gathered and from information gathered from her interview we are seriously concerned and have been in contact with the proper authorities.”

During the interview, Miranda was asked that, given her small stature, how people would believe she would be capable of murder.

“Looks,” she said, “can be deceiving.”

Asked why she pleaded not guilty to the LaFerrara murder, she simply said: “I didn’t want to.”

“When I was at my arraignment and the judge asked me how do I plead, I was ready to say guilty and my attorney (chief public defender Ed Greco) grabbed the microphone and said not guilty.”

Miranda Barbour said she has not spoken with her husband since the day she was arrested, but saw The Daily Item photo of Elytte Barbour’s new teardrop tattoo that he displayed at his most recent court appearance.

Husband "proud of what he did"

Elytte Barbour is being held in Columbia County Jail.

“He is proud of what he did,” she said. “I will always love him.”

Miranda said she has no regrets for any of her alleged crimes.

“I have none,” she said.

“I know I will never see my husband again and I have accepted that. I know I wanted to talk about all this because I know I had a 20-year window where I would possibly get out of jail and I don’t want that to happen. If I were to be released, I would do this again.

“By no means is this a way to glorify it or get attention. I’m telling you because it is time for me to be honest and I feel I need to be honest.”

Newlyweds Elytte And Miranda Barbour Killed A Man For Fun, Police Say


December 7, 2013

SUNBURY, Pa. (AP) — Newlyweds just three weeks removed from their wedding day lured a Pennsylvania man to his death with a Craigslist ad because they wanted to kill someone together, police said.

Elytte Barbour told officers before his arrest Friday night that he and his wife, Miranda, had planned to kill before but their plans never worked out until last month when Troy LaFerrara responded to an online posting that promised companionship in return for money.

Elytte Barbour, 22, and Miranda Barbour, 18, both face criminal homicide charges in LaFerrara's death. His body was found Nov. 12 in an alley in Sunbury, a small city about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia. The couple recently moved to nearby Selinsgrove from North Carolina.

According to Sunbury police, Elytte Barbour told investigators he hid in the backseat of the couple's SUV as his wife picked up LaFerrara at a mall on Nov. 11. He told police that, on his wife's signal, he wrapped a cord around LaFerrara's neck, restraining him while Miranda Barbour stabbed him.

The 42-year-old Port Trevorton man was stabbed 20 times, police said.

Miranda Barbour was charged Wednesday. She initially denied knowing LaFerrara, but her story evolved as investigators gathered evidence, including the discovery that the last call received by the victim's cellphone was made from her number, according to a police affidavit.

The affidavit said Miranda Barbour acknowledged meeting the victim in Selinsgrove then driving with him to Sunbury, where they parked. She said LaFerrara groped her and she took a knife from between the front seats and stabbed him after he put his hand around her throat, according to the affidavit.

Police said Miranda Barbour had told them she purchased cleaning supplies at a department store after stabbing LaFerrara, then picked up her husband and took him to a strip club for his birthday. On Friday, police said Elytte Barbour told them it was he that had purchased the cleaning products, an account investigators said was backed up by surveillance footage.

Following his wife's arrest, Elytte Barbour told The Daily Item of Sunbury his wife, whom he married on Oct. 22, regularly hired herself out as a "companion" to men she met on various websites, a business venture he said he supported because it did not involve sexual contact.

Barbour said his wife made anywhere from $50 to $850 for meeting with men for such activities as having dinner or walking around a mall. The ads she placed on websites including Craigslist all said upfront that sex was not part of the deal, he said.

"She is not a prostitute," he said. "What she does is meet men who have broken marriages or have no one in their lives and she meets with them and has delightful conversation."

Elytte Barbour did not have an attorney at his arraignment Friday night. A phone message left for his wife's public defender early Saturday was not immediately returned.

Sunbury police Chief Steve Mazzeo told The Daily Item that investigators will also be looking into the death of a man with whom Miranda Barbour had a 1-year-old child. He would not elaborate.

Miranda Barbour | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers (2024)
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