Stolas/Relationships (2024)







  • 1 Family
    • 1.1 Octavia
    • 1.2 Stella
    • 1.3 Paimon
    • 1.4 Andrealphus
  • 2 Employees of I.M.P
    • 2.1 Blitzo
    • 2.2 Moxxie and Millie
  • 3 Seven Deadly Sins
    • 3.1 Asmodeus
  • 4 Enemies
    • 4.1 Striker
  • 5 References



"I think it's time to leave this place. You were right. You are too old for it, anyway."
―Stolas, to Octavia

Octavia is Stolas' daughter. Stolas genuinely loves Octavia as his child, stating the only reason he tolerated his marriage to Stella being to ensure that Octavia could have a normal upbringing.

He would always spend a lot with her, playing with her, and is seen comforting a young Octavia who is afraid that he will disappear and she won't be able to find him. In the "The Circus", it was shown that Stolas would always check up on Octavia to see if she's alright while at home.

Stolas/Relationships (1)

After his affair with Blitzo, he takes her to Loo Loo Land in order to get out of the house and to spend some time bonding with her, while also using it as an excuse to spend time with Blitzo who he hired as a bodyguard. Which unknowingly resulted in pushing Octavia away from him due his flirting with Blitzo. Upon realizing his actions have made her once again afraid that he will run away with Blitzo and leave her, he drops the act of needing a bodyguard and leaves the park with her and takes her to some place which she wants to go to. The ending of "Loo Loo Land" shows that Stolas is somewhat uncomfortable with his daughter's liking of taxidermy, but nonetheless supports her choices and interests.

In "Seeing Stars", it was revealed that Stolas promised to take Octavia to see a meteor shower called "Azathoth's Tears" when she was a child. On the day it was happening, though, he ended up forgetting as he was too busy quarrelling with Stella over her possessions, causing Octavia to run off to I.M.P and steal the grimoire, resulting in her getting lost on Earth. When they reunite, Stolas was overcome with relief that she was safe, but became heartbroken when he realized he broke his promise to her, but she forgives him for coming to find her anyway, afterwards they enjoyed a tender moment watching fireworks.

In "Western Energy", when Striker mentions Octavia, Stolas angrily tells Striker not to talk about her. Even stating if Striker tries to hurt or even goes near her, Stolas will destroy him. Showing that his love for his daughter is so strong that he will kill anybody who try to hurt her.

As implied by Andrealphus, if Stolas were to die, the entirety of his fortune, possessions and legions will be left to Octavia as his heir.


"This woman never gave two sh*ts about me or our very much arranged marriage."
―Stolas, to Andrealphus

Stella is Stolas' ex-wife and the two despise each other. Stolas' first impressions of Stella is in "The Circus", when Paimon showed him a picture of an enraged Stella strangling several dog-like creatures, and informing Stolas of his arranged marriage to her, caused Stolas to break down crying, albeit this moreso suggests his general distress at being married off to a violent stranger at such a young age than a direct hatred of Stella.

When the two became parents to Octavia, Stolas claims he tried to get along with her and put effort into their relationship, stating that he did try to make it work with Stella for Octavia's sake.

From what has been observed, Stella has done her utmost to torment Stolas in every way possible throughout their marriage. This all culminates in an anniversary party of Stella's, not in honour of her relationship with her husband, rather because she simply enjoys throwing parties assisted by Stolas' wealth.

Octavia has mentioned that she has only recently noticed the general hatred exhibited between her parents, noting that they seemingly used to get along. Considering Stolas' earlier comments, this could be a case of him putting up with Stella's behaviour, or that the pair may have enjoyed an amicable relationship prior to the present day.

Stolas' relationship with Stella rapidly deteriorates following the party and sexual encounter with Blitzo in "The Circus". He loudly proclaims his desire to get a divorce and publicly humiliates Stella in front of company. Although he seemingly backs off from his divorce declaration and continues to pursue his relationship with Blitzo, whilst continuing to endure the ire of Stella. These actions, combined with the drama surrounding his relationship with Blitzo, seemingly have had a negative effect on Stolas' mental health as he continually accepts the abuse from Stella.

Stolas/Relationships (2)

After being further tormented by Stella, Stolas eventually follows through with his decision to go through with a divorce, afterwards Stolas becomes more vocal about his dislike of Stella, even in front of Octavia. As shown in "Seeing Stars", he violently argued with her over the phone about getting her stuff moved out of the palace. Seemingly displaying amusem*nt or even pleasure on his face as he instructed his staff to violently remove her possessions from his property.

As shown in "Western Energy", Stolas being invited to tea with Stella and Andrealphus in regards to the terms of their divorce, Stolas makes his contempt for her known to her face, no longer bothering to hide his true feelings for his soon to be ex-wife. As shown from Adrealphus' attempt to gain compensation in Stella's divorce, Stolas has little care for what happens to Stella after their separation, with the latter acknowledging that he will likely leave her with nothing the second they are legally separated, with him not even considering his infidelity towards her a betrayal due to her not having any feelings for him in the first place.


Paimon is Stolas' father. As a child, Stolas seemingly held a traditional, positive, view of his father despite of Paimon not exhibiting much care or attention towards Stolas.

It is unknown what the status of their relationship is in Stolas' adulthood.


"I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks!"
―Stolas, to Stella

Andrealphus is Stolas' brother in law. In "The Circus", Stolas describes Andrealphus in an overly negative manner, suggesting that Stolas holds a negative opinion of him. In "Western Energy", when Andrealphus tries to paint Stella in a sympathetic light, Stolas rebukes that since she never really cared about him in the first place and thus no betrayal ever took place with his cheating, and the divorce is long overdue.

Employees of I.M.P[]


"Blitzo, I think so very highly of you, I didn’t realize you think so low of me."
―Stolas, to Blitzo

The relationship enjoyed between Stolas and Blitzo is a complicated one. Stolas sees Blitzo not only as a sexual partner, but as a romantic liaison, although Blitzo may not reciprocate these romantic feelings.

Stolas/Relationships (3)

As revealed in "The Circus", Stolas first met Blitzo as a child in the circus. By first sight, Stolas became immediately infatuated with the circus performing imp. Paimon, noticing this, arranged to have the imp brought to his Palace to spend a day playing with Stolas. Stolas thoroughly enjoyed the experience, in his own words believing he had made his "first friend", although he was unaware that Blitzo was robbing the palace of goods whilst distracting Stolas.

Meeting again twenty-five years later, Stolas still held strong positive feelings towards the now adult imp, inferred from his instant recognition of the imp. These positive feelings of adoration quickly turned into feelings of sexual tension and overriding lust as Blitzo, attempting to distract the Goetia Prince from his attempts to once more steal from him, quickly and successfully seduced Stolas, though the imp wasn't expecting him to want sex from the few actions he took.

From this point on the relationship between Stolas and Blitzo evolved into a pseudo-business arrangement, at least from Blitzo's perspective, with Stolas eliciting sexual favours from Blitzo in exchange for him lending the grimoire to the imp. As shown in "Murder Family", Stolas on at least one occasion would contact Blitzo to make further arrangements for future sexual liaisons (or sexual bribes).

Stolas/Relationships (4)

Stolas' relationship with Blitzo seemingly progressed, at least from Stolas' perspective, into a form of flirtation phase. In "Loo Loo Land", he hires Blitzo and I.M.P as bodyguards, referring to Blitzo as his "knight in shining armour". Even proceeding to feign helplessness in order to have Blitzo come to his rescue, despite Stolas being capable of defending himself. Furthermore in "The Harvest Moon Festival", he invites Blitzo to accompany him on a business trip, whilst spending the trip continually flirting with Blitzo.

Stolas displays a strong desire to keep Blitzo safe. In "Truth Seekers", he employed his powers to teleport to Earth and rescue Blitzo and I.M.P from D.H.O.R.K.S.. In this event he displayed genuine concern for the welfare of Blitzo, however he was quick to reinforce, knowingly or unknowingly, the transactional nature of his relationship by accepting a sexual favour from Blitzo as a reward for saving him.

Stolas/Relationships (5)

The relationship enjoyed by the pair reached its height in "Ozzie's" when Blitzo invited Stolas on a date. Stolas seemingly took the invitation to believe that Blitzo may be willing to progress their relationship beyond a transactional business exchange into a serious relationship, unaware that Blitzo simply needed Stolas to sneak into a club venue to spy on his employees. The date, and Stolas's relationship with Blitzo, rapidly deteriorates when Stolas and Blitzo are humiliated by Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, the club operators, who, along with Verosika Mayday expose the pair for their failings and faults. Blitzo, being led to believe their relationship will only remain as a business transaction, rejects Stolas' offers to just talk before leaving him at his home.

In "Seeing Stars", Stolas is forced to accompany I.M.P to the Earth to find Octavia after she stole his Grimoire from I.M.P. Throughout the whole event the pair made no direct reference to their previous encounter, seemingly wishing to avoid the subject while focusing on finding Octavia. However, Stolas only referred to Blitzo by name rather than "Blitzy", and made no significant attempts to flirt with him outside of attempting to build up his confidence during a panic attack. This may suggest that Stolas is attempting to amend his actions towards Blitzo in order to rebuild a level of trust.

In "Western Energy", Stolas calls Blitzo to come and save him after he gets abducted by Striker, though because he was busy getting Loona a Hellbies shot, Moxxie and Millie had to rescue him. As he rests in the hospital, he receives a text message from Blitzo telling Stolas to get better soon, which touches Stolas. When he tells him he can come by and visit anytime, he sees Blitzo typing something but ultimately chosing to send nothing, which causes him to frown.

Based on the text chain between the two following Ozzie's, Stolas has been trying to repair their relationship by suggesting that Blitzo doesn't need to have sex with him to keep his grimoire, or let him keep it for longer, but he deeply wishes to see him again, yet Blitzo's responses make him seem indifferent.

However, in "Oops", Blitzo was shown to not think highly of Stolas, stating to Fizzarolli that he thinks Stolas only wants him for sexual reasons, and referring to him as fake and privileged. Meanwhile, Stolas was with Asmodeus, asking for an Asmodean Crystal so that Blitzo no longer has to rely on the grimoire to go to Earth.

Eventually, with permission from Fizzarolli, Asmodeus allowed Stolas to have an Asmodean Crystal to give to Blitzo. Stolas then went on to sing "Just Look My Way" to express his feelings for Blitzo.

In "The Full Moon", their relationship takes a turn for the worst. Blitzo, mistakenly led into believing Stolas no longer finds interest in him, spends the whole day buying sex toys for the two of them to use at their next full moon meeting. When he gets to the mansion, however, Stolas takes the grimoire back and gifts him an Asmodean Crystal while admitting his feelings for the imp. Blitzo initally believes this to just be a sex roleplay, which Stolas says answers his question, attempting to dismiss him. This escalates into an argument, with Blitzo yelling at Stolas, and Stolas showing to be tearful at the idea of Blitzo thinking so little of him, before promptly teleporting Blitzo out of the mansion, leaving their the fate of their relationship unknown and unresolved.

Moxxie and Millie[]

"Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones."
―Stolas, to Moxxie and Millie

Stolas doesn't appear to think much of Moxxie and Millie. In "Loo Loo Land", after the duo save him from an attempted mugging, Stolas is only concerned that it wasn't Blitzo who dispatched the mugger, dismissing the two as "littler ones".

In "Ozzie's", Stolas looked rather concerned for Moxxie when Ozzie and Fizzarolli were mocking and humiliating him for singing a love song to Millie.

In "Western Energy", Stolas was rescued by Moxxie and Millie from Striker's hideout and taken by them to the hospital in the Sloth Ring.

Seven Deadly Sins[]


While it has not been confirmed what type of relationship Stolas has with Asmodeus, it is implied that he is at least unnerved by him; this is further suggested when Stolas attempted to leave the venue while being lectured to by Asmodeus. In "Western Energy", during the texts with Blitzo, it shows that Stolas finds Asmodeus to be invasive when it comes to his humor but he did think what Asmodeus said about him was funny.

Stolas/Relationships (6)

In "Oops", it was shown that Stolas has high respect for Asmodeus, calling him "Sire". Asmodeus also mutually respects Stolas and admires the sexual relationship he has with Blitzo. He also helped him with a legal contract in order to get Fizzarolli back, with Asmodeus gifting him an Asmodean Crystal, after persuasion from Fizzarolli.



"Well, you seem to be forgetting; you are working for a royal right- now!"
―Stolas, to Striker

In "The Harvest Moon Festival", Stolas didn't think much of Striker, not realizing that Striker was out to kill him by the orders of Stella.

Stolas/Relationships (7)

In "Western Energy", Stolas showed concern when Striker kidnapped him using Blessed Rope, though he does not realise he is in danger until Striker destroys his phone mid-call to Blitzo. Stolas called out Striker's hypocritical claim on hating royal demons when Striker himself was working for a royal demon. Stolas also didn't give into Striker torturing him but once Striker mentioned Octavia, Stolas angrily vows to destroy him if he ever tried to hurt her, now showing hatred of the Imp who tortured and nearly killed him.


Stolas/Relationships (2024)


Who is Stolas in love with? ›

Stolas sees Blitzo not only as a sexual partner, but as a romantic liaison, although Blitzo may not reciprocate these romantic feelings. As revealed in "The Circus", Stolas first met Blitzo as a child in the circus. By first sight, Stolas became immediately infatuated with the circus performing imp.

Does Blitzo actually love Stolas? ›

Without Stolas he is alone that's why he was worried that Striker may kill the only thing that keeps him from being alone. This episode also showed that Blitzø actually fell in love with Stolas, even though this was mostly a Moxxie X Blitzø centered episode, they did a great job showing that he fell for him.

Who is Stolas shipped with? ›

Stolitz is one of the most popular ships in Helluva Boss. Fans shipped the two for many and various reasons. The first reason for the popularity was Stolas and Blitzo being in an ongoing sexual affair, as fans found this a very interesting prospect to build off of into a full-blown romantic relationship.

Did Stolas ever love Stella? ›

Stolas. Stolas was married to Stella, but the two are implied to have never got along with each other, with their marriage having been arranged when they were both children. As shown in a flashback, Stolas was shown to be frustrated that Stella did not want to comfort Octavia after she had a nightmare.

How old is Stolas now? ›

It is revealed from the time skip that Stolas is 36 years old in the present. It is also revealed that Octavia is 17 years old. This means that Stolas had Octavia when he was only 19 years old.

Did Blitzo and Stolas kiss? ›

Stolas is precious to him. Now sure that Stolas isnt mad or trying to exert power over him, Blitz guides Stolas into a kiss. This last part, the hands, they cradle each other as they kiss. And while it turns spicy, Blitz's hand show his, well, hand.

Why did Blitzo sleep with Stolas? ›

The foundation of Blitzo's relationship with Stolas is his agreeing to have sex with Stolas on a monthly basis, in return for access to the grimoire. This agreement serves as the primary motivating force that has influenced Blitzo's relationship with Stolas.

Who is Blitzo's ex girlfriend? ›

Verosika Mayday is a succubus demon and a famous popstar in both Hell and the living world. She is Blitzo's ex-girlfriend and a recurring character in Helluva Boss who made her debut alongside her crew in "Spring Broken". Verosika is a tall, hot pink-skinned succubus demon with an hourglass figure.

Is Stolas a girl or boy in Helluva Boss? ›

Stolas (voiced by Bryce Pinkham, child voice by Leander Lewis) is an owl-like prince of Hell in the Ars Goetia circle. He has a complicated relationship with Blitzo.

Is Stolas stronger than Alastor? ›

She did however reveal that his powers work differently than Alastor's, and even said that Stolas is actually stronger than him; Stolas has since been confirmed to be more powerful to most demons but below the Seven Princes and Lucifer.

Does Stolas wear pants? ›

His limbs are long, thin, and black, and his feet are tipped with bird-like claws. Although, he frequently changes clothes, Stolas is often seen wearing a deep red tunic with six linked golden buttons down the breast, and beige breeches.

Why was Stella mad at Stolas? ›

She's first seen angrily ranting at Stolas for sleeping with Blitzo in their bed, destroying some of Stolas' plants as she does. It's heavily implied that Stella is not mad at Stolas simply for sleeping with any old demon, but specifically with an imp, showing her being very classist and racist.

Did Stolas and Blitzo break up in season 3? ›

Starting from the third season, or maybe the fourth season of Helluva Boss. Blitzo and Stolas break up, Stolas has Dissociative Identity Disorder, what if Stella leaves the family, until Octavia brings Stolas' grimoire to her father.

Who is the wife of Stolas Hazbin Hotel? ›

Princess Stella of the Ars Goetia, better known simply as Stella, is the main antagonist of the adult animated black comedy web series Helluva Boss. She is the vindictive wife and archenemy of Stolas, the mother of Octavia, and a member of the royal Ars Goetia family of Hell.

What is Stolas's fear? ›

Stolas developed a fear of death from his prophesied fate, as well as health anxiety.

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